HHS Template for Reports, with No Instructions

Legal Business Name of Respondent: ____________________________________________________________________________This Project Description Work Plan is being completed for the following Priority Project* (select only one): FORMCHECKBOX Schools and/or Communities Priority Project FORMCHECKBOX Physical Activity Priority Project*A separate Form B, Project Description Work Plan must be completed for each proposed Priority Project.____________________________________________________________________________ Project Description Work Plan InstructionsRespondents must provide a separate Form B, Project Description Work Plan for each proposed Priority Project. Each Form B, Project Description Work Plan must be submitted as an attachment to the Respondent’s Narrative Proposal.The Project Description Work Plan should describe the Respondent's proposed processes and methodologies for implementing the proposed Priority Project. ____________________________________________________________________________ Project Description Work Plan1. Needs Assessment Methodology 1a. Concisely describe and justify the needs assessment methodology used to assess the Target Audience’s health-related nutrition and physical activity needs.Click here to enter text. 1b. Please provide the sources of data used in the need assessment. Sources of data may include obesity and poverty rates, racial/ethnic differences, tribal status, fruit and vegetable consumption, and/or Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data. Click here to enter text.2. Target AudienceSelect the Target Audience that will be served by the proposed Priority Project. Select all that apply: FORMCHECKBOX Individuals participating in Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) FORMCHECKBOX Individuals who qualify to receive SNAP benefits or other means-tested Federal assistance programs, such as Medicaid or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) FORMCHECKBOX Individuals residing in communities meeting the general low-income standard. The general low-income standard is defined as 50 percent or more of a household’s incomes that is less than or equal to 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Limit (FPL).3. Specific Segments of PopulationSelect a market segment, or sub-population group, that will be targeted by the proposed Priority Project. Select all that apply: FORMCHECKBOX Preschoolers, children aged 2–5 years, and/or their parents/caretakers FORMCHECKBOX Elementary school students (typically grades K-6) FORMCHECKBOX Middle school students (typically grades 7-8) FORMCHECKBOX High school students (typically grades 9-12) FORMCHECKBOX Women (may include mothers, female caretakers, women generally, etc.) FORMCHECKBOX Men (may include fathers, male caretakers, men generally, etc.) FORMCHECKBOX Elderly FORMCHECKBOX Multi-generation/residents/shoppers/congregants FORMCHECKBOX Workers and/or employees FORMCHECKBOX Ethnic and/or language groups, please specify: Click here to enter text.4. VenuesSelect the venue(s) where services will be provided to the Target Audience for this proposed Priority Project. Select all that apply:Eat FORMCHECKBOX Congregate meal sites/senior nutrition centers FORMCHECKBOX Fast food chains FORMCHECKBOX Mobile vending/food trucks FORMCHECKBOX Restaurants FORMCHECKBOX Soup kitchens FORMCHECKBOX United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Summer Meals sitesLearn FORMCHECKBOX Before- and after-school programs FORMCHECKBOX Early care and education facilities (includes child care centers and day care homes as well as Head Start, preschool, and pre-kindergarten programs) FORMCHECKBOX Extension offices FORMCHECKBOX Family resource centers FORMCHECKBOX Libraries FORMCHECKBOX Mobile education sites FORMCHECKBOX Schools (K-12) FORMCHECKBOX Schools (colleges and universities) FORMCHECKBOX WIC ClinicsLive FORMCHECKBOX Emergency shelters and temporary housing sites FORMCHECKBOX Faith-based centers/places of worship FORMCHECKBOX Health care clinics and hospitals FORMCHECKBOX Indian reservations FORMCHECKBOX Individual homes or public housing sites FORMCHECKBOX Group living arrangements/residential treatment centersPlay FORMCHECKBOX Bicycle and walking paths FORMCHECKBOX Community and recreation centers FORMCHECKBOX State/county fairgrounds FORMCHECKBOX Gardens (community/school) FORMCHECKBOX Parks and open spacesShop FORMCHECKBOX Farmers markets FORMCHECKBOX Food assistance sites, food banks, and food pantries FORMCHECKBOX Food Destruction Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) distribution sites FORMCHECKBOX Small food stores (≤3 registers) FORMCHECKBOX Large food stores and retailers (4+registers) FORMCHECKBOX Other places people go to shop for or access food: Click here to enter text.Work FORMCHECKBOX Adult education, job training, TANF, and veteran services sites FORMCHECKBOX Military bases FORMCHECKBOX SNAP offices FORMCHECKBOX Worksites with low-wage workers.5. Venue Selection Rationale Describe how the venue(s) selected in Question 4 will reach the Specific Segments of the Population selected in Question 3. Click or tap here to enter text.6. Total Number of Individuals to be ServedProvide an estimate of the total number of individuals who will be served by this proposed Priority Project. Click or tap here to enter text.7. Promotion Specify how the Respondent will notify, to the maximum extent possible, SNAP applicants, SNAP participants, and SNAP-Ed eligible individuals in local communities about the availability of the proposed Priority Project's SNAP-Ed activities.Click or tap here to enter text.8. Eligibility VerificationDescribe how the Respondent will verify that the proposed Priority Project serves a group of individuals who are eligible for SNAP-Ed services.Click or tap here to enter text.9. Food and Activity EnvironmentsDescribe how the project will reflect audience’s awareness and access to healthy foods and beverages, and places to be physically active.Click here to enter text.10. Required Intervention Approaches Select which intervention approaches the Respondent will implement for the proposed Priority Project. The Respondent is required to select two intervention approaches for each proposed Priority Project – one of which must be Approach One. FORMCHECKBOX Approach One: Individual or group-based direct nutrition education, health promotion, and intervention strategies FORMCHECKBOX Approach Two: Comprehensive, multi-level interventions at multiple complementary organizational and institutional levels FORMCHECKBOX Approach Three: Community and public health approaches to improve nutrition and obesity prevention11. StrategiesSelect the strategies that the proposed Priority Project will utilize. Select all that apply: FORMCHECKBOX Direct Education Strategy: The participant is actively engaged in the learning process with an educator and/or interactive media, such as a group nutrition lesson. FORMCHECKBOX Indirect Education Strategy: Distribution of nutrition education, materials, or resources; including mass communication and public events where no demographic information is captured about the participant(s) or audience. Examples of indirect education include pamphlets, posters, and promotional materials. FORMCHECKBOX Social Marketing Strategy: Using research-based commercial marketing technologies, such as a radio spot, website, email lists, billboards, Facebook, etc., to influence the Target Audience to improve dietary habits or increase physical activity. FORMCHECKBOX Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) Strategy: Policy strategies are based on a policy, or a written statement of an organizational position, a decision, or a course of action. Ideally, policies describe the actions, resources, implementation, evaluation, and enforcement of a course of action. Policies are made in the public, non-profit, and business sectors. Policies will help to guide behavioral changes for audiences served through SNAP-Ed programming. Policy Strategy Example: A school that serves a majority low-income student body writes a policy that allows the use of school facilities for recreation by children, parents, and community members during non-school hours. Systems strategies are unwritten, ongoing, organizational decisions or changes that result in new activities reaching large proportions of people the organization serves. Systems strategies alter how the organization or network of organizations conducts business. An organization may adopt a new intervention, reallocate other resources, or in significant ways modify its direction to benefit low-income consumers in qualifying sites and communities. Systems strategies may precede or follow a written policy. Systems Strategy Example: A local food policy council creates a farm-to-fork system that links farmers and local distributors with new retail or wholesale customers in low-income settings. Environmental strategies include the built or physical environments which are visual or observable, but also may include economic, social, normative or message strategies. Environmental strategies include modifications in settings where food is sold, served, or distributed with the intention of promoting healthy food choices. Economic strategies may include financial disincentives or incentives to encourage a desired behavior, such as purchasing more fruits and vegetables. Social strategies may include shaping attitudes among administrators, teachers, or service providers about time allotted for school meals or physical activity breaks. 12. Social Marketing Strategy SectionIf the ‘Social Marketing Strategy’ was selected on Question 11, complete the section below. FORMCHECKBOX ‘Social Marketing Strategy’ was not selected as a strategy in Question 11. Skip to Question 13.12a. Select the behavioral changes that are being sought from program participants. FORMCHECKBOX Fruit and vegetable consumption FORMCHECKBOX Healthy beverage consumption FORMCHECKBOX Physical activity FORMCHECKBOX Food security FORMCHECKBOX Other, specify: Click here to enter text.12b. Select the communications methods that the proposed Priority Project will use. Select all that apply: FORMCHECKBOX Advertising via TV, radio, internet, transit, outdoor, or other. If other, please specify: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Media coverage secured through news events or outreach. FORMCHECKBOX Periodic promotion through incorporation of new themes, events, seasonal messaging, commemoratives, or market segments. FORMCHECKBOX Direct or indirect consumer education FORMCHECKBOX Interactive websites for consumers and the media FORMCHECKBOX Social media campaign directed at consumers FORMCHECKBOX Small media including posters, bulletins, brochures, newsletters, recipes or cookbooks, children’s books, games, and/or quizzes FORMCHECKBOX Nutrition Education Reinforcement Items (NERI) that are less than $4 per item. Items can include small shopping items, food preparation items, cooking items and small physical activity equipment with campaign messaging. FORMCHECKBOX Other, specify: Click here to enter text.13. Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) Strategy SectionIf ‘PSE Strategy’ was selected as a strategy in Question 11, complete the section below. FORMCHECKBOX ‘PSE Strategy’ was not selected as a strategy in Question 11. Skip to Question 14.13a. Select the PSE strategies the proposed Priority Project will utilize. Select all that apply. FORMCHECKBOX Policy FORMCHECKBOX Systems FORMCHECKBOX Environmental13b. Describe the Respondent’s proposed strategy efforts for all PSE strategies selected in Question 13a. Please describe any policy strategy efforts here: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Policy was not selected as a strategy in Question 13a.Please describe any systems strategy efforts here: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Systems was not selected as a strategy in Question 13a.Please describe any environmental strategy efforts here: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Environmental was not selected as a strategy in Question 13a.14. Key Educational Messages Select the key educational messages the proposed Priority Project will promote. Select all that apply from Question 14a through 14c below.14a. Individual Knowledge and Skills FORMCHECKBOX MyPlate food groups and/or portions to support a healthy eating pattern FORMCHECKBOX Food shopping and/or resource management FORMCHECKBOX Food preparation/cooking and/or food safety FORMCHECKBOX Maintaining a healthy weight FORMCHECKBOX Prevention of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases FORMCHECKBOX Other, please specify: Click or tap here to enter text.14b. Individual Behaviors FORMCHECKBOX Eating more fruits and vegetables FORMCHECKBOX Eating more whole grains FORMCHECKBOX Eating more dairy FORMCHECKBOX Eating more foods high in protein FORMCHECKBOX Eating more foods with healthy fats and oils FORMCHECKBOX Eating more fiber-rich foods FORMCHECKBOX Increasing water intake FORMCHECKBOX Limiting the amount of added sugars consumed FORMCHECKBOX Limiting the amount of saturated fats consumed FORMCHECKBOX Limiting the amount of sodium consumed FORMCHECKBOX Other, please specify: Click or tap here to enter text.14c. Engagement in Physical Activity FORMCHECKBOX Active commuting FORMCHECKBOX Participating in sports and/or recreational activities FORMCHECKBOX Reducing sedentary activities and/or screen time FORMCHECKBOX Other, please specify: Click or tap here to enter text.15. Use of Existing Educational MaterialsIn the table below, the Respondent will detail the educational materials the Respondent already has and plans to use in the delivery of services in the proposed Priority Project. The Respondent is required to add rows to the table below (if needed) to address all educational materials that will be used by the proposed Priority Project.In the table below, the following must be included for each educational material:The title;The author;The language of the material;The evidence level each educational material satisfies (Research-Based, Practice-Based, or Emerging); andA reference (i.e. article or research) that demonstrates that the curriculum meets the evidence level indicated. e.g. If a USDA material, write "USDA".Use of Existing Educational MaterialsTitle Author LanguageEvidence LevelReference16. Development of New Educational MaterialsThe Respondent will identify any new materials they plan to produce or purchase to use in the delivery of services in the proposed Priority Project and justify the need and cost. Click or tap here to enter text.17. Related State Objectives17a. The Respondent must select the Texas SNAP-Ed State Objectives that the proposed Priority Project will aim to achieve. Select all the goals that apply below: FORMCHECKBOX State Goal I: Implement health promotion activities to help the SNAP-Ed Target Audience establish healthy eating habits and a physically active lifestyle. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal II: Reduce risk factors for chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease among the SNAP-Ed Target Audience. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal III: Increase partnership collaboration of nutrition, physical activity, and wellness education across the state. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal IV: Increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and other foods that comprise a healthy diet among the SNAP-Ed Target Audience in accordance with Appendix B, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 8th Edition. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal V: Increase ongoing physical activity among the SNAP-Ed Target Audience in accordance with Appendix C, Physical Activity Guidelines 2nd Edition. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal VI: Increase Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) projects consistent with Appendix D, FY 2021 SNAP-Ed Plan Guidance.17b. For each Texas SNAP-Ed State Goals that was selected by the Respondent in Question 17a, describe how the proposed Priority Project will help achieve the Texas SNAP-Ed State Goal selected:If State Goal I was selected in Question 17a, describe how the Respondent’s proposed Priority Project will achieve this goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal I was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal II was selected in Question 17a, describe how the Respondent’s proposed Priority Project will achieve this goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal II was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal III is selected in Question 17a, describe how the Respondent’s proposed Priority Project will achieve this goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal III was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal IV is selected in Question 17a, describe how the Respondent’s proposed Priority Project will achieve this goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal IV was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal V is selected in Question 17a, describe how the Respondent’s proposed Priority Project will achieve this goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal V was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal VI is selected in Question 17a, describe how the Respondent’s proposed Priority Project will achieve this goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal VI was not selected in Question 17a17c. For each Texas SNAP-Ed State Goals that was selected by the Respondent in Question 17a, list the key measures and indicators of successful implementation the Respondent will collect to support this State Goal. If State Goal I was selected in Question 17a, list the key measures and indicators of successful implementation the Respondent will collect to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Check this box if this is a new measure or indicator that was not collected in the past. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal I was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal II was selected in Question 17a, list the key measures and indicators of successful implementation the Respondent will collect to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Check this box if this is a new measure or indicator that was not collected in the past. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal II was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal III was selected in Question 17a, list the key measures and indicators of successful implementation the Respondent will collect to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Check this box if this is a new measure or indicator that was not collected in the past. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal III was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal IV was selected in Question 17a, list the key measures and indicators of successful implementation the Respondent will collect to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Check this box if this is a new measure or indicator that was not collected in the past. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal IV was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal V was selected in Question 17a, list the key measures and indicators of successful implementation the Respondent will collect to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Check this box if this is a new measure or indicator that was not collected in the past. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal V was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal VI was selected in Question 17a, list the key measures and indicators of successful implementation the Respondent will collect to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Check this box if this is a new measure or indicator that was not collected in the past. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal VI was not selected in Question 17a17d. For each Texas SNAP-Ed State Goals that was selected by the Respondent in Question 17a, list the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be measured for each State Goal. SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators can be found at this link: . If State Goal I was selected in Question 17a, list the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be measured to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal I was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal II was selected in Question 17a, list the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be measured to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal II was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal III was selected in Question 17a, list the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be measured to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal III was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal IV was selected in Question 17a, list the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be measured to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal IV was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal V was selected in Question 17a, list the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be measured to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal V was not selected in Question 17aIf State Goal VI was selected in Question 17a, list the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be measured to support this State Goal:Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX State Goal VI was not selected in Question 17a18. Tracking of Goals 18a. Describe how the Respondent will track their progress towards achieving the proposed Priority Project’s goals as selected in Question 17a-17d. Please reference the question number and number of each State Goal in your response. Click or tap here to enter text.18b. Describe the methods the Respondent will use to determine if the proposed Priority Project is meeting its goals or not.Examples include sign in sheets, pre and post surveys, monthly reports, evaluations, pledges, etc.Click or tap here to enter text.18c. Describe how the Respondent will re-assess the proposed Priority Project’s goals.Click here to enter text.19. Progression of Project ActivitiesDemonstrate how the Respondent’s project will progress over the 3-year period (if the proposed project is intended to continue over multiple years). A multi-year plan must demonstrate a progression of project activities in a logical and sequential manner where each year’s project activities build upon the preceding year’s project activities. Example of a progression of project activities: Year 1’s Project Activities: Conduct formative research for a direct education intervention. Formative research includes conducting focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and reviewing state-level and national datasets to select a SNAP-Ed eligible community. The results of the formative research will be cross-referenced with indicators from the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework.Year 2’s Project Activities: Conduct direct education intervention that includes a multi-week or multi-session in-person class series component and single session online class component to promote common behavior changes and nutritional education messages. A media campaign to promote the in-person class and online class will target SNAP-Ed eligible individuals. The multi-session in-person class intervention will reach an estimated 300,000 unduplicated individuals. The one session online class intervention will reach 150,000 unduplicated individuals. The promotional media campaign will have with an annual total marketing reach of at least 25 million people that will include media impressions, website visitors, and HyperText Markup Language (HTML) campaign(s).Year 3’s Project Activities: Evaluate the knowledge-level of SNAP-Ed participants, the implementation of the family meals program, and engagement levels of multi-sector partners.Progression of Project Activities19a. Year 1’s Project Activities: Year 1 is October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022Click here to enter text.19b. Year 2’s Project Activities: Year 2 is October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023Click here to enter text.19c. Year 3’s Project Activities: Year 3 is October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024Click here to enter text.20. Subcontractors and Roles of Subcontractors20a) List all of the subcontractor(s) the Respondent plans to involve in the proposed Priority Project whether their involvement is for advertising, consulting, development, evaluation, tracking, funding, human resources such as staff time and staff, program implementation (provision of nutrition education and obesity prevention education services), materials, planning, recruitment, space, and/or technical services.Click here to enter text.20b) If subcontractors will be involved in the proposed Priority Project, describe how each subcontractor will assist the Respondent in achieving the proposed Priority Project’s goals and objectives. Click here to enter text.20c) Identify the subcontractors that will provide nutrition education and obesity prevention direct education strategies. Click here to enter text.21. Partners and Role of PartnersSelect all of the partner(s) that will be involved in the proposed Priority Project, whether their involvement is for advertising, consulting, development, evaluation, tracking, funding, human resources such as staff time and staff, program implementation, materials, planning, recruitment, space, and/or technical services. Select all of the partner(s) that will be involved: FORMCHECKBOX Agricultural organizations (includes farmers markets)If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Chefs and/or culinary institutes If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX City and/or regional planning groupsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Early care and education facilities (includes child care centers, day care homes, Head Start, preschools, and pre-kindergarten programs)If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Faith-based groupsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Food banks and/or food pantriesIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Food stores (includes convenience stores, grocery stores, supermarkets, etc.)If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Foundations, philanthropy organizations, and/or nonprofit organizationsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Government programs and/or agencies (Federal, State, or Local)If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Hospitals and/or healthcare organizations (includes health insurance companies)If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Human services organizationsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Indian Tribal OrganizationsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Labor and/or workforce development groupsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Media and/or advertising groupsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Parks and/or recreation centersIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Public health organizationsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX RestaurantsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Schools (K-12)If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Higher education (private or public colleges and universities)If selected describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Transportation groupsIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX WorksitesIf selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX Other Partner: Click here to enter text.If selected, describe the proposed role of this partner below: Click here to enter text.22. Evaluation PlansEvaluation Plans are required for each proposed Priority Project.22a. If the proposed Priority Project has been evaluated previously, provide the most recent year in which the evaluation was completed.Click here to enter text. FORMCHECKBOX The proposed Priority Project has not been evaluated previously. 22b. Complete the Evaluation Plan table below for each evaluation the Respondent has planned for the proposed Priority Project. Submit the completed Evaluation Plan tables as attachments to this form. Evaluation Plan Name of the project that will be part of the evaluation: Indicate the primary evaluation type (formative, process, outcome, or impact): Describe the scope of the evaluation: Identify the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators that will be used in this evaluation.SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators include:MT1: Healthy EatingMT2: Food Resource ManagementMT3: Physical Activity and Reduced Sedentary Behavior MT5: Nutrition Supports ST7: Organizational Partnerships ST8: Multi-Sector Partnerships and PlanningR2: Fruits and VegetablesAdditional Evaluation Framework Indicators and more information can be found here: SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators indicated in the Evaluation Plans must align with SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework Indicators outlined in the Related State Objectives section, Question 17. 1.2.3.List the approaches for each evaluation. Please numerically list the approaches below.1. 2. 3. List the measures that will be used in this evaluation. Each measure should be characterized in terms of its nutrition or obesity prevention focus. Please numerically list measures below.1. 2. 3. Indicate the focus of each measure (knowledge, skills, attitudes, behavior, PSE change, or another focus. If another focus, please detail the proposed focus). Please numerically list the focuses below and assure the focus corresponds to the correct measure from above.1. 2. 3. Indicate how the data for each measure will be collected (observation, self-report, or another method. If another method, please detail the proposed method.) Please numerically list the data collection technique below and assure the collection technique corresponds to the correct measure from above.1. 2. 3. Describe the points at which data will be collected from intervention and control group participants.For example, these points may include pre-test or baseline, midway through the intervention, post-test as intervention ends, or follow-up some weeks or months after the intervention ends.1.2.3.Provide the Planned Use for the Evaluation Results:1.2.3. ................

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