|INTJ: BARN OWL |Famous Barn Owls |

|BUZZWORDS: achiever, reliable, analytical |Thomas Edison, Nick Park (creator of Wallace & Grommit), George Lucas (creator |

|Owls are symbols of intelligence, determination & wisdom; qualities usually |of Star Wars), Willy Wonka, Gandalf (Lord of the Rings), Morrissey – determined|

|shared with the INTJ. A barn owl hunts quietly over grassland looking for |& imaginative with strong principles. |

|small animals. INTJs can seem to be flying high, thinking big ideas quietly, | |

|while paying attention to the small details to solve problems and develop |Lisa Simpson is a young cartoon character with a well-developed personality. |

|plans. |Determined, imaginative & focused on solving problems. A clear view of what |

| |she wants to achieve, combined with the determination to make her dreams come |

| |true, means she is a natural leader. Can observe quietly for a while before |

| |giving a considered opinion. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can be careful with facts. |They like quiet for concentration & can work alone. |

|Can work on something for a long time. |They like to know the theory behind the idea before starting. |

|Interested in the idea behind the task. |They like a logical order & to be able to show they understand. |

|Like solving problems. |They like a clear structure & timetable. |

|Can be good organisers. |Revision tips |

|Enjoy learning new skills. |Because they’re good at making quick decisions, they may be tempted to skip |

|Are patient with complicated situations. |sections of work, so be careful not to miss important stuff if you’re going to |

|Can be imaginative problem solvers. |do this. |

|Like putting things into a logical order. |Take time to research & make sure you have a broad understanding of the whole |

|Can follow plans and decide quickly. |subject. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |engineering (structural: bridges, roads & machines), built environment |

| |(planning, design) |

| |pure science, biotechnology |

| |business, law, economics |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They solve problems with imagination & enthusiasm. | |

|They are good listeners, creative, logical, determined. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They become easily annoyed & angry. | |

|They can overeat, drink too much or do too much exercise. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Forgive yourself for not always reaching your really high standards. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|At their best, they’re clever, creative visionaries with the determination to |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|achieve their goals, which means they may be considered aloof, private & |Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|argumentative. |Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

|They could learn to argue over only the most important things & try to consider|Make sweeping generalisations. |

|other’s feelings. |Throw in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

|They tend to push at boundaries & rules forced upon them. |Say ‘it’s not personal’ |

|They’re proud of their competence & don’t like to be fussed over. |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

| |Oversimplify issues. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually quite independent but can appear tougher than they really are. |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|They usually like to share their passion, ideas, & beliefs. |rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Don’t ignore practical details. |

|Parent: |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|Tend to encourage children to develop a wide range of skills. |Focus on making decisions. |

|Enjoy discussion & playing games & quizzes with their children. |Stick to the point.. |

|Tend to remove ‘privileges’ as punishment. |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Child: |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|Are imaginative & curious, don’t like being told what to do without a logical | |

|reason. | |

|Can seem to argue, but they need to ask why & have answers. | |

|Can be very self-critical | |

|Buying a present for a Barn Owl? | |

|A game, puzzle or challenge that is difficult to master, or the latest trendy | |

|gadget. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |inventor / organiser / strategist / engineer |

| |Organising & managing ideas & information rather than people. |

| |Computer, IT, patent work, engineering, science, library/information work, |

| |surveying, market research. |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |Car mechanic / tyre fitter / dental hygienist / IT worker / website designer /|

| |engraver / welder / telephone helpline worker (technical support) / health |

| |service technician / politician / business administrator / self-employment |

|ESTJ: BLACK BEAR |Famous Black Bears: |

|BUZZWORDS: Loyal, achiever & determined |The McDonald brothers, who built an empire of fast-food bars by developing a |

|The bear is a symbol of strength & power & ESTJs can be strong, taking charge |clear plan & delivering it. Joan Rivers, Katie Price (Jordan), Dr Gillian |

|of situations & organising so that things get done. The black bear is found in|McKeith (You Are What You Eat) & Fred (from Scooby Doo) - determined & |

|the USA, and ESTJs share the no-nonsense, go for it qualities often linked with|ambitious, working hard to achieve their goals in a no-nonsense way. |

|Americans. | |

| |Victoria Beckham is an ESTJ. When she was younger, she stated that her |

| |ambition was to become a brand as famous as Nike or Daz. She has achieved this|

| |goal by using her knowledge of how the media & business work to full effect. |

| |She is determined, confident & hardworking to make the most of her talents. An|

| |achiever who gets things done. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Like action. |They like group activity & discussion. |

|Can focus on outcomes & results. |They like to know the practical benefits before starting. |

|Like to use skills they’ve already learned. |They like a logical order and clear structure. |

|Can act & communicate quickly & decisively. |Revision tips |

|Are reliable & realistic. |Convince yourself of the value & benefits of revising, and you’ll do it. |

|Can stand firm against opposition. |Talk to others to discover new insights. |

|Can make decisions without being seen as soft. | |

|Can organise facts & people using clear thinking. |Degree course ideas |

|Can be careful with details. |business & management (general: human resources, marketing, accountancy; |

| |sector-specific: retail, transport, hotel) |

| |primary teaching |

| |law |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at working out what’s going on. | |

|They stand up for what they believe in. | |

|They are confident, realistic, logical, determined. | |

|They learn from their mistakes | |

|They are fun to be with. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They are bossy. | |

|They take criticism very personally. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Take a break sometimes and praise people around you. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They’re normally in control & in charge, which is useful in lots of situations |Talk louder & faster. |

|such as emergencies. They work out what needs to be done, how it should be |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|done, and then do it! |Argue specific facts. |

|Some people may get upset with their directness but they usually get things |Focus on details. |

|done before considering ‘feelings’. Perhaps they should sometimes be more |Tell people ‘not to get emotional’. |

|sensitive to people’s needs & not stick too much to the details. |Say ‘it’s not personal’. |

|They like to do things for a practical purpose. |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

| |Oversimplify issues. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They usually like to be in charge. |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|They like to know where they stand, what roles & duties they have. |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|They tend to see relationships as a partnership. |Let others dream and fantasise. |

|They can be very loyal & dependable. |Consider people’s emotions, not just the task and the goals. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Say what’s in it for people. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Parent: |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|Tend to like setting rules and expect things to be done their way. | |

|Value traditions, family roles and explaining right and wrong through ‘should’,| |

|‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. | |

|Tend to remove ‘treats’ as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Like to know what the rules are & be shown how to do things. | |

|Generally, like to help. | |

|Value safety. | |

|Respond well to praise when completing tasks ‘properly’. | |

|Buying a present for a Black Bear? | |

|a small ‘list’ books they can jot down their ‘to do’ list on the go. | |

|Encourage them to make lists of things that make them feel good too, not just | |

|lists of the stuff that needs to be done. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |inspector / supervisor / leader / protector |

| |Jobs requiring tasks to be completed with quick results - business |

| |management, systems analyst, engineering |

| |law, dentistry, emergency services (police / fire / ambulance) |

| |self-employment |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |Market trader / van driver / ranger/warden / post-deliverer / stunt performer /|

| |window cleaner / painter& decorator / plumber / floor layer / paramedic / sales|

| |person / self-employment |

|ISFP: CAT |Famous Cats: |

|BUZZWORDS: Independent, analytical & determined |Sir Paul McCartney, Bill Oddie, Marilyn Monroe and Mozart - friendly, |

|Domestic cats, like ISFPs, are popular and friendly despite spending a lot of |artistic, succeeding when they trust their inner voice. |

|time on their own. Kittens climb trees. IN 1950, a four month old kitten | |

|climbed to the top of a mountain in the Alps. ISFPs also tend to like |Ray Mears is an explorer and teacher of bush craft. When you see him on TV, |

|exploring the outdoors. |you can’t fail to be impressed by his practical, sensible, calm, sensitive |

| |qualities. His respect for and genuine interest in both the environments he |

| |visits and the people he is with are inspirational. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can work quietly and steadily on a number of things at once. |They like quiet for concentration and can work well alone. |

|Like using skills they’ve already learned. |They like to know what the practical benefits are before starting. |

|Can enjoy what’s going on now. |They like praise, encouragement and flexibility. |

|Can adapt and change their plans. |Revision tips |

|Can be aware of people’s strengths and beliefs. |Motivate yourself with treats and rewards for finishing revision and |

|Are popular team members but rarely push their views forward unless asked. |coursework. |

|Can be sympathetic. |Don’t be afraid to learn new things and ways of doing things. Practice makes |

|Can be careful with their facts. |perfect. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |ecology, agriculture, horticulture, |

| |built environment (architecture/town planning) |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at making people feel included & valued. | |

|They are good listeners, practical, caring & open-minded. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They criticise. | |

|They become stubborn | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Try finishing nearly as many things as you start! |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They have an eye for quality and often have collections. |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|They’re often very close to their family and can feel nervous about leaving |Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|home. |Argue specific facts. |

|They could learn that sometimes they just need to make a decision, even though |Focus on details. |

|it may upset people! |Personalise everything. |

|They’re loyal friends. |Sometimes give in just to keep the peace. |

|They’re good at solving problems. |Thrown in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

| |Argue both sides. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually good fun to be with. |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|They often like time on their own to recharge their batteries. |rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|They enjoy sharing activities, such as hobbies, with their partner that gets |Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|them out and about. |Let others dream and fantasise. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t take everything personally. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Don’t be afraid of disagreement - sometimes it’s healthy. |

|Parent: |Focus on making decisions. |

|Tend to be ‘hands off’ in approach, encouraging their children to explore, |Stick to the point. |

|spread their wings and learn by doing. | |

|They are hard to fool. | |

|Tend to become strict if disobeyed. | |

|Child: | |

|Tend to be bold and daring and interested in physical activities | |

|(music/art/sports/events/holidays/socialising) | |

|Like having fun. | |

|Buying a present for a Cat? | |

|A day out to a favourite place, probably where there aren’t a lot of other | |

|people about. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |performer / promoter / improviser / carer |

| |Practical services to people, eg hospitality, retail, caring work. |

| |Many love animals and work with animals can be rewarding for them eg RSPCA |

| |inspector. |

| |Agriculture, forestry, farming, floristry & horticulture |

| |Youth work, art, craft, music |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |bus/taxi/van driver / roofer / sports massage / care worker / tree surgeon / |

| |farm worker / working with animals (kennels/pet shops) / milk deliverer / |

| |horticultural worker / ranger/warden / musician/DJ |

|ENFP: CLOWN FISH |Famous Clown Fish |

|BUZZWORDS: imaginative, enthusiastic, flexible |The Cat in the Hat, The Little Mermaid, Anita Roddick, Terry Wogan, Paul |

|Clown fish are energetic, creative and busy fish and ENFPs usually share these |O’Grady, Eamonn Holmes, Jamie Oliver – intuitive, enthusiastic and witty |

|qualities. Clown fish live among anemones but don’t feel their stings due to a|dreamers. |

|clever coating on their skin. ENFPs, too, are often thinking of new and clever| |

|ways of doing things, preferring variety and action to peace and quiet. |Jonathan Ross is a jack of all trades (except anything practical), interested |

| |in everything. An almost childlike sense of curiosity in everything that he |

| |finds interesting, but can become quickly bored. Imaginative, enthusiastic, |

| |sociable, friendly and adaptable.. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can get things done at the last minute. |They like group activity and discussion. |

|Can work on a number of things at once. |They like to know the theory behind the idea. |

|Can adapt and change plans. |They like to be encouraged and praised. |

|Are full of enthusiasm and can persuade others. |They like variety and choices. |

|Can solve problems using imagination and improvisation. |Revision tips |

|Are interested in the idea behind the job, particularly how it affects people. |Try to finish something before moving on to the next topic. |

|Enjoy learning new skills. |Revise in different locations & at different times to add variety. |

|Can enjoy variety and action. |Imagine completing your revision as a happy way to pass time. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |psychology, complementary health |

| |secondary teaching, English literature, languages, communication, media, |

| |journalism, performing arts |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They solve problems using imagination and enthusiasm. | |

|They are confident, creative, friendly, flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They worry about their health, become quiet and sad. | |

|They feel trapped. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Take a break sometimes, switch off your brain and chill! |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They make loyal friends. |Talk louder and faster. |

|They’re searching for their individual identify, drawn to express themselves |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|through drama, words or art. |Personalise everything. |

|They don’t like being told what to do - they’d rather work that out for |Sometimes just give in to keep the peace. |

|themselves. |Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

|They can get bored quickly & move on to something new, leaving other things |Make sweeping generalisations. |

|unfinished - which can annoy others. |Throw in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

|If they were a little more organised, they’d save themselves time & trouble. |Argue both sides.. |

|They’re great at coming up with ideas - especially for others to carry out. | |

|Prone to forgetting/losing things - their catchphrase could be “where did I | |

|put it?” | |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually fun to be with, |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|They’re romantic and like their partners to be romantic. |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|Because they’re easily bored and distracted, novelty and surprise are welcomed.|Don’t take everything personally. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t be afraid of disagreement – sometimes it’s healthy. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Don’t ignore practical details. |

|Parent: |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|Tend to be encouraging, like everyone to get on well, take care of and support |Focus on making decisions. |

|each other. |Stick to the point. |

|Try to impose their own ‘hippie’ values on those close to them. | |

|Tend to withdraw love & support as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Are deep & inventive, think through their feelings,are sensitive. | |

|Respond well to imagination and helping others. | |

|Can get lost in the world of their ideas. | |

|Buying a present for a Clown Fish? | |

|an ‘ideas book’ – somewhere to jot down their good ideas as they occur. | |

|Challenge them to pick out the best & make them happen. | |

|A surprise party, perhaps in fancy dress, where they are the centre of | |

|attention. | |

|Don’t buy them something small: they’ll just lose it!. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |Counsellor / healer / mentor / adviser / carer / catalyst |

| |Using their imagination, particularly to understand & develop people in a |

| |laid-back environment |

| |journalism, marketing, advertising, performing |

| |psychology, science (biology/social), speech therapy |

| |personnel, training, counselling, advice worker, teaching |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |holiday centre worker / sports therapy / coach/trainer / paramedic / care |

| |worker / chef / alternative health practitioner / media / music / DJ / teaching|

| |assistant / hospitality/travel industry / youth worker |

|ENFJ: DOLPHIN |Famous Dolphins |

|BUZZWORDS: imaginative, generous, friendly |Martin Luther King, Stephen Fry, Peter Ustinov, Sean Connery, Johnny Depp, Rose|

|Many people say the dolphin is their favourite animal, and ENFJs can be very |Tyler - charismatic people we like to listen to. |

|popular too. Both usually share the qualities of intelligence, warmth, great | |

|vision and charisma. Dolphins can swim up to 20 miles per hour and sleep only |Peter Kay is a talented comedy writer, performer and chart-topper. Energetic, |

|in 7 minute naps. Like dolphins, ENFJs often need to move fast to fit |imaginative, warm, generous and hard-working. These qualities make his humour |

|everything in, often enjoying busy and complicated social lives. |as popular as it is funny and prolific. The realistic characters he creates |

| |and shares with us are a combination of his imagination and accurate |

| |observation of people. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Friendly, popular communicators. |They like group activity and discussion. |

|Can be aware of people’s values and principles. |They like to know the theory behind the idea. |

|Can focus on getting the job done. |They like to be encouraged and praised. |

|Are full of enthusiasm and can persuade others. |They like structure, procedures and knowing finishing times. |

|Can solve problems using imagination and creativity. |Revision tips |

|Interested in how ideas affect people. |Talk about your work with tutors and friends - you usually learn better this |

|Enjoy learning new skills. |way, but find time for private study too. |

|Can enjoy variety and action. |Focus on the positives and the facts. |

| |Make time for rest and relaxation. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |psychology, law, medical sciences |

| |secondary teaching, English literature, languages, linguistics, communication, |

| |performing arts |

| |media, journalism, marketing, advertising, public relations |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at making people feel valued & important. | |

|They are assertive, creative, friendly & flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They take over, saying ‘oh, I’ll do it!’ | |

|They dig their heels in.. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Keep some time for yourself. You can’t help all of the people all of the time.|

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They usually popular, cooperative and friendly. |Talk louder and faster. |

|People like their enthusiasm, warmth and passion. |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|They can try to keep everyone happy too much and neglect their own needs. |Personalise everything. |

|They can jump from one thing to the next without settling on something and |Sometimes just give in to keep the peace. |

|doing it really well. |Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

|They should learn to stay positive, since they can’t know everything! And they|Make sweeping generalisations. |

|can say no to people sometimes! . |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

| |Oversimplify issues... |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually friendly, caring and loving. |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|They work hard at making their relationships strong, deep and meaningful. |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t take everything personally. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Don’t be afraid of disagreement – sometimes it’s healthy. |

|Parent: |Don’t ignore practical details. |

|Tend to be encouraging, like everyone to get on well, take care of and support |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|each other. |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Can try to impose their own ‘hippie’ values on those close to them. Tend to |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|withdraw love & support as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Are deep & inventive, think through their feelings,are sensitive. | |

|Respond well to imagination and helping others. | |

|Can get lost in the world of their ideas. | |

|Buying a present for a Dolphin? | |

|An album with photos of all the people they know with positive comments written| |

|by close friends & family | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |Counsellor / healer / mentor / adviser / advocate / friend |

| |Jobs in which you can use your people skills to develop ideas and people in an |

| |organised way. |

| |journalism, writing, media, marketing, advertising, PR |

| |social science, teacher, law, psychology, medical therapies, human resource |

| |management |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |coach/trainer / retail assistant / bingo caller / teaching assistant / |

| |paramedic / youth worker / tour guide / travel agent / conference/hospitality |

| |worker / advice worker / carer / holiday centre worker |

|ENTJ: EAGLE |Famous Eagles |

|BUZZWORDS: imaginative, determined, achiever |Margaret Thatcher, Sherlock Holmes - natural leaders, through the strength of|

|Eagles are symbols of power, leadership & strength. ENTJs can share these |their beliefs! |

|qualities, often soaring high to generate new ideas & new ways to do things. | |

|Others are often willing to follow ENTJs due to their godo ideas and their |Richard Branson is one of the most famous & successful British entrepreneurs |

|determination to make them happen. |around. Sociable, visionary, objective & decisive. He is happy to learn from |

| |his mistakes, though his analytical mind ensures many a success. Has a go for |

| |it / let’s do it attitude that spreads to those around him. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can enjoy action & variety. |They like group activity and discussion. |

|Can focus on results & outcomes. |They like to know the theory behind the idea. |

|Can take charge of situations & people easily. |They like a clear order & a clear structure. |

|Can follow plans & decide quickly. |Revision tips |

|Can be imaginative, creative problem solvers. |They’re usually highly motivated to work on topics that interest them but they |

|Can make decisions without being seen as soft. |need to make sure they’re thorough & get the simple things right. |

|Can provide big ideas for better ways of doing things. | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |business management , politics, law, history |

| |computing/IT |

| |environmental sciences, pure sciences |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at analysing. | |

|They stand up for what they believe in. | |

|They are confident, creative, honest, get things done. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They become moody & unsure of their feelings. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |You don’t always have to be the leader. Listen to others now and again. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|Often precocious (seem to be more mature than people of their age) & confident |Talk louder and faster. |

|(which can be seen by some as big-headed, but it isn’t, it’s being able to |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|stick up for what they believe in). |Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

|At their best they are strong, independent, intellectual & confident with high |Make sweeping generalisations. |

|personal standards. |Throw in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

|They can be clever & respected leaders. |Say ‘it’s not personal’ |

|They might learn to be more tactful (consider other’s feelings) and reflect |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

|more before plunging ahead! |Oversimplify issues. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They can be great fun to be with though exhausting due to their drive & |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|determination to lead & achieve things. |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t ignore practical details. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|Parent: |Focus on making decisions. |

|Tend to encourage children to develop a wide range of skills. |Stick to the point.. |

|Enjoy discussion & playing games & quizzes with their children. |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Tend to remove ‘privileges’ as punishment. |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|Child: | |

|Are imaginative & curious, don’t like being told what to do without a logical | |

|reason. | |

|Can seem to argue, but they need to ask why & have answers. | |

|Can be very self-critical | |

|Buying a present for an Eagle? | |

|A game, puzzle or challenge that is difficult to master, or the latest trendy | |

|gadget. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |inventor / entrepreneur / leader / advocate |

| |Managing people and/or resources in business or technical areas eg |

| |catering/hospitality, travel, personnel, financial, public sector, retail |

| |management, operational/research analyst, journalism, politics, media work |

| |self-employment |

| |leading in the manufacturing, engineering & construction industries could also |

| |appeal |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |Market trader / ranger/warden / technician / van driver / painter& decorator /|

| |IT/website worker / window cleaner / politician / self-employment |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|ENTP: FALCON |Famous Falcons |

|BUZZWORDS: imaginative, analytical, flexible |Peter Cook, Walt Disney, Doctor Who, Q from Star Trek, Tracy Beaker, Bugs |

|Falcons are the fastest animals in the world, flying up to 120 miles per hour. |Bunny, Lewis Carroll (author of Alice in Wonderland), Billy Connolly – active |

|ENTPs can also be fast with words and actions, moving quickly from idea to idea|imaginations focused on achieving their dreams. |

|and task to task. Falcons migrate and ENTPS often like to try out new | |

|experiences. When they speak, falcons are loud and this is usually the case |Bob Geldof is an in-your-face musician & campaigner. Will generally say what |

|with ENTPs! |he believes is true even if it upsets some people. Uses determination, |

| |creativity & oral skills to seek out solutions to complex problems. An |

| |independent, flexible & analytical mind. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can communicate easily. |They like group activity, role play and discussion. |

|Can work on a number of things at once. |They like to know the theory behind the idea. |

|Are alert, outspoken and interesting company. |They like logical order & showing they understand the theory. |

|Can make decisions without being seen as soft. |They like variety and choices. |

|Can be imaginative, spontaneous problem solvers.. |Revision tips |

|Are interested in results/outcomes. |Try to understand a subject fully before drawing your conclusion – little |

|Enjoy learning new skills. |details are often important. |

|Can enjoy variety and action. |Stick to the point, prioritise & don’t flit from idea to idea too quickly. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |business, politics, law, philosophy, creative arts |

| |languages, communication, media, journalism, performing arts (more stand-up |

| |comedians are falcons than any other types) |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They solve problems using imagination and enthusiasm. | |

|They are confident, creative, honest, flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They worry about their health, become quiet and sad. | |

|They feel trapped. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Be kinder to yourself & others. Learn to recharge your batteries. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They’re adventurous, direct & assertive. |Talk louder and faster. |

|They tend to ask why. |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|This can annoy others, who may think they’re criticising them, but they’re not:|Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

|they’re trying to understand why. |Make sweeping generalisations. |

|They can even be thought of as arrogant, but they’re very critical, setting |Throw in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

|themselves high standards of performance. |Say ‘it’s not personal’ |

|They tend to be popular team members. |Argue both sides. |

|Perhaps they should listen & be sensitive to others a bit more & not criticise |Tell people not to ‘get emotional’.. |

|themselves either. | |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re can be good fun to be with. |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|They try hard to impress their partner. |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|They’re usually witty & clever company. |Don’t ignore practical details. |

|They like to share their passions & beliefs. |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|They are very self-critical. |Focus on making decisions. |

|They can argue for their view with determination.. |Stick to the point.. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Consider people’s emotions, not just the task & the goals. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Say what’s in it for people. |

|Parent: | |

|Tend to encourage children to develop a wide range of skills. | |

|Enjoy discussion & playing games & quizzes with their children. | |

|Tend to remove ‘privileges’ as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Are imaginative & curious, don’t like being told what to do without a logical | |

|reason. | |

|Can seem to argue, but they need to ask why & have answers. | |

|Can be very self-critical | |

|Buying a present for a Falcon? | |

|An ‘ideas book’ – somewhere to jot down their good ideas as they occur. | |

|Challenge them to pick out the best & make them happen. | |

|A surprise party, perhaps in fancy dress, where they are the centre of | |

|attention. | |

|Don’t buy them something small: they’ll just lose it!. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |Engineer / architect / inventor / creator / advocate / negotiator |

| |Jobs in which they can solve problems creatively using their interest in |

| |theories & ideas, with people around them. |

| |IT (systems analyst/software designer), engineering, science |

| |marketing, public relations, journalism, management, law |

| |architect, photographer |

| |performing or creative arts |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |Stonemason / engraver / props maker / toy maker/designer / picture framer / |

| |bingo caller / IT/website worker / tourguide / self-employment / retail / |

| |roadie / creative jobs |

| | |

| | |

|ISFJ: KOALA BEAR |Famous Koala Bears: |

|BUZZWORDS: Practical, modest & caring |Marge Simpson (loyal homemaker from The Simpsons), Mother Teresa (helped the |

|Koala bears are popular & warm animals. Koalas like the safety of their |poor in Calcutta), Will Young (surprise Pop Idol winner). |

|eucalyptus trees; ISFJS like the security & safety of their families, being | |

|loyal & caring to those around them. Koalas have strong muscles around their |David Beckham is a famous footballer and former England captain who is |

|pouch to protect their young; ISFJs can also be strong and determined to |naturally talented but is also prepared to practise long hours to be the best |

|protect what they believe in. |footballer he can be. Quiet, friendly, down-to-earth, organised, determined, |

| |reliable, caring and hardworking.. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can work quietly and steadily on something until it is finished. |They like quiet for concentration and to work alone. |

|Like using skills we’ve already learned. |They like to know ‘why?’ and ‘what for?’ before doing. |

|Good at planning how long a task will take. |They like to be praised & encouraged. |

|Patient with people & details. |They like structure, procedures & finishing times to be clear. |

|Can be aware of other people’s beliefs, values & strengths. |Revision tips |

|Good at bringing up relevant facts. |They’re generally very good at revising, but take breaks now and again. |

|Popular team members but rarely push their views forward. |Check with your tutors that your schedule is okay. |

|Can follow plans and decide quickly. | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |medical therapies (speech/occupational/[physiotherapy), nursing |

| |business studies, library/information, law |

| |primary-school teaching, science |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They use their experience to explore problems. | |

|They solve problems in a practical way. | |

|They are careful, sensible, honest and determined. | |

|They learn from their mistakes, have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They can imagine the worst is going to happen. | |

|They jump to the wrong conclusions. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Can sometimes be too nice? Stick up for yourself! |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They can be seen as kind & quiet & are popular because they’re sensitive to |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|others’ needs. |Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|They’re realistic, down to earth & respect tradition & authority. |Argue specific facts. |

|They probably undersell their achievements & can be overlooked. |Focus on details. |

|They could let go a little more & have fun. |Personalise everything. |

| |Sometimes give in just to keep the peace. |

| |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

| |Oversimplify issues. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually loyal, loving & reliable. |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|They go out of their way to support their partner. |rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|Sometimes they can be too nice for their own good. |Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Let others dream and fantasise. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Don’t take everything personally. |

|Parent: |Don’t be afraid of disagreement – sometimes it’s healthy. |

|Tend to like setting rules and expect things to be done their way. |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Value traditions, family roles and explaining right and wrong through ‘should’,|Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. | |

|Tend to remove ‘treats’ as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Like to know what the rules are & be shown how to do things. | |

|Generally, like to help. | |

|Value safety. | |

|Respond well to praise when completing tasks ‘properly’. | |

|Buying a present for a Koala Bear? | |

|An album with photos of all the people they know with positive comments written| |

|by close friends & family | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |inspector / protector / organiser / provider / carer |

| |Jobs in which they can use their organisational skills without fuss & fanfare. |

| |Like to learn how to do a job & then do it well. |

| |business administration, public sector, library/information work |

| |health service, caring, dental work, fire/ambulance services |

| |financial services, electrician, hairdressing/beauty |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |care worker / call-centre worker / stagehand / office worker / cleaner / |

| |sports massage / waiter/waitress / retail assistant / teaching assistant / |

| |childcare worker |

|ESFP: LION |Famous Lions: |

|BUZZWORDS: Generous, caring & flexible. |Elvis, Baloo (from The Jungle Book), Ant & Dec, Donkey (from Shrek), Pinocchio,|

|Lions are very sociable cats. They enjoy being with their families & |Homer Simpson, Freddie Flintoff, Ian Botham, Ronnie O’Sullivan - generally |

|relatives. ESFPs share this interest in socialising & having fun as a way to |‘party people’ focused on enjoying the present! Natural performers. |

|be close to their loved ones. Lions are graceful & skilful when hunting & | |

|ESFPs are often the same in sport or leisure activities that interest them. |Bridget Jones is famous from the film/novel Bridget Jones’s Diary. Usually |

| |says what she’s thinking; resulting in embarrassment. She gets away with it |

| |because she is fun-loving, enthusiastic, generous & caring. A bit |

| |disorganised, but her heart is in the right place. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Friendly, good communicators. |They like group activity & discussion. |

|Enjoy using skills already learned. |They like to know the practical benefits before starting. |

|Can bring up useful facts. |They like to be praised & encouraged. |

|Are good at knowing what’s going on. |They like variety & action. |

|Can join in with people with enthusiasm. |Revision tips |

|Can be generous & popular team members. |Focus on one thing at a time & complete it. |

|Are expedient (can adapt & change plans). |Examine the ‘bigger picture’ & explore your creative thinking side. |

|Can work on a number of things at once. |Generally learn well in group discussion. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |social sciences, sociology, criminology, history |

| |retail/hospitality management |

| |sport, performing arts |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They use experience to explore problems then solve them in a practical way, | |

|taking into account the feelings of people. | |

|They are confident, practical, friendly & flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They are fun & exuberant. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They can get confused about how they feel. | |

|They have big ideas but are unsure how to make them happen. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Don’t play all of time time - recharge your batteries. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They’re usually popular & enthusiastic with a zest for life. |Talk louder & faster. |

|They dislike routine & conflict - they may try to please everyone, which is |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|difficult all of the time. |Argue specific facts. |

|They can be very generous with their time & money. |Focus on details. |

|They should try to take criticism less personally - sometimes it can be |Personalise everything. |

|useful. |Sometimes give in just to keep the peace. |

|They can be real party animals. |Throw in extra issues - ‘and another thing’. |

| |Argue both sides. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually great fun to be with. |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|They enjoy being with groups of people, not just on their own with their |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|partner. |Let others dream and fantasise. |

|They enjoy socialising. |Don’t take everything personally. |

|They can be generous with their time & money. |Don’t be afraid of disagreement – sometimes it’s healthy. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Focus on making decisions. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Stick to the point. |

|Parent: | |

|Tend to be hands-off in approach, encouraging their children to explore, spread| |

|their wings & learn by doing. | |

|They are hard to fool. | |

|Tend to become strict if disobeyed. | |

|Child: | |

|Tend to be bold & daring & interested in physical activities (music, arts, | |

|sports, events, holidays, socialising) | |

|Like having fun. | |

|Buying a present for a Lion? | |

|A day out somewhere fun & exciting, perhaps involving people - for example, a | |

|surprise party or gig. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |Performer / carer / promoter |

| |Jobs in which they can use their natural affinity with people to solve |

| |practical immediate problems. |

| |social & service-oriented eg care work, advice, counselling, medical therapies,|

| |retail, estate agency, journalism, hospitality management, administration & |

| |tourism |

| |practical solutions, eg armed services, quarry/mining, environmental services |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |care worker / scaffolder / refuse collector / taxi driver / chef/cook / van |

| |driver / theme-park worker / hotel porter / paramedic / bar person / retail |

| |assistant / youth worker / construction crafter |

|ESTP: PANTHER |Famous Panthers: |

|BUZZWORDS: Flexible, enthusiastic & determined. |Peter Pan, Tigger, Zorro, Madonna, James Bond, Bart Simpson, Paul McKenna, |

|The panther is a confident, fearless explorer, testing its skills in the |Winston Churchill - all objective, determined & impulsive problem solvers. |

|jungle. These are usually qualities found in ESTPs. Both prefer action & | |

|variety. Can be fun to be with, but can bite (usually with a funny comment!) |Jeremy Clarkson is a TV presenter, writer & lover of fast machines. Will |

|if things get boring. |generally offer his opinion even if it is not a popular one! Often has funny |

| |& original ideas. Assertive, adventurous, fearless, independent & busy. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Good at on-the-spot problem solving. |They like group activity, discussion & role play. |

|Can act & communicate quickly & decisively. |They like to know the practical benefits before starting. |

|Like using skills they’ve already learned. |They like to know what they’re supposed to do but not how to do it (they’ll |

|Can look at situations without becoming easily upset. |work that out themselves) |

|Can stand up for what they believe in even if others disagree. |Revision tips |

|Can adapt & change plans. |They can become bored with long explanations & theories - they’re usually |

|Can make decisions without being seen as soft. |better working with things they can take apart or put together. |

|Can organise facts. | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |engineering (structures – roads, bridges, dams & machines), built environment |

| |(architecture, planning, surveying, design) |

| |geography, ecology |

| |performing arts |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They use experience to explore problems then solve them in a practical way, | |

|taking into account the feelings of people. | |

|They are confident, practical, friendly & flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They are fun & exuberant. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They can get confused about how they feel. | |

|They have big ideas but are unsure how to make them happen. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Plan more and your projects can be even more successful. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They enjoy freedom & adventure, which can result in clashes with authority. |Talk louder & faster. |

|They can be risk takers & practical jokers. |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|They can appear messy & disorganised but they know where their stuff is. |Argue specific facts. |

|They can be popular because they are fun & easy to be with, although they may |Focus on details. |

|sometimes be drawn to the wrong people. |Tell people ‘not to get emotional’ |

|Others often tell them to slow down. |Say ‘it’s not personal’ |

| |Throw in extra issues - ‘and another thing’. |

| |Argue both sides. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually good fun to be with. |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|They’re full of energy & ideas. |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|They can be determined & easily become bored - so variety & action keep them |Let others dream and fantasise. |

|happy. |Consider people’s emotions, not just the task & the goals. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Say what’s in it for people. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Focus on making decisions. |

|Parent: |Stick to the point. |

|Tend to be hands-off in approach, encouraging their children to explore, spread| |

|their wings & learn by doing. | |

|They are hard to fool. | |

|Tend to become strict if disobeyed. | |

|Child: | |

|Tend to be bold & daring & interested in physical activities (music, arts, | |

|sports, events, holidays, socialising) | |

|Like having fun. | |

|Buying a present for a Panther | |

|A day out somewhere fun & exciting, perhaps involving a challenge - a theme | |

|park or paintballing/ | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |Performer / crafter / promoter / engineer / explorer |

| |Good at solving practical problems on the spot. |

| |engineering, science, repair & servicing, oil & gas production |

| |protecting people & property, armed services |

| |IT, law |

| |surveying, environmental careers immediate problems. |

| |hospitality management |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |paramedic / scaffolder / van driver / car mechanic / bricklayer / warehouse |

| |worker / window cleaner / bingo caller / youth worker / roofer / taxi driver / |

| |theme-park worker / construction/engineering crafter |

|ISTJ: POLAR BEAR |Famous Polar Bears: |

|BUZZWORDS: Practical, loyal & reliable |Jeff Tracey (dad in Thunderbirds), Steve Davis, Gordon Brown, Kelly Holmes, Mr |

|Polar bears are strong and determined. They are at the top of their food chain|Darcy (from Bridget Jones’s Diary), Alan Shearer & Michael Owen. |

|and, like ISTJs, they can be the boss. To hunt for food, they have to learn | |

|and perfect their skills. ISTJs also like to perfect their skills and then use|Delia Smith was one of the first celebrity chefs and is still selling cookbooks|

|them throughout their life. Polar bears, like ISTJs, can spend a lot of time |by the millions. Also, chair of Norwich City Football Club. Personality |

|of their own and be perfectly happy while in their own company. |strengths include being responsible, focused, quietly determined, realistic, |

| |practical, objective, organised and a careful planner. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can work quietly and steadily on something until it is finished. |They like quiet for concentration and to work alone. |

|Like using skills we’ve already learned. |They like to know the practical benefits before starting. |

|Good at planning how long a task will take. |They like logical order and to be able to show they understand. |

|Pay attention to details and like to get the job done properly. |They like a clear structure and timetable. |

|Like analysing and putting things into logical order. |Revision tips |

|Good at organising their own time. |Discuss your work with tutors and friends and be flexible to their ideas to |

|Can make decisions without being soft. |enhance your knowledge base. |

|Can follow plans and decide quickly. |Don’t just stick with working alone. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |business & management |

| |built environment (architecture/surveying) |

| |engineering |

| |law |

| |environmental protection |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They use their experience to explore problems. | |

|They solve problems in a practical way. | |

|They are careful, sensible, honest and determined. | |

|They learn from their mistakes, have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They can imagine the worst is going to happen. | |

|They jump to the wrong conclusions. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Take a break sometimes and praise people around you. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|Often more adult than the adults! they value their independence, privacy and |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|personal space. |Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|They tend to have a small number of close friends. |Argue specific facts. |

|Perhaps they could learn to be more sensitive to people while talking to them |Focus on details. |

|and sometimes be a little more open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. |Tell people ‘not to get emotional’. |

|They’re dependable, loyal and responsible. |Say ‘it’s not personal’. |

| |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

| |Oversimplify issues. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually more practical, loyal and sensible than romantic and |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|spontaneous. |rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|They like stability and structure with clear rules and roles. |Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|They’ll tell you what they think and expect from the relationship. |Let others dream and fantasise. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Consider people’s emotions, not just the task and the goals. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Say what’s in it for people. |

|Parent: |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Tend to like setting rules and expect things to be done their way. |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|Value traditions, family roles and explaining right and wrong through ‘should’,| |

|‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. | |

|Tend to remove ‘treats’ as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Like to know what the rules are & be shown how to do things. | |

|Generally, like to help. | |

|Value safety. | |

|Respond well to praise when completing tasks ‘properly’. | |

|Buying a present for a Polar Bear? | |

|a small ‘list’ books they can jot down their ‘to do’ list on the go. | |

|Encourage them to make lists of things that make them feel good too, not just | |

|lists of the stuff that needs to be done. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |inspector / supervisor / organiser / leader / parent |

| |Organising things (using systems & procedures) – financial |

| |(accountancy/insurance), law or administration |

| |Uniformed & protective services (police / traffic warden / prison officer / |

| |roadside breakdown recovery |

| |environmental services (trading standards / RSPCA inspector) |

| |floristry, air-cabin crew, plumber, surveyor |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |postal delivery / shoe/key-repair / traffic warden / bricklayer / tiler / car |

| |mechanic/fitter / painter & decorator / welder / plumber / driving |

| |instructor/examiner |

|INFJ: SEA HORSE |Famous Sea Horses |

|BUZZWORDS: modest, caring, loyal |Victoria Wood, Gandhi, Velma (from Scooby Doo) - strong inner beliefs |

|Sea horses have been credited with deep magical qualities. INFJs can also be |combined with determination & warmth. |

|deep, quiet & imaginative. Sea horses tend to live in warm waters & care for |Cinderella is a fairy-tale character with an interesting personality. Quiet, |

|their young. INFJs can be warm & caring. The head shape of a sea horse is as |imaginative, caring, devoted & hardworking. Qualities that were exploited by |

|unique as a human fingerprint & INFJs value their own & other’s uniqueness. |her stepmother & sisters, but ultimately helped her find her true love. Let’s |

| |hope he treated her a bit better once they were married! |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can work quietly on something until it is finished. |They like quiet for concentration. |

|Interested in the idea behind what they are doing, especially how it affects |They like to know the theory behind the idea. |

|people. |They like to be encouraged and praised. |

|Patient with complicated situations. |They like structure, procedures and knowing finishing times. |

|Solve problems using their imagination. |Revision tips |

|Can be aware of people’s values & strengths. |Usually good at revising and completing course work. |

|Can persuade others. |Don’t ignore practical details & considerations. |

|Can follow plans. |Motivate yourself by imagining the positive benefits all your hard work could |

|Can decide quickly. |bring but then make sure you get on with the work! |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |psychology, history, social/life sciences |

| |languages, linguistics |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They solve problems with imagination & enthusiasm. | |

|They are good listeners, creative & caring & get things done. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They become easily annoyed & angry. | |

|They can overeat, drink too much or do too much exercise. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Don’t just live inside your head - talk to others and share more of your |

| |great ideas. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|At their best they can inspire others. |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|They’re usually good students and enjoy academic activity, but can be hard to |Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|get to know. |Personalise everything. |

|They can be perfectionists & they like to please others. |Sometimes just give in to keep the peace. |

|This sometimes means they put more pressure on themselves than they need to. |Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

|They can be their own hardest critics! |Make sweeping generalisations. |

| |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

| |Oversimplify issues... |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually romantic & caring & like the same from their partner. |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|They usually come across as deep & intense but can be very funny when they want|rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|to be. |Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t take everything personally. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Don’t be afraid of disagreement – sometimes it’s healthy. |

|Parent: |Don’t ignore practical details. |

|Tend to be encouraging, like everyone to get on well, take care of and support |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|each other. |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Can try to impose their own ‘hippie’ values on those close to them. Tend to |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|withdraw love & support as punishment | |

|Child: | |

|Are deep & inventive, think through their feelings,are sensitive. | |

|Respond well to imagination and helping others. | |

|Can get lost in the world of their ideas. | |

|Buying a present for a Sea Horse? | |

|An album with photos of all the people they know with positive comments written| |

|by close friends & family | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |Counsellor / healer / mentor / adviser |

| |Supporting individuals to be their best, such as through caring work, social |

| |work, counselling, advising, psychology, advocacy, medical therapies. |

| |library/information work, |

| |languages, creative writing, journalism, marketing |

| |science (life/physical), archaeology |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |Youth worker / hotel porter / hairdresser / picture framer / care worker / |

| |display designer / waiter/waitress / sports massage / tattooist / business |

| |administrator / library/teaching assistant / secretary / receptionist |

|INFP: SEAL |Famous Seals |

|BUZZWORDS: modest, friendly, imaginative |Shakespeare, ET, Julia Roberts - all sharing strong principles to understand |

|Seals can be imaginative, supportive & playful around their social group, as |& support people. |

|can INFPs. They can also be quiet & careful on land, and INFPs can share this | |

|deeper, more watchful behaviour, wondering whether to jump in & trust their |Michael Palin is a famous member of Monty Python, comedy writer, performer & |

|instincts or suss out the person or situation first. |traveller. Says he likes listening to people in pubs & cafes to find out what |

| |makes them tick. He often uses his vivid imagination to create humour. |

| |Idealistic, quiet, flexible & friendly. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can work quietly & steadily on a number of things at once. |They like quiet for concentration. |

|Enjoys learning new skills. |They like to know the theory behind the idea. |

|Are full of enthusiasm. |They like to be encouraged and praised. |

|Are interested in the thinking behind the idea, particularly how it affects |They like variety & choices. |

|people. |Revision tips |

|Solve problems using their imagination. |Can get lost inside their own heads sometimes! |

|Can be aware of people’s values & strengths. |Think of a practical plan to make sure there is enough time to finish |

|Can persuade others. |everything. |

|Can adapt & change their plans. |They generally take criticism very personally - but remember that some |

|Can work on many things at once. |criticism could help improve future work! |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |psychology, history, social/life sciences, politics |

| |languages, linguistics |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at making people feel valued & included. | |

|They are good listeners, imaginative, caring flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They can criticise. | |

|They can become stubborn. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Don’t get lost inside your head - share some of your good ideas with others. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They have strong inner values & beliefs that they like to live by - others |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|can therefore see them as sensitive, complex & deep. |Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|They tend to have close relationships with a few rather than a wide circle of |Personalise everything. |

|friends. |Sometimes just give in to keep the peace. |

|They naturally dislike rules - though sometimes these could help them! |Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

| |Make sweeping generalisations. |

| |Throw in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

| |Argue both sides.. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually romantic & loving & expect the same from their partner. |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|Can be funny. |rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|Can be very sensitive to criticism so be careful how you deliver it. |Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t take everything personally. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Don’t be afraid of disagreement – sometimes it’s healthy. |

|Parent: |Don’t ignore practical details. |

|Tend to be encouraging, like everyone to get on well, take care of and support |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|each other. |Focus on making decisions. |

|Can try to impose their own ‘hippie’ values on those close to them. Tend to |Stick to the point.. |

|withdraw love & support as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Are deep & inventive, think through their feelings,are sensitive. | |

|Respond well to imagination and helping others. | |

|Can get lost in the world of their ideas. | |

|Buying a present for a Seal? | |

|An ‘ideas’ book - somewhere to write down their good ideas as they happen. | |

|Challenge them to pick out the best ideas & share them with others. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |Counsellor / advocate / mentor / adviser |

| |Interested in possibilities for people - attracted to counselling, advising, |

| |psychology, advocating, mentoring & medical therapies. |

| |Also interested in written expression - library/information work, journalism, |

| |research & archaeology, art & creative work. |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |Sports/remedial massage / alternative therapist |

| |(aromatherapy/reiki/reflexology/neurolinguisitc programming) / picture framer /|

| |care worker / photographer / counsellor / adviser (marriage guidance/debt) / |

| |youth worker / care assistant |

|INTP: TAWNY O WL |Famous Tawny Owls |

|BUZZWORDS: independent, imaginative, honest |Caractacus Potts (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang), Wallace (from Wallace & |

|Owls are symbols of intelligence, determination & wisdom; qualities usually |Gromit) & Sir Isaac Newton - natural inventors. |

|shared with the INTP. They fly silently in the night and INTPs too are often | |

|careful & quiet, speaking only when they have something interesting or useful |Albert Einstein had a classic mad-professor type of personality. Independent, |

|to say. If you hear an owl hoot at night, it is likely to be a tawny owl and |curious, imaginative, analytical, problem solver. Could ‘live in his own |

|when you hear an INTP speak, it is usually worth listening to. Tawny owls are |head’, so absorbed in thinking through problems and puzzles to be solved. |

|Britain’s most common birds of prey, but INTPs are quite rare & therefore easy |Interested in inventing or creating new solutions. |

|to misunderstand. | |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can work quietly & steadily on a number of things at once. |They like quiet for concentration & can work alone. |

|Enjoy learning new skills. |They like to know the theory behind the idea. |

|Enjoy solving problems using their imagination. |They like a logical order but appreciate being able to decide on their own way |

|Like analysing & putting things in logical order. |to do things. |

|Interested in the theory behind the idea, particularly theories that can be |Revision tips |

|tested & proved. |Concentrate on practical details & finish one thing before moving on to a new |

|Can adapt & change their plans. |challenge. |

|Can be careful with details. |Plan so you have enough time to get everything done. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |engineering, built environment (town planning, design, architecture, surveying)|

| |pure science, biotechnology |

| |computing/IT |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at analysing situations & stand up for what they believe in. | |

|They’re good listeners, imaginative, logical, flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They have emotional outbursts & mood swings. | |

|They argue over tiny details. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |If you’re not sure what people are thinking, ask! |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They’re independent, quiet & flexible deep thinkers. |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|They don’t suffer fools gladly & can annoy people who might think they’re cold,|Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|but they’re more interested in the core issues, and they’re their own harshest |Imagine huge consequences from small incidents. |

|critics at times. |Make sweeping generalisations. |

|Perhaps they could show more appreciation of other’s input & the practical |Throw in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

|details to make sure things run smoothly. |Say ‘it’s not personal’ |

| |Jump to conclusions quickly. |

| |Oversimplify issues. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They usually share their ideas, passions & beliefs. |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|They like trying new things . |rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|They can very self-critical. |Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t ignore practical details. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Consider how to get there – not just the finish line. |

|Parent: |Focus on making decisions. |

|Tend to encourage children to develop a wide range of skills. |Stick to the point.. |

|Enjoy discussion & playing games & quizzes with their children. |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Tend to remove ‘privileges’ as punishment. |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|Child: | |

|Are imaginative & curious, don’t like being told what to do without a logical | |

|reason. | |

|Can seem to argue, but they need to ask why & have answers. | |

|Can be very self-critical | |

|Buying a present for a Tawny Owl? | |

|An ‘ideas’ book - somewhere to write down their good ideas as they happen. | |

|Challenge them to pick out the best ideas & share them with others. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |inventor / architect / creator / engineer |

| |Jobs in which they can organise ideas appeal, considering possibilities & |

| |exploring the possible effects. |

| |Computing (web design, software design), engineering |

| |architecture, surveying, science, law, research appeal to an interest in |

| |solving technical problems |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |Website/IT designer / technician / props maker / stonemason / photographer / |

| |signwriter / laboratory assistant/researcher / car mechanic / fixing/repairing |

| |stuff / inventor |

|ESFJ: TEDDY BEAR |Famous Teddy Bears: |

|BUZZWORDS: Friendly, reliable & loyal. |Fiona Phillips (GMTV presenter), Mary Poppins, Wendy (Peter Pan), Truly |

|Teddy bears are warm & friendly - qualities usually found in ESFJs. Teddy |Scrumptious (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang), Bones (Star Trek), Wonder Woman loyal, |

|Bears are often loyal, organised and a bit of a chatterbox - characteristic |friendly & chatty. |

|qualities usually found in ESFJs. Teddy bears are popular and widespread, as | |

|are ESFJs. |Gary Lineker is Mr nice guy. The only professional footballer never to be |

| |booked. Popular, friendly, reliable, practical and organised. Likes others to|

| |be the same. Usually looks for the best in people. This type of personality |

| |tends to be happiest when providing for people, friends or family. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Friendly, good communicators. |They like group activity & discussion. |

|Enjoy applying skills we’ve already learned. |They like to know the practical benefits before starting. |

|Usually respect traditions, anniversaries & rules. |They like to be praised & encouraged. |

|Patient with details. |They like structure, procedures & finishing times to be clear. |

|Can act & communicate quickly & without fuss. |Revision tips |

|Can be popular team members. |Comfortable with routine & detail, so normally complete revision on schedule. |

|Can be good organisers of people. |Try to use and develop your imagination. |

|Know what’s going on & join in keeping everyone involved. |Discussing topics with others could help you expand your knowledge beyond the |

| |textbooks. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |medical therapies (speech/occupational/[physiotherapy), nursing |

| |complementary medicine, primary-school teaching |

| |business services (hospitality management, conference organising, human |

| |resources, customer service) |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at making people feel valued & important. | |

|They are assertive, practical, friendly, get things done. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They take over, saying ‘oh, I’ll do it!’ | |

|They dig their heels in.. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Don’t try to be perfect all of the time – chill! |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They can be modest about their achievements & be surprised at how well they’re |Talk louder & faster. |

|liked by friends. |Want to get things sorted out now! |

|Loyal & realistic, they’ll get things done on time. |Argue specific facts. |

|They can take criticism to heart & sometimes try to please others while |Focus on details. |

|forgetting about their own needs. |Personalise everything. |

|They work well in teams & people turn to them for support. |Sometimes give in just to keep the peace. |

|They keep their stubborn streak only for those close to them! |Jump to conclusions quickly & oversimplify issues. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually very loyal, loving, supportive & protective. |Text or email ideas before springing them on people. |

|They provide stability & structure & are friendly & sociable. |Listen: talk only when the other person has finished. |

|They like to spend time with groups of friends & family, not just their |Let others dream and fantasise. |

|partner. |Don’t take everything personally. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t be afraid of disagreement – sometimes it’s healthy. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Consider all of the options before deciding. |

|Parent: |Remember doing things the same way is not always best. |

|Tend to like setting rules and expect things to be done their way. | |

|Value traditions, family roles and explaining right and wrong through ‘should’,| |

|‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. | |

|Tend to remove ‘treats’ as punishment. | |

|Child: | |

|Like to know what the rules are & be shown how to do things. | |

|Generally, like to help. | |

|Value safety. | |

|Respond well to praise when completing tasks ‘properly’. | |

|Buying a present for a Teddy Bear? | |

|A surprise night out with all of their friends. | |

|The latest mobile phone so they can text all their friends& keep up with | |

|gossip. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |protector / organiser / provider / carer / supervisor |

| |Jobs in which they can provide a service to others using their friendliness & |

| |organisational skills. |

| |health service (nurse / occupational/speech therapy) |

| |administration, hospitality, tourism, caring & advice work |

| |teaching, library/information work, PR & marketing |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |care worker / call-centre worker / stagehand / retail assistant / theme park |

| |worker / hairdresser/beauty therapist / chef / waiter/waitress / hotel porter /|

| |travel agent / public services worker |

|ISTP: TIGER |Famous Tigers: |

|BUZZWORDS: Independent, analytical & determined |Ellen MacArthur, Clint Eastwood and Tom Cruise - quiet, curious, determined |

|Tigers are rare, as are ISTPs. Although there are only five species left, they|and adaptable. |

|are determined and strong, like ISTPs. They are the largest cat and can be | |

|confident and assertive explorers, enjoying finding out about the world around |Shrek, the hero of the films named after him. Remember, sharing his |

|them, like ISTPs. |personality does not mean you look like him! He is quiet, determined, |

| |independent, adaptable and practical and enjoys his own space and company. |

| |Will stand up for what he believes in. |

|Strengths |Preferred learning style |

|Can work quietly and steadily on a number of things at once. |They like quiet for concentration and can work well alone. |

|Like using skills they’ve already learned. |They like to know what the practical benefits are before starting. |

|Can look at situations and make decisions without getting upset. |They like a logical order, to know what they’re supposed to do, but not how to |

|Can organise the facts carefully. |do it (they’ll work out their own way). |

|Can stand up for what they believe in, even if others don’t agree. |Revision tips |

|Can be flexible and try new ways to get things done. |They tend to prefer practical, hands-on learning and may try to get away with |

|Can be patient with routine. |the bare minimum on assignments. |

| |They could learn themselves, not leaving things to the last minute. |

| | |

| |Degree course ideas |

| |ecology, biological sciences, geology |

| |agriculture, horticulture, landscape architecture |

| |engineering, built environment (surveying/town planning) |

|When they’re pointing in a positive direction | |

|They are good at analysing situations. | |

|They stand up for what they believe in. | |

|They are good listeners, practical, logical and flexible. | |

|They learn from their mistakes. | |

|They have fun. | |

|When they’re pointing in a negative direction | |

|They have emotional outbursts and mood swings. | |

|They argue over tiny details. | |

| |To reduce stress |

| |Share your good ideas and humour around. |

|As a teenager |In an argument |

|They’re honest and realistic with great common sense and a love for life. |Would rather go away and think things through. |

|If someone doesn’t make sense, they’ll tell them so. This can sometimes make |Keep quiet until things build up so much that they explode. |

|them seem stubborn and strong willed. |Argue specific facts. |

|They could try to take into account the personal needs and feelings of friends |Focus on details. |

|and family – criticise only when they really need to. |Tell people not to ‘get emotional’. |

| |Say ‘its not personal’. |

| |Thrown in extra issues – ‘and another thing’. |

| |Argue both sides. |

|As a boyfriend/girlfriend |How to avoid an argument |

|They’re usually good fun to be with. |Allow people to talk through their ideas and don’t assume their ideas are |

|May sometimes be too honest with their opinions for their own good. |rubbish because they’re thinking out loud. |

|In a parent/child relationship (note: parent/child can be substituted for other|Don’t dismiss new ideas straight away. |

|relationships, eg friendships, marriages & working relationships) |Let others dream and fantasise. |

|Parent: |Consider people’s emotions, not just the task & the goals. |

|Tend to be ‘hands off’ in approach, encouraging their children to explore, |Say what’s in it for people. |

|spread their wings and learn by doing. |Focus on making decisions. |

|They are hard to fool. |Stick to the point. |

|Tend to become strict if disobeyed. | |

|Child: | |

|Tend to be bold and daring and interested in physical activities | |

|(music/art/sports/events/holidays/socialising) | |

|Like having fun. | |

|Buying a present for a Tiger? | |

|A day out to a favourite place, probably where there aren’t a lot of other | |

|people about. | |

| |Preferred job roles & themes |

| |explorer / firefighter / performer / operator |

| |Satisfying enjoyable work rather than a ‘career’ usually appeals. |

| |agriculture, horticulture, landscape architecture, forestry, environmental work|

| |engineering and crafts can provide satisfaction |

| |law & legal work, trading standards, armed services |

| |TV camera operator, wildlife photographer, transport manager |

| |Jobs that don’t require loads of qualifications |

| |bus/taxi driver / roofer / refuse collector / toolmaker / garden-centre worker |

| |/ car mechanic/fitter / tiler / farm worker / roadie / warehouse worker / |

| |windscreen repairer / construction crafts |


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