Desired Results - City University of New York

|Desired Results |

|Learning Objective: Students will be able to: |

|To conduct research on Women’s History |

|To learn how to create a Power Point Presentation |

|To reflect on the process |

|Diploma Plus Competencies: |Content/Skills: |Learning Strategy: |

|SS02: Cause and Effect |Women’s History |Determine Importance |

| | |Synthesis |

|Assessment Evidence |

|Research elements |

|Power Point Presentation |

|Mini-lesson |

|Purpose: |To learn how to create a Power Point Presentation for Women’s History Month |

|Build Background: |Do Now: Pick an influential women from History that you would like to know more about- why did you choose her? |

|Vocabulary: |Slide, animation, suffrage movement, women’s rights movement |

|Instruction | |

| |AIM: How can we research and create a power point presentation |

| | |

| |Share out of the do now. |

| |What steps must we take in researching these women? What are the elements of an effective Power Point Presentation? |

| |Model each type of slide for the students and power point techniques on the smartboard. |

| |Model effective search techniques that we have gone over in the past. |

| |Hand out the slide outline for notetaking. |

|Work Period/Guided Practice |

|Independent Work: |Students will research historical figures from women’s history and complete the outline for 4 slides- Background, |

| |struggles, accomplishments, and Legacy. They will demonstrate power point techniques. |

|Wrap-up |

|Reflection: |What obstacles did we encounter in our research- what changes did we have to make as a result? |

|Homework: | |

| |Refine Power Point- add pictures, music, video to enhance your presentation |



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