Experimental Design: Observation vs. Inference #1

Observation: recognizing or noting a fact or occurrence. There are two types of observations. . .Observations can be qualitative – observations made when you use your senses to observe results (Example: the apple is red, the knife is sharp).Observations can be quantitative – observations made with instruments such as rulers, balances, etc. These results are measurable and contain numbers (Example: There are 3 desks, the marble has a mass of 43.3 g).Inference: A conclusion based on observationExample: Joe likes strawberries because he is always eating them. Read each observation below and decide whether it is a Qualitative or Quantitative observation. Use a “1” for qualitative and a “2” for quantitative.___________ The pie smells sweet.___________ The pillow is soft.___________ One leaf of the three is 9 cm long.___________ The sandpaper is rough.___________ It gets darker later in the day.___________ Her hair is soft.___________ Her hair is 45 cm long.___________ There were 5 students that made straight A’s in class.___________ My vision is blurry in one eye.___________ We won the game by 1 point.___________ The lemonade is sour.___________ The temperature of the room increased by 8°C.___________ There are 4 clusters of students in each group.___________ The mass of the computer is 1.6 kg.___________ Coach Denny is shorter than Andre.Write your own qualitative observation of the classroom.Write your own quantitative observation of the classroom.Use the picture below to determine if the following statements are observations or inferences. Place a “Qual” in the blank for a qualitative observation, place a “Quan” in the blank for a quantitative observation and an “I” in the blank for an inference.__________ the road is black.__________ one tree is broken in half__________ there was an earthquake__________ the house is made of wood__________ the earthquake destroyed the house__________ the road is split__________ there is one power-line pole knocked down__________ a giant iguana destroyed the valley__________ it is summer__________ there are 15 trees__________ the markings on the road indicate a free passing road__________ there is a large crevice in the surface __________ the houses are in a valley ................

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