Infant A Lesson Plan week 29 - Crème de la Crème

[Pages:34] Infant Program

Class: Infant A (0-3 months)- - - -(3-6 months) Focus: Sounds

Date: April 17-21, 2017

Week: 33

Approaches Toward Learning: Communication, Curiosity, Attention, Persistence

Parent Letter: Encouraging Motor Skills

English Vocabulary: rattle, sing, mouth

Spanish Vocabulary: sonaja, cantar, boca

American Sign Language (ASL): rattle, sing, mouth







Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs ?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs ?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs ?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs ?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs CD





Sing "Good Morning to You" ?

Sing "Good Morning to You" ? Sing "Morning Greeting ?

Sing "Good Morning to You" ? Sing "Morning Greeting ?

"Buenos d?as."

"Buenos d?as."

"Saludo de la manana".

"Buenos d?as."

"Saludo de la manana".

?CALM: Give a hug to each baby.

?CALM: Give a big smile to each ?CALM: Smile to the babies and ?CALM: Give a hug to each baby. ?CALM: Smile to the babies and ?CONNECT: Using Lily sing "Look

Brain Start Way to baby and tell them you love

Start the Day

them. ?CONNECT: Using Lily sing

tell them you love them.

?CONNECT: Using Lily sing

?CONNECT: Sing "Look Who "Look Who Came to School

Came to School Today" ? "Mira Today" ? "Mira quien vino a la

tell them you love them.

Who Came to School Today" ? "Mira

?CONNECT: Sing "Look Who quien vino a la escuela hoy".

Came to School Today" ? "Mira ?COMMIT: Using a kind voice

"Look Who Came to School

quien vino a la escuela hoy". escuela hoy".

quien vino a la escuela hoy". remind babies several times a day

Today" ? "Mira quien vino a la ?COMMIT: Using a low voice ?COMMIT: Using loving hands ?COMMIT: Using gentle hands that they are safe.

escuela hoy".

remind babies several times a remind babies several times a remind babies several times a

?COMMIT: Using a kind voice tell day that they are safe.

day that they are safe.

day that they are safe.

babies several times a day that

they are safe.

?Funny Sounds (L9)

?Read Moo, Baa, La La La!

?Funny Sounds (L9)

?Read Moo, Baa, La La La!

?Funny Sounds (L9)

Making funny sounds draw

Say the animals sounds.

Making funny sounds draw

Say the animals sounds.

Making funny sounds draw

attention to your mouth. Sing ? Frog Street Welcome Guide ( p attention to your mouth. Sing ? Frog Street Welcome Guide (p attention to your mouth. Sing "Ram

"Ram Ram Sam" (Frog Street 69) Sing "I Wiggle" (p 70)

"Ram Ram Sam" (Frog Street 69) Sing "I Wiggle" (p 70)

Ram Sam" (Frog Street Baby Songs

Language Development

Baby Songs CD). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba (L20)

Baby Songs CD). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba (L20)

CD) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba (L20)

Sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little

Play the song "Ram Sam Sam"

Play the song "Ram Sam Sam"

Star" substituting "ba-ba-ba-ba"

(Frog Street Baby Songs CD).

(Frog Street Baby Songs CD). Sing

for the lyrics.

Sing along with the song. Bicycle

along with the song. Bicycle a

a baby's legs while singing.

baby's legs while singing.


Cognitive Development



G?Wreheatt'tsheThbaatbNieosisbey?n(aCm3)e. Continue to make noises with your mouth. Incorporate different sounds like of rattles or musical toys, -------------- --------?Look at My Face (C13) Hold a baby in front of you. Bring him close, make some sounds with your mouth and wait a few moments for him/her to take in your facial features while making different sounds.

G?PrheoetothAecbtiavbitiyesCabrydn5ame. rattle ? sonaja

T each the ASL signs for rattle ? sonaja sing ? cantar mouth ? boca





Continue to make noises with rattle ? sonaja

your mouth. Incorporate different

sounds like of rattles or musical Teach the ASL signs for


rattle ? sonaja

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sing ? cantar

?Look at My Face (C13)

mouth ? boca

Hold a baby in front of you. Bring

him close, make some sounds

with your mouth and wait a few

moments for him/her to take in

your facial features while making

different sounds.


?GWreheatt'tsheThbaatbNieosisbey?n(aCm3)e. Continue to make noises with your mouth. Incorporate different sounds like of rattles or musical toys, -------------- --------?Look at My Face (C13) Hold a baby in front of you. Bring him close, make some sounds with your mouth and wait a few moments for him/her to take in your facial features while making different sounds.

Social Emotional Development

?Peek-a-Boo (SE7)

?I Love You Rituals by Becky

Play Baby Face (Frog Street


Baby Games CD). Play this

Cuddling and Snuggling Games

game with a baby laying on

Snuggle Up (p 192)

his/her back or sitting.

Sit and hold the baby and recite

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Snuggle Up."

?Greetings (SE12)

Make up a greeting for each

baby. Use the greeting when the

baby arrives and throughout the


?Peek-a-Boo (SE7) Play Baby Face (Frog Street Baby Games CD) .Play this game with a baby laying on his/her back or sitting. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?Greetings (SE12) Make up a greeting for each baby. Use the greeting when the baby arrives and throughout the day.

?I Love You Rituals by Becky Bailey Cuddling and Snuggling Games Snuggle Up (p 192) Sit and hold the baby and recite "Snuggle Up."

?Peek-a-Boo (SE7) Play Baby Face (Frog Street Baby Games C D).Play this game with a baby laying on his/her back or sitting. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?Greetings (SE12) Make up a greeting for each baby. Use the greeting when the baby arrives and throughout the day.

Physical Development

?Hold My Finger ? Sujeta mi

?Push Up (P5)

?Push Up (P5)

?Push Up (P5)

?Push Up (P5)

dedo (P1)

Lay a baby on the floor on

Lay a baby on the floor on

Lay a baby on the floor on

Lay a baby on the floor on his/her

Making different sounds place his/her tummy in front of the his/her tummy in front of the

his/her tummy in front of the tummy in front of the mirror. This

your finger in a baby's palm and mirror. This will give the baby an mirror. This will give the baby an mirror. This will give the baby an will give the baby an opportunity to

encourage him/her to grasp

opportunity to push up to look opportunity to push up to look at opportunity to push up to look at push up to look at him/herself in the

your finger.

at him/herself in the mirror.

him/herself in the mirror.

him/herself in the mirror.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

------------------------ ------------------------

?Baby's Hokey Pokey (P16)

?Baby's Hokey Pokey (P16)

?Baby's Hokey Pokey (P16)

?Baby's Hokey Pokey (P16)

?Baby's Hokey Pokey (P16)

Play Baby's Hokey Pokey (Frog Play Baby's Hokey Pokey (Frog Play Baby's Hokey Pokey (Frog Play Baby's Hokey Pokey (Frog Play Baby's Hokey Pokey (Frog

Street Baby Games CD). Play Street Baby Games CD). Play Street Baby Games CD). Play the Street Baby Games CD). Play the Street Baby Games CD). Play the

the game again without the CD the game again without the CD game again without the CD to a game again without the CD to a game again without the CD to a

to a slow tempo.

to a slow tempo.

slow tempo.

slow tempo.

slow tempo.








GC.r1e.ebt. tRheesbpaobnides tboytneamchee.r's body language and direction C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" when teacher says "da" D.1.a. Pays attention and exhibits curiosity in people and objects. D.3.b. Enjoys playing peek-aboo B.1.c. Engages in positive relationships and interactions with adults - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D.1.b. Coos, giggles, laughs when teacher plays games with them C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" when teacher says "da" C.3.c. Enjoys playing with language-like sounds B.2.b. Turns and looks at teacher when their name is called A.2.a. Develops control of large muscles for movement

GC.r1e.ebt. tRheesbpaobnides tboytneamchee.r's body language and direction C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" when teacher says "da" D.1.a. Pays attention and exhibits curiosity in people and objects. D.3.b. Enjoys playing peek-aboo B.1.c. Engages in positive relationships and interactions with adults - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D.1.b. Coos, giggles, laughs when teacher plays games with them C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" when teacher says "da" C.3.c. Enjoys playing with language-like sounds B.2.b. Turns and looks at teacher when their name is called A.2.a. Develops control of large muscles for movement

GC.r1e.ebt. tRheesbpaobnides tboytneamchee.r's

GC.r1e.ebt. tRheesbpaobnides tboytneamchee.r's GC.r1e.ebt. tRheesbpaobnides tboytneamchee.r's body

body language and direction

body language and direction language and direction

C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da"

when teacher says "da"

when teacher says "da"

when teacher says "da"

D.1.a. Pays attention and exhibits D.1.a. Pays attention and

D.1.a. Pays attention and exhibits

curiosity in people and objects. exhibits curiosity in people and curiosity in people and objects.

D.3.b. Enjoys playing peek-a-boo objects.

D.3.b. Enjoys playing peek-a-boo

B.1.c. Engages in positive

D.3.b. Enjoys playing peek-a-boo B.1.c. Engages in positive

relationships and interactions B.1.c. Engages in positive

relationships and interactions with

with adults

relationships and interactions adults

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - with adults

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

D.1.b. Coos, giggles, laughs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D.1.b. Coos, giggles, laughs when

when teacher plays games with D.1.b. Coos, giggles, laughs

teacher plays games with them


when teacher plays games with C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da"

C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" them

when teacher says "da"

when teacher says "da"

C.2.a. Imitates sounds like "da" C.3.c. Enjoys playing with language-

C.3.c. Enjoys playing with

when teacher says "da"

like sounds

language-like sounds

C.3.c. Enjoys playing with

B.2.b. Turns and looks at teacher

B.2.b. Turns and looks at teacher language-like sounds

when their name is called

when their name is called

B.2.b. Turns and looks at

A.2.a. Develops control of large

A.2.a. Develops control of large teacher when their name is

muscles for movement

muscles for movement


A.2.a. Develops control of large

muscles for movement

Infant Program

Class: Infant B (6-12 months) Focus: Sounds

Date: April 17-21, 2017

Week: 33

Approaches Toward Learning: Communication, Curiosity, Attention, Persistence

Parent Letter: Encouraging Motor Skills

English Vocabulary: rattle, ear, eyes, body

Spanish Vocabulary: sonaja, oido, ojos, cuerpo

American Sign Language (ASL): rattle, ear, eyes, body







Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

Greet the babies by name.

?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs ?UNITE: Sing "Morning Chant" ? ?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs ?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs ?UNITE: Frog Street Baby Songs CD


"Saludo de la manana" (Frog CD


Sing "If You're Happy and You

Sing "Good Morning to You" ? Street Welcome Guide p 72). Sing "If You're Happy and You Sing "Good Morning to You" ? Know It" ? "Si estas feliz y lo

"Buenos d?as".

?CALM: Teach the children

Know It" ? "Si estas feliz y lo

"Buenos d?as".


?CALM: Stretch your arms and "smell the flower" taking a deep sabes".

?CALM: Stretch your arms and ?CALM: Teach the children "smell


Brain Start Way to ?CONNECT: Acknowledge

breath and "blow the candle" exhaling.

?CALM: Teach the children


"smell the flower" taking a deep ?CONNECT: Welcome back

the flower" taking a deep breath and "blow the candle" exhaling.

Start the Day

friends who are absent with Lily. ?CONNECT: Welcome back

breath and "blow the candle"

?COMMIT: Show the babies their friends who have been absent exhaling.

friends who have been absent ?CONNECT: Acknowledge friends

with Lily.

who are absent with Lily.

photos as you put his/her photo with Lily.

?CONNECT: Acknowledge

?COMMIT: Remind infants

?COMMIT: Show the babies their

in the Safekeeper Box.

?COMMIT: Remind infants

friends who are absent with Lily. several times a day that they are photos as you put his/her photo in

several times a day that they are ?COMMIT: Show the babies their safe..

the Safekeeper Box.


photos as you put his/her photo

in the Safekeeper Box.

Language Development

?Sound Vibrations (L24)

?Read Merry-Go-Round ? El

Place a medium-size box over Carrusel

your head and speak. Remove

the boix and speak again. Speak

in a high voice and then in a low

voice while under the box. Place

a baby's hand on your throat as

you speak and then in front of

your mouth as you speak.

?Sound Vibrations (L24) Place a medium-size box over your head and speak. Remove the boix and speak again. Speak in a high voice and then in a low voice while under the box. Place a baby's hand on your throat as you speak and then in front of your mouth as you speak.

?Read Merry-Go-Round ? El Carrusel

?Sound Vibrations (L24) Place a medium-size box over your head and speak. Remove the boix and speak again. Speak in a high voice and then in a low voice while under the box. Place a baby's hand on your throat as you speak and then in front of your mouth as you speak.


Cognitive Development






G?Mreaektetaherabttalbeies by name. Shake the rattle fast and then soft and talk about the different sounds it makes.

G?PrheoetothAecbtiavbitiyesLibbyranraymCea.rds 3, 4; Photo Activity Card 4 and 5 Shake the rattle. Talk about the noise it makes rattle ? sonaja ear ? oreja eyes? ojos cuerpo ? body ?Teach the ASL signs for rattle ? sonaja ear ? oreja eyes? ojos cuerpo ? body

G?Srheaekt ethtehebaRbaitetsleby name.

?GPrheoetothAecbtiavbitiyesLibbyranraymCea.rds 3,

Make rattles with different things 4; Photo Activity Card 4 and 5

inside and talk about different Shake the rattle. Talk about the


noise it makes

rattle ? sonaja

ear ? oreja

eyes? ojos

cuerpo ? body

?Teach the ASL signs for

rattle ? sonaja

ear ? oreja

eyes? ojos

cuerpo ? body

?GMreaektetaherabttalbeies by name. Shake the rattle fast and then soft and talk about the different sounds it makes.

Social Emotional Development

?Pat-a-Cake Feet (SE22)

?I Love You Rituals by Becky

Talk about a baby's sweet feet Bailey

that will take him anywhere.

Interactive finger play Dancing

Make different sounds with your Hands (p 93)


?Pat-a-Cake Feet (SE22) Talk about a baby's sweet feet that will take him anywhere. Make different sounds with your feet.

?I Love You Rituals by Becky Bailey Interactive finger play Dancing Hands (p 93)

?Pat-a-Cake Feet (SE22) Talk about a baby's sweet feet that will take him anywhere. Make different sounds with your feet.

Physical Development

?Forward and Backward (P26) ?Play the game I'm a Choo-Choo ?Forward and Backward (P26) ?Play the game I'm a Choo-Choo ?Forward and Backward (P26)

Invite babies to crawl forward or Train ? Soy un tren choo-choo Invite babies to crawl forward or Train ? Soy un tren choo-choo Invite babies to crawl forward or

backward. Demonstrate

(Frog Street Welcome Guide p backward. Demonstrate crawling (Frog Street Welcome Guide p backward. Demonstrate crawling

crawling backward.





Talk about the sounds the train

Talk about the sounds the train




B.1.b. Shows social interaction with a smile and mutual eye gaze B.1.c. Claps and smiles back and forth with familiar adults D.2.c. Begins to repeat actions to get and effect D.3.b. Looks in right direction for toys dropped or partly hidden by blanket C.3.c. Enjoys playing with language-like sounds C.3.c. participates in activities or songs that require listening

B.1.b. Shows social interaction B.1.b. Shows social interaction B.1.b. Shows social interaction B.1.b. Shows social interaction with

with a smile and mutual eye

with a smile and mutual eye gaze with a smile and mutual eye

a smile and mutual eye gaze


B.1.c. Claps and smiles back and gaze

B.1.c. Claps and smiles back and

B.1.c. Claps and smiles back forth with familiar adults

B.1.c. Claps and smiles back forth with familiar adults

and forth with familiar adults D.2.c. Begins to repeat actions to and forth with familiar adults D.2.c. Begins to repeat actions to

D.2.c. Begins to repeat actions get and effect

D.2.c. Begins to repeat actions get and effect

to get and effect

D.3.b. Looks in right direction for to get and effect

D.3.b. Looks in right direction for

D.3.b. Looks in right direction toys dropped or partly hidden by D.3.b. Looks in right direction toys dropped or partly hidden by

for toys dropped or partly


for toys dropped or partly


hidden by blanket

C.3.c. Enjoys playing with

hidden by blanket

C.3.c. Enjoys playing with language-

C.3.c. Enjoys playing with

language-like sounds

C.3.c. Enjoys playing with

like sounds

language-like sounds

C.3.c. participates in activities or language-like sounds

C.3.c. participates in activities or

C.3.c. participates in activities or songs that require listening

C.3.c. participates in activities or songs that require listening

songs that require listening

songs that require listening

Infant Program

Class: Infant C (12-18 months)

Focus: Sounds

Date: April 17-21, 2017

Week: 33

Approaches Toward Learning: Communication, Curiosity, Attention

Parent Letter: Encouraging Motor Skills

English Vocabulary: ears, hands, feet, body

Spanish Vocabulary: oidos, manos, pies, cuerpo

American Sign Language (ASL): ears, hands, feet, body







? Greet every child by name. ? Greet every child by name. ? Greet every child by name.

? Greet every child by name.

? Greet every child by name.

? UNITE: Sing "Five Little

?UNITE: (Frog Street Baby

? UNITE: Sing "Five Little Ducks" ?UNITE: (Frog Street Baby

?UNITE:( Frog Street Baby Songs

Ducks" ? "Cinco patitos".

Songs CD) Sing "Good Morning ? "Cinco patitos".

Songs CD) Sing "Good Morning CD) Sing "Good Morning to You" ?

? CALM: Invite children to follow to You" ? "Buenos d?as".

? CALM: Invite children to follow to You" ? "Buenos d?as.".

"Buenos d?as".

you lead.

? CALM: Invite children to "smell you lead.

? CALM: Invite children to "smell ? CALM: Invite children to "smell the

? CONNECT: With Lily name the the flower" taking a deep breath ? CONNECT: You've Been Missed the flower" taking a deep breath flower" taking a deep breath and

children that are absent and and "Blow the candle" exhaling. (SE62)

and "Blow the candle" exhaling. "Blow the candle" exhaling.

send them well wishes.

? CONNECT: You've Been

Have Lily the puppet recite the ? CONNECT: You've Been

? CONNECT: You've Been Missed

Brain Start Way to ? COMMIT: Tell children our

Start the Day

classroom is a safe place. Put the children's pictures in the

Missed (SE62)

rhyme and give a returning child Missed (SE62)


Have Lily the puppet recite the a kiss when she finishes.

Have Lily the puppet recite the Have Lily the puppet recite the

rhyme and give a returning child ? COMMIT:

rhyme and give a returning child rhyme and give a returning child a

Safe box.

a kiss when she finishes.

Tell children our classroom is a a kiss when she finishes.

kiss when she finishes.

? COMMIT: Tell children our

safe place. Put the children's ? COMMIT: Tell children our


classroom is a safe place. Put pictures in the Safe box.

classroom is a safe place. Put Tell children our classroom is a safe

the children's pictures in the

the children's pictures in the place. Put the children's pictures in

Safe box.

Safe box.

the Safe box.

Language Development

? Sing, Sing a Song (L47)

?Read Merry-Go-Round.

Sing familiar songs with little

ones. Stop singing before

saying the last word of a line or

before some important words in

the song and see if little ones

can add the missing word.

? Sing, Sing a Song (L47)

?Read Merry-Go-Round.

Sing familiar songs with little

ones. Stop singing before saying

the last word of a line or before

some important words in the

song and see if little ones can

add the missing word.

? Sing, Sing a Song (L47) Sing familiar songs with little ones. Stop singing before saying the last word of a line or before some important words in the song and see if little ones can add the missing word.







Cognitive Development

?DGarneceitnegvSerhyadchoiwldsb(Cy 5n0a)me. ?PGhroeteot AevcetirvyitcyhCiladrbdys n1,a2m, e3., and ?DGarneceitnegvSerhyadchoiwldsb(Cy 5n0a)me.

Dance with babies between light 4

Dance with babies between light

source and a wall to create

ears ? oidos

source and a wall to create

dancing shadows. Use soft and hands ? manos

dancing shadows. Use soft and

normal tones of music.

feet ? pies

normal tones of music.

body ? cuerpo

?Teach the ASL signs

ears ? oidos

hands ? manos

feet ? pies

body ? cuerpo

?PGhroeteot AevcetirvyitcyhCiladrbdys n1,a2m, e3., and ?DGarneceitnegvSerhyadchoiwldsb(Cy 5n0a)me.


Dance with babies between light

ears ? oidos

source and a wall to create dancing

hands ? manos

shadows. Use soft and normal

feet ? pies

tones of music.

body ? cuerpo

?Teach the ASL signs

ears ? oidos

hands ? manos

feet ? pies

body ? cuerpo

Social Emotional Development

? Gently Rock (SE63)

?I Can, Can You? (SE54)

Show little ones how to rock a Invite children to mimic your

baby doll while singing "Rock-a- actions in "I Can, Can You?"

Bye Baby" (Frog Street Baby (Frog Street Baby Songs CD).

Songs CD).

? Gently Rock (SE63) Show little ones how to rock a baby doll while singing "Rock-aBye Baby" (Frog Street Baby Songs CD).

?I Can, Can You? (SE54) Invite children to mimic your actions in "I Can, Can You?" (Frog Street Baby Songs CD).

? Gently Rock (SE63) Show little ones how to rock a baby doll while singing "Rock-a-Bye Baby" (Frog Street Baby Songs CD).

Physical Development


? Streamer Dancing (P58)

? Streamer Dancing (P58)

? Streamer Dancing (P58)

? Streamer Dancing (P58)

? Streamer Dancing (P58)

Have children hold and wave Have children hold and wave Have children hold and wave Have children hold and wave Have children hold and wave

scarves while they dance to

scarves while they dance to

scarves while they dance to

scarves while they dance to

scarves while they dance to "Puppy

"Puppy Dance" (Frog Street

"Puppy Dance" (Frog Street

"Puppy Dance" (Frog Street

"Puppy Dance" (Frog Street

Dance" (Frog Street Baby Songs

Baby Songs CD). Encourage Baby Songs CD ). Encourage Baby Songs CD) . Encourage Baby Songs CD ). Encourage CD) . Encourage them to swirl their

them to swirl their scarves and them to swirl their scarves and them to swirl their scarves and them to swirl their scarves and scarves and turn around.

turn around.

turn around.

turn around.

turn around.

C.3.a. Enjoys being read to and C.3.a. Enjoys being read to and C.3.a. Enjoys being read to and C.3.a. Enjoys being read to and C.3.a. Enjoys being read to and

exploring books

exploring books

exploring books

exploring books

exploring books

C.3.c. Participates in activities C.3.c. Participates in activities C.3.c. Participates in activities or C.3.c. Participates in activities or C.3.c. Participates in activities or

or songs that require listening or songs that require listening songs that require listening

songs that require listening

songs that require listening

C.3.d. Reaches for and holds C.3.d. Reaches for and holds C.3.d. Reaches for and holds C.3.d. Reaches for and holds C.3.d. Reaches for and holds writing

writing tools

writing tools

writing tools

writing tools


C.3.d. Marks or scribbles on C.3.d. Marks or scribbles on C.3.d. Marks or scribbles on

C.3.d. Marks or scribbles on

C.3.d. Marks or scribbles on paper





A.3.a. Develops control of small

A.3.a. Develops control of small A.3.a. Develops control of small A.3.a. Develops control of small A.3.a. Develops control of small muscles for manipulation and

muscles for manipulation and muscles for manipulation and muscles for manipulation and muscles for manipulation and exploration





C.1.c. Watches when others speak

C.1.c. Watches when others

C.1.c. Watches when others

C.1.c. Watches when others

C.1.c. Watches when others

and then makes sounds

speak and then makes sounds speak and then makes sounds speak and then makes sounds speak and then makes sounds themselves.





C.3.c. Hears and distinguishes the

C.3.c. Hears and distinguishes C.3.c. Hears and distinguishes C.3.c. Hears and distinguishes C.3.c. Hears and distinguishes sounds and rhythms of language

the sounds and rhythms of

the sounds and rhythms of

the sounds and rhythms of

the sounds and rhythms of

B.4.a. Shows interest and





awareness of others

B.4.a. Shows interest and

B.4.a. Shows interest and

B.4.a. Shows interest and

B.4.a. Shows interest and

A.2.a. Shakes or wiggles arms and

awareness of others

awareness of others

awareness of others

awareness of others


A.2.a. Shakes or wiggles arms A.2.a. Shakes or wiggles arms A.2.a. Shakes or wiggles arms A.2.a. Shakes or wiggles arms

and legs

and legs

and legs

and legs


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