Washington State K–12 Learning Standards for Social Studies

Social Studies Learning Standards

Adopted September 2019

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Washington State K?12 Learning Standards for Social Studies

Learning and Teaching Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Jerry Price, Social Studies Program Supervisor

Chris Reykdal Superintendent of Public Instruction

Michaela W. Miller, Ed.D., NBCT Deputy Superintendent Kathe Taylor, Ph.D.

Assistant Superintendent Learning and Teaching

September 2019

Social Studies K?12 Learning Standards for Social Studies Skills, Civics, Economics, Geography, and History

Adoption Statement

A paramount duty of public education is to develop an active and engaged citizenry. We underscore that duty in our agency vision: All students prepared for post-secondary pathways, careers, and civic engagement.

In this increasingly complex and interconnected world, students who are equipped with skills of authentic inquiry and who know geography, civics, economics, and history can move forward with the confidence that they are prepared to engage with the world. The more important question is, will the world be ready to engage with them?

The revised Social Studies standards align with the College, Career, and Civic Readiness (C3) standards developed in partnership with the National Council for the Social Studies. Created by Washington Social Studies teacher leaders, administrators, content experts, civic organizations, and stakeholder groups, these standards reflect the breadth and depth of Social Studies content.

Public comment, input from the state Curriculum Advisory and Review Committee, and a bias and sensitivity review provided opportunities to refine the standards further.

Perhaps the most important revision to the Social Studies standards is the movement of Social Studies skills to the forefront. While the former standards contained a skills section, the new standards recognize that the ability to understand and apply reasoning skills; apply research; deliberate, form, and evaluate positions are important skills not only for Social Studies, but for success in any discipline.

As Superintendent of Public Instruction, and a former Social Studies teacher, I am dedicated to ensuring our public schools provide a well-rounded education that includes a robust Social Studies education. It is essential that our students be confident and thoughtful participants in their communities.

Pursuant to RCW 28A.655.075 and RCW 28A.150.210, and supported by educators, the Curriculum Advisory and Review Committee, and social studies stakeholders, I hereby adopt the 2019 Social Studies K?12 Learning Standards for Social Studies Skills, Civics, Economics, Geography, and History.

Adopted on this 31st day of July 2019.

Chris Reykdal

Public Instruction

Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................................................................... ii Elementary School Standards by Discipline (Grades K?5) ............................................................................. 1 Middle School Standards by Discipline (Grades 6?8) .................................................................................. 49 High School Standards by Discipline (Grades 9?12)......................................................................................73 Appendix 1: Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................................98 Appendix 2: Bibliography................................................................................................................................... 101 Appendix 3: Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................ 104

Washington State K?12 Learning Standards for Social Studies | i


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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