
Psychosocial Theory

2nd Lecture

← Theory that focuses on developmental task, focuses on EGO as this develops from social interaction

← The developmental tasks are sequential and depend on prior successful mastery

← An individual who fails to “master” the task at appropriate age may return to work on mastery

Use of the theory in Nursing

← Assessment can be done focusing on the psychosocial development at specific age

← Appropriate interventions can be selected based on task

← Nurses can promote healthy behaviors and encourages hope that re-learning is possible

Erikson’s Psychosocial theory(Erik Erikson (1902–1994)

← Trust versus mistrust

← Autonomy versus shame and doubt

← Initiative versus guilt

← Industry versus inferiority

← Identity versus role confusion

← Intimacy versus isolation

← Generativity versus stagnation

← Ego integrity versus despair

Life Stages

I. Trust vs Mistrust (0 – 18 months of age)

✓ Child develops sense of trust or mistrust of others;

✓ Shares openly and relates to others;

✓ Interpersonal skills start to develop

II. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

✓ 18 months – 3 y/o;

✓ Child learns self-control or becomes very conscious and full of doubt;

✓ Negativistic attitude;

✓ Exhibits motor self-control and independence thru negativism;

✓ Parallel play is the social skill.

III. Initiative vs Guilt (3 – 5 y/o)

✓ Child initiates spontaneous activities or develops fear of wrongdoing;

✓ Shows appropriate social behaviors;

✓ Curiosity and exploration;

✓ Social Skill: Cooperative Play

IV. Industry vs Inferiority (6 – 12 y/o)

✓ Child develops the social and physical skills necessary to negotiate and compete in life;

✓ Acquisition of competence;

✓ Ability to cooperate and compromise;

✓ Identification with admired others (teachers, parents)

Identity vs Role Diffusion ( 12 – 20 y/o )

✓ Teenager either integrates childhood experiences into a personal identity;

✓ May develop self-doubts about sexual or occupational roles;

✓ Establish relationship with the opposite sex;

✓ Fidelity with friends;

✓ Also value importance of beauty or self-image;

|Psychosocial Stage |VIRTUE |PATHOLOGY |

|T vs MT |HOPE |Psychosis Addiction Depression |

|A vs S and D |WILL |Impulsivity Paranoia Obs/Comp |

|Initiative vs G |PURPOSE |Conversion Phobia Inhibition|

|Ind vs Inf |COMPETENCE |Creative inhibition |

|Identity vs RD |FIDELITY |Gender-related identity disorders |

|Inti vs Iso |LOVE |Schizoid |

|G vs S |CARE |Midlife crisis |

|Integrity vs D |WISDOM |Despair Alienation |

VI. Intimacy vs Isolation (18 – 25 or 30

✓ The person develops commitment to work and to other people;

✓ Ability to give and receive love;

✓ Responsible sexual behaviors;


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