Ms - Morgan Park High School

Juretic Pries/AP Psychology

Unit 3: Social Psychology

Big Ideas:

1. We usually adapt our behavior to the demands of the social situation, and in ambiguous situations we take our cues from the behavior of others in that setting.

2. The judgments we make about others depend not only on their behavior but also on our interpretation of their actions within a social context.

3. The power of the situation can help us understand violence and terrorism.

Handouts for Your Binder:

• Breaking a Social Norm

• Asch Conformity Reading

• “The Human Behavior Experiments” questions

• Attributions worksheet

• Zimbardo Prison Study reading

Terms to Understand, Encode, and Store for Successful Retrieval: (Each item should be placed on its own note card with the term on the front, the definition on the back, along with an example from your own studies or experience)

Social norm, social psychology, fundamental attribution error, attitude, foot-in-the-door phenomenon, cognitive dissonance theory, conformity, normative social influence, informational social influence, social facilitation, social loafing, deindividuation, group polarization, groupthink, prejudice, stereotype, ingroup bias, outgroup, scapegoat theory, just-world phenomenon, aggression, frustration-aggression principle, conflict, social trap, mere exposure effect, passionate love, companionate love, equity, self-disclosure, altruism, bystander effect, social exchange theory, superordinate goals, reward theory, expectancy-value theory, social exchange theory, reciprocity norm

People to Know: (these people should also go on note cards, along with the studies and/or concepts from this unit that are associated with them)

Fritz Heider, Stanley Milgram, Philip Zimbardo, Leon Festinger, Solomon Asch, Darley and Latane, Mazafer Sherif

Daily Activities and Due Dates:

• Day 1: How Does the Social Situation Affect Our Behavior? (703-706)

o BR: Would you obey?

o Notes: Social Standards of Behavior

o Assign Unit Project: Breaking a Social Norm, due on: ________________

o HW: Asch Conformity Study Reading (we will have a reading quiz tomorrow!)

• Day 2: Conformity (703-706)

o BR: Asch Quiz

o Conformity video clips, notes, and discussion

• Day 3: Obedience (706-713)


o Video + Questions + Discussion: The Human Behavior Experiments

• Day 4: Interpersonal Attraction: Reward Theory (729-734)

o BR: BR: Pause for a moment and think about your relationships with 2 people: a close friend and someone who stirred in you feelings of romantic love. What leads to friendship and to romance?

o Notes: Interpersonal Attraction

o Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love Group Assignment

• Day 5: Exceptions of the Reward Theory of Attraction (729-734)

o BR: Think about what we learned yesterday regarding interpersonal attraction. Do these ideas explain why someone might, for example, be attracted to someone who abuses them?

o Notes

o Matching Hypothesis/Cognitive Dissonance Demos

• Day 6: Making Cognitive Attributions (695-702)

o BR: Suppose you are sitting on the bus and you witness an individual with an armload of packages getting onto the bus. In the process of finding a seat, this person drops all their things. How would you explain this behavior?

o Notes: Attribution Theory/Just World Phenomenon

o Worksheet: Attributions

• Day 7: Prejudice and Discrimination (714-719)

o BR: What is the distinction between prejudice and discrimination?

o Notes: Prejudice and Discrimination/Other Topics in Social Psychology

o Group Quiz

• Day 8: Aggression, Violence, and Terrorism (719-728) (734-737)

o BR: What is Aggression?

o Notes + Discussion: Conflict, Violence, Terrorism, and Altruism (include social traps demo)

o Read the selection: “TV Violence, Pornography, and Society” on pages 724-725. Do you agree that media influence provides us with social scripts? Defend your answer in your notes.

o HW: Zimbardo Prison Study reading

• Day 9: Summing It Up (737-740)

o BR: Note cards are due in my inbox!!

o Discussion of the Zimbardo Prison Study

o Group Assignment: Applying What We’ve Learned to a Real-World Situation

• Day 10: Review

o BR: List 3 things you need to review for our exam

o Review

• Day 11:

o BR: Study guides are due in my inbox!

o Exam

Study Questions:

Social Thinking (p. 695-702):

1. What is attribution theory and what are some possible effects of attribution?

2. What is an attitude, and under which conditions do attitudes predict behavior?

3. How do actions influence attitudes? How does cognitive dissonance theory account for this phenomenon?

Social Influence (p. 702-713):

1. What is the difference between normative and informational social influence?

2. Summarize the findings from Milgram’s obedience studies.

3. How can group polarization be a source of groupthink?

4. Discuss how personal control and social control interact in guiding behavior, and explain how a minority can influence the majority.

Social Relations (p. 714-740):

1. Describe the roles of social inequalities, ingroup bias, and scapegoating in prejudice.

2. Discuss the cognitive roots of prejudice.

3. Describe the impact of biology, aversive events, and learning experiences on aggressive behavior.

4. Discuss the media effect on sexual violence.

5. Identify factors that fuel conflict, and discuss effective ways of resolving such conflict.

6. Identify the determinants of social attraction and distinguish between passionate and companionate love.

7. Describe and explain the bystander effect.

8. Discuss how social exchange theory and social norms explain altruism


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