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[Pages:21]Small Business Information System Project

Small Business



File Name = SBP_ITE115_(semester)_(student last name)


Small Business Information System Project

Small Business


Introduction &



Small Business Information System Project

Purpose of Small Business Project

The purpose of this Project is to provide you, the student with opportunities to implement skills learned in the Computer Fundamentals and Microsoft Applications portions of this course.

Additionally, you will be provided several opportunities for innovative and critical thinking as you perform assignments involving:

? Small Business Computer based Information Systems Requirements Analysis ? Project Planning & Cost Estimating ? Small Business Computer based Information Systems Design and Development

You will also learn additional skills in the area of Information Systems Design/Development and Hardware/Software selection.

The products of this project may be suitable to be included in your qualifications portfolio.


This project will require some critical thinking on your part. You have to put yourself in the shoes of a small business owner running a small eating establishment (pizza place or deli), and think about:

1. What is the business you have selected? 2. What products and services does your business offer? 3. What do you need in the way of a computer based information system to properly

support the marketing and selling of those products and services?

You are an Information Systems designer specializing in small business Information Systems. The business owner has hired you to design and present a new computer based small business information system for the business,. The business plan calls for the business to eventually have 650 to 800 customers per day and 30 full time and part time employees.

Both customers and business employees will use the system to keep track of

1. Ordering and taking delivery of various food supplies for the business. 2. Sales of food (eat--in and take out). 3. Record and track full time and part time employee work hours.

4. Business food & supply purchases, payroll, rent, and taxes.

5. Other business related activities that come out of your requirements investigation

By the end of this project, you will have prepared and delivered:

? An Excel spreadsheet of hardware and software necessary for the small business information system you propose.


Small Business Information System Project

? A Systems Architecture, using Microsoft Word with shapes and Smart Art. ? An Excel spreadsheet showing all the cost of purchasing and installing the hardware and

software necessary for the small business information system you propose.

? A PowerPoint presentation of your system with animation and audio.

These deliverables will be described in more detail in the task section of the project.

In the process of creating these deliverables, you will use what you learned in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, as well as computer fundamentals Hardware, Software, Data Base, and Software Development studies.


In order to begin deciding on what the small business information system should look like (the design) you need to answer some questions. As an initial part of your investigation, you should check out some web site(s) that are examples of the type of small business similar to what you have chosen.

Here are some things to think about:

1. What is the layout of the business in terms of where pieces of computer system equipment need to be located? (Hint: draw a sketch of the layout of your business and label the different areas. Put yourself in the shoes of a customer and think about each of the areas you would expect to see and the actions you would take in patronizing the business. Put yourself in the shoes of an employer and think about each of the areas you would expect to see and the actions you would take in operating the business (Critical Thinking). This will give you a picture to use as a reference.

2. What is the list of things that the staff will be doing? (Hint: picture yourself as an employee doing the normal things you would expect in this kind of business).

a) Taking orders. b) Preparing food. c) Collecting food payments. d) Assisting customers in determining what kind of food they want to order. e) Assisting customers in determining the nutritional value of the foods they order. f) Assisting customers to decide what they want to order. g) (additional things ? added by the student based on critical thinking)


Small Business Information System Project

3. What is the list of things that the customer will be doing? (Hint: picture yourself as a customer doing the normal things you would expect in this kind of business). a. Reviewing the choices of food and drink selections b. Placing an order (in person, through a kiosk terminal) c. Paying for the purchase (cash ? credit ? debit ? coupons'[printed ? digital]) d. Receiving the purchase (in person at a counter after being notified through a notification device or via smartphone ? via server bringing it to the table ? at pick up window. e. (additional things ? added by the student based on critical thinking)

What computer and computer related Hardware and Software will the business need to do the job?

4. What is the Type and size of computer? (How about a Dell Small Business system ? What about Laptops? If laptops are selected, how are they secured?)

5. How many computers will each part of the business need?

Will each computer stand alone or will they be connected into a Server? Something to think about ? System Architecture options a. Client--Server architecture? b. Peer to Peer architecture?

c. If connected, is it via wire line or wireless?.

6. What software will the business need? a) Operating System for each computer? b) Operating System for the Server? c) Wireless networking software? d) Application Software for; 1. Staff computer? 2. Customer Computers? 3. Data Base for tracking etc.? 4. Billing and invoice (Quicken for Business?)

7. How much will the Hardware and Software cost? 8. What about Installation of the system? ? (rule of thumb is two technicians for two days.

@ $1700.00 per day each?) 9. What about Maintenance? --

(Note: Usually over the phone is free for 2 years. On site is

$60 per hour. You should plan for 50 hours per year).

You should feel free to add questions and answers that you develop in your critical thinking.


Small Business Information System Project



In the process of completing the Project, you will complete and hand in 4 tasks.

When handed in, each task will be named as follows:

File Name = SBP_ITE115_(semester)_Task #X_(student last name)


Small Business Information System Project



60 points


Small Business Information System Project

Task #1 ? Describe the business and Define the Small business Information system

The Objectives of this task are to:

1. Using the Microsoft Word Application, create a document that contains. the name and description of the business including how food is ordered, how food is delivered, and how payment is made under at least two transaction scenarios.

2. Using the Microsoft Excel application, create a spreadsheet that contains the type of

hardware and software that will be necessary in the small business information system

to run the business and satisfy the requirements included in items #1 through #6 in the

Investigation paragraph of the Small Business Project Introduction & Background

section above. An example of what a spreadsheet layout may look like is contained


Item Requirement Purpose/location Type

of Hardware Type

of Software

# Source





Definition of spreadsheet terms:

Item # -- This is a number assigned by you for future reference purposes. Any consistent

and sequential numbering scheme is acceptable.

Requirement Source ? This is a reference to the item or text contained within the

project, or derived by you from requirements within the project. It serves as a tracking

capability for insuring that all of the requirements are met.

Purpose/Location ? This is a short description of the purpose for the hardware or

software and where in the business it will be located.

Type of Hardware (general description) ? This is a general description, such as wireless

router; of the piece of hardware you have selected to be part of the system.



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