Suggested Learning Targets for Common Core State Standards

Buncombe County Schools

Learning Targets for ELA Common Core State Standards


Grade 11 Reading Informational Texts

|Grade Specific Standard |Learning Targets |Activities/Strategies |Resources |Formative Assessment Suggestions |

|RL.11-12 |(I can statements) |(What strategies/activities could we use |(What text could we use to teach |(What are ways to formatively check |

| | |to teach this learning target?) |this learning target?) |for understanding while teaching this |

| | | | |learning target?) |

|RI.1. Cite strong and thorough textual |1a.I can evaluate specific textual |Lesson requiring students to read text and|Informational text from textbook, |* Verbal responses. |

|evidence to support analysis of what the |evidence that is directly stated to |gather explicit detail as well as implicit|such as: “From the Iroquois | |

|text says explicitly as well as inferences |support my idea either verbally and in|detail. |Constitution,” “Sinners in the Hands|*Graphic organizers. |

|drawn from the text, including determining |writing. | |of an Angry God,” “Civil | |

|where the text leaves matters uncertain. |1b. I can evaluate specific textual |Graphic organizer that has spacing for |Disobedience.” |* Journal writing. |

| |evidence that I infer from the text to|both explicit and implicit references used| | |

| |support my idea either verbally and in|in a group activity. |newspapers/editorials |*Thinking maps. |

| |writing. | |memoirs | |

| |1c. I can determine if evidence in a |Student will use textual detail to support|auto/biographies | |

| |text is sufficient and convincing to |their inference in a writing assignment. | | |

| |support my claim. | | | |

| |1d. I can speculate on the author’s | | | |

| |purpose behind his or her ambiguity in| | | |

| |a text. | | | |

|RI.2. Determine two or more central ideas |2a. I can identify more than one |Lesson teaching students how to read for |Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, |* Tree Map, Flow Map |

|of a text and analyze their development |central idea/main idea in a text. |and chart multiple central ideas within |Equiano’s Narrative, Amy Tan’s |*Think-Pair-Share |

|over the course of the text, including how |2b.I can analyze how multiple central |one text. |“Mother Tongue” |* Exit Slip |

|they interact and build on one another to |ideas are developed by the author in a| | |*Use of highlighters to visually code |

|provide a complex analysis; provide an |text. |As students read, they will track an | |central ideas and supporting points. |

|objective summary of the text. |2c. I can connect central ideas in a |author’s use of word choice, recognizing | | |

| |text and explain how they interact |bias when appropriate. Use highlighters to| |* Summary Sheet (Burke) |

| |with each other. |show differences and crossovers. | |*Conversational Roundtable (Burke) |

| |2d. I can objectively summarize texts | | | |

| |of increasing complexity. |Student will produce an objective summary | | |

| | |of piece. | | |

|RI.3. Analyze a complex set of ideas or |3b.I can trace key details or ideas |Teacher led analysis of a text, |Paine “The Crisis,” Franklin’s |* Verbal responses. |

|sequence of events and explain how specific|within the larger framework of the |concentrating on identifying main idea and|“Autobiography,” | |

|individuals, ideas, or events interact and |text and analyze the effect of that |supporting details. |Anna Quindlen Essays |* Flow map. |

|develop over the course of the text. |order. | | | |

| | |Group analysis of a text using graphic | |* Exit slips. |

| | |organizer to state main idea and group | | |

| | |like supporting details together. | |* Target notes (Burke) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |* SOAPSTone |

| | | | | |

| | | | |*Episodic Notes (Burke) |

|RI.4. Determine the meaning of words and |4a. I can use multiple resources such | | | |

|phrases as they are used in a text, |as a dictionary and contextual clues | | | |

|including figurative, connotative, and |in a sentence or passage to understand| | | |

|technical meanings; analyze how an author |a key term in a text. |Lesson on word meanings, connotation and |* Quindlen, “The F Word” |*Use of highlighters to trace word |

|uses and refines the meaning of a key term |4b. I can confidently evaluate how an |denotation, and how word choice leads to |* Jefferson “Declaration” |“growth/change/use” in text. |

|or terms over the course of a text (e.g., |author uses and refines key terms |tone. |* Hurtson “Dust Tracks on a Road” |* In-text annotations. |

|how Madison defines faction in Federalist |(literal, connotative, and figurative | |*Twain |* Flow Map |

|No. 10). |associations) to develop the central |Flow map tracing specific words and their | |* Linear Array (Burke) |

| |idea(s) in a text. |movement throughout a text | | |

|RI. 5. Analyze and evaluate the |5a.I can analyze the structure in an |Teacher-led lessons that examine each of |Informational text from the textbook|*Use of highlighters to visually show |

|effectiveness of the structure an author |expository or argumentative text. |the types of structure. Short pieces of |such as: Paine’s “Crisis” |structuring elements. |

|uses in his or her exposition or argument, |  |each type – chronological, cause/effect, | | |

|including whether the structure makes |5b.I can judge and explain the |comparison/contrast... and so on. |E.B. White’s essays like “Once More |*Verbal responses. |

|points clear, convincing, and engaging. |effectiveness of each part of an | |to the Lake” | |

| |expository or argumentative text, |Give students fresh text to assess for | |* Gallery walk of group’s analysis of |

| |particularly in terms of clarity, |type of structure as well as how the | |different structures. |

| |persuasiveness, and engagement. |structure strengthens the text. This could| | |

| | |be done in pairs, groups, or as | |*Flow chart |

| | |individuals. | | |

| | | | |*Time line |

|RI.6. Determine an author’s point of view |6a.I can identify effectiveness of an |Lessons that involve learning how to |* Any M.L. King speech, essay, or |* Use of highlighters to visually |

|or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric |author’s rhetoric. |recognize rhetorical features and devices.|sermon. “Letter From.” |represent the different devices. Ex. |

|is particularly effective, analyzing how |6b.I can evaluate how that effective | | |3 diff color highlighters to mark the |

|style and content contribute to the power, |language establishes the author’s | |Kingston, “From Woman Warrior” |use of appeals in speeches. |

|persuasiveness, or beauty of the text. |purpose and determines an author’s |In groups, students can collectively find | | |

| |particular style. |examples and connect how the devices lead |Franklin’s “Autobiography” |*Conversational roundtable |

| | |to understanding. | |(Burke) |

| |6c. I can evaluate how the author’s | |Edwards “Sinners” | |

| |style then contributes to the overall | | |* Sensory Notes (Burke) |

| |power and beauty of the text. | |newspaper editorials | |

|RI.7. Integrate and evaluate multiple |7a.I can evaluate and establish |Lessons teaching students how to “read” |Selection of photos, maps, graphs, |*SOAPSTone |

|sources of information presented in |connections between multiple print and|visuals, how to use charts/graphs. |cartoons, music, a letter or diary, | |

|different media or formats (e.g., visually,|non-print sources (both visual ones | |a written piece like an EPA Water |*Integrating and Evaluating Info. |

|quantitatively) as well as in words in |and quantitative ones, i.e. |Taking text and asking students to create |report (PH 393) |Graphic Organizer (PH 157) |

|order to address a question or solve a |photographs, maps, illustrations, |a poster or visual from the background | | |

|problem. |charts, graphs) of information to |information or text. |Background sections in textbook. |* Target Notes |

| |investigate a topic. | | | |

| |7b.I can integrate multiple print and |Group butcher paper assignment integrating| |* Animoto |

| |non-print sources to solve a problem |various sources to create a synthesizing | | |

| |or investigate a topic. |moment. | |*Prezi |

| | | | | |

|RI.8. Delineate and evaluate the reasoning |8a.I can read and understand important|Lessons using major American documents. |Supreme Court majority and minority |*Annotation |

|in seminal U.S. texts, including the |legal documents that promote |Specifically, scaffolding how to break |opinions. | |

|application of constitutional principles |foundational American beliefs. |down complex text into manageable chunks, | |* Role playing/debate skills |

|and use of legal reasoning (e.g., in U.S. |8b. I can deconstruct the argument and|paraphrasing. |Legal cases (e.g., Dred Scott) | |

|Supreme Court majority opinions and |identify the evidence that supports | | |*KWL |

|dissents) and the premises, purposes, and |the claim in an influential U.S. text.|Lessons teaching reasoning and logical |Federalist Papers | |

|arguments in works of public advocacy |8c. I can evaluate the legal reasoning|fallacies. E.G. The Crucible | | |

|(e.g., The Federalist, presidential |(the issue, the law, the facts, the | | | |

|addresses). |analysis involved) and constitutional |Provide visual texts that use logical | | |

| |principles within this U.S. text. |fallacies such as political ads, | | |

| | |commercials, etc. and using a graphic | | |

| | |organizer have students find fallacies. | | |

|RI. 9. Analyze seventeenth-, eighteenth-, |9a. I can analyze the theme of a U.S. |Lessons discovering purpose and theme in |Paine, FDR, Declaration of Arms, |*SOAPSTone |

|and nineteenth-century foundational U.S. |foundational document. |complex text. |Kennedy’s speeches, Emerson’s | |

|documents of historical and literary |9b. I can then explain the purpose of | |“American Scholar” |*Conversational Roundtable |

|significance (including The Declaration of |this U.S. foundational document. |Provide brief yet complex texts and after | | |

|Independence, the Preamble to the |9c. I can recognize and analyzing |reviewing purpose and theme, ask students | |*Venn Diagram |

|Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and |important language/rhetorical features|to write a sentence which clarifies | | |

|Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address) for |in this U.S. foundational document. |author's purpose. | | |

|their themes, purposes, and rhetorical | | | | |

|features. | |Students make inferences about the text's | | |

| | |theme, and compare and contrast to the | | |

| | |author's intent. | | |

|RI.10. By the end of grade 11, read and |10a. I can apply various reading |Lessons on how to paraphrase and use |Major American documents, Thoreau, | |

|comprehend literary nonfiction in the |strategies to interpret challenging |context clues in challenging text. |Emerson, Mayflower Compact | |

|grades 11 - CCR text complexity band |informational texts independently. | | | |

|proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at| | | | |

|the high end range. | | | | |


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