School Technology Plan Template

Waseca Public Schools

Technology Plan Cover Sheet

2016-2018 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018)

Organization Information

District/Agency/School (legal name): Waseca Public Schools

District Number: 0829

Technology Plan Status

The District/Agency/School has an approved 2013-15 technology plan:

X Yes No

2016-2018 Technology Plan Date of Creation: November 15, 2014

Identified Official with Authority

Name: Tom Lee

Title: Superintendent

Address: 501 Elm Ave E, Waseca MN 56093

Phone: 507-835-2500


Technology Contact

Name: Brian Hering

Title: Director of Technology Systems

Address: 501 Elm Ave E, Waseca MN 56093

Phone: 507-835-2500


Waseca Public Schools

2016-18 Technology Plan

Technology Needs Assessment. Describe the processes(s) used to determine the technology needs for the LEA for 2016-2018 and briefly summarize the needs that have been determined. Make sure to include any technology needs that will be supported through E-rate discounts, such as telephone, telecommunications access, Internet, and other E-rate eligible services:


• A staff survey will be conducted annually prior to January 15th that includes hardware, software, and staff development status and needs. The MN DOE Technology Instructional Practices Survey will be utilized.

• The District Policy and Planning Committee reviews, recommends changes and offers a budgetary perspective to the Technology Plan in January or February of each year based on survey data. Technology leaders in the district, building technology committees, and focus groups will provide input for additional recommendations. A final proposal will be made to the School Board for their review and approval.

• All technology hardware is recorded in a database. Critical information with regard to size, technical specifications, age, and location are maintained and regularly verified. With access to such information, technology assessments and needs can be easily identified and prioritized.

Summarized Needs that have been Determined:

• Replace Machines running Windows XP that can not run Windows 7 with computers that can run Windows 7. During FY15 this was 376 computers.

• Replace printers with new printers using managed print services and leasing. The current aged printers are not reliable and have printing problems due to lack of memory and driver compatibility.

• Voice amplification has been a successful addition enhancing student attention and engagement while at the same time ensuring there is adequate volume for all to hear.

• Replacement of aging technology is a need that requires attention, planning, and budget. As we have accomplished interactive classroom technology and computers that support classroom learning, it is important to address replacement before the technology fails.

• The demand for instructional technology is high. Teachers are requesting mobile technology for instruction and mobile carts have been supplied. As the number of carts has increased and demand has exceeded supply, we are looking at a 1 to 1 solution as an alternative.

• A focus has been placed on purchasing mobile technology.

• It is critical to have good technology staff to implement, maintain, train, and support technology.

• Category one e-rate discounts support telephone, telecommunications access, and Internet. Upon approval, Category two e-rate discounts will provide for the needs of the local area network, wireless network, and core network switches. The new equipment will provide a much needed upgrade to the expanding, rapidly changing, and increased demand of the overall network.

Goals and Strategies. List the specific goals and strategies for 2016-2015 that address how your LEA will use technology to deliver education and assist with school administration:

Instructional Technology

Objective: To provide appropriate technology to students and staff to improve learning, by enhancing or changing the instruction to better prepare students for higher learning and the work force.


A. Enhance Wireless Technology District Wide – 2015 - 2016.

Wireless has proven to be an invaluable transport at Waseca Public Schools. The usage and the number of devices attempting to use it have far exceeded original expectations. Another good surprise has been the density of users within a single area of a building. Also, technology has again changed and added another protocol called AC which will be necessary to operate efficiently in our wireless world making wireless comparable to a wired experience. Wireless has allowed the use of students and staff personal devices as well as mobile labs, classroom laptops, iPads, Chromebooks, and other mobile devices. Wireless technology will allow students to interact and learn how to utilize wireless technology so they may be proficient users of such tools in postsecondary education and the workforce. Wireless will be a key component as plans are created to consider a 1 to 1 implementation of mobile technology. The Category 2 e-rate funding will be critical to secure the necessary dollars to make such an initiative possible.

B. Update the local area network (LAN) and wide are network (WAN) switches. 2015- 2016. The LAN and WAN are core to the overall operation and success of the network. Current devices are 3Com Switches purchased on average in 2002. The new switches will need to supply power over Ethernet (POE) so that the switches can provide electricity to our phones, wireless access points, and fax machines. The ports where the devices are connected will need to be 1GB instead of 10/100MB and the backbone will be 10GB. The end result will be a network that is 10 times faster, greater flexibility, modern security, support, and POE. It will be a 1GB POE LAN with a 10GB backbone. This upgrade is designed to handle the increased number of devices and increased demand on the overall network.

C. Managed Print Services 2015 – 2016 Owning printers, providing maintenance, and managing supplies of toner, fusers, etc has proven to be expensive, difficult to manage, and hard to make a priority. The current printers are all between 8 and 18 years old. Waseca Public Schools is looking to replace all laser printers with a managed print service. This will allow a monthly payment that will include the printer, maintenance, and supplies. The school only needs to supply paper. This process will likely save the district up to 50% of its costs by using new, modern efficient printers that are managed by an organization that specializes in printers. The benefit will be no more budgeting and purchasing toner, no more outside repairs, reliable printers, and printers that support drivers in today’s world.

D. Update Current AUP to Include a Mobile Device Policy for Wireless Networking – 2016 - 2017

Update and revise WPS Acceptable Use Policies to reflect the current socio-mobile learning landscape. It is also important to remove all outdated and obsolete content. The new AUP should have a portion dedicated to Acceptable Use of Wireless Networks, Mobile Devices, and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Updating will help make our AUP more compatible with the 21st Century Learning Environment which we are hoping to achieve in our district.

E. Provide Access to Wireless, Mobile Labs, as well as Fixed, Wired Labs – 2016 through 2018

The demand for technology is still increasing at a steady pace. We continue to get requests for more carts. As we examine our crowded rooms, a more practical option would be to use mobile labs that will allow their use in any classroom or common area to meet additional technology needs and repurpose some of the labs as classrooms.

F. To Continue to Provide Access to Interactive Technology Tools in All Applicable Instructional Spaces – i.e.: IWB (Interactive White Boards), SMART Technology Systems (Sympodiums), Notebooks, Tablets/Slates, Document Cameras, Student Response Systems, etc. – 2015 through 2018

To implement and maintain the needed innovative interactive technology, classrooms will be furnished with the necessary technology based tools. These tools allow teachers to expand their methods of teaching, in turn improving student involvement and achievement, while enhancing and engaging students in each lesson. Integration of this interactive equipment allows students in Waseca Public Schools to stay competitive and gives students the opportunity to prepare for their future in our technology-driven world.

G. Continue to Maintain a Single, Integrated Website – 2016 - 2018

This will eliminate redundancy and confusion resulting from the current use of two separate websites.

H. Investigate and Establish One, District Wide, Combined Family Calendar - 2016 through 2018

Currently our district updates and maintains roughly seven separate calendars (i.e.: Lunch program, Athletics, Activities, Academics, etc.) causing user confusion.

I. Achieve Greater Participation in Our Current Learning Community Management System (Edline) by Regularly Updating Curricular Content (i.e.: upcoming tests, projects, field trips, homework, and progress reports) and Grades– 2015 through 2018

This integrated LMS website, with consistent and regular updating by all teachers, will help to address the increased desire by parents for real-time student information available via the web. Higher parent expectations of schools and teachers to provide comprehensive information about school programs and individual student achievement is the result of this increased desire. As part of this higher participation effort, a review will take place with a cross section of all users to find areas where we can improve our use of Edline.

J. Investigate the Educational Uses of Personal Mobile Devices for Students and Staff to Enhance Instruction and Learning (i.e.: Smartphones, tablets, laptops, Chromebooks, Surface, e-readers, etc.) BYOD - 2015 through 2018

Any and all technology available should be used to provide the most current, accurate and extensive information and learning resources possible in a cost effective manner at maximum convenience to the user. An important outcome would be instruction in the proper and respectful use of personal mobile devices for educational purposes. These adaptable teaching tools can be provided with no cost to the school district.

K. Pilot Wireless Devices for Use in Classrooms to Function as the Instructor’s Smart Software Interfacing with Smartboard to Give the Teacher Control and Mobility – (i.e.: Surface, Twist, iPad, etc.) – 2015 - 2018

It is important to explore and pilot new and innovative technology to determine its impact for instruction. This technology could allow teachers to move throughout a classroom, between classrooms, and even prepare classroom material anywhere at any time (at home, while attending conferences, while collaborating with colleagues in another district, etc.)

L. Develop a 1:1 Student Mobile Technology Plan (providing one device for each student, not BYOD) – 2015 through 2016

Laptops, Chromebooks, and mobile hand-held devices like cell phones, iPads, and book readers have become increasingly popular for people of all ages. We are sure to see this trend continue with faster and easier access to information with these types of devices. Laptops and 1:1 initiatives open up valuable educational benefits, and mobile computing devices can be powerful classroom tools for engaging students in dynamic, interactive digital learning experiences. The demand for technology at Waseca Public Schools is at the point where looking at 1:1 makes sense. There will be a number of challenges that will need to be addressed in the plan. We need to digitize the curriculum. Create a personalized learning experience for students. Offer an affordable device that fulfills the instructional needs for a sustainable solution. Provide a staffing infrastructure that allows for prompt support of the device. There will need to be training of staff, students, and parents. Determine deployment, home usage, lease, breakage, etc. procedures. If the devices go home it will be important to establish and maintain a secure and accessible network that protects users while still providing access to information.

M. Employ Staff for Technology and Provide an Environment Which Encourages and Supports Longevity – 2015 through 2018

Technology continues to increase in complexity. Obtaining the training and comfort level of the job for a new technician can take up to two years and takes away a lot of valuable time from a very short supply of existing technical staff. The concept of bringing in last minute technical help when needed has not worked. It is important to create a commitment to a sustainable number of staff members at a competitive wage. This will provide the best instructional technology support with a minimal staff.

N. Technology Training Opportunities Will be Offered Continuously, Allowing Staff and Student Access to the Most Extensive, Current, and Accurate Information Resources - 2016 through 2018

All district teachers will have the technology training, skills and resources needed to assure students will meet local and state learning objectives and have the technological means to assess and record student progress.

O. Continue to Move Toward 100% Paperless Communication District Wide (newsletters, Peek at the Week, classroom and school wide calendars, lunch menus, etc) - 2016 through 2018

In order to maximize the convenience factor while considering the economical and environment effects, a paperless communication system is needed. This also saves the district funds for printing and copying costs.

P. Develop Grades 4-12 Digital citizenship and Instruction Curriculum - 2016 through 2018

With student access to technology increasing rapidly, there is a greater need to train students on ethics, safety and civility (digital citizenship) when using technology, as well as the ability to evaluate the reliability of information found and to use it purposely. All students will demonstrate the mastered use of technology to access, process, organize, communicate and evaluate information in order to answer questions and solve problems and to practice digital citizenship.

Q. Offer Opportunities to Access Social Media, for Educational Purposes, in our Schools - 2015 through 2018

Social media includes web-based and mobile technologies used to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Studies show that schools which ban social media are missing out on an opportunity to incorporate learning tools students already know how to use. Moreover, when schools have tried to ban social media, now an integral part of a student’s life, they’ve had negative results. Many mainstream social media sites (i.e.: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram) still need to be blocked in our schools to receive federal funding because of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (which states that schools can’t expose their students to potential harm on the Internet). There are many safe and free tools that allow teachers to control an online environment while still benefiting from social media ( - safe blogging, - a safe Facebook and Twitter -like experience, etc.). Students can learn safe social networking and online communication by creating an approved profile and choosing words and phrases from an approved list via researched and pre-approved social networking sites. Teachers can manage friend lists and over sharing won’t be allowed so students learn online safety skills. In a controlled online environment, students can benefit from social media while learning digital citizenship and online media literacy skills.

R. Media Centers Will Add eBooks and eReaders as an Additional and Educational Resource - 2015 through 2018

The addition of information in digital formats such as eBooks is caused by the demands of our current students and the technology-driven world we live in. Students are motivated by technology, mobile devices and anytime/anywhere access. They also understand that they live in a world that is digitally driven. Providing access to and teaching proper usage of the most current technology, such as eBooks and eReaders, is part of our educational responsibility.

S. Move to Online Textbooks - 2015 through 2018

Online textbooks offer a viable and attractive means to meet both teacher and student needs while offering large savings to our district. Currently, some of our math and reading curriculum is offered online and is able to be utilized and synced with our SMART systems, allowing interactive learning with daily lessons. Several textbooks companies are also creating online versions of their materials that can be utilized with a variety of wired and wireless devices (i.e.: Notebooks, laptops, slates, E-readers, SMART boards, etc.). Online textbooks would offer teachers and students updated information and are designed to be customized to meet local, state and national instructional standards. More frequently updated content is another wonderful feature that online textbooks would offer.

T. Establish technology hardware replacement plan - 2015 through 2018

Define a hardware replacement cycle that matches the usable life of equipment and attempts to correspond to the provided budget and instructional goals.

U. Enhance online learning options for all - 2015 through 2018

Continue to increase educational options for all learners, including more online course offerings, interactive video offerings, and computer-based courseware options.

V. Convert to new Student System 2015 - 2018

Infinite Campus is a comprehensive SIS with more core functionality than any other system. It allows districts to efficiently serve students and communicate instantly with their stakeholders using the Campus Portal, Mobile Portal, Push Notifications and more. Data is entered once and immediately available across the district. The goals during this period will be to implement, learn, and to maximize the system to the fullest extent. Another goal will be to expand the modules to interface to as many systems as possible and even convert stand alone products like food service to Infinite Campus to provide enhanced integration of information since it would then be the same system.

W. Expand Video Content / Cable TV through Streaming Using the Data Network – 2016 - 2018

Teachers and students could access video content or cable TV from anywhere in the district where there is computer access. Teachers could project the video stream to the SMART Board and students could watch video directly on their computer

X. Create a Professional Online Video Library – 2015 – 2018 An online video library would provide staff development for those items that are new or frequently performed allowing access to personalized training on demand.

Teachers continue to integrate and enhance the use of technology as a tool for instruction (classroom presentations), curriculum preparation (tests, worksheets, displays, etc.), research (library access, Internet, etc.), a communication tool (E-Mail, Internet, etc.), and administration (grades, class management, etc.). Computers used for this purpose should have about the same capabilities elementary through high school. Teachers continual need for formal integration of technology skills into the content areas to meet state standards.

Professional Development Plan. Describe the professional development strategies you have in place for 2016-2018 to ensure LEA staff are prepared to use the technology infrastructure, software programs, and online resources provided:

Goal: To provide technology professional development opportunities for the instructional and management needs of the staff.

Atomic Learning offers solutions for professional development, technology integration and software training and support that simplify educational technology.

Professional Learning Communities will continually work toward full integration of instructional technology. A portion of PLC time shall allow for training opportunities in which teachers may develop new technology to enhance instruction and learning.

In-service opportunities shall exist within the district. The current structure utilizes the train-the-trainer model. Movement toward anytime, anywhere, and collaborative training and learning opportunities for teachers is a constant goal.

The district participates in an annual conference called “Innovation Zone Summit” with Mankato and St. Peter schools which is focused on team learning in a differentiated setting that provides learning around transforming instruction through the strategic integration of technology in the K-12 environment.

Waseca Public Schools participates in the TIES conference and annual Tech Academy through Minnetonka Public Schools.

The Building Technology Coordinators work with the District and Building Technology Committees to determine the technology professional growth and development needs of the staff, develop a plan for meeting these needs, and implementing the plan. The District and building professional development committees are involved in providing the time and funding for technology professional growth and development opportunities.

The Waseca Schools use existing staff, whenever possible, to help provide professional development training for staff in their areas of expertise.

Rotating Technology Coach: (ROTC) This initiative began in fall of 2014 as a way for the district to build capacity within in terms of our knowledge and use of technology for instruction. Led by the technology integration specialist, a dozen other teachers take turns rotating out of their classrooms on Tuesdays to assist their building staff with any technology needs, questions, or supporting them in a co-teaching model as they use new technology. The program provides one-to-one supportive environment to meet teachers where they are at or looking to be along the SAMR model of integrating technology into instruction. Professional development in this format allows for job imbedded, on going learning for teachers.

The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model (SAMR) offers a method of seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning.  It also shows a progression that adopters of educational technology often follow as they progress through teaching and learning with technology.

While one might argue over whether an activity can be defined as one level or another, the important concept to grasp here is the level of student engagement. One might well measure progression along these levels by looking at who is asking the important questions.  As one moves along the continuum, computer technology becomes more important in the classroom but at the same time becomes more invisibly woven into the demands of good teaching and learning.

Possible professional development training may include: use of Interactive White Boards, Laptops, SMART Software, Edline, xPlor, Wireless Projectors, voice amplification, classroom recordings for flipped classrooms, google docs, phone training, instructional use of the internet, use of web pages for instruction, and new and updated hardware and software training as needed.

Evaluation. Explain the evaluation process for your technology plan for 2016-2018, including timeline, roles and responsibilities, and information gathered to assess how the technology plan goals and strategies are being met:

The District Policy and Planning Committee’s regular agenda will include the evaluation of the progress of yearly goals. Annually the group will meet to study the progress of yearly objectives to realign our goals and strategies within our technology plan with the results being presented to the School Board as a revised plan. Success is measured by the completion of annual objectives based on results of studies, surveys and meetings. State tests, local assessments, and meeting specific State Standards will help determine the accomplishments of the technology plan.

Optional Links. Provide links to district strategic planning documents, survey instruments, policies, or other resources that were used to provide data and help prepare the technology plan:

Link to Current Technology Plan. Provide the link on the LEA website where the technology plan will be posted and updated throughout the planning period:

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

This LEA has an Internet Safety/Acceptable Use Policy in place.

X Yes No

If yes, please provide a link to access the policy at the LEA website:

This school district deploys an Internet filter to protect minors from material that is pornographic or otherwise harmful to them.

X Yes No


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