GCE Spanish SoW Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Edexcel

Edexcel GCE Spanish

Units 1, 2, 3 and 4


When planning a Spanish Scheme of Work, teachers should bear in mind that those inspecting Modern Foreign Languages at post-16 are

encouraged to concentrate on the extent to which students:

• Demonstrate their understanding of material written in the foreign language, drawn from a wide range of everyday, topical, technical, business, literary, social and historical sources, and can respond appropriately to it.

• Understand language spoken at speed on radio, television, cassette or film, by native speakers or others on a variety of themes and in a range of styles.

• Can translate or interpret from one language to another effectively, accurately and idiomatically.

• Speak the language accurately, confidently and fluently, and react spontaneously to complex questions and unfamiliar language.

• Speak with good pronunciation and intonation and use different registers appropriate to the context of the discussion or dialogue.

• Engage readily in conversation, discussion or debate, and present, develop or sustain a logical argument in the foreign language, while taking account of the views of others.

• Show extensive knowledge of the countries, customs and culture of the people whose language they are learning.

• Have detailed knowledge and understanding of the themes and topics they have studied and the issues facing contemporary society.

• Have developed mature and well-informed views on topical or controversial issues, and can present these in a logical, coherent and accurate way in speech or writing.

• Write accurately in a variety of styles appropriate to context, using an increasingly wide range of complex, sophisticated and topic-specific language.

• Demonstrate a high level of grammatical accuracy.

(Source - Adapted from Specification: , p. 15)

The following Scheme of Work represents just one possible guide for teachers and it is based around the following Edexcel-approved materials (see List of Resources at the end for further suggestions):

Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Student’s Book (referred to below as Edexcel)

Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Teacher’s Resource Book (referred to below as Edexcel TB)

Animo 1, AS Students Book, Second Edition. OUP, 2008, ISBN 978 0 -19-915330-5 (referred to below as Animo)

Animo 1, AS Teacher’s Book, OUP, 2008, ISBN 978 0 -19-915331-2 (referred to below as Animo 1 TB)


Sigue! 1,- Students book ,Second Revised Edition, 2000, Hodder Murray, ISBN 978- 0719585227 (referred to below as Sigue 1)

Sigue! 1,- Teacher’s book ,Second Revised Edition, 2000, Hodder Murray, ISBN 978- 0719585234 (referred to below as Sigue 1 TB)

Practice Makes Perfect, Complete Spanish Grammar, McGraw Hill, 2004, ISBN: 978-0071422703 (referred to below as Grammar)

Practice Makes Perfect, Spanish Verb Games, Devney Richmond, ISBN: 0 8442 7334 1 (referred to below as Grammar 2)

Sigue! 2, Student’s book, John Murry, 2nd Edition 2001, ISBN 07195 8525 2

News articles with exercises produced by the Conejeria de Educacion at the Spanish Embassy in London (referred to below as Spanish Embassy)

TECLA, Resources of texts with questions at all levels for teachers of Spanish produced by the Spanish Embassy:

Ponte al dia, Hodder and Stoughton, 2003, ISBN 978 - 0340846698

Edexcel Spanish for A Lev el, Hodder Education, 2008 – Audio CD Set

Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Dynamic Learning Student Edition

Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Dynamic Learning Network Edition

Edexcel Spanish Grammar for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008

For listening practice this scheme of work has made reference to recordings from books above. However worksheets have been written by the author to supplement the questions in the textbooks and to provide students with a graded worksheet to better cater for mixed ability groups and to provide students with extension tasks. These worksheets have been referred to below as GW.

Edexcel Scheme of Work for GCE Spanish AS (Year 12) – based on two terms (28 weeks), with the remaining time to be used for examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, and the AS examinations.

Throughout Term 1 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Using a bilingual dictionary

• Learning and recording vocabulary

• Organising work

• Writing a brief description

• Expressing opinions

• Reading for gist

• Pronunciation

• Taking notes in English and in the target language when listening

• Writing summaries in English and in the target language

• Speaking from notes

• Understanding and interpreting statistics

• Pronunciation of more difficult sounds

• Structuring a debate

• Adapting a text

• Translating into English

• Structuring an oral presentation

• Encourage self evaluation and correction

Throughout Term 2 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Writing a newspaper report or email

• Structuring a written response

• Checking and correcting written work

• Strategies for extending vocabulary

• Revision of vocabulary

• General revision techniques

• Continued pronunciation and spelling practice

• Specific practice of unit 1 stimulus card responses

• Guiding their choice of General Topic Area according to their individual strengths and interests

Throughout Term 3 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:

• Examination practice

• Past papers

• Review their responses and others against examination mark schemes and assessment criteria

• Revision of tenses

• Recognition of more difficult structures

• Checking students have understood, learned and practised all the grammatical structures laid down in the AS grammar lists.

Exemplar activities given throughout are indicative only and may be used to supplement the tasks suggested within the textbook. Teachers should bear in mind the need to ensure that students not only gain knowledge and understanding but also that they develop the ability to evaluate and to express opinions in spoken and written form. Activities might include the following: Surveys; debates; reviews; reports; blogs; posters; brochures; grids; letters; emails; essay introductions; essay conclusions; full essays; and dialogues.

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities |Resources/ homework suggestions for |

| |key questions | | |A2 |

| |Youth Culture and Concerns |Students learn and use vocabulary and phrases to describe |Grammar: |Sigue 1 |

| | |a first date |Blockbusters game designed around radical changing verbs |Animo |

|4 |Relationships |Students revise radical changing verbs |Introduce impersonal verbs as “verbs like gustar” and “doler”, to include (A | |

| | |Students learn to use impersonal verbs correctly |mi, A ti, etc) |Grammar |

| | | |Exercises to practice, Grammar, p. 241-243 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Oral: Interview each other about their first date, real or imaginary | |

| | | |Reading:”1.6 Temor a la primera cita” Sigue 1 p.8/9 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening: GW based on “1.7 ojo con las citas amorosas” (Sigue 1, p.10) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework: | |

| | | |Writing: “Mi primera cita” (to include descriptive language and vocabulary | |

| | | |from texts read and listened to) | |

| | | |Introduce/practice “soler” (Animo 1 ,p. 7) | |

|5 |Youth Culture and Concerns |Students will look at what values they have and compare |Reading: Students carry out a class survey - they write the 3 things that |Edexcel |

| | |with young Spanish students |they value most, without consulting anyone, on 3 post-its. (One extension | |

| |Los valores de los jóvenes |Students will practice impersonal verbs |group will analyse and prepare a poster to illustrate based on the text |Grammar |

| | |Students will be introduced to the preterit – regular |below). Others read for understanding:- | |

| | |verbs |Edexcel p. 22 “¿Cómo son los jóvenes de hoy en día?” . | |

| | | |A Comparison can be made at the end. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening: GW based on the audio ¿Crees que los jóvenes de hoy tienen | |

| | | |valores? Edexcel p. 30 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Oral: comparison of the Spanish values and the English – students discuss and| |

| | | |create summaries of similarities and differences | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Writing: Students can write their own versions of “los valores de los jovenes| |

| | | |ingleses” (based on Edexcel, p. 22) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Translate sentences in the present using impersonal verbs – Grammar, p. | |

| | | |241-243. Translation p. 243, ex: 19-26 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework | |

| | | |Edexcel “Los jóvenes y el hogar familiar” p. 31 | |

| | | |Edexcel p. 28. ¿Qué imagen tienen los jóvenes de sí mismos? Read and answer | |

| | | |Ex A y B | |

| | | |Grammar, Edexcel, p. 66 Impersonal verbs | |

| |Youth Culture and Concerns |Students will be introduced to the idea of the “botellón” |Oral: | |

| | |Students will be introduced to the format of Section A of |Past Edexcel AS Stimulus card (Summer 2009) - “el macro botellón” – either |Edexcel |

|6 |Drink |the oral exam |using a language assistant or in pairs students can be examiners/candidates | |

| | |Students will revise the formation of the preterite – | | |

| | |regular verbs and learn common irregular forms |Mini debate – small groups given roles (el turista, el dueño del bar, una | |

| | |Students will learn comparatives and superlatives |persona mayor, un adolescente) to discuss the possible introduction of “La | |

| | | |ley del botellón” in our town. Extension option: a more able student can be | |

| | | |the mayor and direct the meeting | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reading: | |

| | | |Introduce the phenomena by asking students for words they know relating to | |

| | | |the Botellón topic to start to build a mind map (e.g. los jóvenes, el | |

| | | |alcohol, la calle, el supermercado, barato) | |

| | | |Edexcel p. 25 “el botellón” or Edexcel p. 35 Ex 12 | |

| | | |Add new words to mind map (e.g. consimir/emborracharse etc.) | |

| | | |Listening | |

| | | |GW based on recording ¿está a favor o en contra de prohibir el consumo de | |

| | | |alcohol en la calle?” Edexcel, p. 36. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |-Unit 18, p.220 Comparatives and Superlatives | |

| | | |-Unit 4, p. 35-44 The Preterite | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/half term holiday homework: | |

| | | |Look for examples of preterite in the article “un camello” p. 60 Edexcel | |

| | | |p. 52 Edexcel – the preterite | |

| | | |revise all grammar to date in preparation for test | |

| | | |re-read texts read in class. | |

| | | |Revise topic vocab and draw mind maps for each topic | |

| | | |Writing: prepare a letter to a pen friend including details about you, your | |

| | | |family, where you live and what you are like as a young person. Include all | |

| | | |new vocab and grammar etc (If you have a partner school these can be sent as| |

| | | |emails for their new friends to correct) | |

| |Youth Culture and |Students will discuss what they consider to be new |Oral: ¿Cuáles son los iconos importantes de los jóvenes? |Animo 1 |

| |Concerns/Lifestyle, Health and |technology and compare with those of their parents |Discuss as a class and in pairs what they consider to be the important new | |

| |Fitness: | |technologies today and of their parents. Compare and contrast and place in |Grammar |

| | |They will revise and use comparatives to describe |order of importance | |

|7 |La tecnología |differences (eg: la generación actual usa más el Internet |Reading: Quick class survey on uses of Internet for them, | |

| | |que antes) |Animo 1 p. 36 “Sondeo sobre los jóvenes” ¿Qué piensas de la tecnología? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening: GW based on recording “la generación conectada” (Animo 1, p. | |

| | |Students will revise/be introduced to the imperfect tense |30-33) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Revise comparatives and superlatives and introduce imperfect tense | |

| | | |Use both to create sentences to compare technology today and before (e.g “mis| |

| | | |padres valoraban mucho más sus electrodomésticos como el microondas y la tele| |

| | | |en color. Hoy en día los jóvenes tienen más ordenadores y aparatos | |

| | | |tecnológicos que antes como el portátil, el ipod y el móvil”) | |

| | | |Grammar, Unit 5 p. 49 Imperfect Tense | |

|8 |Youth Culture and Concerns: |Students will learn vocabulary to describe their own |Oral |Edexcel Past Paper – legacy |

| | |mobile phones (features/contract/pay as you go)and discuss|Students take out their mobiles and describe them and their features |specification, Unit 2 writing Task – |

| |Tecnología – los móviles |their advantages and disadvantages and their importance to|In groups develop a list of advantages. disadvantages to share with group |June 2004 – “los colgados a los |

| | |them |AS stimulus card from Edexcel sample assessment material – “el lenguaje de |moviles” |

| | |Students will revise preterit and imperfect and learn the |los móviles” (in class or with language assistant) | |

| | |differences between them and their uses. |Debate - Can we live without a mobile phone? |Edexcel |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reading: Edexcel p. 26 “teléfonos con lenguaje propio” |Grammar |

| | | | | |

| | | |‘Smshablantes’. Artículos de prensa por la consejería de educación | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening; based on recording “Los teléfonos moviles” Edexcel, p. 27 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: Unit 6, p. 59 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework | |

| | | |Animo 1 p. 41 (2) | |

| | | |Writing: Guided past paper Legacy Unit 2 task 5, 2004 “los colgados de los | |

| | | |móviles” or Sample assessment material – Unit 6SP02 Texto 8 (p. 54 eSpec) | |

| | | | | |

| |Lifestyle: Health and fitness |Students will build on their GCSE vocabulary and knowledge|Oral: | |

| | |of sports and look at new Spanish sports (bull fighting, |Brainstorm all sports known |BBC: Diez Temas or recent footage of |

| |El deporte |la pala vasca) |Activity to introduce new sports e.g. matching pictures and names as quiz |a bull fight. |

|1o | |Students will revise the present and imperfect continuous |Watch video (diez Temas)/Youtube clip of either bull fighting or la pala | |

| | |Students will revise from GCSE their use of the immediate |vasca. Alternatively look at pictures from Internet of controversial sports |Edexcel |

| | |future and learn the formation of the future tense |Discuss and debate: ¿un deporte o una fiesta? | |

| | | |Reading: Edexcel p. 38 “un tenista mallorquín” |Sigue 1 |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening: GW based on Sigue 1 “2.7 la tauromaquia” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Writing: write an imaginary interview of a famous Spanish sports personality | |

| | | |e.g. Rafael Nadal. (see Edexcel p. 38) – if possible ask assistant to check | |

| | | |and practice. Students can also record and watch each other’s. | |

| |Lifestyle: Health and fitness: |Students will discuss the need for a healthy lifestyle and| | |

| | |how to keep fit and healthy |Listening :Link between sport and healthy living - Mente sana, cuerpo sano. |Animo 1- unit 6, p. 82 |

|11 |El deporte para mantenerse en |Students will look at the link between sport and keeping |(based on Animo 1, unit 6) | |

| |forma |healthy | |Edexcel |

| | |Students will revise the future tense and learn the |Oral: | |

| |Mente sana, cuerpo sano |conditional (this can be used to express what they should |El deporte, ¿es esencial para una vida sana? ¿Qué deberías hacer para | |

| | |do to keep fit) |mantenerte en forma? | |

| | | |Sample assessment material – Lifestyle simple stimulus 1 (p. 32 eSPEC) “el | |

| | | |ejercicio fisico” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reading: Animo 1 p. 74/5 Mente sana, cuerpo sano “El jugador de baloncesto” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: Unit 7, p. 67 The Future and the Conditional | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework: | |

| | | |Prepare a mind map of link between sport and healthy living (useful for | |

| | | |practicing oral exam - section B) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reading: read through pages: Edexcel, p43-45 and note what foods Spanish | |

| | | |people eat ready for quiz next week. | |

| | |Students will study the traditional diet of the Spanish |Oral: ¿Qué comen los españoles? |Animo 1 |

| |Lifestyle: Health and fitness |and consider whether it is changing |Go over homework as quiz questions (to include some to practice the grammar | |

|12 | | |topics eg: Los españoles ¿comen menos verduras que los ingleses?) |Edexcel |

| |Food and diet |Students will revise the conditional and revise all |Stimulus card 1 Summer 2009 “la comida lenta” (either in class or with | |

| | |tenses/concepts to date ready for a test translation next |language assistant) |Stimulus cards summer 2009 |

| |La dieta mediterránea |week | | |

| | | |Reading: “Comer para vivir o vivir para comer” Animo 1 p. 88 – la dieta | |

| | | |mediterránea se pierde | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening GW based on Edexcel p. 47 “Los españoles rechazan la dieta | |

| | | |mediterránea” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: Unit 7, p. 74-79 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/Homework: | |

| | | |Writing: Prepare an email to a friend in Spain telling him/her if you live a | |

| | | |healthy life and why (those who have made contact can send this by messenger)| |

| | | |and ask their friends to reply letting them khow healthy they think their | |

| | | |diet is. If no pen friend link they can reply to each others. | |

| |Lifestyle: Health and fitness: |Students will look at unhealthy habits amongst young |Oral: |Edexcel |

| | |people and others |Brainstorm ¿Los malos hábitos de los jóvenes? | |

|13 |Unhealthy living – el tabaco y | |Stimulus card 1 Summer 2009 “la legalización del cánnabis” |Stimulus cards summer 2009 |

| |la droga |They will discuss whether we should ban smoking in public | | |

| | |places |Reading: Edexcel p. 59 la ley antitabaco | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will revise all grammar topics to date |Listening: Los efectos de tomar drogas de diseño Edexcel p. 61 (worksheet | |

| | | |made to look like exam questions) | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will take part in a quiz to practice all topics |Writing: edexcel p. 61 task C “la fiesta rave” | |

| | |to date | | |

| | | |Grammar: quiz on PowerPoint based on “quieres ser millionario” to practice | |

| | | |all gramar topics to date. Questions relating to the “Lifestyle” topic also,| |

| | | |e.g “Antes Pedro (fumar) dos paquetes de cigarillos al día”. | |

| |Lifestyle: Health and fitness |Students learn and share experiences of traditional |Reading: La navidad en España – worksheet written to look like Unit 2 Edexcel| |

|14 | |Christmases in Spain and in Spanish speaking countries |AS exam paper but relating all to texts about Christmas in Spanish-speaking | |

| |La navidad en España | |countries. | |

| | |Students will watch and learn about traditional recipes | | |

| | |for Christmas |Listening - Film: UNESCO la comida navideña video about preparing some | |

| | | |traditional Christmas dishes from around Spanish (or have a cookery lesson if| |

| | | |access to kitchen is possible) | |

| | |Students will also have fun and enjoy some Spanish related| | |

| | |games to celebrate the end of their first term of AS |Blockbusters and whole class Pictionary based on Christmas vocabulary | |

| | |Spanish | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Christmas writing task based on guided writing from unit 2: students write | |

| | | |about their experience of Christmas and compare it to the Spanish | |

| | | |Revise all topic vocabulary and ideas from this General Topic Area ready for | |

| | | |test after holidays | |

|15 |Lifestyle: Health and fitness: |Students will be expected to have revised all notes and |Listening/Reading: Compilation of past paper exam questions based on past |In-house past paper made up of legacy|

| | |vocabulary relating to the Lifestyle, Health and Fitness |unit 1 and unit 2 questions from the legacy Edexcel AS examination. |specification questions: |

| |General Topic Area assessment |topic | |Listening: |

| |week | |Oral: discuss the importance of 5/6 January for families in Spain. |Unit 1 June 2004 Texto 1 – ninos |

| | |Students will complete a specially designed “unit 2 | |obesos; January 2004 Unit 1 texto 4 |

| | |reading and listening” exam paper based on past paper |Grammar: |Health problems on long-haul flights |

| | |questions on this topic |Introduce the perfect tense. Grammar, Unit 10, p. 104-109 |Reading: |

| | | |Edexcel, p. 68 The Perfect tense, explanation and exercise |June 2005 Texto 1 – el desayuno and |

| | |If students are in their first week after Christmas we |Practice with a variety of imperfect, preterit and perfect sentences to |Texto 4 – la siesta. June 2006, Texto|

| | |will discuss the importance of this week (el 5 y 6 de |revise the differences. |3- vivir sin dormir |

| | |enero) in Spain and SS countries | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will be introduced to the idea of time management| | |

| | |for the examination. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will learn the perfect tense | | |

| |Education and Employment |Students will be introduced to the new General Topic Area,|Oral ¿En que trabajan los padres? ¿Sus estudios fueron importantes? ¿Qué tipo| |

| | |building on their GCSE experiences |de educación has/han recibido? ¿Qué planes tienes para el futuro? |Edexcel |

| |Educación – los Buenos modales | |Listening: “De mala educación” Edexcel, p. 86 | |

|16 |y tipos de escuelas |Students will be taught and discuss the difference between|, |Grammar |

| | |“la educación” y “los estudios” |Reading: “La voz de mamá” Edexcel, p. 86 | |

| | |Students will be tested on The perfect and other past |Introduce by asking what their Mum usually tells them to do/not to do. | |

| | |tenses and be introduced to the use of negatives, to |read about “Hay que”, Edexcel, p. 86 and write some sentences of their own | |

| | |include tampoco and no…sino |relating to students at their school/college. | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Highlight the common errors in their writing for Christmas homework. | |

| | | |Look at an exemplar piece either for its merits of otherwise to analyse how | |

| | | |it can be improved for the exam. | |

| | | |Test of past tenses as translation. | |

| | | |Introduce negatives, Grammar Unit 24 p. 295 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework | |

| | | |Negative sentences to translate, Extension task - Grammar, p. 300, ejercicio | |

| | | |24-10 | |

| |Education and Employment |Students will look at subjects and career paths available |Oral: Los estudiantes tienen que adivinar cuando empiezan el |Edexcel |

| | |in the Spanish and English Education systems |colegio/instituto en España | |

|17 |schooling and higher education | |¿Cuáles son las asignaturas obligatorias en el Reino Unido y España? |Grammar |

| | |Students will have the opportunity to discuss traditional|Comparar y discutir | |

| | |roles and the importance of parents in their schooling |(see also Animo 1, p. 123 – graph illustrating Education System in Spain) |Animo 1 |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will revise negatives and learn forms of the |Reading: Edexcel, p. 11 Padres a jornada completa | |

| | |verbs ser and estar in all tenses studied to date. | | |

| | | |Listening: GW based on ¿Qué asignaturas deben ser obligatorias? Edexcel,p. 95| |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |revise and test negatives | |

| | | |revise formation of ser and estar in present, past, future | |

| | | |if time, what do they know about uses? | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework | |

| | | |Listening: Edexcel, p. 11/2 “Despedido por ser padre” | |

| |Education and Employment |Students will revise and use vocabulary relating to |Oral: |Edexcel |

| | |technology and refer to its use in their school life |Brainstorm of advantages and disadvantages of IT in teaching and learning | |

|18 |schooling and higher education | |Do they like it? Why? What changes would they like to see in teaching? |Grammar |

| | |Students will look at the importance of new technology in |Stimulus card (in-house) relating to need to incorporate more IT into | |

| | |their education |teaching | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will revise uses of ser and estar and put them |Reading: Edexcel p. 95 “¿Te gusta aprender con Internet?” | |

| | |into practice | | |

| | | |Listening: GW designed to look like past exam questions Edexcel p. 96 “La | |

| | | |educación y las nuevas tecnologías” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar | |

| | | |Complete a table to cover all uses of ser and estar | |

| | | |NB: “if in doubt, use “ser” | |

| | | |Practice with sentences missing either ser and estar (extension task uses a | |

| | | |wider variety of tenses). | |

| | | |Grammar, Unit 3, p. 32, Ejercicio 3-6 (can be prepared as a differentiated | |

| | | |task – more able complete whole translation from English to Spanish, others | |

| | | |can have parts already translated) | |

| |Education and Employment: |Students will discuss and read about increasing levels of |Oral: Single sex schools? Good or Bad? Class debate | |

| | |violence in classrooms and school |Writing a good introduction – compare, evaluate each others and select |Edexcel Legacy specification, unit 1 |

|19 |schooling and higher education | |Plan together a balanced response for writing essay as homework |june 2004 |

| | |Students will discuss and debate the advantages and | |Edexcel |

| | |disadvantages of single sex schools in preparation for |Reading: “la educación: otro frente abierto al mundo. Edexcel p. 94. | |

| | |their next writing task |Education, a human right around the world? | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will look at format of informal letters to help |Listening: “La escolarización de los gitanos” p. 104. | |

| | |them prepare their writing task. |Also, Edexcel Legacy specification Unit 1, June 2004, Texto 3 – “la violencia| |

| | | |en las aulas” | |

| | |Students will complete their first translation based on |Extension task C - writing | |

| | |all grammar topics as assessment of their progress in this| | |

| | |skill. |Writing: Edexcel p. 97 – Informal letter to a friend. Single or mixed | |

| | | |education. See also Edexcel writing task tips p. 97. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Education Translation (in-house) to practice grammar to date and topic | |

| | | |vocabulary | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional Tasks/homework: | |

| | | |Writing: either Task C p. 104 | |

| | | |Or: ¿Por qué aprender por separado? P. 96 Ex14 | |

|20 |Education and Employment |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to |Oral: - La violencia en la escuela, ¿existe todavía? ¿Por qué?. Students help|Edexcel |

| |–student issues – la violencia |violence and intimidation in schools |to create a mind map of causes and solutions | |

| |y el acoso escolar |Students will discuss the causes and solutions for |Students discuss in pairs incidences that they have witnessed or experienced |Stimulus cards, summer 2009 |

| | |violence in schools amongst students and students to |in schools | |

| | |teachers |stimulus card, summer 2009, la intimidacion escolar. | |

| | |Students will learn different types of personal pronouns, |Preparation for task C, p. 102, Edexcel | |

| | |their positions in sentences and practice how to replace | | |

| | |nouns with pronouns. |Listening: Edexcel, “En el patio de la escuela” p. 102 (gap fill) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reading:Edexcel, p. 101/2 “la violencia en los colegios” | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar:: Unit 19, p.225 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework: | |

| | | |Direct and Indirect object pronouns, Edexcel, p. 103 | |

| | | |Writing: Edexcel, p. 105 Selection of discursive writing tasks – ex B and C | |

| |Education and Employment: |Students will revise vocabulary relating to the world of |Oral: Students will discuss as a class their ideal future jobs; brainstorm | |

| |Education or employment? |work, jobs, their work experiences and learn vocabulary |characteristics of these jobs (trabajar con gente; trabajar fuera o en | |

|21 |Looking for a job |related to searching for jobs and their ideal jobs in the |oficinas, un horario flexible, ganar mucho dinero) | |

| | |future. |Pairwork – explain to partner where you work part time or where you completed| |

| | |Students will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of |year 11 work experience, your thoughts | |

| | |different types of employment and whether studying or |Pairwork - chosing 2-3 jobs, discuss which they feel are better and why | |

| | |employment is better, in their view. |Mini-debate: divide the class (if very large smaller groups) – which is | |

| | |Students will revise pronouns and look at using double |better education or employment? | |

| | |object pronouns |Sample assessment material, stimulus 1 “el trabajo ideal” | |

| | | |Listening: based on Animo p. 135 ex 1a, young people talking about their | |

| | | |choice of University degree and why. | |

| | | |Reading: Edexcel, Unit 6. En busca de empleo, “mi primer empleo” p. 107 and | |

| | | |“los que ya tienen trabajo” p. 107/8 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: Double object pronouns, Grammar, p. 239 | |

| | |Students will learn and use the vocabulary relating to the|Oral: - La situacion de las mujeres en tu país (Edexcel, p. 117, task C) | |

| |Education and Employment |description of stereotypical attitudes towards certain |Look at gender of professions (see note p. 118) | |

|23 | |jobs |(in-house) stimulus card – based on shortened version of “de cajera en el | |

| |La mujer y el trabajo |Students will discuss if some jobs are more suited to men |supermercado” Edexcel, p.120 | |

| | |or women and if women really do have equal rights in the |see also stimulus cards for employment: Sample assessment material, Stimulus | |

| | |work place today |2, p. 42 “una profesora habla de sus alumnus”. | |

| | |Students will be tested on their knowledge of pronouns and| | |

| | |learn about the passive voice. |Listening: Edexcel , GW based on “Habla una mujer”, p. 118 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reading: “Hacia donde van las españolas” p. 117 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Test of pronouns | |

| | | |Introduce the passive voice | |

| | | |Grammar, Unit 12 p. 124 | |

|24 |Education and Employment – |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to |Oral: introduction: students will explain in Spanish their understanding of | |

| | |unemployment |the word “desempleo” written on board and others will give adjectives | |

| |unemployment |Students will discuss their own concerns about |relating to how you would feel or what life would be like. | |

| | |unemployment in the context of the credit crunch and |Stimulus card 1 , summer 2009 “los jóvenes y el desempleo” – students see | |

| | |strategies for coping with unemployment |text and guess what questions could be asked | |

| | |Students will revise the passive voice and learn how to |Students prepare their answers to the 4 set Edexcel questions. Special focus | |

| | |avoid it. |on question 3 | |

| | | |Listening: GW based on Sigue 2, p. 62 ¿Qué hacer si te quedas en el paro? | |

| | | |Advice about how to cope with unemployment. | |

| | | |Reading: Sigue 2, p. 62/63 ¿Qué hacer si te quedas en el paro? | |

| | | |Grammar: Unit 12, p. 127 | |

| | |Students will be introduced to the new General Topic Area |Oral: | |

| |The World Around Us |– The World Around Us |Brainstorm - medios de transporte | |

|25 | | |Pairwork: ¿Cómo viajan y lo que opinan de ellos? | |

| |Transporte |Students will revise transport methods and talk about how |Or Pairwork, Edexcel Task C, p. 66 | |

| | |they can/do travel and issues where they live (e.g. |Debate: ¿Cuál es el mejor medio? Y ¿Por qué? | |

| | |congestion charge in London, lack of buses in rural areas)|Sample assessment material, stimulus card 2 – “Sudamérica en bicicleta” | |

| | | | | |

| | |Students will discuss and debate what they feel is the |Reading: | |

| | |best method of transport |Introduction. Edexcel p. 65 ¿Cuál es el mejor medio de transporte? | |

| | | |Exam practice: “Nuevas pantallas en los buses” Legacy Edexcel exam paper - | |

| | |Students will revise the passive and its avoidance and |Unit 2 2008 p. 9/8 | |

| | |learn other compound tenses | | |

| | | |Listening. GW based on “Te cuesta un ojo de la cara” Edexcel, p. 67 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Translation, Grammar, p. 130 ex: 12-10 | |

| | | |Revise perfect tense and learn other compound tenses | |

| | | |Exercises, Grammar p. 110-113 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework: | |

| | | |Reading, Edexcel p. 67 – “los colores más seguros del coche” | |

| |The World Around Us |Students will confirm their choice of General Topic Area |Oral | |

| | |for the oral examination and work on revision mind maps |Discuss the need to choose a GTA for the oral exam based on their interests | |

|26 |Travel and tourism |over the Easter holidays |this year and their need to revise the vocabulary and ideas | |

| | |Students will learn and use the vocabulary relating to |Stimulus card – Winter 2009 “El desarrollo del turismo cultural” | |

| | |different types of holidays and travel |Reading: | |

| | |Students will revise compound tenses and be introduced to |Past exam question from legacy Edexcel AS - Viajar es mi prioriodad” Unit 2 | |

| | |the formation of the present subjunctive |2008 p.6/7 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Writing: Unit 2 p. 10 June 2008 “Vacaciones Rotas, Maletas Perdidas”. Use a| |

| | | |framework to ensure students develop each bullet point fully and equally. | |

| | | |Use a past examplar piece to assess or peer assess their writing against the | |

| | | |marking grids (Assessment criteria, p. 32) | |

| | | |Also, for a model piece the verbs could be removed as a grammar exercise | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Revise compound tenses as translation based on writing task | |

| | | |Introduce the formation and general use of present subjunctive | |

| |The World Around Us |Students will learn and use the vocabulary relating to |Oral: | |

| | |climate change |Create basic mind map on board with “cambio climático” in the centre. What | |

|27 |Weather/climate change |Students will practice their oral examination – specific |words relating to this topic do they know? Eg: “las temperatures suben”, etc.| |

| | |focus on their chosen topic area |Build this mind map further after the reading and listening lessons | |

| | |Students will revise the present subjunctive formation and|Reading: Good introduction to topic: Edexcel, p. 163 | |

| | |look at some of its uses (see spec p. ) |Additional reading tasks: Edexcel p. 163-166 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening: Song on Youtube with words. “Amazonas” by Pedro Suarez Vertiz. | |

| | | |Students listen and note all new vocab. | |

| | | | |

| | | |ch?v=FZzS87wNL4c%26feature=related | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Writing: Read the blogs on p. 166 and students write their own with their | |

| | | |personal opinions of how young people feel about climate change. Do they | |

| | | |really care? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: | |

| | | |Revise formation of subjunctive | |

| | | |Learn uses needed at AS | |

| | | |Grammar: Unit 13 p.131-140 | |

| |The World Around Us |Students will practice their chosen GTA in oral classes |ORAL: | |

| | |Students will discuss solutions to the environmental |oral examinations may begin | |

| |Soluciones al cambio climatico |issues discussed last week |brainstorm solutions | |

|28 |– las energies renovables |Some centres may decide to conduct oral examinations from |stimulus card – summer 2009 ¿Cómo ahorrar agua? | |

| | |this week |If available, listen and evaluate candidates from last year. Peer marking | |

| | |Students will revise the uses of the subjunctive |and then compare with actual marks | |

| | | |Reading: discuss alternatives to fossil fuels | |

| | | |Edexcel, p.168 “la eólica terrestre”. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Listening: Edexcel, p. 169 “Un parque eólico marino en la costa de Cádiz”. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: Students will be encouraged to use the subjunctive at least 3 times | |

| | | |in their writing task completed under exam conditions: | |

| | | |Writing: Formal letter to the Junta Andaluza, Edexcel, p. 170, task C | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Additional tasks/homework: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Respond to letter written by another student. Edexcel, p. 170, ex D | |

| | | |Essay questions, p. 170, Task B | |

|Remaining time to be used for additional examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, working through past papers, any outstanding AS oral examinations. And AS examination unit 2 |

|Edexcel Scheme of Work for GCE Spanish A2 (Year 13) – based on two terms (26 weeks), with the remaining time to be used for examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, and the A2 examinations. |

| |

|Throughout Term 1 of Year 13, teachers should work with students on the following: |

|• Revision of structures and vocabulary learned at AS |

|• Further development of grammar, syntax and lexis at an advanced level |

|• Selection of topics for presentation in Unit 3 and for research in Unit 4 |

|• Ongoing development of the skills of analysis and argument |

|• Practice in writing discursive and creative essays |

|• Practice in translating from and to the target language, with special emphasis on the latter |

|• Continuing to build up a bank of useful phrases and idioms |

|• Development of topics for presentation in Unit 3 and for research in Unit 4 |

|• Ongoing development of the skills of analysis and argument |

|• Further practice in writing discursive and creative essays |

|• Further practice in translating from and to the target language, with special emphasis on the latter |

|• Encourage and insist on the use of the target language in class (with the possible exception of grammar classes) |

| |

|Throughout Term 2 of Year 13, teachers should work with students on the following: |

| |

|Examination practice |

|Past papers |

|Further developing and enhancing of all skills, ensuring that the grammatical structures laid down in the A2 grammar lists have been understood, learned and practised |

|Specific essay writing practice for the Research Based, creative and discursive essays. |

| |

|Throughout Term 3 of Year 13, teachers should work with students to ensure that they are prepared in all aspects of the specification. |

| |

|Exemplar activities given throughout are indicative only and may be used to supplement the tasks suggested within the textbook. Teachers should bear in mind the need to ensure that students not only gain knowledge and |

|understanding but also that they develop the ability to evaluate and to express opinions in spoken and written form. Activities might include the following: Surveys; debates; reviews; reports; blogs; posters; |

|brochures; grids; letters; emails; essay introductions; essay conclusions; full essays; and dialogues. Students should be given constant practice in the art of translation, with particular reference to translating from|

|English into Spanish. |

| |

|The following scheme of work assumes that students begin their A2 programme at the end of their first year of study once they have completed their AS examinations. It has been designed to introduce students to a |

|significant period in Spanish History in preparation for one of the four aspects of the Research based essay element of Unit 4 through Literature and the Arts, another Topic Area – an important part of the A2 |

|specification. This introduction to the new A2 could equally be used at the start of the Autumn Term. The year is then divided into the study of a chosen work of Literature (this could be a film or novel) and a chosen|

|region. Students are given the choice to research their own book, play, film and region but are obliged to complete the tasks relating to the different aspects as we cover them in class (eg: a description of the main |

|themes; the style of language used) relating to their chosen work of art or region. Social themes are covered in the scheme of work through our on-going study of issues. |

| |

|In addition, to help students keep up-to-date, each week a volunteer student will research and present, at the start of the oral class, a piece of news (National or International Event), followed by questions and a |

|short discussion from all students. He or she will then type a summary of the report and email to me. The reports will be collated and a newspaper per term will be produced and distributed amongst all students. This |

|has not been included in the scheme below but we call it “la noticia de la semana” and the paper “Las noticias del mundo”. |

| |

|Students complete one piece of written homework each week which is divided equally between translations, creative/discursive essays and a Research-based essay. Some titles have been added as suggestions. Also, |

|students will carry out research each week on their chosen or class-based topic for Unit 4, together with grammar practices and topic-based vocabulary. |

|Year 13/ |General Topic Area |Objectives |Tasks |Homework |

|week | | | | |

|1 |National and International |Introduction to the new A2 Specification and course |Students research key facts about the Spanish Civil War: RESEARCH: Los dos |Students research the following in |

| |Events – Past |Share ideas on what makes a good A2 student |bandos de la guerra civil española |preparation for week 2:Francisco |

| | |Students learn research skills and are asked to research | |Franco, Los |

| |La Guerra Civil Española |aspects of the War each week. The next 5 weeks will be a |LISTENING: Clip from “La lengua de las mariposas” |partidos políticos, |

| | |study of the War through History, Geography, Aspects of | |La Segunda República, Las Brigadas |

| | |Society and Literature (Unit 4) | |internacionales |

| | |Introduction to the Spanish Civil War | | |

| | |Students learn the uses of Por and Para | | |

|2 |National and International |Students will learn, discuss and present: Franco and other|Posters/Slogans from the Spanish Civil war Presentations of facts about |Students will research ready for week|

| |Events – Past |key figures in the events leading up to the war |Franco and the political parties: |three: |

| | |Students will learn the formation of the imperfect |Video clip: extracts from “Tierra y Libertad” film by Ken Loach | |

| |La Guerra Civil Española - |subjunctive | |Guernica, |

| |Francisco Franco y los partidos| |Debate: ¿se puede justificar la guerra? |El país vasco durante la guerra, |

| |políticos | | |Los niños de la guerra |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Write a plan for the following essay:|

| | | | | |

| | | | |Unit 6c June 2005, 7: |

| | | | |“ Nadie tiene razon en una guerra”, |

| | | | |¿Estás de acuerdo con esta |

| | | | |afirmación? Explica tu criterio |

|3 |National and International |Students will study a region of Spain during the Spanish |Student presentations and quiz on Guernica, the events of the war affected |Research into: |

| |Events – Past |Civil War and how it and its people were affected. |the Basque country and the evacuation of the children to Hampshire | |

| | |Students will learn strategies for writing a good A2 essay| |Federico Garcia Lorca: |

| |La Guerra Civil Española |Students will use their grammar knowledge to translate a |Reading of letters written by the children of the war |Su vida, su muerte y sus obras |

| | |passage about the evacuation of children from Spain | | |

| |(Geografia) | |Debate: ¿Deberíamos aceptar los inmigrantes extranjeros? | |

| |Los niños de Guernica | | | |

|4 |National and International |Students will study some Works of Lorca, his poetry and |Reading: GW based on a text from the internet: “El juez abre la fosa de |Students research: |

| |Events – Past |life and his involvement and death during the Spanish |Lorca” | |

| | |Civil War | |Las 13 Rosas y otras víctimas de la |

| |La Guerra Civil Española |Students will revise those already learnt and be |Listening: “las voces espanolas” Youtube. Survivors recollect experiences |guerra |

| | |introduced to other uses of the subjunctive |from the war. | |

| |(Literatura) | | | |

| |La vida y las obras de Lorca | |Debate: los matrimonios homosexuales (use a past student’s oral as stimulus | |

| | | |recorded onto DVD) | |

|5 |National and International |Students will study the lives of some of the victims from |Watch the film and answer questions set: “Las trece rosas” |Students will choose a topic to study|

| |Events – Past |the war | |in Year 2 and begin their research |

| | |The students will begin to think about what area of |Read extracts for the book: Las trece rosas” |during the summer holidays |

| |La Guerra Civil Española |research they would like to pursue during their second | | |

| | |year for unit 4 |Discuss the difficulties faced by a divided society |Students will purchase and read a |

| |Literature and the Arts- cine |Students will learn and practice “si” clauses | |bilingual copy of “La Casa de |

| | | |Writing: write an imaginary letter home to your family explaining the |Bernarda Alba” by Lorca |

| | | |injustice of the situation as if you were one of the 13 roses. | |

|6 |National and International |Students will learn and discuss vocabulary, phrases and | | |

| |Events – Past |ideas to do with equality of opportunity |Reading: Edexcel p. 200 “Clara Campoamor, la republicana que luchó por el | |

| |Education and Employment: |Students will look at past exam questions |voto de la mujer” |Read pag 1 to 20. La casa de Bernarda|

| |The world of work – equal |Students will be tested on Year 1 grammar and be | |Alba. Answer Comprehension questions.|

| |opportunities |introduced to Lo + adjectives and “lo que” |Introduction to the RBA - Literature and the Arts | |

| | | |Intro to “La casa de Bernarda Alba” by Federico Lorca | |

| | | | | |

| |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |To learn and use vocabulary relating to medical research |Edexcel, p. 178 “Bebes a la carta” | |

| |and Religions. |Students will revise lo que and learn other relative |Edexcel, p. 178, Tips on the A2 oral |Read to end of Act 1. La casa de |

|7 | |pronouns including cuyo | |Bernarda Alba. Comprehension |

| |Los avances tenológicos |To review the format and assessment of the A2 oral exam |Grammar: Unit 20, p. 244 |questions. |

| | | | | |

| |Stem-cell research | | | |

| | | |RBE:“la casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Estilos y técnicas: Lenguaje | |

|8 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to cloning|Animo 2, unit 6, p. 62 “la clonación” |Read first half of Act 2. La casa de |

| |and Religions. |Students will revise relative pronouns and revise | |Bernarda Alba. Comprehension |

| | |formation and uses of the subjunctive |Debate: La clonación ¿una amenaza del presente o una esperanza para el |questions. |

| |Los avances tenológicos |Students will learn other uses of the subjunctive |futuro? | |

| | | | | |

| |La clonación | |Grammar: Students will each be given a use of the subjunctive to revise and | |

| | | |present to the class with examples and with an exercise | |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE“la casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Estilos y técnicas: Lenguaje | |

|9 |The World Around Us: |Students will revise their AS vocabulary for the GTA The |In- house worksheet based on the latest natural disaster, e.g. el seísmo en |Read to end of Act 2. La casa de |

| | |World and introduce vocabulary relating to natural |Pakistán or las inundaciones en Cumbria, noviembre 2009. |Bernarda Alba. Comprehension |

| |Los desastres naturales |disasters | |questions. |

| | |Students will revise uses of the subjunctive and learn the|“ La ola de incendios en Galicia” | |

| | |imperfect subjunctive formation. | (Spanish |Discursive essay, 6c June 2009, 6: |

| | | |Embassy) | |

| | | | |En tu opinión, ¿son las fuerzas |

| | | |Debate: ¿las fuerzas naturales o los seres humanos destruyen mas el planeta? |naturales o los seres humanos los que|

| | | | |mas destruyen el planeta? ¿Qué |

| | | |Grammar: Imperfect subjunctive: Unit 15 p. 163 |opinas? Da razones |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE: “la casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Estilos y técnicas: Simbolismo | |

|11 |The World Around Us: |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to animal |Legacy Specification Uni 6b June 2007 “el lince ibérico en peligro” |Read all of Act 3. La casa de |

| | |rights, research involving animals, animal cruelty, | |Bernarda Alba. Comprehension |

| |Los derechos de los animales |hunting |“El lince ibérico sale del coma” |questions |

| | |Students learn the true imperative and practice | | |

| |Los animales en peligro de | |(Spanish Embassy/El país article and questions) | |

| |extinción | | |Discursive essay, 6c June 2004, 4: |

| | | |Debate: los animales, ¿deben tener los mismos derechos que los humanos? | |

| | | | |¿Te parece importante la conservación|

| | | |Grammar: affirmative, informal commands: grammar p. 181 and p. 184 |de las especies de animales que están|

| | | | |en vías de extinción? ¿Por qué (no)? |

| | | |“La casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Temática | |

| | | | | |

|12 |Literature and the Arts |Students will revise their understanding of “la cultura” |Edexcel p. 259-261, “Me quedo con el teatro”. |Writing task based on IB Standard |

| | |and learn and use new vocabulary | |Level Paper 2 May 2008: |

| |El consumo cultural |Students revise affirmative, informal commands and learn |Grammar: negative and formal commands. Grammar, p. Unit 16 p. 176 | |

| | |other forms (all in the subjunctive) | |Usted es un/a gran admirador/a de un |

| | | |“La casa de Bernarda Alba” |grupo musical o cantante de |

| | | |Temática : Principal |actualidad que hace poco visitó su |

| | | | |ciudad. Cuando fue a escucharlo en el|

| | | | |concierto vivió junto a él una |

| | | | |anécdota maravillosa. Relátela en su |

| | | | |diario personal. |

|13 |Literature and the Arts |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to culture|Edexcel, p. 262, “Informe sobre el consumo cultural en España” | |

| | |Students practice all commands and complete a translation |Grammar: A2 translation under exam conditions to include all command forms | |

| |El consumo cultural |in the style of the A2 examination | | |

| | | |RBE: “La casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Temática secundaria | |

| | | | | |

|14 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will revise and learn new vocabulary relating |GW based on Christmas celebrations around the world |RBE: Essay – Themes |

| |and Religions. |religion, Christmas and national celebrations | | |

| | |Students will learn the uses of the past participle |Debate: La navidad ¿una ocasión familiar importante o una oportunidad |Analiza uno de los temas importantes |

| |La Navidad y el cristianismo | |comercial? |que aparezcen en el libro,obra o |

| | | | |película que has estudiado. ¿Qué |

| | | |RBE:“La casa de Bernarda Alba” |crees tú que quiere decir el |

| | | |Entorno social y cultural de la época |autor/director? Escribe 240-270 |

|15 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to women’s|Edexcel p. 196, “ los supermercados Sánchez Romero y la discriminación” |Creative essay: describe un día |

| |and Religions |rights in the work place | |típico para ti – una cajera en el |

| | |Students will revise the uses of the past participle |Debate: Ya no existe discriminación entre los sexos en el mundo laboral. |supermercado |

| |Los derechos de las mujeres |without haber and look at differences when used with ser | | |

| | |and estar |RBE “La casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Entorno social y cultural de la época | |

|16 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to |Legacy Specification Unit 6b June 2003, “Despedido por casarse”. |Translation from Edexcel legacy |

| |and Religions |inequality of opportunity, the dual roles faced by women | |specification Unit 6b June 2003 |

| | |today |Debate: la mujer – mejor en casa que en ningún sitio | |

| |Los derechos de las mujeres- |Introduce expressions of time e.g. For how long you | |Discursive essay: June 2005 6c, 6: |

| |ama de casa o trabajadora |have/used to do things |RBE:“La casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Personajes: Bernarda y Amelia |En tu opinión, ¿es posible conseguir |

| | | | |la igualdad entre los hombres y las |

| | | | |mujeres en el mundo del trabajo? Da |

| | | | |razones. |

|17 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will learn and use vocabulary relating to |GW based on article from Internet on “la penalización del aborto en |RBE: Essay – Characters |

| |and Religions |abortion |Nicaragua” | |

| | |Students will learn the tense sequence for if clauses | | |

| |Los derechos de las mujeres – | |Debate: el aborto – la muerte de un ser vivo | |

| |el aborto | | | |

| | | |Grammar: Unit 15, p. 171 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE: “La casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Personajes: Otros personajes | |

|18 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will learn, use and discuss vocabulary relating |Edexcel, p. 202/3 “Yo también ayudé a matar a San Pedro” |Translation based on a summary of San|

| |and Religions |to euthanasia | |Pedro’s arguments |

| | |Students will be tested on their understanding of si |Extracts from film “Mar Adentro” by Amenabar (conversation between the | |

| |El derecho a morir |clauses in the form of an A2 examination translation |catholic priest and San Pedro) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Grammar: In-house translation based on the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling | |

| | | |RBE: “La casa de Bernarda Alba” | |

| | | |Ver película | |

|19 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will start to learn three irregular verbs each |Edexcel, p. 204 “lo que piensan los españoles de la eutanasia” |Creative essay – diary entry written |

| |and Religions |week in all tenses/forms (referred to as Verbs of the | |by San Pedro’s sister-in-law on the |

| | |Week) |Watch the rest of the film (available in the library for all to see in their |day of his death |

| |El derecho a morir |Students will complete a translation as homework each week|study time) | |

| | |to be discussed and marked in class each week. (To be | | |

| | |referred to below as Homework Translation) |Debate: la eutanasia debe ser legalizada | |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| | | |Geografía | |

|20 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will learn and use vocabulary and ideas relating |GW based on a text from Internet – “A una hora de la silla eléctrica” (an |Reading: “El corredor de la muerte” |

| |and Religion |to the death penalti, crimes and punishments |American saved from the death penalty at the last moment) |GW based on article from Internet |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation | | |

| |La pena de muerte | |Debate: la pena de muerte debe ser reintroducida por ciertos crímenes | |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE: El País Vasco | |

| | | |Medio ambiente / Pasado industrial | |

|21 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students learn and use vocabulary and ideas relating to |Introduction: picture of an immigrant arriving on a beach in the South of |RBE: Essay |

| |and Religions |immigration |Spain – discuss | |

| | | | | |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation |Edexcel p. 207/8 “Blog sobre la inmigración” | |

| |Los derechos de los inmigrantes| | | |

| | | |Students write their own blog entries and comment on each others | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate: No hay suficientes trabajos durante la crisis para los británicos | |

| | | |entonces la ley de extranjería debe ser más estricta | |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| | | |Historia / Guerra Civil Guernica | |

|22 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will develop and further use their vocabulary | News article: “Volveríamos a hacerlo” |Discursive essay, 6c June 2009 , 5: |

| |and Religions |relating to immigration |Regresan los pescadores que rescataron a 51 inmigrantes a la deriva en Malta | |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation | |¿Hasta que punto deberían adaptarse |

| | | | |los inmigrantes? ¿Sería una solución |

| |Los derechos de los inmigrantes| |Debate: ¿Tienen derechos los inmigrantes ilegales? |crear barrios solo para ellos? |

| | | | |Justifica ti criterio |

| | | |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| | | |Costumbres y tradiciones | |

|23 |Customs, Traditions, Beliefs |Students will develop and further use their vocabulary |Edexcel p. 211, “Los indios en Mexico” |Translation Edexcel , p. 212 “The |

| |and Religions |relating to immigration |Animo 2, p. 48 “Choque de civilizaciones” |Indian women…” |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation | | |

| | | |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| |Los derechos de los inmigrantes| |Religión y Creencias | |

|24 |National and International |Students will learn and use vocabulary and ideas relating |Introduction - Discuss the positive and negative aspects of globalisation |Discursive essay: |

| |Events: Present and Future |to globalisation | | |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation |Edexcel Unit 11 El mundo se globaliza p. 233, ¿Cómo viven y de que trabajan |¿Cuáles son las ventajas y |

| |La globalización | |los argentinos? |desventajas de la globalización en la|

| | | | |sociedad actual? |

| | | |Animo 2, p. 40/41 El mundo se globaliza | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Debate: la globalización - ¿estás a favor o en contra? | |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| | | |Demografía | |

|25 |National and International |Students will learn, use and discuss vocabulary and ideas |Realia: Leaflets and posters issued at the time of Spain’s currency change to|RBE: Essay |

| |Events: Past, Present and |relating to Europe, the introduction of the euro and the |the euro | |

| |Future |Uk’s position on the single currency | | |

| | |the Verbs of the week and homework translation |GW based on press articles/news reports about Spain’s adaptation to the Euro | |

| |Europa y la moneda única – la | | | |

| |zona euro | |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| | | |Sociedad | |

|26 |National and International |Students will be introduced to the vocabulary, |Discussions – own experiences of security controls at airports | |

| |Events: Past, Present and |organisation and ideas relating to terrorism | | |

| |Future |They will discuss the need for security in the airports |Debate: Do we need the high levels of security and hand luggage restrictions | |

| | |and draw on their own experiences of travelling between |that exist today? | |

| |El terrorismo en los |countries |GW based on press article “En libertad bajo fianza”. (Hairdresser from | |

| |aeropuertos |Verbs of the week and homework translation |Pontevedra suspected of smuggling arms imprisoned.) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |RBE: El País Vasco | |

| | | |Economía | |

|27 |National and International |Students will research and present factual information and|GW based on newspaper article of “El 7J, testigos de la explosion” |Reading task with translation based |

| |Events: Past, Present and |new vocabulary relating to the events of “el 7J” in London| |on Press article “Llorar otro dia” |

| |Future |Verbs of the week and homework translation |RBE: El País Vasco | |

| | |Students will carry our mock oral examinations |Política | |

| |El terrorismo – el 7J | | | |

|28 |National and International |Students will learn about the terrorist attacks in Spain |Telediario Video clip of events on the morning of the 11 March 2004 |Translation based on 11M |

| |Events: Past, Present and |and discuss the actions of the Spanish government leading |Edexcel, p. 229-231 “El mayor atentado de la historia de España” | |

| |Future |up to the Spanish elections in 2004 | | |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| |El terrorismo – el 11M |Students will carry our mock oral examinations |Política/Terrorismo | |

|29 | |Students will carry out real oral examinations |RBE:El País Vasco |RBE: Essay |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation |Terrorismo | |

| | |Past Examination Practice | | |

|30 | |Students will carry out real oral examinations |RBE:El País Vasco | |

| | |Verbs of the week and homework translation |Película | |

| | |Past Examination Practice | | |


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