Influential African Americans Research Project

Influential African Americans of the Harlem Renaissance Research Project

Mrs. Hamilton—10th Literature and Composition

Group Research Project: Society has long since been focused on the literary works of African Americans, but few really illustrate the influence that the poets and musicians from the Harlem Renaissance had on literature and culture. This lesson will allow students to research and understand that there are other influential African Americans other than Martin Luther King Jr., Langston Hughes, or Barak Obama. African American poetry and music from the Harlem Renaissance led the way for African Americans in literature, politics, culture, and society. Students will choose from one of the given topics below in developing their research. Collaborative research projects will reflect these aspects of the poets and musicians of the Harlem Renaissance, contributing specific information and reflecting a more topic-specific thesis statement.


ELA10RL4.c,d ; ELA10W3.a,b,c,d,e


✓ Students will understand, analyze, and interpret historical events, trends, and political issues to develop historical principles.

✓ Students will observe, analyze, and interpret social influences, political influences, and cultural influences to better understand people and the influence that they have amongst individuals.

✓ Students will be able to identify, understand, and use different forms of research materials to create and develop a thesis statement and a bibliography.

Materials Needed:

• 100 pack of 3 x 5 index cards with lines

• Paper/Pen

• Copies of all research material used

• Computer/Printer

Developing Your Research Project:

1. Research: The object of a research project is to research a topic. Utilize book and article databases at the library, reputable websites, encyclopedias (NOT Wikipedia!!) and other reference books, peer-reviewed magazines, and biographies. Find as much as possible written about your topic and make a copy or print a copy of the page. Use the index cards to write your bibliographical information on as your research your topic.

2. Write your Thesis Statement: This is one of the most important parts of the writing process. You are to write one sentence that states your main point or subject. Remember that you have to be able to prove, using your research, anything you say in your thesis statement.

|Research Topics: | |

| | |

|Influential People: | |

| | |

|Claud McKay |Marcus Garvey |

|Biography |Biography |

|Historical/Personal Influences |Historical/Personal Influences |

|Educational Background |Educational Background |

|Works Published |Works Published |

|Movements/Historical Accomplishments |Movements/Historical Accomplishments |

| | |

|Counteé Cullen | |

|Biography |Charles S. Johnson |

|Historical/Personal Influences |Biography |

|Educational Background |Historical/Personal Influences |

|Works Published |Educational Background |

|Movements/Historical Accomplishments |Works Published |

| |Movements/Historical Accomplishments |

|James Weldon Johnson | |

|Biography |Duke Ellington |

|Historical/Personal Influences |Biography |

|Educational Background |Historical/Personal Influences |

|Works Published |Educational Background |

|Movements/Historical Accomplishments |Works Published |

| |Movements/Historical Accomplishments |

| | |

|W.E.B. Du Bois |Louis Armstrong |

|Biography |Biography |

|Historical/Personal Influences |Historical/Personal Influences |

|Educational Background |Educational Background |

|Works Published |Works Published |

|Movements/Historical Accomplishments |Movements/Historical Accomplishments |

To submit research:

← Type (black ink, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-space) your title page.

← Bold-face your thesis statement and place at the top of your outline.

← Type (black ink, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-space) your outline.

← Type (black ink, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-space) your bibliography page.

← Include the rubrics.

← Staple together in the following order: title page, outline, works cited page, and rubric.

← Paper clip source cards along with everything you stapled together.

← Place completed work in a manila/paper pocketed folder with your group name on it

This project is due March 29, 2011. Projects after Tuesday, March 29th will NOT be accepted.


Name_______________________________Group___________________Class Period _______

Performance Assessment Rubric for Research

Subject: Influential African Americans of the Harlem Renaissance Research Project

Grade Level: 10th Literature and Composition

|Performance Assessment for |Exceeding Standards |Meeting Standards |Below Standards |Standards are Not Met |

|Research |50pnts |25pnts | |5pnts |

| | | |10pnts | |

|ELA10RL4c.d |Successfully identifies and |Somewhat identifies and |Student struggles to |Student fails to identify |

|The student employs a |assesses the impact of |assesses the impact of |identify and assess the |and assess the impact of |

|variety of writing genres to|ambiguities, nuances, and |ambiguities, nuances, and |impact of ambiguities, |ambiguities, nuances, and |

|demonstrate a comprehensive |complexities within the |complexities within the |nuances, and complexities |complexities within the |

|grasp of significant ideas |text. |text. |within the text. |text. |

|in selected literary works. |Includes a formal works |Includes a formal works |Includes a works cited or |Does not include a formal |

| |cited or bibliography that |cited or bibliography the |bibliography but does not |works cited or bibliography.|

| |follows MLA format. |somewhat follows MLA format.|follow MLA format. | |

|ELA10W3a-e |Successfully formulates |Somewhat formulates clear |Struggles to formulate clear|Does not formulates clear |

|The student uses research |clear research questions and|research questions and |research questions and |research questions and |

|and technology to support |utilizes appropriate |utilizes appropriate |utilizes appropriate |utilize appropriate research|

|writing. |research venues, Uses a |research venues, Uses |research venues, Uses a |venues, Does not provide |

| |variety of supporting |supporting evidence from |minimal amount of |supporting evidence from |

| |evidence from multiple |multiple sources to develop |supporting evidence from |multiple sources to develop |

| |sources to develop the main |the main ideas, somewhat |different sources to develop|the main ideas, Does not |

| |ideas, Successfully |synthesizes information from|the main ideas, Struggles to|synthesizes information from|

| |synthesizes information from|multiple sources and |synthesize information from |multiple sources and fails |

| |multiple sources and |identifies complexities and |multiple sources and |to identify complexities and|

| |identifies complexities and |discrepancies in the |identifies complexities and |discrepancies in the |

| |discrepancies in the |information and the |discrepancies in the |information and the |

| |information and the |different perspectives found|information and the |different perspectives found|

| |different perspectives found|in each medium, Integrates |different perspectives found|in each medium, Fails to |

| |in each medium, Successfully|quotations and citations |in each medium, Integrates |integrate quotations and |

| |integrates quotations and |into an outline and thesis |less than ten quotations and|citations into an outline |

| |citations into an outline |statement, Uses conventions |citations into an outline |and thesis statement, Does |

| |and thesis statement, Uses |for documentation in the |and thesis statement, Uses |not use appropriate |

| |appropriate conventions for |text, notes, and |conventions for |conventions for |

| |documentation in the text, |bibliographies by adhering |documentation in the text, |documentation in the text, |

| |notes, and bibliographies by|to an appropriate style |notes, and bibliographies |notes, and bibliographies by|

| |adhering to an appropriate |manual such as MLA format |but does not adhere to an |adhering to an appropriate |

| |style manual such as MLA | |appropriate style manual |style manual such as MLA |

| |format | |such as MLA format |format |

Name_______________________________ Group____________________ Class Period_____


□ Research source cards: 10 source cards per subtopic

← 15 points _______________________________

□ Typed thesis statement and outline

← 50 points _______________________________

□ Works cited page

← 30 points _______________________________

□ FINAL RESEARCH FOLDER, submitted exactly according to instructions

← 5 points _______________________________

TOTAL POINTS EARNED= ___________________/ 200 pts.




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