6th Grade Earth Science Second Quarter Extra Credit

6th Grade Science Second Quarter Extra Credit

You may complete ONE project for extra credit. If you have your own original idea for a project please share it.

Due Date: Thursday, January 28

1. Choose an influential person from The 100 Most Influential People of the Last 1,000 Years. Write a report (350-word minimum, hand written) about the influential person you selected. The report should include: biographical information (born, childhood, schooling…), contribution to society, why you think they are on the list, and anything else you find interesting. Please list your resources.

2. Research spiders (or another creature of your choice). Your hand written report should answer the following questions: what is a spider, where do they live, what do they eat, function of web, how do spiders reproduce, how do spiders defend themselves, how long do they live… and anything else you find interesting. Include a drawing of a spider. The drawing must have a title and the parts of the spider must be labeled. Copies from the computer will not be accepted. Please list your resources.

3. Research and report on the pollutants in the air that we breathe. Some air pollution occurs naturally, but many types are the result of human activities. Discuss the different types of air pollution and the problems they cause. This report should be 300-350 words, hand written. You may include pictures. Please list your resources.

4. Research the different possibilities for disposing of sludge. You should report on two methods that are currently being used today and a third you create on your own. Your idea should be appropriate and accurate (so you should not be sending sludge to Saturn on an alien space ship). Must be hand written. Please list your resources.



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