Franchisee Type Profile - INFJ - personality type

Franchisee Type Profile - INFJ

Introverted - iNtuitive - Feeling - Judger

While every individual is unique, people who share the same Personality Type are remarkably similar in many important ways. This Franchisee Type Profile identifies your potential Strengths and Blind Spots. Pay close attention to these, as well as your Success Strategies - they can greatly increase your odds of being a successful franchisee.

Your Personality Type At a Glance INFJs are sensitive, committed, hardworking, and perceptive people with deep feelings, integrity and strong convictions. They are often excellent listeners, skilled at generating enlightened and creative solutions. Thoughtful and careful decision makers, INFJs often need time to let ideas "percolate" before taking action. INFJs are often perfectionistic, highly focused, and driven to accomplish their goals. Rather formal and reserved, INFJs can be difficult to read. It's important that their values need to be understood and respected. INFJs are not receptive to people who are insensitive, impatient, dismissive or sarcastic.

Potential Strengths - You are likely to be

Able to understand the big picture, discern patterns and see trends Someone who can focus all your attention and concentrate on one task at a time Planful, organized and driven to meet your goals and deadlines Perceptive about people and a good communicator Full of integrity and inspire respect and loyalty in others

Potential Blind Spots - You may have a tendency to

Not pay enough attention to important facts and details Make decisions based on your gut instinct, rather than on hard facts Be uncomfortable disciplining employees or dealing with unhappy customers Get frazzled when problems or situations arise unexpectedly Become anxious when rushed or forced to juggle several tasks at once

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Success Strategies - To be most successful

Focus on the benefit and value your product or service provides others Set up contingency plans to deal with unexpected, but possible situations Find a mentor with first-hand experience to consult with regularly Recruit and rely on a detail-person to provide balance Strive to meet high standards but don't expect perfection

Targeting the Right Opportunities

Knowing your personality type can help you identify those franchise opportunities that can give you the greatest satisfaction and success. Below are five "Key Career Satisfiers" for your type, which reflect your natural strengths and core values. Determining which of these satisfiers are most important to you, can help you identify the opportunity that you will find most rewarding.

What your type profile does not reveal, is which ones you may have a strong interest in. And, the more interested you are in a certain opportunity, the more satisfied you are likely to be. For example: If you really enjoy working with young children, owning a child care franchise may hold great appeal for you. Or, if you love words and writing, then a franchise which produces publications might be a better fit for you.

Your Key Career Satisfiers

Work whose mission maintains your integrity Being able to work independently A tension-free, supportive work setting Performing tasks that are in sync with your values Helping improving peoples' lives

Some Examples of Categories

Children's Services

International Opportunities


Event Planning

Health Aids

Travel and Tourism

Senior Care

Fitness and Gyms


Hair Salons

Educational Products/Services Pet Services

Photography/ Supplies

Senior Living Communities

Wedding Planning

Green and Eco-Friendly

Tutoring Publications Weight Control Pre-Employment Screen Services Staffing/ Personnel Services Hotels and Motels

Copyright ? 2012 SpeedReading People, LLC. All rights reserved. May not be used for any purpose without written permission of SpeedReading People, LLC

1. Visit the VetFran Toolkit on the International Franchise Association (IFA) website.

2. Look up the specific opportunities listed under categories you are interested in researching (i.e Internet Services).

3. Use what you've learned about yourself from this Franchisee Type Profile to evaluate the potential for satisfaction and success of each opportunity.

4. As you research each opportunity, ask yourself these important questions: * Are you willing and able to learn new skills? Would you rather give or take orders? Are you willing to follow franchisor rules and requirements?

How toAdreisycoouvreerawdyhitcohsasypegcooifidcboypeptoorctuonrpitoyraistebpeestrkfso?r Cyaonu you adjust to doing many support tasks yourself (i.e. copying, filing, payroll, etc)? Are you healthy enough for the type of work any particular franchise would require? Do you like people? Can you build and maintain positive relationships? Do you have the ability to sell? Do you have the financial ability to take this challenge on? Are you ready for the time commitment of a franchise operation?

*Source: Franchising for Dummies, Michael A. Seid and Dave Thomas, Wiley Publishing, 2010






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Copyright ? 2012 SpeedReading People, LLC. All rights reserved. May not be used for any purpose without written permission of SpeedReading People, LLC


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