Math 7 - Unit 1 – Graphs Mrs

Math 8 - Unit 1 –Integers Mrs. O’Sullivan

Vocabulary due: _________

• Define the vocabulary words on loose-leaf. You can use the glossary of your textbook or look in the index to find out what page the word can be found. Definitions might also be in your class work notes or in the dictionary. Be sure to include examples and/or pictures of each word. You may use the computer.

1. numerical expression 5. order of operations

2. evaluate 6. variable

3. integer

4. absolute value

Topic Homework

1. Integers and Absolute value Page 55 #’s 9-35 odd

2. Addition and Subtraction of Page 61 #’s 19-35 odd

Integers Page 65 #’s 13-21 odd

Page 66 #’s 31-39 odd

3. Multiplication and Division Page 72 #’s 10-21 all

Of Integers Page 76 #’s 11-19 all

4. Order of Operations Page 66 #’s 42-45 all

(PEMDAS) Page 72 #’s 22-25 all

Page 76 #’s 22-25 all

5. Review Page 79 #’s 1-18 all

6. Quiz Worksheet

(No calculators)

Math 8 - Unit 2 - Equations and Inequalities

Vocabulary due: _______ This assignment will be worth 10 points

11. equation 16. solution of an equation

12. inequality 17. solution of an inequality

13. inverse equations 18. verbal model

14. like terms

15. distributive property

Topic Homework

7. Two- Step Equations Pages 121 #’s 13, 17, 20, 21, 28,

30, 33, 36, 37

check any 5

8. Two-step equations with Page 274 #’s 15, 16,17,18,19,21,

distributive property and 22,29,30

combining like terms check any 2

9. Two-step with variables on Pages 279-280 #’s 1-6 all, 13,15

both sides check any 2

10. Translating verbal sentences Worksheet

to equations

11. Quiz Page 285-285 #’s 9-15 odd,

31,33 check any 2

12. Solving Inequalities Page 143 #’s 10-13, 22-24

Page 148 #’s 17-20

Page 297 #’s 9,11,13,16,19

Page 149 #’s 29,31

13. Translating verbal sentences Page 303 #’s 1-5 all

to inequalities Page 304 #’s 6 – 13;16,17

14. Writing verbal sentences to Page 297 #’s 22, 23

match mathematical statements Worksheet

15. Review Worksheets

16. Test on Unit 2 Cumulative Review sheet

Math 8 – Unit 3 Percents

Vocabulary due: ______________ (10 points)

19. ratio 26. interest

20. proportion 27. simple interest

21. percent 28. discount

22. equivalent ratios 29. principal

23. percent of change 30. annual interest rate

24. percent of decrease

25. percent of increase

Topic Homework

17. Measurement in Customary System Worksheet

18. Measurement in Metric System Worksheet

19. Ratios and Proportions Page 319- 320 #’s 2, 3, 4,

23-28 all and 34

Page 325 #’s 12- 15 all, 25

20. Percents, Fractions and Decimals Page 334 #’s 13- 37 odd

21. Using the percent proportion and Page 329 #’s 7 – 17 odd

Equation Page 349 #’s 7 – 15 odd

(Use either the proportion or equation)

22. Quiz on lessons 17 – 20 Worksheet

23. Percent of Change Page 340 #’s 2, 3, 7 – 12 all

24. Discount, Sales tax, Gratuities Pages 344- 345 #’s 2, 3, 6, 14, 19,

28, 29

25. More Practice Page 345 #’s 7, 16, 17, 27, 30

26. Quiz on lessons 21, 23, and 24 Worksheet

and more practice


27. Simple Interest Page 349 #’s 6, 17, 18, 24, and 25


28. Commission Worksheet


29. More Practice with Percent problems Worksheet


30. Estimating with percents Worksheet


31. Review Worksheets


32. Test on Unit 3 Cumulative Review sheet

Math 8 – Unit 4 Homework – Angles

Vocabulary due: ________ (15 points)

31. point 41. obtuse angle

32. line 42. supplementary angles

33. ray 43. complementary angles

34. segment 44. vertical angles

35. angle 45. perpendicular lines

36. plane 46. parallel lines

37. vertex of an angle 47. degrees

38. straight angle 48. corresponding angles

39. right angle 49. alternate interior angles

40. acute angle 50. alternate exterior angles

You must study and learn all vocabulary!!

Topic Homework

33. Introduction to geometry Page 718 #’s 1- 7 all

Page 719 #’s 1 – 10 all


34. Types of Angles Page 375 #’s 1 – 6 all

Page 378 #’s 1 – 4, 6, 7


35. Vertical Angles Page 376 #’s 7, 8

Page 378 #’s 5, 8, 9


36. Parallel lines cut by a transversal Page 377 #’s 9 – 12

Page 378 #’s 10 – 12

Page 379 #14


37. Quiz on lessons 33 – 35 Worksheet


38. Practice with all angle Worksheet



39. Finding missing angle measures Worksheet


40. Using algebraic equations to find angles Worksheet


41. Quiz on lessons 36 to 40 Worksheet


42. Review Study Worksheets!!!!!


43. Test on Unit 4 Cumulative review sheet

Math 8 – Unit 5 (Polygons)

It is important that you know the terms in this unit. You must study!

Vocabulary due: __________

51. polygon 59. quadrilateral

52. regular polygon 60. parallelogram

53. equilateral triangle 61. rhombus

54. isosceles triangle 62. trapezoid

55. scalene triangle 63. square

56. acute triangle 64. rectangle

57. right triangle

58. obtuse triangle

Topic Homework

44. Triangles Page 384- 385 #’s 12- 24 all

45. Exterior angle of a triangle Worksheet

46. Quadrilaterals Pages 387 – 388 #’s 1 – 7 all and 11 – 16 all


47. Area of Polygons Worksheet


48. Review Worksheets


49. Test on Unit 5 Cumulative Review sheet

Math 8 – Unit 6 (Functions and Graphs)

* Graph paper and pencils needed

Vocabulary due : 12-22-10

65. relation 74. y-coordinate

66. function 75. x-axis

67. scatter plot 76. y-axis

68. domain of a function 77. function notation

69. range of a function 78. linear equation

70. coordinate plane

71. origin

72. ordered pair

73. x-coordinate

Topic Homework

50. Coordinate Plane Page 93 #’s 11 – 22 all


51. Scatter plots Page 547 – 548 #’s 1 – 5 all, 10 – 12 all

25 and 26


52. Relations and Functions Page 543 – 544 #’s 1 – 5 all, 13 – 16 all


53. Writing a Function Rule Pages 543- 544 #’s 6, 7, 8, 21, 22


54. Ordered Pairs as solutions Pages 551 – 552 #’s 7, 8, 10- 13 all

23, 25


55. Solving Equations for y Pages 551 – 552 #’s 2 – 4 all

31 – 35 all

56. Tables for graphing Worksheet


57. Solving problems using graphs Worksheet


58. Non. Linear equations Worksheet


59. Practice with non-linear functions Worksheet


60. Review Worksheets


61. Test Cumulative review sheets

Math 8 – Unit 7 (Transformational Geometry)

Vocabulary due: _______ Pencils, Graph notebook or graph paper are needed

79. transformation 86. rotation

80. reflection 87. 90º clockwise rotation (270º counterclockwise rotation)

81. image 88. 90º counterclockwise rotation

82. reflection in the x-axis 89. 180º rotation

83. reflection in the y-axis 90. similar polygons

84. line symmetry 91. dilation

85. translation 92. scale factor

Lessons Homework

62. Reflections and Symmetry Page 405 #’s 1, 2

Page 406- 408 #’s 1 – 10 all, 23, 28


63. Translations Page 94 # 31

Page 411 – 413 #’s 1, 2, 15 – 18 all


64. Rotations Page 411 – 413 #’s 3, 4, 19 – 27 odds, 36


65. Dilations Page 408 # 29

Page 419 – 421 #’s 1 – 5 all, 15, 16, 24


66. Similarity Pages 419 – 421 #’s 8 – 12 all, 14, 21, 22, 29, 30


67. Proportions in triangles Worksheets


68. Compositions of Transformations Worksheets


69. Review Worksheets


70. Review (Computer lab) Worksheets


71. Test on Unit 8

Math 8 – Unit 8 (Operations with Monomials and Polynomials)

* We will be using the Red book- leave at home

Vocabulary due: ________ - words are also in the green book.

93. binomial 100. polynomial

94. coefficient 101. standard form

95. commutative property of addition 102. terms of an expression

96. commutative property of multiplication 103. trinomial

97. constant term

98. like terms

99. monomial

Lesson Homework

72. Addition of Monomials and polynomials Page 270 #’s 1 – 57 odd

73. Perimeter and Real-life examples Page 271-272 #’s 59-61 odd

Pages 320 – 321 #’s 1 – 5 odd

74. Subtraction of Polynomials Page 274 #’s 7 – 33 odd, 49, 51, 53

75. More Subtraction Page 274 #’s 37, 39, 55

Page 302 #’s 1 – 4

76. Quiz on lessons 72 – 75 Worksheet

77. Laws of exponents Page 277 – 278 #’s 1 – 33 odd

Page 282 #’s 7 – 29 odd

78. Multiplying monomials by polynomials Pages 282-283 #’s 31 – 57 odd

79. More Multiplying Page 283 #’s 65 – 85 odd

80. Multiplying binomials Page 285 column 1 #’s 1 – 28


81. Quiz on lessons 77 – 80 Worksheets

82. Laws of exponents (division) Page 288 #’s 1 – 19 odd

Page 299 #’s 1 – 27 odd

83. Zero and negative exponents Page 291-292 #’s 1 – 33 odd

84. Evaluating expressions with exponents Worksheet

85. Review Worksheets

86. Test on Unit 8 Coach book pages 63 – 80

Math 8 Unit 9- Factoring

Vocabulary due: _______

104. factors 110. DOTS

105. factoring a number 111. factoring a polynomial completely

106. prime number

107. composite number

108. GCF

109. square a monomial

• Write all problems in your notebook!

Lessons Homework

87. GCF (Greatest Common Factor) Page 629 column 1 #’s 1 – 50

88. Difference of two squares Page 633 column 1 #’s 1 - 42


89. Quiz on lessons 87 and 88

Trinomials Page 640 column 1 #’s 1 - 31

90. Factoring Practice Page 629 column 4 #’s 4 – 49

Page 633 column 3 #’s 12 – 44

Page 639 column 3 #’s 3 – 30

91. Quiz on lesson 87 - 90 and Page 642 #’s 1 – 31 odd

factoring completely

92. Factoring Completely Page 642 #’s 33 – 41 odd

Math 8 – Unit 10 Linear Equations

Vocabulary due: _______ 10 points * back to the green book

112. x-intercept 119. solution of a linear inequality

113. y-intercept 120. half-plane

114. slope 121. input

115. rise 122. output

116. run

117. slope-intercept form

118. solution of an equation in two variables

Lesson Homework

100. Review of graphing and Worksheets


101. Slope Worksheet

102. Slope with formula Page 573 #’s 10 – 25 all

103. Quiz on 100 – 102 and Worksheet

solving for y

104. Slope-intercept form Page 579 #’s 9-15 all (don’t graph)

Page 580 #’s 22 and 23

105. Writing the equation of a line Worksheet

106. Graphing using slope and y-intercept Page 579 – 580 #’s 1 – 5 all

#’s 9 – 14 all

107. Quiz on lessons 103 to 106 Worksheet

108. Systems of equations Worksheet

109. Review day Worksheets

110. Graphing Linear Inequalities Page 586 #’s 11- 19 all 20 and 22

111. Graphing systems of inequalities Worksheet

112. Review Page 591 #’s 11 – 17, 20, 21, 24

113. Test on Unit 10 Coach book

Math 8 – Unit 11

Review lessons for week 4/26 to 5/02

Lessons Homework

114. Converting Temperatures Coach book pages 221 - 225

and Review Show all work!!!!

115. Converting Currencies Coach book pages 228-229

Show all work!!

116. Calculating and comparing unit rates Coach book pages 232 – 234

Show all work!!

117. Map scales Coach book pages 237 – 239

Show all work!!

118. Estimating Percents Coach book pages 240 – 243

and worksheet

Show all work!!

Math 8 – Unit 12 The Pythagorean Theorem

Vocabulary due: ___________ ( 5 points)

123. leg 128. Pythagorean triple

124. Pythagorean Theorem

125. square

126. square root

127. hypotenuse

Lessons Homework

124. Pythagorean theorem Green textbook page 446 #’s 11-21 odd

125. Using the Pythagorean theorem Page 452 #’s 3-9 and finish


126. Pythagorean triples Page 452 #’s 11-16 all and finish


127. Quiz on Pythagorean theorem Worksheet

Unit 13- Similar Polygons

Vocabulary due: ________ 4 points

129. similar polygons 132. scale factor

130. congruent polygons

131. dilation

Lesson Homework

123. Similar polygons Worksheet

124. More similar polygons Green text pages 419-420

#’s 1-14 and 21

125. More practice with similar Worksheets


Unit 14 - Constructions


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