|Outcome |Indicator |Criteria |Limited Achievement |Basic Achievement |Sound Achievement |High Achievement |Outstanding Achievement |

| |Organisers | |Level 1 (E) |Level 2 (D) |Level 3 (C) |Level 4 (B) |Level 5 (A) |

|W1.9 |Channel of |Uses a variety of |Teacher assistance needed to |Attempts to complete planning |Completes planning page but does |Uses planning page to support |Uses planning page to support |

|Producing |Communication |visual literacy |complete planning page. |page, or planning page does not |not entirely support writing. |writing. |writing effectively. |

|Texts | |elements to plan | |support writing. | | | |

| | |writing | | | | | |

| |Text Structure |Structures text |No effective introduction or |Subject is introduced. Information|Simple statement about the topic |Introduction of topic is evident |Introduction of topic is evident |

| | |types in |structure of text. |is basic and no text structure is |(introduction). |followed by more detailed |followed by more detailed |

| | |appropriate stages.| |evident. |Simple information is organised |information organised into bundles|information organised into bundles |

| | | | | |into bundles of related facts. |of related facts. Eg: 2 or more |or paragraphs of related facts. Eg:|

| | | | | | |sentences on 1 aspect. |2 or more sentences on more than 1 |

| | | | | | | |aspect. |

| |Development of |The writing uses | |Writing does not contain any |The writing uses simple |The writing uses the ‘gives |The writing uses the ‘gives reason’|

| |Description |different | |developed descriptions or |descriptions with no strategy* used|reason’ or another strategy* at |or another strategy* more than once|

| | |strategies to | |elaboration. |to develop descriptions. |least once to develop |to develop descriptions. |

| | |develop | | | |descriptions. | |

| | |descriptions. | | | | | |

|W1.11 |Technical |The writing uses |Writing does not contain any topic|There is 1 example of topic or |There are 2 examples of topic or |2 - 3 examples of topic or |3 or more examples of topic or |

|W1.10 |Language |appropriate |or technical language. |technical language. |technical language. |technical language. |technical language and at least 1 |

|Skills and| |topic/technical | | | | |is technical. |

|Strategies | |language to | | | | | |

| | |describe. | | | | | |

| |Grammar |Uses correct |Groups letters/words in order. |Attempts to write a simple |Writes a simple sentence with |Simple sentences are correct with |Simple sentences are correct with |

| | |structure for |Word order may be incorrect. |sentence. |correct word order. |at least 1 compound sentence. |at least 2 compound sentences. |

| | |different types of | | | | | |

| | |sentences. Clauses | | | | | |

| | |contain subject, | | | | | |

| | |finite verb and | | | | | |

| | |object in correct | | | | | |

| | |order. | | | | | |

| |Punctuation |Uses correct |Capital letters and full stops not|Beginning to write sentences |Uses most common |Uses most common punctuation – |Uses most common punctuation – |

| | |punctuation |evident. |correctly with capitals and full |punctuation–capitals, full stops |capitals, full stops and correct |capitals, full stops and correct |

| | | | |stops. |and correct spacing most of the |spacing most of the time. |spacing all of the time. |

| | | | | |time. |Experiments with commas. |Experiments with commas. |

| |Spelling |Correctly spells |Cannot yet spell high frequency |Attempts most high frequency and |Spells some high frequency words |Spells most high frequency and |Spells all high frequency and more |

| | |most high frequency|words independently. |grade appropriate words with |and grade appropriate words |grade appropriate words correctly.|difficult words correctly. |

| | |and grade | |invented spelling |correctly. | | |

| | |appropriate words. | | | | | |

❖ Although not included in the marking criteria, it is expected that teachers will cover the use of adjectives, noun groups and adjectival phrases.


|Outcome |Indicator Organisers |Criteria |Limited Achievement |Basic Achievement |Sound Achievement |High Achievement |Outstanding Achievement |

| | | |Level 1 (E) |Level 2 (D) |Level 3 (C) |Level 4 (B) |Level 5 (A) |

|W1.9 |Channel of |Uses a variety of |Teacher assistance needed |Attempts to complete planning |Completes planning page but does |Uses planning page to support |Uses planning page to support writing|

|Producing |Communication |visual literacy |to complete planning page. |page, or planning page does not |not entirely support writing. |writing. |effectively. |

|Texts | |elements to plan | |support writing. | | | |

| | |writing | | | | | |

| |Text Structure |Structures text types |No effective introduction |Subject is introduced with very |Introduction is present. |Introduction is present. |Introduction is present. |

| | |in appropriate stages. |or structure of text. |basic information but no text |Information, with some detail, is|Information, with more detail, is|Very detailed information, is |

| | | | |structure is evident. |organised into bundles of related|organised into paragraphs. Use of|organised into paragraphs. Use of |

| | | | | |facts or paragraphs. |headings or subheadings may be |headings or subheadings may be |

| | | | | |Use of headings or subheadings |present. |present. |

| | | | | |may be present. |(4 paragraphs, including |(4 paragraphs, including |

| | | | | | |introduction) |introduction) |

| |Development of |The writing uses | |Writing does not contain any |The writing uses the ‘gives |The writing uses the ‘gives |The writing uses 2 different |

| |Description |different strategies to| |developed descriptions or |reason’ or another strategy* at |reason’ or another strategy* more|strategies* to develop descriptions. |

| | |develop descriptions. | |elaboration. |least once to develop |than once to develop |(2 strategies may be in 1 sentence). |

| | | | | |descriptions. |descriptions. | |

|W1.11 |Technical Language |The writing uses |Writing does not contain |There are 1-2 examples of topic |There are 3 examples of topic or |3 - 4 examples of topic or |3 or more examples of topic or |

|W1.10 | |appropriate |any topic or technical |or technical language. |technical language. |technical language and at least 1|technical language and 2 or more are |

|Skills and | |topic/technical |language. | | |is technical. |technical. |

|Strategies | |language to describe. | | | | | |

| |Grammar |Uses correct sentence |Attempts to write a simple |Writes a simple sentence with |Writes simple sentences correctly|Simple sentences are correct and |Simple sentences are correct. A |

| | |structure for different|sentence. |correct word order. |with at least 2 compound |a variety of conjunctions are |variety of conjunctions are used in |

| | |types of sentences. | | |sentences. |used in compound sentences. |compound sentences. 1 complex |

| | |Clauses contain | | | | |sentence is used. |

| | |subject, finite verb | | | | | |

| | |and object in correct | | | | | |

| | |order. | | | | | |

| |Punctuation |Uses correct |Beginning to write |Uses most common punctuation – |Uses most common punctuation – |Uses most common punctuation – |Uses common punctuation correctly. |

| | |punctuation |sentences correctly with |capitals, full stops and correct |capitals, full stops and correct |capitals, full stops and correct |May use list commas, capitals for |

| | | |capitals and full stops. |spacing most of the time. |spacing most of the time. |spacing all of the time. |proper nouns or contraction |

| | | | | |Experiments with commas. |Experiments with commas. |apostrophes |

| |Spelling |Correctly spells most |Cannot yet spell high |Attempts most high frequency and |Spells some high frequency words |Spells most high frequency and |Spells all high frequency and more |

| | |high frequency words, |frequency words |grade appropriate words with |and grade appropriate words |grade appropriate words |difficult words correctly. |

| | |at grade appropriate |independently. |invented spelling |correctly. |correctly. | |

| | |level | | | | | |

❖ Although not included in the marking criteria, it is expected that teachers will cover the use of adjectives, noun groups and adjectival phrases.


|Outcomes |Indicator |Criteria |Limited Achievement |Basic Achievement |Sound Achievement |High Achievement |Outstanding Achievement |

| |Organisers | |Level 1 (E) |Level 2 (D) |Level 3 (C) |Level 4 (B) |Level 5 (A) |

|W2.9 |Channel of |Uses a variety of |Teacher assistance needed to |Attempts to complete planning |Completes planning page but does |Uses planning page to support |Uses planning page to support |

|Producing |Communication |visual literacy |complete planning page. |page, or planning page does not |not entirely support writing. |writing. |writing effectively. |

|Texts | |elements to plan | |support writing. | | | |

| | |writing | | | | | |

| |Text Structure |Structures text types |Subject is not introduced. Very |Introduction of subject is |Introduction is present. |Effective introduction of topic |Effective introduction of topic |

| | |in appropriate stages |basic information with no |evident followed by basic |Accurate and detailed information|is evident followed by accurate |is evident followed by accurate |

| | | |paragraphing. |information organised in 1-2 |is organised into paragraphs. |and more detailed information |and very detailed information |

| | | | |paragraphs. |Use of headings or sub-headings |consisting of 3 well organised |organised into 4 or more |

| | | | | |may be present. |paragraphs. Use of headings or |paragraphs. Use of headings or |

| | | | | | |sub-headings may be present. |sub-headings may be present. |

| |Development of |The writing uses | |Writing does not contain any |The writing uses 1strategy* to |The writing uses 2 different |The writing uses 2 or more |

| |Description |different strategies | |developed descriptions or |develop descriptions. |strategies* to develop |different strategies* more than |

| | |to develop | |elaboration. | |descriptions. (These 2 strategies|once to develop descriptions. |

| | |descriptions. | | | |may be in 1 sentence) |(These 2 strategies may be in 1 |

| | | | | | | |sentence). |

|W2.11 |Technical Language|The writing uses |Writing does not contain any |There are 1-3 examples of topic |There are 3 examples of topic or |3 - 4 examples of topic or |4 or more examples of topic or |

|W2.10 | |appropriate |topic or technical language. |or technical language. |technical language and 2 are |technical language and 2 or more |technical language and 2 or more |

|Skills and | |topic/technical | | |technical. |are technical. |are technical. |

|Strategies | |language to describe. | | | | | |

| |Grammar |Uses correct sentence |Writes incomplete simple |Simple sentences written |Simple and compound sentences |Simple sentences are written |Simple and compound sentences |

| | |structure for |sentences or run on sentences. |correctly. |written correctly. |correctly. A variety of |written correctly with 2 or more |

| | |different types of | | | |conjunctions are used in compound|complex sentences. |

| | |sentences. Clauses | | | |sentences and 1 complex sentence | |

| | |contain subject, | | | |is used | |

| | |finite verb and object| | | | | |

| | |in correct order. | | | | | |

| |Punctuation |Uses correct |Attempts most common punctuation|Inconsistent use of capitals and |Uses common punctuation correctly|Uses common punctuation |Uses all level 4 punctuation and |

| | |punctuation |– capitals, full stops and |full stops. Random attempts at |most of the time. May use list |correctly. All of the time. May |may use brackets, apostrophes of |

| | | |correct spacing. |other forms of punctuation. |commas, capitals for proper nouns|use list commas, capitals for |possession and hyphens. |

| | | | | |or contraction apostrophes |proper nouns or contraction | |

| | | | | | |apostrophes | |

| |Spelling |Correctly spells most |Cannot yet spell high frequency |Attempts most high frequency and |Spells some high frequency words |Spells most high frequency and |Spells all high frequency and |

| | |high frequency words, |words independently. |grade appropriate words with |and grade appropriate words |grade appropriate words |more difficult words correctly. |

| | |at grade appropriate | |invented spelling |correctly. |correctly. | |

| | |level | | | | | |

❖ Although not included in the marking criteria, it is expected that teachers will cover the use of adjectives, noun groups and adjectival phrases.


|Outcome |Indicator |Criteria |Limited Achievement |Basic Achievement |Sound Achievement |High Achievement |Outstanding Achievement |

| |Organisers | |Level 1 (E) |Level 2 (D) |Level 3 (C) |Level 4 (B) |Level 5 (A) |

|W2.9 |Channel of |Uses a variety of |Teacher assistance needed to |Attempts to complete planning |Completes planning page but does |Uses planning page to support |Uses planning page to support |

|Producing |Communication |visual literacy |complete planning page. |page, or planning page does not |not entirely support writing. |writing. |writing effectively. |

|Texts | |elements to plan | |support writing. | | | |

| | |writing | | | | | |

| |Text Structure |Structures text types |Subject is introduced with very |Introduction of subject is |Introduction is present. |Effective introduction of topic |Effective introduction of topic |

| | |in appropriate stages.|basic information but no text |evident followed by basic |Accurate and detailed information|is evident followed by accurate |is evident followed by accurate |

| | | |structure or organisation is |information organised in 1-4 |is organised into 4 paragraphs. |and more detailed information |and very detailed information |

| | | |evident. |paragraphs. Use of headings or |Use of headings or sub-headings |consisting of 4 or more well |consisting of more than 4 well |

| | | | |sub-headings may be present. |may be present. |organised paragraphs. Use of |organised paragraphs. Use of |

| | | | | | |headings or sub-headings may be |headings or sub-headings may be |

| | | | | | |present. |present. |

| |Development of |The writing uses | |Writing does not contain any |The writing uses 1 strategy* to |The writing uses 2 different |The writing uses 2 or more |

| |Description |different strategies | |developed descriptions or |develop descriptions. |strategies* to develop |different strategies* more than |

| | |to develop | |elaboration. | |descriptions. (These 2 strategies|once to develop descriptions. |

| | |descriptions. | | | |may be in 1 sentence). |(These 2 strategies may be in 1 |

| | | | | | | |sentence). |

|W2.11 |Technical Language|The writing uses |Writing does not contain any |There are 1-3 examples of topic |There are 3 examples of topic or |3 - 4 examples of topic or |4 or more examples of topic or |

|W2.10 | |appropriate |topic or technical language. |or technical language. |technical language and 2 are |technical language and 2 or more |technical language and 2 or more |

|Skills and | |topic/technical | | |technical. |are technical. |are technical. |

|Strategies | |language to describe. | | | | | |

| |Grammar |Uses correct sentence |Writes incomplete simple |Simple sentences written |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |

| | |structure for |sentences or run on sentences. |correctly. |written correctly. |written correctly, with 1 complex|written correctly with 2 or more |

| | |different types of | | | |sentence. |complex sentences. |

| | |sentences. Clauses | | | | | |

| | |contain subject, | | | | | |

| | |finite verb and object| | | | | |

| | |in correct order. | | | | | |

| |Punctuation |Uses correct |Attempts most common punctuation|Inconsistent use of capitals and |Uses common punctuation correctly|Uses common punctuation |Uses all level 4 punctuation and |

| | |punctuation |– capitals, full stops and |full stops. Random attempts at |most of the time. May use list |correctly. All of the time. May |may use brackets, apostrophes of |

| | | |correct spacing. |other forms of punctuation. |commas, capitals for proper nouns|use list commas, capitals for |possession and hyphens. |

| | | | | |or contraction apostrophes |proper nouns or contraction | |

| | | | | | |apostrophes | |

| |Spelling |Correctly spells most |Cannot yet spell high frequency |Attempts most high frequency and |Spells some high frequency words |Spells most high frequency and |Spells all high frequency and |

| | |high frequency words, |words independently. |grade appropriate words with |and grade appropriate words |grade appropriate words |more difficult words correctly. |

| | |at grade appropriate | |invented spelling |correctly. |correctly. | |

| | |level | | | | | |

❖ Although not included in the marking criteria, it is expected that teachers will cover the use of adjectives, noun groups and adjectival phrases.


|Outcome |Indicator |Criteria |Limited Achievement |Basic Achievement |Sound Achievement |High Achievement |Outstanding Achievement |

| |Organisers | |Level 1 (E) |Level 2 (D) |Level 3 (C) |Level 4 (B) |Level 5 (A) |

|W3.9 |Channel of |Uses a variety of |Teacher assistance needed to |Attempts to complete planning |Completes planning page but does |Uses planning page to support |Uses planning page to support |

|Producing |Communication |visual literacy |complete planning page. |page, or planning page does not |not entirely support writing. |writing. |writing effectively. |

|Texts | |elements to plan | |support writing. | | | |

| | |writing | | | | | |

| |Text Structure |Structures text types |Subject is not introduced. Very |Introduction of subject is |Effective introduction is present|Effective introduction of topic |Effective introduction of topic |

| | |in appropriate stages.|basic information with no |evident followed by basic |followed by |is evident followed by accurate |is evident followed by accurate |

| | | |paragraphing. |information organised in 1-4 |accurate and detailed information|and more detailed information |and very detailed information |

| | | | |paragraphs. Use of headings or |organised into 5 paragraphs. |consisting of 5 well organised |organised into 5 or more |

| | | | |sub-headings may be present. |Use of headings or subheadings |paragraphs. |paragraphs and may include a |

| | | | | |may be present. | |concluding statement. |

| |Development of |The writing uses |Writing does not contain any |The writing uses one strategy* to|The writing uses two different |The writing uses 2 or more |The writing uses the 3 or more |

| |Description |different strategies |developed descriptions or |develop descriptions. |strategies* to develop |different strategies* to develop |different strategies* to develop |

| | |to develop |elaboration. | |descriptions. (These 2 strategies|descriptions. (These 2 strategies|descriptions. (These 2 strategies|

| | |descriptions. | | |may be in 1 sentence). |may be in 1 sentence). |may be in 1 sentence). |

|W3.11 |Technical Language|The writing uses |Writing does not contain any |There are 2-3 examples of topic |There are 4 examples of topic or |4 - 5 examples of topic or |5 or more examples of topic or |

|W3.10 | |appropriate |topic or technical language or |or technical language. |technical language and 2 or more |technical language and 2 or more |technical language and 2 or more |

|Skills and | |topic/technical |there is only 1 example of topic| |are technical. |are technical. |are technical. |

|Strategies | |language to describe. |or technical language. | | | | |

| |Grammar |Uses correct sentence |Simple sentences written |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |

| | |structure for |correctly. |written correctly. |written correctly, with 2 complex|written correctly with more than |written correctly with 3 or more |

| | |different types of | | |sentences. |2 complex sentences. |complex sentences, with a variety|

| | |sentences. Clauses | | | | |of clauses. |

| | |contain subject, | | | | | |

| | |finite verb and object| | | | | |

| | |in correct order. | | | | | |

| |Punctuation |Uses correct |Minimal evidence of any type of |Uses most common punctuation – |Uses common punctuation correctly|Uses common punctuation correctly|Shows evidence of all level 4 |

| | |punctuation |punctuation. |capitals, full stops all of the |most of the time as well as list|all of the time as well as list |punctuation and may use brackets,|

| | | | |time. |commas, capitals for proper nouns|commas, capitals for proper nouns|apostrophes of possession, |

| | | | | |or contraction apostrophes |or contraction apostrophes |hyphens commas to separate |

| | | | | | | |phrases, colons, semicolons. |

| |Spelling |Correctly spells most |Cannot yet spell high frequency |Attempts most high frequency and |Spells some high frequency words |Spells most high frequency and |Spells all high frequency and |

| | |high frequency words, |words independently. |grade appropriate words with |and grade appropriate words |grade appropriate words |more difficult words correctly. |

| | |at grade appropriate | |invented spelling |correctly. |correctly. | |

| | |level | | | | | |

❖ Although not included in the marking criteria, it is expected that teachers will cover the use of adjectives, noun groups and adjectival phrases.


|Outcome |Indicator |Criteria |Limited Achievement |Basic Achievement |Sound Achievement |High Achievement |Outstanding Achievement |

| |Organisers | |Level 1 (E) |Level 2 (D) |Level 3 (C) |Level 4 (B) |Level 5 (A) |

|W3.9 |Channel of |Uses a variety of |Teacher assistance needed to |Attempts to complete planning |Completes planning page but does |Uses planning page to support |Uses planning page to support |

|Producing |Communication |visual literacy |complete planning page. |page, or planning page does not |not entirely support writing. |writing. |writing effectively. |

|Texts | |elements to plan | |support writing. | | | |

| | |writing | | | | | |

| |Text Structure |Structures text types |Subject is introduced with very |Introduction of subject is |Effective introduction is present|Effective introduction of topic |Effective introduction of topic |

| | |in appropriate stages.|basic information but no text |evident followed by basic |followed by accurate and detailed|is evident followed by accurate |is evident followed by accurate |

| | | |structure or organisation is |information organised in 2-4 |information organised into 5 or |and more detailed information |and very detailed information |

| | | |evident. |paragraphs. Use of headings or |more paragraphs and may include |consisting of 5 or more well |consisting of 5 or more well |

| | | | |sub-headings may be present. |a concluding statement. |organised paragraphs and a |organised paragraphs and a |

| | | | | | |concluding statement. |concluding statement. |

| |Development of |The writing uses |Writing does not contain any |The writing uses 1 strategy* to |The writing uses 2 different |The writing uses 2 different |The writing uses the 3 or more |

| |Description |different strategies |developed descriptions or |develop descriptions. |strategies* to develop |strategies* more than once to |different strategies* to develop |

| | |to develop |elaboration. | |descriptions. (These 2 strategies|develop descriptions. (2 |descriptions. (2 strategies may |

| | |descriptions. | | |may be in 1 sentence). |strategies may be in 1 sentence).|be in 1 sentence). |

|W3.11 |Technical Language|The writing uses |Writing does not contain any |There are 2-3 examples of topic |There are 4 examples of topic or |4 - 5 examples of topic or |5 or more examples of topic or |

|W3.10 | |appropriate |topic or technical language or |or technical language. |technical language and 2 or more |technical language and 2 or more |technical language and 2 or more |

|Skills and | |topic/technical |there is only 1 example of topic| |are technical. |are technical. |are technical. |

|Strategies | |language to describe. |or technical language. | | | | |

| |Grammar |Uses correct sentence |Simple sentences written |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |Simple and compound sentences |

| | |structure for |correctly. |written correctly. |written correctly, with 2 complex|written correctly with more than |written correctly with 3 or more |

| | |different types of | | |sentences. |2 complex sentences. |complex sentences, with a variety|

| | |sentences. Clauses | | | | |of clauses. |

| | |contain subject, | | | | | |

| | |finite verb and object| | | | | |

| | |in correct order. | | | | | |

| |Punctuation |Uses correct |Minimal evidence of any type of |Uses most common punctuation. |Uses common punctuation correctly|Uses common punctuation correctly|Shows evidence of all level 4 |

| | |punctuation |punctuation. |Experiments with commas and |most of the time as well as list|all of the time as well as list |punctuation and may use brackets,|

| | | | |apostrophes. |commas, capitals for proper nouns|commas, capitals for proper nouns|apostrophes of possession, |

| | | | | |or contraction apostrophes |or contraction apostrophes |hyphens commas to separate |

| | | | | | | |phrases, colons, semicolons. |

| |Spelling |Correctly spells most |Cannot yet spell high frequency |Attempts most high frequency and |Spells some high frequency words |Spells most high frequency and |Spells all high frequency and |

| | |high frequency words, |words independently. |grade appropriate words with |and grade appropriate words |grade appropriate words |more difficult words correctly. |

| | |at grade appropriate | |invented spelling |correctly. |correctly. | |

| | |level | | | | | |

❖ Although not included in the marking criteria, it is expected that teachers will cover the use of adjectives, noun groups and adjectival phrases.


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