Rubric for Interview

Rubric for Interview

|Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.) |

| |

|Criteria |weight |Exceptional |Admirable |Acceptable |Attempted |

|Understanding of Research |15% |Shows in-depth understanding of topic |Shows understanding but lacks depth |Shows basic understanding of topic |Shows little understanding of topic |

| | |3-4 underlying concepts presented |2 underlying concepts presented |One underlying concept presented |No underlying concepts presented |

|Interview Questions |25% |Open ended questions |Some open ended questions |Few questions were open ended |All questions are yes/no |

| | |Questions designed to draw out |Some questions were designed to draw |Few questions were designed to draw |Questions were not designed to draw |

| | |information from person interviewed |out information from person |out information from person |out information from person |

| | | |interviewed |interviewed |interviewed |

|Logical and Sequential |15% |Questions asked in logical order |Most questions asked in logical order |Few questions are asked in logical |Questions are not in logical order |

| | |Questions are designed to build on |Some questions are designed to build |order |Questions are not designed to build on|

| | |previous questions |on previous questions |Few questions are designed to build on|previous questions |

| | | | |previous questions | |

|Taping of Interview |10% |Tape is audible |Tape is mostly audible but has |Tape is mostly inaudible |Tape is inaudible |

| | |Provides help for review |sections that are inaudible |Provides little help for review |Provides no help for review |

| | | |Tape is helpful for review | | |

|Documentation |10% |Bibliography is listed in appropriate |Bibliography is listed in appropriate |Resources are listed, but correct |No documentation |

| | |form with no mistakes |form with few mistakes |bibliography form is not used | |

Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score ________________


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