The German Weimar Republic: Why did Democracy Fail

The German Weimar Republic: Why did Democracy Fail?

1. After German unification in 1871, how did Bismarck set up the new government?

2. What is a Reich? What was the First Reich? What was the Second Reich?

3. How did Kaiser Wilhelm (leader during WWI) respond to the Reichstag?

4. How did German citizens respond to Germany’s loss in WWI? How did the German Army respond?

5. What happened to Kaiser Wilhelm post-WWI?

6. What did the German government promise its citizens post-WWI?

7. Describe the Weimar Republic. How was the new government set up?

8. What was the Reichstag?

9. What rights did German citizens have under the new Weimar Republic?

10. How did the German public respond to the Treaty of Versailles?

11. How did the German government plan to pay for reparations?

12. Describe how the German economy declined during this period. What caused the inflation?

13. Why was Adolf Hitler imprisoned?

14. Describe how the German depression affected citizens.

15. What was the outcome of the election in 1925?

16. What was the outcome of the election in 1930? Which new political party emerged?

17. Who did President Hindenburg appoint as the new chancellor in 1933? Why did he choose this man?

18. What was the Enabling Act?

19. What was the Third Reich?

20. List three reasons why democracy failed in Europe. Which do YOU think was the biggest cause?


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