Pediatric Quality Indicator 08 (PDI 08) Postoperative Hemorrhage or ...

AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM (AHRQ QITM) ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification v2022

Pediatric Quality Indicator 08 (PDI 08) Postoperative Hemorrhage or Hematoma Rate July 2022 Hospital-Level Indicator Type of Score: Rate

Prepared by: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services qualityindicators.

DESCRIPTION Discharges with postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma (secondary diagnosis) associated with a procedure to treat the hemorrhage or hematoma, following surgery per 1,000 elective surgical discharges for patients ages 17 years and younger. Excludes discharges with a principal diagnosis of postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma, or a secondary diagnosis of postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma present-onadmission; discharges in which the only operating room procedure is for treatment of postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma, or discharges in which the treatment of postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma occurs before the first operating room procedure; discharges for neonates with birth weight less than 500 grams; and obstetric discharges.

[NOTE: The software provides the rate per hospital discharge. However, common practice reports the measure as per 1,000 discharges. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 1,000 to report events per 1,000 hospital discharges.]

NUMERATOR Discharges, among cases meeting the inclusion and exclusion rules for the denominator, with any secondary ICD-10-CM diagnosis code for postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma (POHMRI2D*) and any listed ICD-10-PCS procedure code for treatment of postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma (HEMOTH2P*).

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AHRQ QITM ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification v2022 PDI 08 Perioperative Hemorrhage or Hematoma Rate qualityindicators.

DENOMINATOR OVERALL Elective surgical discharges, for patients ages 17 years and younger, with any listed ICD-10-PCS procedure code for an operating room procedure (Appendix A: ORPROC) . Elective surgical discharges (Appendix C: SURGI2R) are defined by specific MS-DRG codes with admission type recorded as elective (ATYPE=3).

Appendix A - Operating Room Procedure Codes Appendix C - Surgical Discharge MS-DRGs

DENOMINATOR EXCLUSIONS Exclude discharges: ? with a principal ICD-10-CM diagnosis code (or secondary diagnosis present on admission) for postoperative hemorrhage or postoperative hematoma (POHMRI2D* ) ? where the only operating room procedure is for treatment of postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma (HEMOTH2P* ) ? where the treatment of postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma (HEMOTH2P* ) occurs before the first operating room procedure (Appendix A: ORPROC ), if the dates of both procedures are available ? neonates (Appendix I ) with birth weight less than 500 grams (Birth Weight Category 1) (Appendix L ) ? MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) ? with an ungroupable DRG (DRG=999) ? with missing gender (SEX=missing), age (AGE=missing), quarter (DQTR=missing), year (YEAR=missing) or principal diagnosis (DX1=missing) ? with missing MDC (MDC=missing) when the user indicates that MDC is provided

For risk adjustments, discharges are grouped by risk category. Risk categories are mutually exclusive. Discharges can only be high or low risk. For risk category definitions, see Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDI) Parameter Estimates, v2022.

* See below for code list

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AHRQ QITM ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification v2022 PDI 08 Perioperative Hemorrhage or Hematoma Rate qualityindicators.

Postprocedural hemorrhage or hematoma diagnosis codes: (POHMRI2D)

D7821 D7822 D7831 D7832

Postprocedural hemorrhage of the spleen H9552 following a procedure on the spleen

Postprocedural hemorrhage of the spleen I97610 following Other procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of the spleen following a procedure on the spleen


Postprocedural hematoma of the spleen following Other procedure



Postprocedural hemorrhage of an endocrine system organ or structure following an endocrine system procedure


Postprocedural hematoma of ear and mastoid process following Other procedure Postprocedural hemorrhage of a circulatory system organ or structure following a cardiac catheterization Postprocedural hemorrhage of a circulatory system organ or structure following cardiac bypass Postprocedural hemorrhage of a circulatory system organ or structure following Other circulatory system procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage and hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure following Other procedure

E89811 E89820

Postprocedural hemorrhage of an endocrine system organ or structure following Other procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure following an endocrine system procedure

I97620 I97621

Postprocedural hemorrhage of a circulatory system organ or structure following Other procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure following Other procedure

E89821 G9751 G9752


Postprocedural hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure following Other procedure Postprocedural hemorrhage of a nervous system organ or structure following a nervous system procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage of a nervous system organ or structure following Other procedure

I97630 I97631 I97638

Postprocedural hematoma of a nervous system organ or structure following a nervous system procedure


Postprocedural hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure following a cardiac catheterization Postprocedural hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure following cardiac bypass Postprocedural hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure following Other circulatory system procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage of a respiratory system organ or structure following a respiratory system procedure


Postprocedural hematoma of a nervous system organ or structure following Other procedure


Postprocedural hemorrhage of a respiratory system organ or structure following Other procedure

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AHRQ QITM ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification v2022 PDI 08 Perioperative Hemorrhage or Hematoma Rate qualityindicators.


H59312 H59313

H59319 H59321

H59322 H59323 H59329 H59331 H59332 H59333 H59339 H59341 H59342

Postprocedural hemorrhage of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure


Postprocedural hemorrhage of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral

J95861 K91840

Postprocedural hemorrhage of Unspecified eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage of right eye and adnexa following Other procedure

K91841 K91870

Postprocedural hemorrhage of left eye and adnexa following Other procedure


Postprocedural hemorrhage of eye and adnexa following Other procedure, bilateral Postprocedural hemorrhage of Unspecified eye and adnexa following Other procedure Postprocedural hematoma of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure Postprocedural hematoma of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure Postprocedural hematoma of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral Postprocedural hematoma of Unspecified eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure Postprocedural hematoma of right eye and adnexa following Other procedure

L7621 L7622 L7631 L7632 M96830 M96831 M96840

Postprocedural hematoma of left eye and M96841 adnexa following Other procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of a respiratory system organ or structure following a respiratory system procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of a respiratory system organ or structure following Other procedure Postprocedural hemorrhage of a digestive system organ or structure following a digestive system procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage of a digestive system organ or structure following Other procedure Postprocedural hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure following a digestive system procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of a digestive system organ or structure following Other procedure Postprocedural hemorrhage of skin and subcutaneous tissue following a dermatologic procedure Postprocedural hemorrhage of skin and subcutaneous tissue following Other procedure Postprocedural hematoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue following a dermatologic procedure Postprocedural hematoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue following Other procedure Postprocedural hemorrhage of a musculoskeletal structure following a musculoskeletal system procedure Postprocedural hemorrhage of a musculoskeletal structure following Other procedure Postprocedural hematoma of a musculoskeletal structure following a musculoskeletal system procedure Postprocedural hematoma of a musculoskeletal structure following Other procedure

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AHRQ QITM ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification v2022 PDI 08 Perioperative Hemorrhage or Hematoma Rate qualityindicators.

H59343 H59349 H9541 H9542 H9551

Postprocedural hematoma of eye and adnexa following Other procedure, bilateral


Postprocedural hematoma of Unspecified eye and adnexa following Other procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage of ear and mastoid process following a procedure on the ear and mastoid process

N99821 N99840

Postprocedural hemorrhage of ear and mastoid process following Other procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of ear and mastoid process following a procedure on the ear and mastoid process


Postprocedural hemorrhage of a genitourinary system organ or structure following a genitourinary system procedure

Postprocedural hemorrhage of a genitourinary system organ or structure following Other procedure Postprocedural hematoma of a genitourinary system organ or structure following a genitourinary system procedure

Postprocedural hematoma of a genitourinary system organ or structure following Other procedure

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