Ms. Jessica Remotap

|Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration |

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth and to advance the profession.

Artifact 1: GLAD Minutes

Goal: Collaborate with other Kindergarten teachers.

The artifact I chose was one of the GLAD Minutes meeting that I had attended while completing my Student Teaching Practicum. At Fern Elementary School, they participate in GLAD, which means, Grade Level Articulation Day. During this time, students are in resources classes, such as music, P.E, Computer, Library, and Hawaiian Studies, while the teachers meet to discuss and go over their data and things that they are doing in the classroom. Within the school, each grade level rotates when their GLAD day is. By attending this meeting I am able to talk with the other kindergarten teachers and see how they are doing with their students. Also, we are able to compare our data on the performance tasks and constructive responses that were assigned for the month. We are also able to see how students are doing and share some of our strategies that we use in our classroom to help teach students different concepts such as reading, writing and math. Also, I am able to see and hear how they plan and unpack the standards for next school year.

This artifact relates and meets the Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration because I believe it best represents my ability to “take an active role on the instructional team, giving and receiving feedback on practice, examining learner work, analyzing data from multiple sources, and sharing responsibility for decision making and accountability for each student’s learning 10(a).” I believe that by attending these GLAD meetings demonstrates my ability to collaborate with other teachers in the same grade level to see how they are doing. While in the meeting, I am able to learn new things about teaching and get a better understanding of how to things are planned and taught. I believe that by having a day for teachers to collaborate and plan is a great opportunity, because we are all able to learn and share what works in our classroom and what might not work in our classroom and we can work together to become great teachers to help all our students learn.

The Schedule For GLAD

Fern Elementary School

Meeting Agenda

|Type of Meeting: |GLAD |Facilitator: |Elvira |

|Location: |Library |Summarizer (TMT): |Michelle |

|Date: |4/17/14 |Note Taker: |Elvira |

|Time: |9am-2pm |Timekeeper: |Jessica |

|Topic |Desired Outcome |Person Responsible |Time |

|Math/Reading Data |PTT Sharing (20 min) | | |

| |F3: |Elvira |9:00am to 9:20am|

| |Jashua- Lesson 94 reading storybook 1 page 7 |PTTs | |

| |Viliami- Lesson 88 still sounding out each letters | | |

| |Noel- Lesson 86, still sounding out each letters, can count to 100 by 10s, still | | |

| |recognizing shapes, | | |

| |Patrick- lesson 91, reading storybook page 1, reads little more fluently than the | | |

| |others, will use iPad to lookup words he doesn’t know, still struggling with | | |

| |comprehension | | |

| |Jitiam- lesson 95, storybook page 9, fluency is ok, comprehension is so/so | | |

| |F4: | | |

| |Keiza- reading improving Book 10 of Sam Books | | |

| |Ili - having difficulty, giving the wrong word when sounding out the words, same | | |

| |with numbers | | |

| |Natasha- coming to school late, ahead of the other 2 girls in reading | | |

| |Rick- working on being independent, can’t read well, but can do math prob like | | |

| |76+8. | | |

| |Working with Margie (recognizing letters) | | |

| |Shayden (can now count to 120) | | |

| |Boston (counting to 100). | | |

| |F5: | | |

| |Arvy- lesson 121, Checkout 4-1min.45 sec | | |

| |Jordan- lesson 120, Checkout 3- 2min. 29 sec | | |

| |Jaden- lesson 78, Mastery Test 14, 0 errors | | |

| |Monty- lesson 109, Checkout 1- 1min. 36 sec | | |

| |Vavega- lesson 99, Mastery Test 18, 0 error | | |

| |Joylyn- lesson 113, Checkout 1- 1min. 37 sec | | |

| |Phounsak- lesson 113, Checkout 1- 2min. 30 sec | | |

| |Nethyn- lesson 113, Checkout 1- 1min. 20 sec | | |

| |Emilio- lesson 112, Checkout 2- 2min. 50 sec | | |

| |Sir Naleah Jerdalyn | | |

| |Piilani- lesson 46, Mastery Test 8 with 7 errors, Mastery Test 8 with 2 errors | | |

| |Look at deconstructed standards | | |

| |Unpacking Document |Tammy |9:20am to 9:45am|

| | | |

| |_ZIQwhuZIQI19-L5Ay8/edit?usp=sharing | | |

| |Resources | | |

| |Wonders Scope & Sequence | | |

| |Indiana’s CCSS Correlation to Wonders- look at correlation and add to “resources” | | |

| |look at Gr. 1 deconstructed standards | | |

| |look at thinking of doing 2 Galileo questions each month, based on what was taught | | |

| |that month | | |

| |Pacing Guide | | |

| |Tammy showed us the new pacing guide | | |

| |1st Qtr due by the end of the year | | |

| |SLO | | |

| |Due April 25 | | |

| |Fill out | | |

| |In “results” write short narrative, so many kids met, so many kids did not meet | | |

| |because…., can include any other comments.  Check with Kelli if we can upload | | |

|BREAK |Reminder to go out for yard duty if scheduled | |9:45am to |

| | | |10:00am |

|Progress Monitoring Plans|Opinion Writing (Favorite Field Trip) | | |

|for RTI |# ME, MP, DP, WB |Tammy |10:00am to |

| |Reflections |All |10:30am |

| |F3: ME- 1, MP- 14 | | |

| |F4: ME- 2, MP- 11, DP- 4 | | |

| |F5: ME- 4, MP- 7, DP- 3, N- 1 | | |

| |Complete SLOs- actual data vs. expected targets | | |

| |Look at Wonders Program | | |

| |What are the pukas? | | |

| |Look at wonders program- will use our system of teaching letter sounds and use | | |

| |Wonders stories and concepts | | |

| |Use Wonders sight words list in the beginning and once students have learned to | | |

| |decode words, then jam it using our own list | | |

| |Wonders Training | | |

| |If dates don’t jive with other schools, then training will be K-2, 3-5 | | |

| |Math | | |

| |Math Fluency Test (any changes) | | |

| |F3- All passed the SLO targets, 6 need to pass test 1 | | |

| |F4- All passed SLO targets, 3 needs to pass test 1 (Ili, Natasha, Rickamheart). | |10:30am to |

| |Keiza is being retained. |Jane |11:30am |

| |F5- 1 more needs to pass SLO target, 10 needs to pass fluency test 1. Requirement |All | |

| |of 38 or more within 5. | | |

| |Look at deconstructed math standard | | |

| |All done (Yay!!) | | |

| |Look at Gr. 1’s deconstructed math standard | | |

| |Deadlines | | |

| |April 29 | | |

| |Rdg CR (Earth Day) | | |

| |Math CR (Buttons and Flowers) | | |

| |April 30: Vertical Articulation | | |

| |May 1- 23: Galileo Window | | |

| |May 5- 20: Dibels Window | | |

| |May 12 | | |

| |Math PT due (Critical area #3) | | |

| |Writing, Opinion (promote own health) | | |

| |May 19- 23: Kinder Assessment | | |

| |Stepping Stones | | |

| |If bought license, got access to everything online | | |

| |Also got 2 consumables per child (workbook and journal) | | |

| |12 modules, 6 lessons each (72 lessons) | | |

| |196 school days | | |

| |A bin of teaching materials | | |

| |Big books | | |

| |$38,000 for all school | | |

| |2016- 2017 needs to be implemented | | |

| |We don’t have the money so we can’t buy it all yet | | |

| |PO just for T subscription (under $3000) | | |

| |Middle PO $20,000 T subscription plus consumables | | |

| |Fred will choose which one to choose | | |

| |Link to Stepping Stones given, so can look there for what standards | | |

| |Look at Mathletics Trial Website | | |

| | | | |

| |Username: JT-43303 | | |

| |Passward: city08 | | |

| |Vocabulary Document | | |

| | | |

| |VSERIT2FCTVAtQUZ3cVhOYmw1LUE&usp=sharing | | |

| |Vocabulary Cards | | |

| | | |

| |VGNvNXM&usp=sharing | | |

| |Math Standards | | |

| |Use vocab- turn around fact | | |

| |Missing addend 2+_=7 (how to teach- adding up; draw 7 circles, circle 2, then how | | |

| |many left; number bonds) | | |

| |Base ten | | |

| |Decompose 2 digit numbers | | |

| |To do | | |

| |Define Kindergarten math vocab | | |

| |Pacing guide for math and LA for Qtr 1 | | |

| |Assessments: How will we monitor progress to assure all students are performing at | | |

| |grade level? | | |

| | | | |

| |Pacing Guide Check-up | | |

| |Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies | | |

| | | | |

| |PTT and other available support staff to report | | |

|LUNCH | | |11:30am to |

| | | |12:00pm |

|Grade Level Business |WASC Reports (organization, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Accountability, | | |

| |School Culture & Support) | | |

| |What are samples of Core Professionalism? | | |

| |Evidence: | | |

| |Integrity and Ethical Conduct- attendance, report card comments?, printer copy | | |

| |count, RISO copy count | | |

| |Teacher attendance - get copy from Ana | | |

| |Riso copy count (scan riso copy) | | |

| |Service to Students – GLAD agendas, PD classes, extracurricular activities | | |

| |GLAD agenda (located on Google drive) | | |

| |Health and Wellness Fair- (Fundraising form) | | |

| |Advocacy – parent workshop, STEM Night, Retention, fundraising, PT conference | | |

| |Parent workshop (lotus notes email) | | |

| |Student parent teacher compact (Tammy) | | |

| |Decision Making – GLAD agendas, Galileo Data, Committee | | |

| |WASC focus group using Google | | |

| |AcFin | | |

| |Compliance – teacher attendance, pacing guide, non negotiables, objectives, | | |

| |referrals, SPED referrals, retention process, called home, attendance letters | | |

| |Referrals | | |

| |Attendance letters | | |

| |What school wide activities can we calendar for next school year that will support | | |

| |our Academic Plan? | | |

| |Activities to consider: | | |

| |Christmas Program (Dec. 19 day) | | |

| |May Day (May 6 by J.Canyon and L.Wong) | | |

| |STEM Night | | |

| |Literacy Night | | |

| |Fun Fair | | |

| |Science Fair | | |

| |Speech Festival | | |

| |JRFH/Drug Free Day | | |

| |Parent Workshops | | |

| | | | |

| |Field Trips, Grade Level Incentives/Activities | | |

|BREAK |Reminder to go out for yard duty if scheduled | |1:00pm to 1:15pm|

|Inclusion Collaboration |Collaborate | | |

| |Reading Interventions | |1:15pm to 2:00pm|

| |Scheduling/Pacing | | |

| |Students Needs | | |

| |Prep Materials | | |

Artifact 2: Behavior Chart

Goal: Communicate with learner and their parents on student’s expectations for better learning.

The artifact I chose is the Behavior Chart. This Behavior Chart is a way of communication for my students and their parents to know what is being expected in the classroom. This behavior chart is given to selected students who show the need for behavior improvements. This chart sets specific objectives that a student needs to meet each day in four general areas, which consists of morning routine, reading, math, and afternoon activity. For each area, it focuses on the student’s behavior on the floor and in their small groups. It also focuses on whether they were able to complete the given assignments with little prompting from the teacher. Also, depending on the student’s needs, the tasks on the chart may be different compared to another student’s chart. With this chart, the student and teacher are reviewing it with each other and deciding what that student deserves. A happy face means that they did a good job and a sad face means that they didn’t do such a good job. Then at the end of the day, when all sections are filled out, the student and teacher will sign their names and student will take it home for a parent to see and sign, stating that they have looked over it and reviewed it.

This artifact relates and meets the Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration because I believe that it best represents my ability to “work collaboratively with learners and their families to establish mutual expectations and ongoing communication to support learner development and achievement 10(d).” I believe that by having a one-on-one discussion with the student, while filling out their chart, will allow students to take responsibility of their behaviors and they will understand why they deserve the smiley face or sad face on their chart. Also, by sending this chart home to their parents, will allow the parents to see how their child is behaving or doing in class and it provides a way of communication between teacher, student and parent. This chart is also a great incentive for the student to do well, because if they receive all happy faces for the whole week they get to choose from the treasure box as a reward for excellent behavior. I believe that communication with students and parents are the key to success and by having this behavior chart will allow me to communicate with the student and their parents on what is expected from that child within the classroom.


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