Current research links gum disease with more serious diseases

A minimally invasive treatment for gum disease now offered by local dentist . Current research links gum disease with more serious diseases.



Gum Disease Linked to Many Diseases – Local Dentist Now Offers New Minimally Invasive Treatment

St Louis, MO -- Bleeding gums may indicate more than a dental health problem: current research links gum disease to heart attacks, strokes, pre-term birth, type II diabetes, respiratory disease, and systemic inflammations. 

The links between gum disease and potential health problems is highlighted by the fact that more than half of adults in the US have gum disease. In the early stages symptoms include bad breath and red, puffy, or bleeding gums. The more advanced stages of infection lead to tooth and bone loss. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. 

Treating infections and inflammation in the gum tissue is difficult because the infectious bacteria are hidden and protected beneath the gum line in pockets between teeth and gums that are hard to reach with a tooth brush, rinse, or floss. Historically, getting medication deep enough to the source of the infection was nearly impossible without professional help.

Now, dentists can offer their patients the Perio Tray from Perio Protect®, a comfortable tray used at home between office visits to deliver medication deep into infected pockets. The medication can then fight the infection. The goal is to improve patient homecare so that repetitive, invasive procedures can be reduced. Patients appreciate both the convenience and the stress-free, hassle-free delivery method. 

[YOUR NAME] in [YOUR CITY] is pleased to offer Perio Trays to current patients as well as new patients who have delayed treatment out of fear or anxiety. The trays are comfortable and so easy to use.

With this popular option in improved homecare, Dr [YOUR LAST NAME]’s patients, like tens of thousands across the U.S. and Canada, can protect their smiles, and may even protect their general health too. 

For more information, call [YOUR NAME] at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER], or visit the Perio Protect website at .

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|Tags: gum disease, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, perio protect |


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