Mrs. Sbragia's Classroom Connection

School Year 2017 - 2018Name of Course: Psychology (1st Semester) Teacher Contact Information: Mrs. Lisa Sbragia Room: 35 Email: Website: mrssbragia. Phone: 305-0757 Box: 64Required Classroom Supplies due by: Monday, August 14, 2017Course Materials:Three-ring binder and folder paper to keep outline of notes from textbook, PPT & other assignments (to be collected at the end of each grading period for assessment).ORComposition Notebook and Folder to keep outline of notes from textbook, PPT & other assignments (to be collected at the end of each grading period for assessment).Writing instruments: Pens (blue or black, red), Pencil (#2 lead or darker), Highlighter Requested Classroom Supplies: ONGOINGTissuesPaper Towels Hand Sanitizer Clorox WipesCourse Objectives for the YearPurpose: The Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. Course Goals:Students will learn the various psychological perspectives and the key researchers and psychologists associated with each approach. Students will think critically about Psychological claims and studies.Students will discover how Psychology is used in society. Skill Building:Psychology prepares students to enter the workforce or college by promoting skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork. Students benefit from learning and applying psychological perspectives on personal and contemporary issues and learn the rules of evidence and theoretical frameworks of the discipline. Classroom ExpectationsClassroom Rules: Be prepared by reviewing assignments, having homework completed, and necessary materials ready.Be on time by being punctual, ready for class, and eager to participate.Be respectful by showing consideration for others, school property, appreciating peers and teachers, and being honorable.Be responsible by giving your best, making positive decisions, accepting accountability for both academics and behavior, and being a dependable person.Global Learner Outcomes (GLOs):Self-Directed Learner – be responsible for one’s own learning and decisionsComplex Thinker – use critical and creative thinking & problem solvingQuality Producer – recognize and produce quality performanceEffective Communicator – communicate w/ variety of audiences for a variety of purposesTeam Player – work effectively and ethically with others Classroom Procedures: Attendance: I will check attendance at the beginning of each class. Upon entering the classroom, take your seats, get out your classroom materials, and attend to the task presented on the board (quick start, critical thinking, journal writing).Students are expected to be in their seats upon the ringing of the tardy bell. If they are not, students will be required to get a tardy slip. Leaving the classroom requires permission from the teacher and a pass for the appropriate action. When I am giving whole group instruction, a student will be permitted to leave only in an emergency.Students will turn in assignments in blue or black ink or pencil as per assignment instructions. Unless the use of other colors is specified, the assignment will not be accepted.Cheating will not be tolerated! Seatwork and Group work: The class will be allowed and encouraged to talk quietly about certain assignments to obtain collaborative help from peers. However, no talking will occur during the administration of tests or quizzes or while I am speaking directly to the class. Students are expected to raise their hand to speak or obtain help during these times of instruction.At the end of class, students will be given enough time to put materials and personal items away. The class will always be dismissed by the teacher, never the bell. ConsequencesVerbal redirectionCommunication with parent/guardian and/or counselorDetention after school if/when student does not correct behavior that is disruptive to learningElectronics: ?Castle’s policy prohibits the use of cellphones and ipods during class time unless directed by teacher for educational purposes.Cell phones will be confiscated, turned in to the office to be picked up by a parent at the end of the day. ?IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PARENT/GUARDIAN SHOULD CONTACT THE MAIN OFFICE. THANK YOU.GRADING POLICY:The Caste High School Grading Policy will be followed in this class. The Policy is as follows:Infinite CampusInfinite Campus is the school’s on-line grade calculating and reporting program. I will update grades by 3 p.m. every Monday.CHS implements standards-based curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Grades will be based on proficiency scales along with multiple pieces of evidence that demonstrate a student has attained the concepts/skills required in the grade level standards for this particular course.Grade for the Assignment or AssessmentLetter Grade for the Assignment or Assessment5 A4B3C2D1FFurthermore, extra credit will not be offered.Quarter, Semester, Year GradesQuarter grades will be based on this formula: All graded assignments – 15% of total gradeAll graded assessments – 85% of total gradeSemester grades will be based on the average of the two quarter grades. RetakesStudents need to conference with me and request a re-take. It is at my discretion to allow a student to re-take an assessment. If a re-take occurs, I will take the higher grade. Re-takes are not provided for unexcused absences and firm deadline assessments.Firm DeadlinesFirm deadlines for large projects and finals can be established if communicated at the start of the project or quarter and reiterated often.Late WorkStudents need to conference with me to request turning in late work for credit. If accepted, students may have up to but no longer than two weeks after the due date to submit work. Maximum grade for late work is a 4.Unexcused AbsenceWork will be given to students and students will have the opportunity to turn in the work for a grade. Students may have up to but no longer than two weeks after the due date to submit work. Maximum grade for an unexcused absence is a 4. No re-takes allowed for work turned in from an unexcused absence. Finals WeekA final exam may be given at the end of each semester. A final exam schedule will be distributed early in the semester. Students should take every opportunity (A-period tutoring, re-takes, etc) to keep up with academic work throughout the semester to be prepared for each course’s final exam. Taking children out of school during finals week may be detrimental to their overall grades.Scope and Sequence for the Semester (subject to change) Psych Course Topics by QuarterQuarter 1Unit 1: Introduction to Psychology (1 week)Unit 2: Research Methods and Statistics (1 week)Unit 3: The Brain (2 weeks)Unit 4: Memory (1 week)Unit 5: Learning (2 weeks)Unit 6: Sleep and Dreams (1 week)Quarter 2Unit 7: Developmental Psychology (2.5 weeks)Unit 8: Personality (2 weeks)Unit 9: Sensation and Perception (1 week)Unit 10: Psychological Disorders and Treatment (3 weeks) *Note: Course goals, topics, and outline are aligned with the Hawaii Content and Performance Standards III, C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards, General Learner Outcomes, and Common Core Standards. Controversial Issues in Psychology: During the course of the year, we may deal with some sensitive issues of a personal nature (self-esteem, attraction, disability) or controversial issues of a more general nature (sexism, racism, classism). These topic discussions are vital to the learning of psychology and understanding of relevant research. Everyone must remember to listen to others respectfully, even if you disagree, and behave maturely. There are many topics in the field of psychology that may be considered controversial. For example, sexuality is discussed in conjunction with Freud, motivation and human development. All material covered in the course is aligned with the AP Psychology curriculum. I have used my professional judgment in selecting appropriate material to be used in teaching these topics. By signing below, parent/guardian gives permission for their student to read, view or participate in assignments that Mrs. Sbragia deems appropriate. If you have any individual concerns, please feel free to contact me. Other: If you break anything that belongs to the school or to the teacher, you must pay for the damages and/or the replacement of the item(s). THINK before you do anything. Remember, you are responsible for your own actions and inactions. Dear Psychology Students, It is my intention to teach you and guide you through Psychology in an inquisitive, intriguing, and very student involved manner. I ask you to be willing to try new things and be prepared to be challenged daily. If at any time you feel overwhelmed or have questions, do not hesitate to let me know prior to or after class. I can only help you if you allow me to do so – my door is always open. Get ready for an exciting year, and welcome to Psychology! ~Mrs. Sbragia Name: Period: Please sign and turn in by: August 14/15, 2017__________________________________ I have read and understood the attached syllabus for Psychology class. Date: ________________________________________________________________________ Student Print Name: _____________________________________________________________ Student Email Address: _________________________________________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Print Name: ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Email Address: __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Phone Numbers: Home: _______________ Work: __________________ Cell: __________________ ................

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