LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM enables dealers to utilize Search Engine Marketing to effectively drive traffic to your used car Vehicle Details Pages. The platform leverages VIN-specific marketing capabilities to create and launch ads for each used VIN you need to sell, guiding shoppers to a matching VDP. There's nothing like it in the industry, and it's a game-changer for automotive marketers.

The used car dilemma.

Your used car inventory is a mixed bag of high margin Certified Pre-Owned VINs, off-brand VINs, high mileage VINs, branded VINs, cheap cars and more. Plus, these VINs hopefully turn faster than new cars. But leveraging Search Engine Marketing to drive traffic to used car VDPs has previously been a cumbersome task. The LotLinx platform solves this challenge, by dynamically generating specific SEM campaigns for every unique VIN on your lot, and sending shoppers directly to your VDPs.

Putting the power of SEM to work for your used car inventory.

With LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM, dealers finally have an effective way to drive more traffic to used VINs. The platform enables you to focus on all, or even just some, of your used VINs to move your used inventory faster.


Now, with LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM, you can actively market your used car inventory

in search engine marketing and drive visits to specific VDPs.

Here's how it works:

We utilize the LotLinx VIN View Optimizer to analyze your used inventory and identify the vehicles that can benefit from an SEM effort.

Then, we create specific SEM campaigns, including ads, for each targeted VIN.

Your ads are served to shoppers searching for specific keywords that define a VIN, such as make, model, year, and ZIP code.

When a shopper clicks on the ad, they're taken to that car's VDP, right on your website.

When the car sells, the campaign ends automatically, which means you don't waste money marketing unavailable VINs.

With LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM you can finally market your entire used car inventory effectively and efficiently. With a direct link between your ads and your VDPs, you don't pay for wasted clicks. Your cost per VDP view is low, and engagement metrics are high.

? 2002, 2009, 2012, 2016, 2017 LotLinx, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and User Interface is confidential and proprietary to LotLinx, Inc., and is disclosed under confidentiality and contractual obligations. Not to be disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without LotLinx Inc.'s prior written authorization. Protected by US Patent No. 8,818,857. Other Patents Pending.

Monitor SEM campaign success, and your entire budget.

Our comprehensive, transparent reporting process ensures you know exactly what you're spending on each VIN, so you can manage your overall budgets more efficiently. You'll be able to monitor the number of VDP views, and the number of cars sold. All tracking takes place through Google Analytics.

Now, with LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM, you can actively market your used car inventory in search engine marketing and drive visits to specific VDPs.

Example campaigns dealers can deploy using LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM:

Your off-brand used simply don't generate the VDP traffic you need to maximize turn. You use LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM to find car shoppers who are searching for those cars in your PMA, and drive them to the VDPs of your off-brand used cars.

After 20 days on lot, you typically markdown used cars, believing that a price reduction will convert browsers into purchasers. At the same time, you deploy a LotLinx VIN-Specific SEM campaign to give those VINs both a price reduction and the additional online views they need to move.

As a BMW dealer, your used inventory is exclusively BMW. You want every BMW intender, new or used, in your DMA to know about your vast inventory. You work with LotLinx to activate a campaign focused on SEM for all used BMWs.

Dealers have the capability of executing these SEM campaigns for their inventory:

Branded Make

Off-Brand Make

DOL 45+

Dealer Brand + Used

Slow Starters ( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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