The Interrelation between the Formal and Informal Organization

[Pages:47]The Interrelation between the Formal and Informal Organization

An analysis of how individuals perceive their roles during an organizational change

Master's Thesis in the Master's programme Design and Construction Project Management


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division of Construction Management CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY G?teborg, Sweden 2010 Master's Thesis 2010:108


The Interrelation between the Formal and Informal Organization

An analysis of how individuals perceive their roles during an organizational change Master's Thesis in the Master's programme Design and Construction Project Management CHRISTOFFER B??J ?STERGREN MALIN KARLSSON

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division of Construction Management


The Interrelation between the Formal and Informal Organization An analysis of how individuals perceive their roles during an organizational change Master's Thesis in the Master's programme Design and Construction Project Management CHRISTOFFER B??J ?STERGREN MALIN KARLSSON


Examensarbete / Institutionen f?r bygg- och milj?teknik, Chalmers tekniska h?gskola 2010:108

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division of Construction Management Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 G?teborg Sweden Telephone: + 46 (0)31-772 1000

Chalmers Reproservice G?teborg, Sweden 2010

The Interrelation between the Formal and Informal Organization An analysis of how individuals perceive their roles during an organizational change Master's Thesis in the Master's programme Design and Construction Project Management CHRISTOFFER B??J ?STERGREN MALIN KARLSSON Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division of Construction Management Chalmers University of Technology

ABSTRACT The environment in which organizations operates is constantly changing. Occasionally, organizations process rational reorganizations to meet new demands. A new organizational design is then rationally developed; establishing the formal organization. Simultaneously, the informal organization develops in accordance with individuals' interpretations and behavior. Differences between the formal and informal organization are in this study referred to as organizational stress. By performing a single case study, and interviewing employees at a residential developer in three Nordic countries, we have compared how individuals perceive roles, work processes and overall organizational structure to organizational management expectations. The organization studied had a large focus on organizational objectives and requirements but neglected the importance of enabling individuals to construct their own realities, in the new organizational design, resulted in organizational stress. When individuals' attitudes and behavior have common characteristics with organizational expectations of roles, performance, processes and overall structure, a win-win situation is created where employees are satisfied and the organization is efficient. Hence, we propose that reducing organizational stress is of particular importance during a change process. Key words: informal organization, role stress, organizational change, case study, the

Nordic countries


Relationen mellan formella och informella organisationer En analys av hur individer uppfattar roller i en organisationsf?r?ndring

Examensarbete inom mastersprogrammet Design and Construction

Management CHRISTOFFER B??J ?STERGREN MALIN KARLSSON Institutionen f?r bygg- och milj?teknik Avdelningen f?r Byggnadsekonomi Chalmers tekniska h?gskola



Organisationer verkar i en st?ndigt f?r?nderlig milj?. F?r att m?ta nya krav s? genomg?r organisationer rationella organisationsf?r?ndringar. Den nya organisationsdesignen som ?r rationellt utarbetad kan kallas f?r den formella organisationen, samtidigt som den informella organisationen utvecklas i enlighet med individers tolkningar och beteenden. Skillnader mellan den formella och informella organisationen kallas i denna studie f?r organisatorisk stress. Genom en fallstudie och intervjuer med anst?llda vid ett bostadsutvecklingsf?retag, i tre nordiska l?nder, har vi j?mf?rt hur m?nniskor upplever roller, arbetsprocesser och ?vergripande organisationsstruktur med f?rv?ntningar fr?n organisationen. Denna studie identifierar organisatorisk stress hos det studerade f?retaget. En stor fokus p? organisatoriska m?l och krav, samt bristf?llig fokus p? den enskilda individen resulterade i organisatorisk stress. N?r individers attityder och beteenden har gemensamma egenskaper med organisatoriska f?rv?ntningar p? roller, prestanda, processer och ?vergripande struktur, skapas en win-win situation, d?r de anst?llda ?r n?jda och organisationen effektiv. D?rf?r f?resl?r vi att str?va mot att minska organisatorisk stress ?r av s?rskild vikt vid en f?r?ndringsprocess.

Nyckelord: informell organisation, roller, organisationsf?r?ndring, fallstudie, Norden



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