Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 User’s Guide

Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36

User's Guide

Part No. 820-7746-13 April 2011, Revision A

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Using This Documentation ix

Installing the Switch 1 Understanding Switch Specifications 1 Physical Specifications 2 Environmental Requirements 3 Acoustic Noise Emissions 3 Electrical Specifications 4 Network Management Connector and Pins 4 USB Management Connector and Pins 5 QSFP Connector and Pins 6 Routing Service Cables 7 Power Cord Requirements 7 Management Cable Requirements 8 Understanding InfiniBand Cabling 9 InfiniBand Cable Cautions 10 InfiniBand Cable Guidelines 11 InfiniBand Cable Types 12 InfiniBand Cable Path Lengths 12 InfiniBand Cable Bundling 13 Floor and Underfloor Delivery of InfiniBand Cables 14 Overhead Delivery of InfiniBand Cables 14


Preparing for Installation 15 Installation Preparation 15 Suggested Tools 16 Antistatic Precautions 16 Installation Responsibilities 17 Installation Sequence 17

Verify Shipping Carton Contents 18 Route the InfiniBand Cables 19 Install the Switch in the Rack 20 Powering On the Switch 25

Attach the Management Cables 26 Attach the Power Cords 28 Accessing the Management Controller 31

Access the Management Controller From the Network Management Port 31

Access the Management Controller From the USB Management Port 32

Verify the Switch Status 34 Start the Subnet Manager 36 Connecting InfiniBand Cables 38 Attach the InfiniBand Cables 38 Check Link Status 44 Verifying the InfiniBand Fabric 44 Discover the InfiniBand Fabric Topology 45 Perform Diagnostics on the InfiniBand Fabric 46 Validate the InfiniBand Fabric and Report Errors 47

Administering the Switch 49 Troubleshooting the Switch 49 Switch Hardware Problems 50

iv Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 User's Guide ? April 2011

InfiniBand Fabric Problems 53 Identifying LEDs 56

Front Status LEDs 57 Rear Status LEDs 57 Check Chassis Status LEDs 58 Check Network Management Port Status LEDs 59 Check Link Status LEDs 59 Check Power Supply Status LEDs 60 Check Fan Status LEDs 60 Understanding Routing Through the Switch 61 Switch Chip Port to QSFP Connectors and Link LED Routes 62 QSFP Connectors and Link LEDs to Switch Chip Port Routes 62 Signal Route Through the Switch 63 Switch GUIDs Overview 64 Understanding Administrative Commands 65 Hardware Command Overview 66 InfiniBand Command Overview 66 ILOM Command Overview 66 Monitoring the Hardware 67 Display Switch General Health 68 Display the State of the Chassis Status LEDs 68 Display Power Supply Status 69 Check Board-Level Voltages 70 Display Internal Temperatures 71 Display Fan Status 71 Display Switch Environmental and Operational Data 72 Display Chassis FRU ID 73 Display Power Supply FRU ID 73

Contents v


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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