
Home Learning Maths, Art and Science

Here is a list of activities you can do with your children over the next two weeks:

• Number formation sheet (This is something that needs a lot of practise throughout Year R so we have popped it in again)

. Number Formation-get your child to write down the numbers you say. Check they are forming them correctly. Going over the teens numbers would be fantastic. We have included our number formation sheets in the pack too.

• Legs problem Solving. We have included a challenge for children to use their counting and adding skills. A good skill is to be able to count on from a given number rather than starting from 0 every time.

Mental and Oral Maths

Counting forwards and backwards in steps of 1, 2, 10 and 5’s. Starting at different numbers, not always 0!

What is one more than...

What is one less than…

Pairs of numbers that make 10 we call these number bonds to ten in school.

• The box game addition

• 10 green bottles number rhymes

Art Activities

• Design a minibeast. You can cut and stick the parts off the sheet to make your very own minibeast. A writing opportunity could be to write all about your new minibeast or even a story about them.

Science Activities

During our minibeast topic we would be learning all about the life cycle of a frog. In the pack you will find a life cycle picture that you could talk about with your child. They may want to research about them further. YouTube is a great resource for things like this, but as always we say this with a word of caution to supervise your child to ensure they are watching appropriate videos. Included in the pack is an activity to order the different stages of the life cycle of a frog.

Please continue to stay safe and with all our Home Learning Activities, remember that the most important thing is to have fun!


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