January 2012 RELA Calendar



|TESTING |TESTING |UNIT LAUNCH |UNIT PRE-TEST |contributions of text features to support |

| | | | |the main idea of the text 2.A.2.f |

| | |Objective: Connect the text to prior |Objective: Connect the text to prior | |

| | |knowledge or personal experience 1.E.4.f |knowledge or personal experience 1.E.4.f |“SuperCroc” LIT p. 898-905 |

| | | | | |

| | |Reading Nonfiction LIT p.8-10 |Organizational Patterns in Informational | |

| | |Review Informational Text Types and Text |Text LIT p.894-896; | |

| | |Features/Graphic Aides(Cornell Notes); | | |

| | |HW Study Island Due 1/17/12 |HW LIT p.897 | |

|16 HOLIDAY – NO SCHOOL |17 Objective: Identify and explain the main|18 Objective: Identify and explain |19 Objective: Identify and explain |20 – End of Second Quarter |

| |idea 1.E.4.a |information not included in the text |information not included in the text |Objective: Analyze similar themes across |

| |Identify and explain information directly |2.A.6.e |2.A.6.e |multiple texts 3.A.6.b. |

| |stated in the text 1.E.4.b. | | | |

| | |Comparing Information: How can we uncover |The First Emperor LIT p.918 |The First Emperor LIT p.918 |

| |“SuperCroc” LIT p. 898-905 |the past? LIT p. 916;The First Emperor LIT |Digging Up the Past: Discovery and |Digging Up the Past: Discovery and |

| | |p.918 |Excavation of Shi Huangdi’s Tomb LIT p. 924|Excavation of Shi Huangdi’s Tomb LIT p. 924|

| |HW Analyze Organizational Patterns LIT p. |Digging Up the Past: Discovery and |HW Text Analysis LIT p. 929 #3&4 |(Synthesizing Information Graphic |

| |905 #5&6 |Excavation of Shi Huangdi’s Tomb LIT p. 924| |Organizer) |

|23 TEACHER PLANNING |24 Objective: Analyze the contribution of |25 Objective: Analyze the contribution of |26 Objective: Identify and explain the |27 Objective: Identify and explain the |

|and |the organizational pattern to clarify or |the organizational pattern to clarify or |author’s/text’s purpose and intended |author’s opinion 2.A.4.b |

|GRADING DAY NO SCHOOL |reinforce meaning and support the author’s |reinforce meaning and support the author’s |audience 2.A.4.a | |

| |purpose and/or argument 2.A.3.b. |purpose and/or argument 2.A.3.b. | |from In Search of Pompeii LIT p. 341; |

| | | |Analyzing an Author’s Purpose LIT p. 138 |Italians Trying to Prevent a Modern Pompeii|

| |The Problem with Bullies LIT p. 487 |The Problem with Bullies LIT p. 487 |Le Mat Village Holds On Snake Catching |LIT p. 346 |

| |HW Study Island Due 1/27/12 |HW Text Analysis LIT p. 491 #4 |Tradition LIT p. 139 (LIT p. 141 #3) |(LIT p.347 Author’s Purpose and Main Idea |

| | | | |Compare/Contrast Writing Assignment) |

|30 Objective: Identify and explain the |31 Objective: Compose to inform using |1 |2 |3 |

|author’s opinion 2.A.4.b |relevant support and appropriate | | | |

| |organizational structure while maintaining | | | |

|What’s the full news story? Rescue Mission |an objective perspective 4.A.2.c. | | | |

|(TV newscast from Media Smart DVD-ROM) | | | | |

|Homeless Dolphins Get Back Together in the |What’s the full news story? Rescue Mission | | | |

|Bahamas (News Report on Media Smart |(TV newscast from DVD-ROM) Homeless | | | |

|DVD-ROM) LIT p. 932-935 |Dolphins Get Back Together in the Bahamas | | | |

| |LIT p. 932-935 | | | |

February 2012 RELA Calendar


| | |1 Objective: State and support main ideas |2 Objective: Summarize or paraphrase |3 Objective: Compose to express personal |

| | |and messages 2.A.4.c |2.A.4.d |ideas by experimenting with a variety of |

| | | | |forms and techniques suited to topic, |

| | |Before Reading: Can you believe your eyes? |Spellbinder: The Life of Harry Houdini LIT |audience, and purpose in order to develop a|

| | |LIT pp. 850-851 |p. 852 Media Study: How do you unlock a |personal style, a distinctive voice, and a |

| | |Spellbinder: The Life of Harry Houdini LIT |mystery? Houdini: The Great Escape (Film |deliberate tone 4.A.2. |

| | |p. 852 |clip from Media Smart DVD-Rom LIT pp. | |

| | | |860-863 |Spellbinder: The Life of Harry Houdini LIT |

| | |HW Study Island Due 2/6/12 | |p. 852 |

|6 Objective: Determine and explain whether |7 Objective: Determine and explain whether |8 Objective: Determine and explain whether |9 Objective: Compose to inform using |10 Objective: Identify and explain language|

|or not the author's argument or position is|or not the author's argument or position is|or not the author's argument or position is|relevant support and appropriate |and other techniques intended to persuade |

|presented fairly 2.A.6.d |presented fairly 2.A.6.d |presented fairly 2.A.6.d |organizational structure while maintaining |the reader 2.A.6.f |

| | | |an objective perspective 4.A.2.c. | |

|Text Analysis: Argument and Persuasion Part|What Video Games Can Teach Us LIT p. 944 |What Video Games Can Teach Us LIT p. 944 | |Before Reading: What good comes from a good|

|1: What is an argument? Part 2: The Power |The Violent Side of Video Games LIT p. 947 |The Violent Side of Video Games LIT p. 947 |Curfew Articles |deed? LIT pp. 960-961 No Thought of Reward |

|of Persuasion LIT pp. 936-941 | |HW Read Curfew Articles | |LIT p. 962 |

|13 HALF DAY OF SCHOOL |14 Objective: Compose to inform using |15 Objective: Revise texts for clarity, |16 Objective: Prepare the final product for|17 INFORMATIONAL TEXT |

| |relevant support and appropriate |completeness, and effectiveness 4.A.3.a. |presentation to an audience 4.A.3.c. |UNIT POST-TEST |

|Persuasive Essay: Prewriting |organizational structure while maintaining | | | |

|Opening: Brainstorm and create thesis. |an objective perspective 4.A.2.c. |Opening: What text features would enhance |Computer Lab Day (publishing) |Persuasive Essay Presentations |

| | |my article? | | |

|HW Complete Essay Outline |Opening: What persuasive techniques will I |Work Period: Add text features; | | |

| |use to support my argument? Work Period: |Peer/teacher conferencing | | |

| |Drafting | | | |

| | |HW Write Revisions | | |

|20 HOLIDAY NO SCHOOL |21 |22 |23 |24 |

|27 |28 |29 |1 |2 |

March 2012 RELA Calendar


| | | |1 |2 |

|5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |

|12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |

|19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |

|26 |27 |28 |29 END OF THIRD QUARTER |30 GRADING DAY |

| | | | |NO SCHOOL |


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