Influential People of Early Modern World History ...

[Pages:4]Influential People of Early Modern World History PowerPoint Project & Presentations

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been chosen by __________________Magazine to present a biography for a famous inventor, artist, explorer, thinker, etc.... for our new issue.

Your Presentation Date: ______________

PowerPoint Biography Guidelines

1. 5-8 slides a. A picture, name, country of origin, date of birth & death of your person (WHO? WHERE? WHEN?) b. Describe your person's accomplishments & include visual images (WHAT? HOW?) ? For example: a picture or sketch of their invention, a picture or sketch of their artwork, an excerpt from a piece of their literature, a map showing their explorations, etc. followed by a description of what it is. c. How your subject's accomplishments contributed to history, then and now (WHY? HOW?) i. You may include how your person's accomplishments were accepted or were not accepted, then and/or now.

2. Sources: a. A works cited slide or bibliography of all the sources you used (At least two-three sources) b. Where to look? Use your textbook, library books, and the Internet for research and pictures. One source MUST be from ProQuest. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source to use.

3. Presentation: ? 2-4 minute presentation ? Be ready to answer questions about the person or their accomplishments

May 04 -07 Group 1

The Renaissance Men Leonardo Da Vinci Machiavelli Shakespeare Michelangelo Gutenberg Erasmus

Your List of Influential People

May 08 Group 2: The Scientists Copernicus Galileo Isaac Newton Francis Bacon

May 11 Group 3: The Religious Reformers Martin Luther John Calvin Henry VIII Elizabeth I

May 12 Group 4 The Thinkers

Locke Montesquieu

Rousseau Voltaire

May 13-15 Group 5 The Explorers Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Francis Drake Amerigo Vespucci Hernando Cortez Vasco de Gamma Henry the Navigator Francisco Pizarro

Influential People of Early Modern World History PowerPoint Project & Presentations

Influential People of Early Modern World History PowerPoint Project & Presentations


Objectives Low Performance

At or Below Average

At or Above



Exemplary Performance Points

Article Content 10 points Article does not address five or more of the requirements listed on the task sheet.

18 points Article does not address three or four of the requirements listed on task sheet.

25 points Article does not address one or two of the requirements listed on task sheet.

30 points Article clearly addresses all requirements listed on task sheet.


5 points

10 points

15 points

20 points

Article has too Article is

Article is written Article is very

many errors to difficult to read well, a few

clearly written and

make sense of the because of

grammar and to the point. It is


grammar and structural errors easy to read and

structural errors. are present.


Grammar and

structure are



3 points

5 points

Article is illegible Many spelling

because of


spelling mistakes

10 points Few spelling errors

15 points No spelling errors

Visual Component

0 points No visuals are used.

5 points 2 visuals are used.

10 points 3 visuals are used.

15 points 4 visuals are used.

Bibliography 0 points

0 points

No bibliography is Plagiarism is



10 points

15 points

Bibliography is Bibliography is

present, but not present and written

written correctly. correctly.


0 points

3 points

4 points

5 points

Student does not Student presents Student presents Student presents

present biography biography, but biography and is biography in the

to the class.

not prepared to prepared.

class, demonstrates


preparedness &

captures attention.


Influential People of Early Modern World History PowerPoint Project & Presentations


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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