Informal Fallacies Outline

Informal Fallacies Outline

I. Neglecting the Whole Question

A. Evasion

B. Circular Reasoning

C. Double Standard

D. Inconsistency

II. Making Faulty Assumptions

A. Rationalization

B. False case (Post Hoc)

C. Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

D. Inconceivability

E. Argument from Ignorance

F. Ad Ignorantiam

G. Hasty Generalization

H. Accident (Dicto Simpliciter)

I. Contradictory Premises

J. Cliched Thinking

K. Composition

L. Division

M. False Analogy

N. Stereotyping

O. Irrelevant Conclusion

P. Straw Man

III. Neglecting Aspects of the Question

A. Decision by Indecision

B. Oversimplification

C. Half Truth

D. Black or White Fallacy

E. Argument of the Beard

F. Misuse of the Mean

G. Appeal to Radicalism

IV. Appealing to the Irrelevant

A. Appeal to pity

B. Personal Attack

C. Poisoning the Well

D. Appeal to Reverence

E. Misuse of Authority

F. Bandwagon Argument

G. Diversion

H. Appeal to Force

V. Using scientific language imprecisely or manipulatively

A. Glittering Generality F. Appeal to Technical Jargon

B. Innuendo G. Appeal to Specialists

C. Name Calling

D. Snob Appeal

E. Appeal to Statistics


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