Infinite Campus Posting Grades-HS

Posting GradesWhen you are ready to post grades you will go to the column that says Post Grade and click on the orange Post button Clicking the POST button will bring up a new box. Here you will choose which task you are posting to. The only option you have will be the window that is open. Choose the correct task and select OKHigh School-You will only go through this process for 6 week progress; 12 week progress and Average****EOCT/EXAMS and SLO’s will not be posted through this process. They will be entered directly on the Grading by Task.Then you will be taken to this screen. Here you may enter any comments you want to be on the report card or progress report. Be sure to SAVE before you exit. Entering EOCTs/Exams and SLOs (as an exam grade) or changing a grade after postingGo to Post GradesChoose the correct class> correct term> and the Task you wish to enter grades on *HS options are Exam, EOCT or Post-SLO TestThen you will enter the grades into the Percent AND Score Column. You must enter it in BOTH columns. -The Percent column is where IC runs its calculations for Final Average-The Score Column is what shows up on the Parent Portal**If they don’t match, then what will show up on the report card and what the parents see on the portal will be different. Don’t forget to Save!!Changing GradesIf grades have been posted and you need to alter a student’s grade for whatever reason, there are two ways to do this: Go back into the gradebook and change an assignment grade and repost. This will help ensure that what the parent sees in the gradebook matches the grade that goes home on the report card OR go back through the steps above and choose the task you wish to change the grade for, but both % and Score column MUST match to calculate correctly. High School Semesters Grading Window Open End Date Date Reports IssuedProgress Report 1.1, Day 27September 2September 8September 10Progress Report 1.2, Day 56October 21October 27October 29End 1st Semester, Day 89December 15December 19January 9Progress Report 2.1, Day 113February 2<arFebruary 9February 11Progress Report 2.2, Day 145March 23March 27April 8End 2nd Semester, Day 180May 18May 22May 27**EOCT Windows:1st semester: Opens: 12/8/14Closes: 12/12/142nd semester: Opens: 5/11/15Closes: 5/15/15 ................

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