Meyer Elementary

Meyer Elementary

Behavior Expectation Matrix


Expectations |Hallway/

Commons |Playground |Indoor Recess

In Classroom |Restrooms |Cafeteria |Classroom |Assemblies |Library |Computer

Lab |Arrival/

Departure | |

Be Safe

|* Use walking feet, facing forward

* Keep eyes open and feet on floor

* Stay in line

* Stay to the right |

* Use equipment and materials properly

* Play safe games


* Use walking feet

* Follow classroom safety procedures |

* Wash hands well

* Use a quarter size of soap |* Keep food to self-no sharing

* Sit with feet down and legs under the table

* Keep hands in own personal space |* Keep hands and feet to yourself.

* Move about safely

* Use material & equipment appropriately |

* Use walking feet, facing forward when you go in and when you leave

* Sit on your bottom |

* Use walking feet

* Use shelf markers safely


* Sit facing computer with legs under the table

* Use hand sanitizer |

* Walk safely

* Keep hands, feet, and personal items to self

* Stay in assigned location | |




* Keep hands and feet to yourself

* Use quiet voices

* Close lockers gently and completely


* Share playground equipment

* Be kind

* Listen to and follow directions of supervisors

* Line up quietly |

* Use quiet voices

* Cooperate with classmates

* Listen to and follow directions of adults |

* Knock on stall door before opening

* Give others privacy

* Use quiet voices

* Keep bathrooms clean |

* Use quiet voices when waiting in line

* Use quiet voice while eating at tables

* Allow others to sit by you

* Line up quietly |

* Listen and follow directions

* Treat others as you want to be treated |

* Use quiet voices

* No talking when directed

* Participate when asked

* Keep hands and feet to yourself |

* Use quiet voices

* Listen to and follow directions


* Use quiet voices

* Use equipment properly

* No talking when directed |

* Listen to adults

* Use good manners | |




* Walk only where you need to go

* Keep hallways clean

* Keep lockers clean |* Ask permission to go inside

* Put all materials away after use

* Wear clothing appropriate for the weather

* Report concerns immediately to adults |

* Select a game or activity to do

* Clean up after yourself.

* Ask permission to use bathroom

* Follow hallway procedures |

* Unlock door after use

* Report concerns to adults

* Use toilet properly

* Flush/Wash/

Leave |* Get what you need as you go through the line

* Clean up after yourself. If you drop something, pick it up

* Follow directions for handling trays and trash

* Place lunchbox in classroom bucket |

* Do your best work

* Make good choices

* Take care of your classroom |

* Stay in assigned area

* Make good choices |

* Handle books with care

* Return books on time

* Push in your chair before you leave |

* Raise your hand for help

* Push in chair |

* Arrive on time

* Wait in designated area

* Enter and leave building promptly

| |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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