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Edexcel BTEC Level 2Certificate, Extended Certificate and Diploma in Health and Social Care (QCF)Unit 2: Individual Rights in Health and Social Care-2533652271395 Assignment 2 ContentsIndexPage NoLearner details*3Learner tracker*3Learner declaration*3Aim and purpose4Unit introduction4Learning outcomes 5Assessment and grading criteria5Unit contents6Delivery7Assessment8Assignment brief10Task 1P1 11Task 2P2 11Task 3P3 / M1 / D112* Must be submitted with learner’s evidence.Assignment 2 - Unit 2: Individual Rights in Health and Social CareLearner Name:Assessor Name:Issue Date:Deadline Date:Submission Date:Learner TrackerAssignment 1Assessment CriteriaCompletedGradeTask 1Task 2Task 3Learner DeclarationThe learner declaration must be attached to the completed portfolio of evidence.Learner Name:I declare that the work contained in this portfolio of evidence is all my own work.Learner Signed:Date: I declare that the work contained in this portfolio of evidence is all the work of the above learner.Assessor Name:Assessor Signed:Date: Assignment 2 - Unit 2: Individual Rights in Health and Social CareUnit code: K/600/6873QCF Level 2: BTEC FirstsCredit value: 5Guided learning hours: 30Unit aimThe aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain a knowledge and understanding of the issues that need to be considered when working in health and social care environments within a multicultural society. Learners will investigate the many factors that contribute to a diverse and equal society and the principles and values which underpin the support given to individuals.Unit introductionIt is important for potential health and social care workers to develop an understanding of the factors which surround diversity amongst individuals in society; it is also important to recognise how this impacts on health and social care practice. These factors include the recognition of the rights of individuals, for example the right to be respected, to be treated equally, fairly and not to be discriminated against. The unit is an essential component in the preparation for work experience. It is, therefore, recommended that the unit is delivered at the beginning of the programme.The unit introduces learners to issues of diversity and how the underlying principles of ethical health and social care practice can be used to promote equality and the rights of the individual. Equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals are developed further in Unit 6: Cultural Diversity in Health and Social Care. The unit also gives learners the opportunity to achieve Level 2 Functional Skills in ICT and English and personal, learning and thinking skills.Learning outcomes and assessment criteriaIn order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteriadetermine the standard required to achieve the unit.On completion of this unit a learner should:1: Know factors that contribute to a diverse and equal society2: Understand principles and values which underpin the support given to individuals.To achieve a pass grade theevidence must show that the learner is able to:To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, inaddition to the pass criteria,the learner is able to:To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:P1Identify factors that contribute to the equality of individuals in society[IE2, IE4, CT2, RL3, RL4,SM2, SM3, EP5]P2Explain the individual rights of people who use services[IE2, CT2, RL3, RL4, SM2,SM3, EP5]P3Explain the principles andvalues which underpin the support for individuals whouse services.[IE2, IE4, CT2, CT4, RL3,RL4, SM2, SM3, EP5]M1Discuss the principles and values which underpin support for individuals whouse services.D1assess how the principlesand values which underpin health and social care relateto the promotion of rights of individuals.PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.KeyIE – independent enquirersCT – creative thinkersRL – reflective learnersTW – team workersSM – self-managersEP – effective participatorsUnit content1 Know factors that contribute to a diverse and equal societySocial factors: diversity eg culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexuality, age, family structure, social class,geographical location. Political factors: role of eg legislation, policy, welfare state, delivery of health and social care services.Equality: non-discriminatory practice; discriminatory practice eg stereotyping, labelling, prejudice.Biological factors: physical features; disabilities eg learning, physical.2 Understand principles and values which underpin the support given to individualsEthical considerations: right-to-life; social justice; person-centre approach; the expectations of individuals receiving the service; empathy, honesty; adherence to codes of practice and policies.Individual rights: rights to be respected; treated equally and not discriminated against; treated as anindividual; treated in a dignified way; allowed privacy; safeguarded from danger and harm; allowed access to information about themselves; able to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language; supported in a way that meets their needs and takes account of their choices.Worker responsibilities: provision of active support to enable people who use services to communicate their needs, views and preferences; use of communication to support diversity, inclusion and promote equality of opportunity; confidentiality; disclosure; dealing with tensions between rights and responsibilities; importance of accurate recording, storage and retrieving of information, (including electronic methods), filing correctly and securely; the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2005DeliveryThis unit should be seen as an introduction to diversity, equality and the rights and responsibilities of individuals as they apply to addressing the needs of individuals within health and social care. Firstly, learners could explore the ways in which people may differ from each other and then link these to the social, political and biological factors that contribute to diversity. Small group discussions and pyramid activities sharing perspectives across groups could be triggered by simple case studies, images and scenarios. Once the concept of diversity is established then learners could be introduced to the language and concepts used in the context of equality.The concepts that underpin this unit should be delivered with reference to the guiding principles embedded within the Care Standards Act 2000 and the Codes of Practice of the General Social Care Council. The emphasis should be on exploring how the rights of individuals and the responsibilities of health and social care workers empower and enable individuals who use health and social care services to identify their specific needs and preferences. Learners should be encouraged to explore their own attitudes to diversity and assumptions about groups other than their own as an integral part of the delivery of this unit.Practical activities such as role play and discussion exploring different ways in which individual rights may be respected or ignored, would be beneficial. Learning may be enhanced through observation of behaviours demonstrated in DVD resources or from direct observation of practices when in health and social care settings. Discussion of the role of communication could be related to Unit 1: Communication in Health and Social Care. Class activities could be supplemented by input from visiting speakers representing for example disability groups or faith communities. Visits that increase learners’ awareness of others in different environments to their own eg to a rural setting, or to specialist organisation such as a Disability Living Centre could be beneficial. General observations of how the rights of individuals are addressed in public spaces could also be discussed. Although learners should be aware that equality and individual rights are underpinned by legislation, the only legislation required to be explored specifically is the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998. More detailed exploration of relevant legislation would be explored in Unit 6: Cultural Diversity in Health and Social Care.AssessmentThe concept of equality in diversity may be new to many learners, and assessment methods shouldencourage personal learning in addition to achieving the grading criteria. For P1, learners need to identify those factors which contribute to diversity and influence equality. Whilst some initial classroom delivery will be necessary, learners could then be encouraged to produce a poster on those factors with a special emphasis on their local area. Learners could include information from local agencies such as ethnic minority community groups.For P2, learners could produce a short report and they may need guidance as to the correct format for this. Learners could be encouraged to research online brochures from care settings, or visit the local library to obtain information. Learners would benefit from a period of work experience to understand how rights of individuals are implemented within a setting.For P3, learners could be given a case study, (possibly taken from an issue in Community Care magazine or an appropriate DVD), and asked to explain the principles and values which underpin the support of individuals. For M1, more able learners could extend their explanation to discuss which common principlesand values underpin the support of individuals who use services. For D1, learners will need to assess how the underpinning principles and values can be applied to the promotion of the rights of the individual. Before awarding the higher grade tutors should ensure that learners have a clear understanding of how to make judgements in this context. The assignment could be produced as a short magazine article.Essential resourcesLearners will need access to full library facilities including textbooks, journals/professional magazines, relevant newspaper articles, DVDs and recordings of suitable television documentaries. They will also need access to the internet.Employer engagement and vocational contextsVisits from speakers employed within the health and social care sectors and representatives of ethnic minority groups will enhance learner understanding. Learners would also benefit from visits to organisations which promote the rights of individuals such as Age Concern, Disability Living Centres and Asian women’s projects.Indicative resource materialsTextbooksBurgess C, Pritchatt N and Shaw C – S/NVQ Level 2 Health and Social Care Easy Steps (Pearson Education Ltd, 2007) ISBN 9780435465278Haworth E, Higgins H, Hoyle H, Lavers S and Lewis C – BTEC Level 2 First Health and Social Care TeacherResource Pack (Pearson, 2010) ISBN 9781846906718Miller J – Social Care Practice (Hodder and Stoughton, 1996) ISBN 9780340655160Nolan Y – S/NVQ Level 2 in Care: Student Handbook (Heinemann, 2003) ISBN 9780435452216Richards A – The Complete A-Z Health and Social Care Handbook (Hodder Arnold, 1999)ISBN 9780340705575JournalsCommunity Care magazine (Reed Business Information)Websitesageconcern/dignity.asp Age Concernboardworks.co.uk Series of PowerPoints at Level 2 for tutors Care munity-care.co.uk Community Care Magazine.uk Department of Health.uk Equal Opportunities Commission.uk General Social Care Councilheinemann.co.uk World of Work Series.uk Empowering individuals.uk Mental Health Providers Forum.uk Social Care Institute for Excellence.uk Sector Skills Council for Care and Development.uk Sector Skills Council for HealthAssignment briefThis assignment comprises of all the assessment requirements for the completion of Unit 2: Individual Rights in Health and Social CareThis assignment is made up of 1 scenario and 3 tasks. You MUST complete all tasks successfully to gain full unit accreditation. Time allowanceThe recommended time allowance for this assignment is 30 guided learning hours. This will give you 10 hours per task.Health and safety You are responsible for maintaining the safety of others as well as yourself. You are asked to work safely at all times. You will not be allowed to continue with this assignment if you compromise any of the Health and Safety requirements. EvidenceAll evidence MUST be of your own work and signed by you and your assessor. It is good practice to submit research evidence to support your own work.Evidence requirements listTaskEvidenceAssessment Criteria1PosterP12Short reportP23Article for the local newspaperP3 / M1 / D1Assignment 2 - Unit 2: Individual Rights in Health and Social CareScenario You are doing some work experience at a Primary Care Trust for a couple of months. During that time, you are looking to gain a knowledge and understanding of the issues that need to be considered when working in health and social care environments within a multicultural society. You have been asked to investigate the many factors that contribute to a diverse and equal society and the principles and values which underpin the support given to individuals.Task 1 Whilst on placement, your line manager has asked you to produce an information poster to place in reception. The concept of the poster is of equality in diversity e.g know factors that contribute to a diverse and equal society.You will identify factors which contribute to diversity and influence equality. Give the poster special emphasis on your local area, including information from local agencies such as ethnic minority community groups. Ensure you including the following 4 points clearly on the poster:Social factors: diversity eg culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexuality, age, family structure, social class, geographical location. Political factors: role of eg legislation, policy, welfare state, delivery of health and social care services.Equality: non-discriminatory practice; discriminatory practice eg stereotyping, labelling, prejudice.Biological factors: physical features; disabilities eg learning, physical.This will provide evidence for P1Task 2The Primary Care Trust have got a very large publicity department and have approached you to write a short report explaining the rights of individuals who use local facilities e.g the rights of people who use services. The short report will require research online, brochures from care settings, visiting the local library and group work with your tutor.This will provide evidence for P2Task 3You have volunteered to write an article for the local newspaper which explains the principles and values that underpin the support for individuals who use services. You could use a case study, (possibly taken from an issue in Community Care magazine or an appropriate DVD) to explain your points. Be sure to include the following 3 points within the article:Ethical considerations: right-to-life; social justice; person-centre approach; the expectations of individuals receiving the service; empathy, honesty; adherence to codes of practice and policies.Individual rights: rights to be respected; treated equally and not discriminated against; treated as an individual; treated in a dignified way; allowed privacy; safeguarded from danger and harm; allowed access to information about themselves; able to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language; supported in a way that meets their needs and takes account of their choices.Worker responsibilities: provision of active support to enable people who use services to communicate their needs, views and preferences; use of communication to support diversity, inclusion and promote equality of opportunity; confidentiality; disclosure; dealing with tensions between rights and responsibilities; importance of accurate recording, storage and retrieving of information, (including electronic methods), filing correctly and securely; the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2005This will provide evidence for P3Extend your explanation to discuss which common principles and values underpin the support of individuals who use services. This will provide evidence for M1Assess how the underpinning principles and values can be applied to the promotion of the rights of the individual. (Before awarding the higher grade tutors should ensure that learner has a clear understanding of how to make judgements in this context).This will provide evidence for D1End of assignment ................

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