Modern Men are Fucking ScumbagsPart 1 The NEET – The Default Character of the Industrial ManIn the past 5 months, the degenerate and nihilistic mindset and morale of the modern man has been revealed to me to a fetal position inducing degree that I did not know was possible. I knew the modern man was a piece of shit but to be faced with just how much of a piece of shit he is, to live with the savage, in the flesh, in real time, has opened my eyes in horror to the levels of cuckery, cowardice, self-manufactured victimhood and sheer nihilism dominates the thinking of modern men.I have sacrificed the prime of my life to guide and help the present and coming generations away from the mysticism, lies and cognitive dissonance of the ruling establishments that have dominated this country for over 200 years. I wanted to get a community going and was willing to pay whatever price I could to break ground. I sold my Fifth Wheel and I moved in with a young man in February of 2020, promising to train this young man who had absent degenerate parents and neglectful grandparents. He was desperate to do something with his life, or so he told me, and so we moved in together. I promised to help him get work, give him the education that I had put together over the past 20 years and teach him to drive. When he arrived it was a daily struggle to get him to apply for jobs. I had to literally write contracts with him everyday step by step exactly how many employers he needed to visit. I had to teach him how to dress, groom himself and speak when applying for a new job. He fought me on this as well but in the space of 2 weeks he had two Part-time jobs within a 15 minute bike ride away. I was getting him up every day to do Bible study and was reading and explaining the Bible to him and praying with him every morning. He began to get very angry with me, telling me that making him get work and not allowing him to sleep 9 hours a day and waking him up to read the Bible was taking his life from him. He felt that having 2400 dollars was plenty of money to survive on for the next 3 months and he wasn’t understanding why I was so urgent for him to find a job. His entire savings would be spent in a month and he later thanked me for being so urgent with him. My schedule was packed with my internet ministry, my job where I worked over 50 hours a week, legal processes and now not only having to raise but give a post graduate education to an insolent 19 year old. I was teaching him how to drive and Parallel Park and even took him to get all of his documents in order including his license and social security information. One morning, about 3 weeks into our time together, I was grading a paper that he had written and he was complaining that I was giving him too much information to process. I told him that my schedule was packed and that I had to go through this as quickly as possible and for him to record our conversations on his phone so he could listen to them afterwards and try to absorb as much information as he could while I was speaking to him directly. I told him this is a regular technique used by student of advanced college lectures. He replied by playing one of the most insolent disgusting victimhood cards I have ever seen, saying that I was reminding him of his step father who used to beat him. Telling him how to take notes on a college lecture was reminding him of an abusive step-father! I kid you not! He layered the guilt trip with his experience of “trauma”. I told him I did not feel sorry for him and I would never condemn a man for using violence to keep order in his house. He had also been trying to rub it in my face that he had found some spelling errors in an essay I assigned him to read. With these combined I then told him I was suspending the education for a week for how insolent he was being. It was obvious to me that he was butt hurt that I gave him commands on how to take notes and follow my instructions and he was going to deflect any correction to his victimhood. In the next 24 hours I finished a complete course on Genesis and published it in our discord server to make sure he had plenty to do during his week off. I was testing him to see where his heart was at and if he was truly committed to the purpose we were together for, which was to help me build a community and organization and to train him to minister to his people in Russia and break them from the deception of the Eastern Orthodox Church. After the week was up, he was in the living room on his laptop and I asked him what he had done with his week off. He had spent the entire week playing video games. I asked him if he saw the curriculum I posted in the discord. He confirmed he had. I told him I was testing him to see where his heart was at and he had shown me that it was with his video games. I told him that I was no longer going to be educating him until he showed me he was serious about why he was here. Within the next few days things got really tense. Then one night, I think it was Thursday Feb. 27 that week we were discussing what we could do on the Sabbath. I admittedly, wanted to help him pursue and enjoy women instead of sitting in a room playing video games all day, even though at this time I had not fixed any general condemnation of video games. I suggested we visit Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg Tennessee where there was an endless number of things for young people his age and that there were many young women there for him to pursue. He began to get extremely frustrated and angry with me for this suggestion. He claimed he did not care to pursue women because he has an introvert personality and I should read Carl Jung to properly understand his personality. I messaged the Perfidious Minister of Life Lore and Alchemy and he was immediately suspicious of Pornography use which causes crashed dopamine and testosterone which would explain his docility towards women. I asked my student if he had been regularly using Pornography. He was flustered and guilt ridden all over his face immediately. He admitted he was using porn regularly. I complained that I had warned our entire platform for a year about the devastating effects of pornography. He knew what I believed and he was hiding it from me; lying to my face that he followed my teachings and behind my back betraying me. I knew a lot about the Philosophy of Mind and the Positivist School of Behaviorism but I had not delved deep into the Jungian School as of yet. I knew Jung believed in the Soul and figured the Behaviorists would go after that as their first siege work against Jung and I was right. John B. Watson had written an article entitled, Jung as Psychologist which is where I started. Watson nailed the essential pathology of the Jungian theory of Personality or as Jung called it Psychological types. Watson states, “At best it seems to be but another justification of life's failures and to give one more shoulder upon which the weakling may lean.”So on February 29th I published this article, ENTJ is the Biblical Fascist Ethic and Deviation from it is Sin, showing how Introversion is indistinguishable from Platonism and how the Bible’s teachings reduce to the ENTJ behavior typology and leave no room for any other “personality”. I also included this meme dialogue between Plato and Aristotle:My student was extremely angry at me for publishing this article. Over the next few days we spent most of our days debating this issue. He threatened to kill himself if I made him adopt alpha extravert traits. It ended with irreconcilable differences. I told him I wanted nothing to do with him anymore but later on offered to continue our relationship if he got rid of his video games and put a program on his computer to not allow himself to watch pornography. He declined and decided to run away to his grandmother in Alaska like a disgusting weakling NEET he is. He tried to use extortion to get me to pay for his half of the lease breaking fee and accused me of stealing because I could not remember what I had done with 40 dollars he gave me a month and a half before when we were moving in. He immediately stopped eating raw primal and engorged himself in Pizza and ice cream every night like the disgusting NEET he is. I lost my Fifth Wheel, my car, and my sniper rifle to pay the penalties and a second apartment in the same month to move into. I had to pay two rents in a single month. The disgusting thing is, during our debate he kept saying that if he was weak he would run to his Grandmothers and just a few days later he decided to do that very thing. A few weeks later after the dust had settled from the dumpster fire of the first NEET, the Coronavirus hoax shut the country down! I had not even had the chance to unload all of my boxes in my new apartment and the Government shut the country down and began their campaign to collapse the economy with the Coronavirus Hoax. I was contacted by who I thought was a longtime supporter and friend of mine. He suggested I come live with him out in the mountains of California where I would be safe from the encroaching Martial Law. I abandoned most everything I had and left for California. I carried only what few things would fit in my car. I had assumed that my friend in California was a hard working blue collar man who worked his ass off all day and drank a little too much in the evening. I was wrong. He knew my views of video games, and porn. He had just witnessed the destruction that had taken place in my life with the first NEET, all over pornography and video games. Yet he suggested I come live with him anyway. All day long he would sit in his gas station and play his video games. All day long. At first, I let it slide, thinking that surely, I am just arriving at times he is playing and maybe the rest of the day he is studying or working on something constructive. Not a chance. All day long he would play his video games and then when he got off of “work” he would start drinking, but alcohol wasn’t the big problem. There were a few days he did not smoke weed but only drank. He would maintain a level head. When he started smoking marijuana, a switch would turn in his head. He became this other person that could not shut up or hold down a rational conversation. Further in our conversations he basically let me know that the man he worked for didn’t actually pay him a wage. His employer simply paid for his RV, did not charge him rent and gave him all the beer and junk food he could consume. I told him that his employer was cucking him and pacifying him to accept a shit life. Little did I know that this was a small price to pay for the NEET’s dream life. Then one day about 3 and a half weeks into my visit with my “friend” in California I asked him what he did for women. He deflected the conversation. Then a couple days later, I was relieved at how I was going to take a day off and had made a lot of money and was planning on purchasing quality time with a female. He retorted that he was only interested in playing golf. That is when my NEET censor went into code red! I asked him if he was watching pornography and the look on his face was the exact same as Tim’s a month before. I was now fully aware that Robert was just as big of a NEET as Tim was. The next day he was preaching to me about how degenerate, apostate and atheistic modern men were in this country and I could bite my tongue no longer. I told him he was living the exact lifestyle of the men he was complaining about. With 36 hours Robert told me to leave and kicked me out. Robert lied to me about his video game and porn addiction that he knew I would have a huge problem with. I had more possessions when I was 19 years old than I do now. I have lost everything except for my life’s work. These experiences juxtaposed with my life’s work give me every right to say: MODERN MEN ARE FUCKING SCUMBAGS! The NEETWhat is a NEET? The acronym stands for “Not in Education, Employment, or Training”. However, the spirit of the NEET transcends the mere letters of the acronym. There is an inner attitude of the NEET that I maintain is the essence of the Industrial man. Though many NEETs will complain that they are technically employed, the job is part time or it is a sit down job where he plays video games most of the day. He looks only for mediocre jobs and has strong version to any employment that will produce a happy life for him in the future. If he is in education his parents or grandparents are paying for his classes. But there is an underlying spirit, which always tends to mediocrity as a virtue in order to portray themselves as disenfranchised. They will do everything they can to avoid power process. Contrary to the idea that the Industrial Revolution gave man absolute dominion of the Earth, its design is much the opposite: to make man a sterile and docile worker ant. NEEThood is the essence of the industrial man. While technology campaigns for a life of ease, entertainment and instant gratification, Atheism campaigns for Nihilism and a general hatred of humanity; Libertarian Economics campaigns for only propositional loyalty to a piece of paper and a flag. The end result, a mentally and physically emaciated man, with no hope or plans for the future; no people, no purpose and an inexhaustible reservoir of victimhood.Though the NEET attempts to portray himself as a thinker the NEET is a feeler, a mystic justice warrior to his bones. His academic typology is INFJ:Introversion(I)/Extraversion(E)Intuition/Abstraction/Metaphysics(N)/Sensing(S)Feeling(F)/Thinking(T)Perception(P)/Judging(J)The NEET hates the outside world, hence the Introversion and Intuition preferences, and thus, he hates strong men; not only because of accountability but strong men point out how he is allowing himself to be disenfranchised and fucked by the world. He has adopted his weak ideology in order to protect himself not only from strong men but from his own masculine energy that tells him to gain the power process for himself and fight his oppressors. Being inside all day behind a computer, and out from under the energy producing rays of the Sun, his NEEThood crashes his dopamine and lowers his testosterone, which quiets his conscience, his innate masculine energy and his will to fight, and gives him rest as he plays his video games all day long. He came to these decisions, not based on thinking, because that is exactly what he is trying to suppress: contemplation of his life’s problems and how they can be solved. No, the NEET will hind behind his knowledge of technology as a smokescreen to make you think he is an intellectual, in order to hide the fact that he is a hopeless slave to his emotions. The thought of pursuing women or even an escort brings up painful and awkward feelings of past rejections, outrageous fears of rape accusations and an inferiority to women which has been brought on by his docile life that has left his body emaciated, pale, weak and deranged. Yet at this same time he feels he deserves fulfilling sex with a woman that he loves. He has completely bought the fairy tale romances of Hollywood, completely ignoring the fact that prior generations had arranged marriages which were done on the parameters of social status, money, race and genes, not love. The thought of paying for quality time with women is below him, not for any rational reason he can deduce from nature or scripture, but his outrageous fairy tale feminist standards that he has absorbed through watching Hollywood movies, make him feel he deserves better. He has never had to be out in the real world and fight for a place, or earn much or at least he hasn’t for a long time and so the thought of having to qualify for something good is abhorrent to his outrageous entitlement mentality that he has gleaned from Hollywood movies and his Platonic Ideals. Shockingly, he also gravitates towards hard right wing Political groups who are currently fighting the present technocracy. He feels that hard Right Wing fascist groups are living out his built up rage against society and through them he can vicariously live out the last dying sparks of his masculinity. Yet when these Right wing men require discipline and commitment from him he lashes out in obnoxious Libertine fervor “this is my life! Who are you to tell me what I can do with my free time? You’re just trying to force me to be you! ” He worships the technocrats but then complains that living on one’s own and earning one’s own life is a debt scam of the Industrial Society!He complains that he was brutally battered by his step-father, which is why he has an aversion to authority and correction, it is not his fault, but then says he has no desire to become jaded fighting the modern system, else he blemish his unscathed mind. He won’t live that hell! In order to correct him about anything, you must be perfect, and of course by perfect, he means consistent. You’re a hypocrite. See, he isn’t a hypocrite. You see he is consistent to not expect anything from anyone which is why he does not want anyone expecting anything from him. This is his Judging character that he must always perfect. Virtue, in his scheme, is utterly wrapped up in avoiding the accusation of hypocrisy and so, you can expect nothing of others, because you want no one to expect anything from you. You see in this way, the NEET is superior to everyone! This is his judging character which is founded on his rapacious insolence which has been fostered over many years of living life with no strong male role model to call him out on his ubiquitous bullshit. Now, the only people that can tell him about his life are perfect people, pace his Platonism. Which in essence means no one can tell him anything. These irrational and outrageous expectations and entitlements abound because he is not a thinker but a slave to his emotions and an obnoxious Justice Warrior. Oh but he is no Social Justice Warrior but a Private Justice Warrior. Social Justice would require him to lay down his video games, study and fight with problems in society. On the contrary, he is content with jockeying for psychological positions with the few people that influence his private life. And what is at stake in this conflict: accountability. And how is accountability measured? Enfranchisement and Disenfranchisement. This is the ground to be won or lost. The NEET will be attempting to claim that in every aspect of life he is absolutely and irreparably disenfranchised. With every area he claims less is expected of him in his life. Like every shrewd manipulator the NEET has an open false policy and a secret true policy. Open False PolicySecret True PolicyEpistemologyAtheist: ScienceTheist: Biblical Revelation There is no knowledge. This reality is a simulation. Knowledge implies accountability. His true gods are technocrats. MetaphysicsMaterialism Subjective Idealism - Simulation TheoryEthicsAtheist: UtilitarianismTheist: Biblical Law (Only in so far as it attacks Atheist men and Feminist women) Relativism and Self-Actualization through mental masturbation. - Myers-Briggs, MGTOW(Sterile Worker Ant)PoliticsAtheist: CommunistTheist: Fascist Theocracy(Only in so far as it attacks atheist men and Feminist women) Individualism (He will say he wants a place in the community only so he can have a teaching office and mentally masturbate.) A word on Jung and Self-Actualization: Self-Actualization Psychology(A secularizing of the Christian and Pagan doctrines of apotheosis) is the teaching that the purpose of human life is not to take dominion of the earth and the spreading of the kingdom of God among the peoples of the earth through hard constructive work and Patriarchal breeding, but, through mental masturbation, the individual seeking freedom, is to reach a certain mental state within his mind whereby one’s perception is raised in an experience of wholeness, where one accepts both aspects of light and darkness within himself. In this system light is defined as the ascetic ethos of Christianity and Neoplatonism which the consciousness learned in the Church. Darkness is understood as the unconscious primal natural urges and desires of the body. These principles though hostile to each other can be synthesized through Jungian Analysis. This system was an attempt by 20th century Christians to justify living their sinful lives of ease and entertainment in the Industrial Society. The entire motive is selfish justification of sin and laziness through moral relativism. Jung and the entire counter-cultural movement was inspired by the Antinomian foundation of Joachim which was also championed by Crowley. The doctrine of the soul was glossed consistently to justify the Subjective Idealism inherent in Jung’s theory which also aids Moral Relativism, i.e. avoiding any form of accountability. You are God; how can anything you do or feel be wrong? Jung’s emphasis on conquering selfish desires, subduing the will and passivity was simply a way to accommodate modern man away from the Biblical responsibilities of taking dominion of the Earth and pacifying him into the Industrial Society. Previous secular emphases on Reason were to be replaced by the paradoxical instinct philosophy of Jung in order to fully cripple the Industrial man morally and mentally. There is no Rational truth to the Industrial man because those truths come with much study and accountability that is an obstacle to his ease and entertainment in the new Industrial society. left850265The NEET thrives on a series of never ending purity fallacies such as the Nirvana fallacy. The NEET refuses to change until everything is done for him and there are no more problems in society. Which translated means, you can never reach his standards to hold him accountable. The NEET will assume that the narrative of the Bible were times when there were no great oppositions to Biblical religion and that godly men were always powerful and fully enfranchised. The NEET will ask, where is this group of men that are faithful to God? The NEET thinks within his heart, “I’m justified to live like an Atheist and also believe in the bible because of how bad society has gotten and how no one wants to hear the truth.” Again, he must always defend the idea that he has been irreparably and absolutely disenfranchised. And if you give your life to make things better for him, it will never be enough. This way nothing is expected of him. The NEET’s Psychological Strategy: Jung’s Psychological Types, the Soul and Myers-BriggsCarl Jung(along with Myers-Briggs) was very clear that his theory of Psychological types was an embellishment on the metaphysical doctrine of the soul and stood in direct opposition to the biological explanation of human behavior:[Pg. 78]Thus, the NEET can make no appeal to Biology to support his position. Jung defines personality as soul or soul as personality and then defines soul as the “inner attitude of the unconscious”. (pg. 596) The unconscious is simply the ancient pagan doctrine of the pre-existent soul and past lives. This is essentially what he means by a personality type. Carl Jung states, "every man is so imprisoned by his type that he is simply incapable of a complete understanding of another's viewpoint.” (pg. 447) John B. Watson states again in Jung as Psychologist,Katharine Cook Briggs one of the founders of the Myers-Briggs type indications had read Watson's critique of Jung's type theories who dismissed them as metaphysical speculations of the doctrine of the soul, and she sided with Jung precisely because Jung believed in the soul. The NEET, Subjectivity, Relativism and NeutralityThe NEET will demand that his theory of personality is morally neutral. I showed in my article ENTJ is the Biblical Fascist Ethic and Deviation from it is Sin that it isn’t. Not only does the Bible teach the ENTJ behavior model but the doctrine of the soul, the basis of Jung’s theory, is pagan to the core; hardly neutral. The NEET may attempt to play the sophist and deflect from Jung’s definition of personality and define personality as “a person’s interests and environmental preferences.” This of course is not morally neutral! The NEET’s pathetic attempts to distance himself from Jung’s metaphysics is utter dishonesty. Introversion is itself a Jungian theory.The Moral Relativist/Subjectivist view of Introvert ethics is clearly admitted by Jung, "The individual belonging to the introverted type is distinguished from the extravert by the fact that he is governed by subjective factors." (pg. 471) This is not neutrality. It is Satanism, plain and simple. You are the measure of right in wrong in Jung’s theory. You are your own god. Video GamesThe NEET will also claim that video games re morally neutral. The creation of video games is totally rooted in deep state military operations, overt occult Technocratic ambitions to create a new Tower of babel and the occult Simulation theory or Simulation hypothesis, ultimately intended to pacify the human race into accepting total nihilism and subjugation. Elite Atheists, following the tradition of Darwin and the Huxleys, thought they would have a great 1984 tyranny and a bloodbath with their technology, which would mass murder and tyrannize any who disagreed with them; subjugating their enemies to slaves and serfs and reducing women to harlots. Yet the mystic tradition, following the tradition of Jesuit Priest Tielhard De Chardin had another plan, of pacifying the human race through the introduction and promotion of Eastern Religion, and the creation of something only Eastern Mystics could offer the imagination of men in their texts and ancient Pagan liturgies, a grand simulation; not simply in theory but in physical fact. Eastern Mystical religion had always taught that the physical world was but a simulation a shadowy representation of heavenly realities. But, what if we could create something less shadowy, a bit clearer, and a simulation that man could handle with his hands, see with his eyes and transmute into in this world before he dies? This union between modern technology and ancient Eastern mysticism was incarnated in the Jesuit Priest Tielhard De Chardin and his development of transhumanist philosophy. The Huxley family, had championed the secular atheistic ideology of Charles Darwin, yet with the influence of Tielhard on the Huxley family, specifically Aldous Huxley, with the help of modern technology, Tielhard was able to steer the NWO ship away from pure atheism into a modernized transhumanist version of Eastern Mysticism. Aldous, specifically, was fascinated by ancient religions, Shamanism, and the “Doors of Perception” he found engaging in Psychedelics and the occult Philosophy of Aleister Crowley, possibly unbeknownst to Huxley, was totally under the influence of Joachim. Thus, the NWO had abandoned the pure atheistic will to power, with machine guns, tanks, and aircraft bombers as the tools of its subjugation. I believe instead the NWO is led by a lunatic fringe of true believers, with psychedelic drugs, Eastern Mysticism, and entertainment technology as the tools of its subjugation; subjugation, not by physical force, but true conversions. It’s proselytizing message:Life in the real world is not worth living. Rizwan (“Riz”) Virk is an alumni of MIT and runs Playlabs at MIT. He wrote a book entitled, The grid is just a modern version of Platonism. So who created the grid? The internet was a creation of a Deep State Government organization called DARPA. But what about video games? The first video game device, in keeping with the Satanic agenda of modern elites, was named Nimrod(1951), the enemy of God in the Bible who attempted to use technology to build a tower to heaven to spite the creator. Nimrod was developed by John Makepeace Bennett who was Australian Air Force. He learned under Maurice Wilkes, British military technological research and development. The man who invented the home video game console, Ralph H. Baer, was military intelligence working on a military project when he invented the video game console. The second major player in the development of modern video games is deep state intelligence agent, John Nash, the creator of game theory which is vital to modern programming. The first video games were military projects created by the Rand Corporation and were again overtly inspired by Plato’s Simulation hypothesis: :[Pg. 31]Thus, video games are not neutral.The Psychological Taxonomy Game(The NEETs replacement for SJW Misgendering)When he begins to see his masquerade of intellectual superiority fading and his superstructure of lies being exposed, the NEET will double down in his seething insolence and start to question your knowledge of psychobabble in an attempt to intimidate you away from calling him out on his bullshit. The NEET will of course deflect away from the NEET label and simply assert that he is an introvert. He defines NEET as escapism and Introvert as a mere preference of a smaller environment. An introvert cannot tolerate stimulating environments for long periods of time. As you see, the Snowflake, triggered distinction is very subtle but he demands it’s there! He will then complain that we are conflating NEET with personality type. Interesting, so the “introvert” needs 9 hours of sleep just like a NEET; is addicted to video games just like a NEET; has no intention of finding gainful employment just like a NEET; has no intention of pursuing women just like a NEET; I addicted to porn, and has crashed dopamine and T-levels just like a NEET; is pale skinned with an aversion to sunlight just like a NEET and finally has an aversion to athletics just like a NEET. Oh but I’m confusing categories? The NEET in his butt hurt rage will lash out that I am a Psychopath. This accusation is of course based on the refuted Atheist utilitarian ethics as are all the so called “Personality Disorders”. (See Thomas Jefferson Was Wrong Chapter 7)I proudly wear the badge of the hated Fascist and Psychopathic doctrines of Solomon and Christ: Prov. 29:27?An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.Matt. 6: 24?No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.Mat 12:30 30?He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.The NEET Cannot Endure CorrectionThe NEET simply cannot nod and say ok when he is faced with correction. He must always jolt back in seething insolence. As soon as you corcthim, he will begin psychoanalyzing you: “Why are you saying this now? Why didn’t you say something last week when I called you a boomer?” The only solution to the NEET is a Mike Tyson style ass kicking but seeing that is illegal, the only way I know to correct him is to have him go to the military or some kind of full contact martial arts institution that have the legal right to engage in physical violence. As for myself, I have nothing left to prove. I already fulfilled my power process. I created the greatest education to ever exist and I am currently watching all of my predictions come true. I am the top educator in the world. The NEET accuses me of being jaded because I paid the price of dealing with everything. Debating thousands of people for decades, insulting me, getting me fired from my jobs, woman left me, celibate for 18 years, lost 3 careers, had to work so much out of college because I would not compromise; after a year and a half my back broke from all the work, I lost my scholarship from school for reading the puritans on pagan worship in modern churches, I was put on the SPLC hate watch list, journalists wrote newspaper articles trying to destroy my life. This was the price. The NEET admits he will never be like me and he doesn’t have to. I have already paid that price. No one in world history has done what I did. Dealing with everything means I had to live a living hell for decades in poverty and ostracism. I am the greatest educator to ever live and he’s admitting it. Therefore, his judgment means nothing. This is what gives me the right to tell you about your life. I did what no one else was willing to do. My legacy is secured regardless of the NEET’s butt hurt judgments and demands that only sinless people have the right to correct him. Propositional LoyaltyThe NEET does not learn for the purpose of dominion or power process to serve the kingdom of God or fix problems in society. He does it for the purpose of mental masturbation, entertainment, to feed his insolence, and to use those problems to justify porn and video games; this way he can have an excuse why he is not involved with a group of men. Thus, he has no accountability. All the while he will be complaining that he is ostracized and persecuted. Why? He must always defend the idea that he has been irreparably and absolutely disenfranchised. This way nothing is expected of him. On the contrary to propositional loyalty: Rom. 6: 16?Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into?the?kingdom of heaven; but he that?doeth?the?will?of my?Father?which is in heaven.The NEET’s Contradictory and Outrageous Standards For WomenThe NEET told me while he was sitting at the living room table in our apartment that he escapes into video games because girls rejected him. This was before the controversy started and it was a foot to mouth experience later after he had shown his foolishness to the entire server. Girls rejected him and none of the girls are worthy of falling in love with so he plays video games to cope so he doesn’t kill himself. He told me that right to my face. He also admitted to having anxiety because of rejection. You see, the idea that he was rejected because he is a pale, frail, sexually and socially deranged, dopamine and t-level crashed video game nerd never crossed his mind. Why? Because nothing bad in his life could be his fault. Again, he is not a thinker. He is a feeler. The NEET objects: Drake you have to pay for sex! Ans. Every man pays for sex. And in my experience, girls that I pick up from bars cost more money than escorts! In between drinks, food and hotel rooms, regular women cost a whole lot more than escorts. The NEET complains that he will not even settle for an escort because it would be unfulfilling. Ans. I will acknowledge that it takes a while, a couple months at least, to find a regular girl that you like to deal with. But once you find someone you have a connection with the time is fantastic. Plus dealing with escorts increase testosterone, confidence and social skills with women. So the more you deal with women, the better your chances are of attracting women. It’s pathetic that the NEET sits in front of a screen watching Chads cuck, disenfranchise and humiliate him but dealing with escorts is dishonorable? Please! He then demanded that he would find a meaningful relationship with a girl 2 days after having an emotional meltdown on me for suggesting we go out on a Saturday to look for girls for him! You can’t write this stuff folks! The NEET is walking bag of emotional contradictions but he claims to the world he is a thinking not a feeling type! Hilarious! He even told me in a rage-filled fervor, “Drake, I don’t want an escort, I want to fall in love!” Translated, I refuse to face reality like a rational human being, and make the best decisions based on the cards I have been dealt. On the contrary I will dive headlong into an effeminate emotional tantrum and demand to only pursue women in perfect conditions! A thinking type my ass! He says pursuing women will end in rape accusations or divorce rape in the family court. Whenever he says this or that he is hopeless with women, what he really means is, he doesn’t want to work for the money to get a woman because he has no motivation or desire to do hard things.The NEET and TraumaThe NEET threatened multiple times to kill himself if I tried to make him become ENTJ. He said that in order to change his “personality” he would have to experience trauma. Well trauma is a good thing:Proverbs 20:30 The?blueness?of a wound cleanseth away evil: so do stripes the inward parts of the belly.Prov. 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.Prov. 23: 13?Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.14?Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.Prov. 29:19 A slave will not be instructed by words alone; For though he understands, there will be no response.He actually attempted to use Monastery use of trauma to condemn Biblical teaching. This is a genetic fallacy and a guilt by association fallacy. Baptists and Catholics use the bible therefore the bible is wrong? The NEET claims “This is MY Life! Who are you to tell me what I can do?”First, the libertine spirit of this argument utterly besmirches his pretended love for Fascism. Secondly, I would ask the NEET: Which part of your life is your life? Tell me exactly? You didn’t create yourself. Your parents created you. Your looks, your genes? You inherited those from your parents.Your education is all my own doing; sacrificing decades of my life to give you the best education to ever exist. Your home? Invented by someone else, produced by someone else and your parents probably purchased it. You’re always living off someone else but it’s your life? Your car? Most NEETs don’t have one. Plus, cars were invented by someone else, produced by someone else and probably purchased by someone else. The Internet? Invented by someone else, produced by someone else and probably purchased by someone else. Your Phone? Invented by someone else, produced by someone else and probably purchased by someone else. Your Apps on your phone? Invented by someone else, produced by someone else and probably paid for by someone else. All the appliances in your home? Invented by someone else, produced by someone else and probably purchased by someone else. Very little of your life is something you created or you can say belongs to you IF ANYTHING AT ALL! Hedgehog's dilemma-justification for introversionThe NEET claims His “Personality” was Determined at Birth!As we have already seen there is no such thing as personality as it is nothing but metaphysics. Secondly, even if he was born like this, this argument denes original sin, John 3:7?Ye must be born again. You see God visits the iniquities of fathers upon children. Exo. 20: 5?Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the?Lord?thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;So even if it was a state of birth it gives the NEET no justification for his sinful impotence. The NEET in his Desperation Will Try to Guilt Trip Me Saying, “I believed in you Drake!”No he didn’t. His way of life compelled him to come clean with what he really believed. He assumed our community would be only a few people. He assumed he would have no other responsibilities in the community but to mentally masturbate. He did not and does not believe in the Raw Primal DietHe believes in: IndividualismSelf-actualizationSimulation theoryRelativism-Subjective IdealismMyers-BriggsUtilitarianismThis is a radically different set of beliefs than what I hold to. What he was doing was attempting to use me to attack his enemies, Atheists and Feminists, and the manipulate me into not expecting anything from him, thus successfully destroying his enemies while preserving his own ease and entertainment. The NEET in his Desperation Will Call me a Psychopath who uses People like ToolsTim had nothing to use. The entire episode was an absolute loss for me. I gained nothing. Someone who uses someone else assumes no actual long term commitment. But on one level, of course we all use people for what we need. If I were to fall in love with a woman, a fundamental prerequisite would be that she is attractive enough to be used for sex, and her reproductive system is working in order to be used to bear children. Moreover, I don’t want any man organizing with me unless he can be of use to the kingdom of God and the community. This idea of unconditional love, just to love someone because they are human, is the essence of liberalism and another manifestation of the doctrine of the soul. Moreover, it is utterly disgusting that the NEET, a man who despises the human race and sees himself as a victim of every man he meets, is going to try and lecture other people about brotherly love. He hates the entire human race and won’t sacrifice a finger for it. I sacrificed 20 years of the prime of my life to liberate my people the human race. I did what no other human being could do, face the bitter hatred, insults and persecutions of the world in order to deal with all the truth and have it all laid out for coming generations and this NEET is going to lecture me about service to others? Vomit! Solutions to NEET PsychologyI. The first thing the NEET needs to do is acknowledge the wicked Pagan, selfish, humanistic(apothesosis) ideology he has adopted; repent of it and ask the father for the grace of his spirit to help him change. He needs to understand that Christ commands him to suffer in this life and work towards the resurrection. There is very little justice in this age and his Platonic pursuit of it is vain and self-destructive. Fair treatment is cope! John 12: 24?Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 25?He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.Matt. 10:37?He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38?And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39?He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.Luke 14:14 And thou shalt be blessed; for?they cannot recompense?thee: for thou shalt be recompensed?at?the?resurrection?of?the?just.John 6: 26?Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.27?Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.2 Tim. 3?Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.II. He must be corrected on his error that behavior is determined by one’s “personality” from birth. On the contrary:Rom. 12:2?And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.III. The NEET must understand that the wicked society he is living in has existed many times in the past and he is no unique disenfranchised victim. 1 Cor. 10: 13?There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.Psa. 2: 2?Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2?The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the?Lord, and against his anointed, saying, 3?Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.Noah who preached for 120 years to the antediluvian world and no one, not one person outside of his family repented. That the exact same thing happened to Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, Joseph in Egypt, Samson among the Philistines, Daniel in Babylon, Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist and all the martyrs and Reformers of the Reformation such as Wycliffe and Luther standing alone against the Roman antichrist; all great men of God totally ostracized and persecuted, surrounded by unbelievers who hated them. What you men are bitching about has taken place over, and over and over and over and over again in biblical history. You have no excuse!On the contrary, you are enfranchised and equipped for these challenges like no other generation has been: Complete Bibles in your own language. The knowledge of the human race is at your fingertips mostly for free. The whole Truth has been all laid out to you. Have had men destroy their lives to pave a path of gold for you. My generation had no guidance at all. No need to do decades of study and figuring out what to do with your lives. My books, FE encyclopedia, Novum Curriculum, the confession and larger catechism and my breakdown of Neoplatonism and the Ecumenical Councils have corrected the greatest deceptions in world history. You will enjoy good health and beauty most of your life with the raw primal diet and our Exposure of the germ theory of Disease. You will never have to be culled in the medical inquisition. You will never have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to a doctor or spend years of your life under a disease! You will never be sexually repressed or fooled by women. We have completely explained a sexual strategy going into the future. You never need to have your heart ripped out or kill yourself over a woman in order to get sex. You will have the power process and mastery over the earth. Thus, you will be spared the endless array of psychological problems brought on by the repression of your sexuality and power process. You will never be enslaved to rent serfdom but will enjoy the fruits of your labor until you die. You’re fucking welcome!IV. He must eliminate all access to porn, drugs, video games, caffeine and sugary drinks and decease using them! He then needs to eat raw primal, and get daily sun, exercise an practice no-fap. He then needs to pursue women, even if that means an escort. He may want to get himself in shape first to avoid insecurities with his looks, which are legitimately pathetic. These activities will free him from the biological prison he is currently living in. His dopamine, testosterone and adrenals will be renewed and he will feel a renewed sense of life, the future and motivation in a matter of a couple months! V. He must be taken out of Industrial society which is what feeds his pathology at every angle.Lord haste the day!Finis ................

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