Highland Literacy Project





Follow-up tasks for reading


Literacy Officers L. Sim, F. Shearer

Updated June 09

Highland Literacy Project


CORE READING GUIDELINES: Follow up activities P1-2/3

A Curriculum for Excellence

The strategies suggested in this booklet support the following Literacy and English outcomes and experiences from A Curriculum for Excellence.

| | Levels |

|Organisers |Sub divisions |Early |First |

|Writing |Enjoyment and choice |LIT 0-01a/ LIT 011a/ LIT 0-20a |LIT 0-20a/ LIT 2-20a |

| |Tools for writing |ENG 0-12a/ LIT 0-13a/ LIT 0-21a |LIT 1-21a |

| | |LIT 0-21b |LIT 1-22a |

| | | |LIT 1-23a |

| | | |LIT 1-24a |

| |Organising and using |LIT 0-26a |LIT 1-25a |

| |Information | |LIT 1-26a |

| |Creating texts |LIT 0-09b/ IT 0-31a |LIT 1-28a/LIT 1-29a |

| | | |ENG 1-30a |

| | | |ENG 1-31a |

|Reading |Enjoyment and choice |LIT 0-01a/LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a |LIT 1-11a / 2-11a |

| | |LIT 0-01b/ LIT 0-11b | |

| |Tools for reading |ENG 0-12a/ LIT 0-13a/ Lit 0-21a |ENG 1-12a |

| | | |LIT 1-13a |

| |Finding and using |LIT 0-14a |LIT 1-14a |

| |Information | |LIT 1-15a |

| |Understanding, analysing and|LIT 0-07a/ LIT 0-16a/ ENG 0-17a |LIT 1-16a |

| |evaluating |LIT 0-19a |ENG 1-17a |

| | | |LIT 1-18a |

| | | |ENG 1-19a |

[pic] The HLP emphasises the reading into writing approach, therefore most of the activities in this booklet require the pupil to refer to and read their core reading book.

Talking and Listening

As these guidelines are based on active learning, many of the Talking and Listening outcomes and experiences are also supported.

Follow Up Tasks for Reading [pic]

Points to note:

✓ Pupils should be given plenty opportunities to work collaboratively on follow up activities. Workbooks/sheets should be kept to a minimum!

✓ Activities may need to be differentiated to stretch your more able

pupils within the group or to support others who may need easier tasks.

✓ To practice all the skills needed for reading, Pupils should be given a wide variety of follow up activities.

✓ Please refer to the golden 5 minutes below – a very successful strategy.


A ‘top tip’ for making your core reading lessons as effective as possible

is to make time for 5 golden minutes at the end of each session.

Bring all the children together to share what the groups working on a follow up have done. Choose one ‘good’ example for each different task and ask that pupil to explain to the class the learning intention and how they went about it.

Peers are invited to say why they thought the work was good and the teacher has the opportunity to add additional points.

Always choose an example that is good. To boost moral, it may be idea to also choose someone who has improved and ask them to tell the class what they have done to improve (great opportunity for self evaluation)

Golden benefits of doing this include-

✓ Pupils see a good model

✓ They learn what is expected in terms of quality and quantity

✓ Most will raise the standard of their work

✓ More will finish the task on time

✓ The teacher will need fewer explanations of tasks as they will see new ones modelled

✓ Pupils are given opportunities to evaluate their peers

✓ There are opportunities for self evaluation

✓ You can collect a bank of examples to show when needed

Follow Up Tasks for Reading P1-2/3 [pic]

Key point – The following is simply a list of activities. It is not detailed nor is it differentiated. Please note that activities should be challenging, not merely a means to keep a group quiet. For example a book cover activity should consist of writing the blurb on the back cover before any drawing is undertaken. If it is anticipated that the pupils may find the task very challenging then simple work them in pairs where they can offer peer support.

Teachers will also need to ensure that the principles of CFE are taken account of when planning follow up activities.

Challenge & enjoyment breadth progression personalisation & choice

depth coherence relevance

Some ideas

• Write answers to simple comprehension questions.

• Ask a partner simple questions to go with the book.

• Read the book again for pleasure or read to a friend or a soft toy.

• Write down 3 fascinating facts you learned from a non-fiction book.

• Re-tell the story to partner/teacher/class.

• Write/discuss alternative ending for text.

• Simple pictorial Book Reviews.

• Add new vocabulary to Reading & Writing Wall.

• Read, write & draw 6 words from book. (write before drawing)

• Find words from their book with 2/3/4/5 letters and record them.

• Reading scheme games or CD Roms.

• Read onto a tape.

• Choose a favourite sentence to read, write and draw.

• Find the title, author and illustrator of the book.

• Find a rhyming word in the book that matches words given by the teacher.

• Using wordless books, write some text for each page to tell the story.

• Using a wordless book, add speech bubble post its.

• Use a newspaper to highlight or cut out words from the book.

• Design a new cover and title for book. (only when book is completed. Take book away)

• Dictionary work, e.g. highlight 3 tricky words for a partner to find and clarify.

• Find 10 words beginning with ‘A’ /’sh’ from the book, write onto a whiteboard.

• Find a word in the book for each letter of the alphabet [or known sounds]

• Find words containing sh/ch/ee/oo etc.

• Grammar work –Put in capital letters or full stops from a piece of text. (could use Textease)

• Grammar Hunt – read and find nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. (could use Textease)

• Highlight capital letters/full stops/exclamation marks/question marks/speech marks etc from a piece of text (could use Textease)

• Find all the words in the book with a capital letter and copy them on a whiteboard.

• Choose 6 words from the book to practise spelling with a partner, using whiteboards.

• Lotto/word bingo games to reinforce vocabulary.

• Play snap/pairs using key words from book.

• Play snap/pairs to match vocabulary to pictures.

• Draw a character/setting from the description in the text. (add key words?)

Follow Up Tasks for Reading [pic]

• Write about what a character might be thinking or feeling, using speech bubbles.

• Highlight 5 adjectives and give alternatives. (could use Textease)

• Look in text for alternatives for said, small, big, happy, sad etc and add to the Reading & Writing Wall.

• Make a poster for an event in the text e.g. a party.

• Research topic/author/illustrator on Internet. (with support)

• Cloze procedure.

• Write a simple blurb (synopsis) from the back cover in your own words.

• Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of events in a part/whole book.

• Sentence reconstruction. Copy text and cut up. Ask a partner to reconstruct the sentence correctly.

• Read and discuss another text by the same author.

• Act out an event as a drama using puppets.

• Write about a favourite character.

• Draw an alternative illustration for a page.

• Identify and record words with the same letter patterns/beginnings/endings.

• Choose a piece of environmental print from the book and make a large copy to display.

• Find smaller words within words, with a partner.

• Look for and record compound words, with a partner.

• Make a zig-zag book of the story.

• ‘Draw the Face’ sheets for main characters.

• Character/word jigsaws.

• Listen to stories on tape.

• Play simple reading games created by the teacher example in booklet (To be enlarged)

ICT links

➢ Many of the activities can be done using a prepared interactive whiteboard eg list of main words from reading book plus some common words. Pupils drag words together to make sentences.

➢ Some of the reading ‘schemes’ have interactive CD ROMS with activities

➢ Use a BEEBOT ‘robot’’ eg Place cards with words from reading book and common words on the floor. Pupils programme the robot to make a sentence.

➢ Use talking pads/tins (or tape recorders) for pupils to record themselves reading

➢ Use a digital camera to ‘film’ a partner reading

➢ Use simple software for pupils to predict what might happen after their reading book ends- 2simple is excellent for this as they can write and illustrate

➢ Software can be used to create simple matching games using the words from their reading books.


On the following pages you will find some templates that you may find useful. Remember to use these sparingly, make activities as active as possible and use a variety of follow ups.


Alphabetical Order

Find a word in the book for every letter of the alphabet. You can use a dictionary to help you.

a n

b o

c p

d q

e r

f s

g t

h u

i v

j w

k x

l y

m z


Name: _______________ Date:___________

Title _________________________________

Author _______________________________

Illustrator _____________________________

This is my favourite part of the story

I thought the book was

Very good Ok not good

[pic] [pic] [pic]


This was a really interesting book! [pic]

It is called ………………………………………………………………………………………

By author ……………………………………………………………………

The illustrator is ………………………………………………………

The best bit of the book was




My favourite character was

………………………………………………………………………… because




I would give this book out of 10.

Name ……………………………………… Date ………………………………….


A compound word is a word made up of 2 smaller words. Find all the words in the book which are compound words. One has been done for you.

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Can you think of any more compound words? Use a dictionary to help you.

Name………………………………… Date…………………………


Find all the words in the book which have oo or ee in them. Write them here.

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Can you think of any more words which have oo or ee in them? Use a dictionary to help you.

Name………………………………… Date…………………………


Find all the words in the book which have ___ or ___ in them. Write them here.

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Can you think of any more words which have ____or____ in them? Use a dictionary to help you.

Name………………………………… Date…………………………

Name ………………………………………………………………… date………………………..

[pic] Poetry [pic]

Choose your favourite poem from the book.

Write all the rhyming words in the box.

[pic] illustrate your poem

in the spaces

Title ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Poet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name ………………………………………………………………………………… date………………………..


Title: Author :

What did you find out ?


Illustrate this information


Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………… date ……………………………

[pic]Find words in your book with……….

|3 letters |4 letters |5 letters |6 letters |More than 6 letters |

|[pic] | | | | |

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Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………… date ……………………………

Find words in your book with………. [pic]

|1 letter |2 letters |3 letters |4 letters |

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[pic]Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………… date ……………………………

Read, write and draw

[pic]…………………………………… [pic]……………………………………….. [pic]………………………………………

[pic]………………………………… [pic]……………………………………. [pic]……………………………………….

Follow up planner/record P1-2/3

Title: Level:

Group: Date:

|Write/discuss alternative |Write answers to simple |Ask a partner simple |Read the book again for |Write down 3 fascinating |

|ending for text. |comprehension questions. |questions to go with the |pleasure or read to a friend|facts you learned from a |

| | |book. |or a soft toy. |non-fiction book. |

|ORT games or CD Rom. |Find words from their book |Read, write & draw words |Add new vocabulary to |Simple pictorial Book |

| |with 2/3/4/5 letters and |from book. |Reading & Writing Wall. |Reviews. |

| |record them. | | | |

|Find the title, author and |Choose a favourite sentence |Read onto a tape. |Using wordless books, write|Use a newspaper to highlight|

|illustrator of the book. |to read, write and draw. | |some text for each page to |or cut out words from the |

| | | |tell the story. |book. |

|Find words containing |Find a word in the book for |Find 10 words beginning with|Dictionary work, e.g. |Design a new cover and title|

|sh/ch/ee/oo etc. |each letter of the alphabet.|……… from the book, write |highlight 3 tricky words for|for book. |

| | |onto a whiteboard. |a partner to find and | |

| | | |clarify. | |

|Choose ……. words from the |Find all the words in the |Highlight capital |Grammar Hunt – read and find|Grammar work –Put in capital|

|book to practise spelling |book with a capital letter |letters/full |nouns, verbs, adjectives |letters or full stops from a|

|with a partner, using |and copy them on a |stops/exclamation |etc. |piece of text. |

|whiteboards. |whiteboard. |marks/question marks/speech | | |

| | |marks etc from a piece of | | |

| | |text (could use Textease) | | |

|Write about what a character|Draw a character/setting |Play snap/pairs to match |Play snap/pairs using key |Lotto/word bingo games to |

|might be thinking or |from the description in the |vocabulary to pictures. |words from book. |reinforce vocabulary. |

|feeling, using speech |text. | | | |

|bubbles | | | | |

|Cloze procedure. |Research topic/author/ |Make a poster for an event |Look in text for |Highlight 5 adjectives and |

| |illustrator on Internet. |in the text e.g. a party. |alternatives for said, |give alternatives. (could |

| |(with support) | |small, big, happy, sad etc |use Textease) |

| | | |and add to the Reading & | |

| | | |Writing Wall. | |

|Look for and record compound|Write about a favourite |Sentence reconstruction. |Make a cartoon strip showing|Write a simple blurb |

|words, with a partner. |character. |Copy text and cut up. Ask a|the sequence of events in |(synopsis) from the back |

| | |partner to reconstruct the |chapter. |cover in your own words. |

| | |sentence correctly. | | |

|Character/ word jigsaws. |Act out an event as a drama |Read and discuss another |‘Draw the Face’ sheets for |Make a zig-zag book of the |

| |using puppets. |text by the same author. |main characters. |story. |


|Listen to stories on tape. |Copy a piece of environmental |Identify and record words with |Find smaller words within |Draw an alternative |

| |print from the book |the same letter patterns or |words, with a partner. |illustration for a page. |

| | |beginnings/endings | | |

|Re-tell the story to a partner |Find rhyming words in book |Find words in book that rhyme |Find words in the book that |Use digital camera to record |

| | |with words given by teacher |match meanings given by the |partners reading |

| | | |teacher | |

|Use interactive whiteboard fro |Use beebot for reading activity| | | |

|reading activity | | | | |

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|[pic]MORE IDEAS | | | |

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The template below can be used for many reading games. Enlarge and just put in the words you want them to practice in the middle and around the outside. Pupils throw a dice to move around the outside of the board using an object as a marker. When they land on a word, if they can read it, they get to put a counter (or similar) on the same word in the middle. They can’t put a counter on it if the word already has counter on it. The winner is the first to get rid of all their counters.

You can use lots of words or just a few to practice. Words can be repeated around the outside and in the middle as often as you want.

If you want to adapt the template electronically, go to .uk/hlp .

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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