Part 5: - Indiana

-342900000 CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant ApplicationPart 1: Grantee InformationSchool: FORMTEXT ?????Corp # FORMTEXT ?????Person of Contact: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Contact Telephone Number: FORMTEXT ?????Email FORMTEXT ?????Total Funding Allocation Requested: FORMTEXT ?????Charter School Bidder Number:(For information on Bidder Number or to apply, please click HERE) FORMTEXT ?????Applicants are required to have a W9, Direct Deposit form, and Bidder Number on file with the Indiana Department of Education prior to application review.Eligibility:All Indiana charter schools that are currently operating are eligible to apply for CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant funds from July 1st, 2018 to June 30th, 2020.Important Grant InformationAnticipated funding award: Minimum of $10,000, Proposed Maximum of $50,000Availability of funding and the number of high-quality subgrants within the respective focus areas will impact the number of awards and their award amounts. The award amounts must be proportional to the LEA’s’ stated needs. Once the competition and subgrantees are approved, the IDOE will consult with individual successful subgrantees to amend or finalize their respective budgets.Part 2: CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant Information The CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant is intended to increase the number of high-quality charter schools in the State of Indiana through technical assistance for currently operating charter schools. This grant will be used toward the technical assistance categories of Supporting All Students, Instructional Supplies and Technology, Professional Development and Licensing, and Parent, Family, and Community Outreach and Empowerment with the understanding that these needs are not mutually exclusive.Grant Award Information:Federal Program TitleCSP Quality Counts Innovation GrantFederal AgencyU.S. Department of EducationPass Through AgencyIndiana Department of EducationCFDA Number84.282AAward NameCSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant FY 18Award NumberU282A170017Tentative Grant Award Timeline:CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant Applications ReleasedMarch 16th, 2018 Technical Assistance Training March 19th ,2018 LEA Applications Due:May 1st, 2018 by 4:30 p.m. ESTPreliminary Award NotificationJune 1st, 2018Last Date to Submit Amendments:May 1st, 2020Last Date to Expend Funds:June 1st, 2020Last Date for Reimbursement:August 1st, 2020Final Expenditure Reports Due:August 15th, 2020Additional Resources:IDOE Charter School Program (CSP) Website: IDOE Charter School Program (CSP) Learning Connection: Search for “Charter School” and click “Join Community”: Public Charter School Program SubgranteesPart 3: Charter School Assurance and WaiversThe charter school must provide the following assurances in its application. The charter school must be able to provide, upon request, evidence of compliance with each assurance. Each recipient does hereby agree to comply with the following assurances: Recipient confirms their understanding that funds for implementation activities will be awarded only if they represent an open and operating school.Recipient will participate in all data reporting and evaluation activities as requested or required by the U.S. Department of Education, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE), and Indiana Code, including on-site and desktop monitoring conducted by the Indiana Department of Education, annual, independent audits required by the state board of accounts that are publicly reported and include financial statements prepared with generally accepted accounting principles, annual reports, and a final expenditure report for the use of subgrant funds. This section includes participation in any federal or state funded charter school research or evaluations. Failure to submit required information may result in a withholding of grant funds or a non-renewal of subsequent year funding within the project period.Recipient will expend implementation funds only for the purpose of implementation activities in a charter school which is nonsectarian in its programs, admissions, policies, employment practices, and all other operations, and which will be in compliance with all Indiana laws and administrative rules regarding staff certification and licensure.Recipient will comply with all federal laws including, but not limited to, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and Uniform Grants Guidance (2 CFR § 200). This section requires each charter school to recruit, enroll, retain, and meet the needs of all enrolled students, including children with disabilities and English learners.Recipient will comply with all state and local laws and health and safety requirements applicable to charter schools, including but not limited to all laws related to student admissions and enrollment, non-discrimination, data reporting, compulsory student attendance, and accountability.Recipient will comply with all provisions of the Public Charter Schools Program of the U.S. Department of Education, including compliance with activities allowable for implementation funds. This section requires compliance with the Nonregulatory Guidance for CSP funds.Awarded recipients must spend no less than 40% in the area of Professional Development and Licensing;The CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant funds will be used only to supplement and not supplant state and local funds a school would otherwise receive. A Request for Amendment to CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant Application will be submitted under these circumstances: 1) a 10% funding change in a budget category; and/or 2) a change in the scope of activities within a category.Prior written approval must be received from the Indiana Department of Education before implementing any project changes with respect to the purposes for which the proposed funds are awarded.Recipient must retain all records of the financial transactions and accounts relating to the proposed project for a period of three years after termination of the grant agreement and shall make such records available for inspection and audit as necessary.Recipient certifies that it is in compliance with Title IX, section 8524, and that is has no policy that prevents, or otherwise denies participation in, constitutionally protected prayer in elementary and secondary public schools set forth in the USDOE Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.Recipient assures that they have a school safety plan and periodic emergency preparedness drills in accordance with IC 5-2-10.1-6 and IC 20-34-3-20. The charter school certifies that it has verified the state and federal suspension and debarment status for all subcontractors receiving funds under the fund associated with this application and shall be solely responsible for any recoupment, penalties or costs that might arise from use of a suspended or debarred subcontractor. The LEA shall immediately notify the State if any subcontractor becomes debarred or suspended, and shall, at the State’s request, take all steps required by the State to terminate its contractual relationship with the subcontractor for work to be performed and supported by funding from the application.The charter school certifies that it is currently registered in the System of Award Management (SAM ) database.The LEA has expended $750,000 in federal funds between July 01, 2016 and June 30, 2017.? ?Yes??? ?No ? If yes, the LEA has received a single audit or program specific audit (2 CFR 200.501). ?Yes???? ?No ?Name of School Leader: ___________________________________________Signature of School Leader: ________________________________________ Date: _______________Name of Board President: _________________________________________Signature of Board President: ______________________________________ Date: _______________Part 4: CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant Improvement Menu of InterventionsNote: Applicants are encouraged to request funding for activities that integrate, to the greatest extent possible, allowable activities from multiple focus areas based on the comprehensive needs assessment. Focus Areas and Possible Interventions:A) Supporting All StudentsInfrastructure and capacity building to ensure academic and wraparound supports are in place to meet the needs of all students. These may include evidence-based supports and services for English learners and students with disabilities, the provision of wraparound services, and meeting the transportation needs of the student population.Supporting the achievement of all students by improving services to include:English Learners: The programs may include, but are not limited to: providing supplemental instructional programs, professional development in evidence-based supports for English learners, such as after-school English learners tutors, instructional coaches, a parent liaison, supplemental instructional materials, bilingual materials to facilitate parental assistance with homework, a newcomer program;Students with Disabilities: The programs may include, but are not limited to: providing supplemental instructional programs, professional development in evidence-based supports for students with disabilities, Multi-tier System of Support (MTSS), Universal Design for Learning;Wraparound Services: The programs may include, but are not limited to: counseling programs and services, assistance applying for college entrance and financial aid, advising on career and technical education, transition programs, and preparing for college aptitude tests;Transportation Needs: The programs may include, but are not limited to: making school buses safe for student populations, bus routing analysis;Other courses, activities, and programs, or other experiences that contribute to supporting all students Supplement, Not Supplant: these funds shall be used to supplement, not supplant non-Federal funds that would otherwise be used for activities authorized under this subpart. Applicants are to ensure that planned activities supplement, not supplant non-Federal funds that would be used for similar activities. Focus Areas and Possible Interventions:B) Instructional Supplies and TechnologySupports in this area will serve to expand access to instructional supplies and technology.Allowable uses of funds to increase the access to instructional supplies and technology include, but are not limited to the following:Providing educators, school leaders, and administrators with the professional learning tools, devices, content, and resources to facilitate learning, conduct staff evaluations, use technology effectively in the classroom, and support teacher collaboration;Identify and address technology readiness needs, including the types of technology infrastructure and access available to the students served by the charter school, including computer devices, access to school libraries, Internet connectivity, operating systems, software, related network infrastructure, and data security;Use technology, consistent with the principles of universal design for learning, to support the learning ?needs of all students, including children with disabilities and English learners;Developing or using effective or innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous academic course and curricula through the use of technology, including digital learning technologies and assistive technology, which may include increased access to online dual or concurrent enrollment opportunities, career and technical courses, and programs leading to a recognized postsecondary credential;Build capacity for principals, other school leaders, and teachers to use data and technology to improve instruction and personalize learning;Providing students in rural, remote, and underserved areas with the resources to take advantage of high-quality digital learning experiences, digital resources, and access to online courses taught by effective educators;Making instructional content widely available through open educational resources;Implement digital citizenship initiatives that include strategies to address student safety;Other supports, programs, or activities that provide support and access to using technology to advance student learning;Instructional and curricular materials such as books, workbooks, manipulatives, computer software, electronic curriculum, training staff in the use of these materialsFocus Areas and Possible Interventions:C) Professional Development and LicensingProfessional growth must be supported for all Indiana charter schools. Professional development that is sustained (not solely stand-alone, one-day, or short-term workshops), intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, and evidence-based. *Charter schools must use at least 40% of the total budget request on Professional Development and Licensing infrastructure expenditures.Allowable uses of funds for professional development and licensing include, but are not limited to the following:Professional development for teachers and instructional support staff;Travel as part of professional development activities;Leadership development and licensure;Collaborative professional experiences between charter and traditional public schools Teacher licensing in content areas identified as high need and shortage areas such as special education, English language learning, literacy, high ability, STEM, early childhood;Other activities and programs that could support teacher professional development and licensingFocus Areas and Possible Interventions:D) Parent, Family and Community Outreach & EmpowermentThis focus area will include expansion and improvement of parent, family, and community outreach programs in charter schools. Collaboration and the forming of partnerships with community organizations will be integral to effective charter school programming. Interventions should be evidence-based and aligned to school needs.Allowable uses of funds to support parent, family, and community outreach and empowerment include, but are not limited to:Contracting experts to replicate another modelSupporting families and communities through the use of a family/community liaison or teamConducting parent and community meetings and/or workshops in the neighborhoods and communities where students liveCreating a system of support for incoming new families and studentsMaterials and distribution for family and community involvementCollaboration with community organizationsConducting home visitsOther evidence-based parent, family, and community engagement interventionsPart 5: Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)Charter schools must complete an assessment of local needs to ensure that CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant interventions are targeted to meet the identified needs of the charter school. The CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant is intended to increase the number of high-quality charter schools in the State of Indiana through technical assistance to currently operating charter schools. This grant will be used towards Supporting All Students, Instructional Supplies and Technology, Professional Development and Licensing, and Parent, Family, and Community Outreach and Empowerment. This Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) must ensure that chosen interventions are evidence-based and aligned with local needs. Local capacity must be considered when selecting a strategy. A robust implementation plan must exist with adequate resources and reflection-informed next steps. Program Goals & ObjectivesConsultationBriefly describe what will be accomplished through the proposed initiatives through CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant.Click here to enter text.Identify the stakeholders who were consulted in the design of the CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant plan and describe the manner in which it occurred in the space below. ? Teachers? Principals? Other school leaders and professionals? Paraprofessionals? Instructional support personnel? Parents? Community partners? Other: _______________________________NOTE: The text entry below describing the consultation activities is a required component. Click here to enter text.Data Sources & MeasuresInclude specific educator and/or student data analyzed to determine need(s).Click here to enter text.Prioritized NeedsDescribe the needs (NOT activities) determined through an analysis of the data; include in the description an explanation of how the charter school will prioritize funds for student populations with the highest need.Click here to enter text.Part 6: CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant Application ActivitiesCSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant ActivitiesDIRECTIONS: In the space below, describe the CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant funded activities and programming used to Support all Students, provide Instructional Supplies and Technology, Professional Development and Licensing, and Parent, Family, and Community Outreach and Empowerment.Describe the rationale tied to the Needs Assessment, Stakeholder Input, and/or Data. Include a description of the program objectives and intended outcomes.You may reference the menu of interventions from Part 4 above. Identify how the applicant will address (A) Supporting All Students, (B) Instructional Supplies and Technology, (C) Professional Development and Licensing, and (D) Parent, Family, and Community Outreach and Empowerment. Please check all focus areas that apply. You may add additional spaces for activities, if needed.Focus Area(s):Initiative/Activity:Amount:A?B?C?D?1.1.A?B?C?D?2.2. A?B?C?D?3.3.A?B?C?D?4.4.A?B?C?D?5.5.A?B?C?D?6.6.Total Budgeted Amount for Focus Area A: Supporting All Students FORMTEXT ?????Total Budgeted Amount for Focus Area B: Instructional Supplies and Technology FORMTEXT ?????Total Budgeted Amount for Focus Area C: Professional Development and Licensing (Must be a minimum of 40% of total allocation request.) FORMTEXT ?????Total Budgeted Amount for Focus Area D: Parent, Family, and Community Outreach and Empowerment FORMTEXT ?????Total Budgeted Amount: FORMTEXT ?????Part 7: CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant Internal Capacity Building PlanCapacity Building Plan:Describe the capacity plan detailing how proposed CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant activities and programming will be used to maintain capacity and continue progress or programming in the absence of CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant funds. This description should include:specific future funding sources, if applicable (i.e. general funds, federal grants, community partnerships);intended program objectives and outcomes in future years and; how these outcomes will be evaluated for effectiveness FORMTEXT ?????Part 8: CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant Building Local CapacityIncreasing Local and State CapacityIn order to share best practices for statewide implementation and to support making all Indiana charter schools high-quality, recipients are required to share resources for other charter schools. Please describe the artifact or outcome below that the charter school will submit to IDOE upon completion of the grant period that includes the effective and evidence-based implementation of this grant.Some artifact or outcome examples include, but are not limited to:a webinar, Moodle, or YouTube video of effective grant implementation;professional development offerings to other schools (peer mentorship program);evidence of school collaboration;Other innovative best practices or activities implemented as part of the CSP Innovation GrantDescription of artifact or outcome:Part 9: CSP Quality Counts Innovation Grant BudgetInstructions: Please complete the Quality Counts Innovation Grant Budget available at . ................

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