Science Informational Texts

Why focus on close reading?

“One of the key requirements of the Common Core State Standards for Reading is that all students… must be able to read and comprehend independently and proficiently the kinds of complex texts commonly found in college and careers.”

CCSS Appendix A, pg. 2

Through close reading of complex text, students can develop thinking strategies and perseverance required to understand and be successful with difficult or unfamiliar texts. Close reading engages the reader in a thorough analysis of the text. The only evidence or information the reader relies on is what the author has directly included in the text.

Effective close reading instruction motivates and rewards all students for reading inquisitively; focuses on building knowledge through the strategic use of text-dependent questions; and prepares students for the kinds of reading tasks they will encounter in college and careers.


A characteristic of close reading is that teachers use text-dependent questions to prompt students to return to the text. Students are guided to deeply analyze and appreciate various aspects of the text, such as key vocabulary and how its meaning is shaped by context; to focus on the author’s word choices and repetition, specific sentences, literary devices, or how particular passages contain information that is key to the learning (literal meaning); to determine inferential meaning (mood, tone, author’s purpose) and make connections.

Close reading instruction facilitated by a skilled teacher is one of many research-based outcomes that can help students become independent and proficient readers of increasingly complex texts.

The following text exemplars are taken from the Common Core State Standards Appendix B and will provide teachers with a starting point for introducing authentic text into their classroom routine. A selection of text-dependent questions and performance tasks have been provided with each exemplary text for teachers to use as they incorporate the goal of close reading into their instruction. Academic vocabulary has also been highlighted that may need to be defined before teachers use the selected text.

Science Informational Texts

NRS 3 [Grades 4-5] text exemplars

Discovering Mars: The Amazing Story of the Red Planet


Hurricanes: Earth’s Mightiest Storms


“Seeing Eye to Eye” National Geographic Explorer

“Telescopes” The New Book of Knowledge

NRS 4 [Grades 6-8] text exemplars

“Geology” U*X*L Encyclopedia of Science

“Space Probe” Astronomy & Space: From the Big Bang to the Big Crunch

Invasive Plant Inventory

NRS 5 [Grades 9-10] text exemplars

“Classifying the Stars” The Universe of Stars

Biography of an Atom

“Amusement Park Physics” Roundabout: Readings from the Amateur Scientist in Scientific American

The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story

Recommended Levels of Insulation

The Race to Save Lord God Bird

NRS 6 [Grades 11-12] text exemplars

“Gravity in Reverse: The Tale of Albert Einstein’s ‘Greatest Blunder ‘”

“The Mysteries of Mass” Scientific American Special Edition

“Working Knowledge: Electronic Stability Control” Scientific American

Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management

“Untangling the Roots of Cancer” Scientific American Special Edition

“The Cost Conundrum: Health Care Costs in McAllen, Texas” The New Yorker

Berger, Melvin. Discovering Mars: The Amazing Story of the Red Planet. New York: Scholastic, 1992. (1992)

Mars is very cold and very dry. Scattered across the surface are many giant volcanoes. Lava covers much of the land.

In Mars’ northern half, or hemisphere, is a huge raised area. It is about 2,500 miles wide. Astronomers call this the Great Tharsis Bulge.

There are four mammoth volcanoes on the Great Tharsis Bulge. The largest one is Mount Olympus, or Olympus Mons. It is the biggest mountain on Mars. Some think it may be the largest mountain in the entire solar system.

Mount Olympus is 15 miles high. At its peak is a 50 mile wide basin. Its base is 375 miles across. That’s nearly as big as the state of Texas!

Mauna Loa, in Hawaii, is the largest volcano on earth. Yet, compared to Mount Olympus, Mauna Loa looks like a little hill. The Hawaiian volcano is only 5½ miles high. Its base, on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, is just 124 miles wide.

Each of the three other volcanoes in the Great Tharsis Bulge are over 10 miles high. They are named Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Ascraeus Mons.

Media Text

NASA’s illustrated fact sheet on Mars:

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What does this passage tell the reader?

2. Are the volcanoes on Mars smaller than the ones on Earth? Note where in the text you got your answer.

3. What might be the biggest mountain in the solar system and where is it?

4. Explain how Mars is different than Earth using what you see in this text.

5. Where is the Great Tharsis Bluge and what can you find there?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students explain how Melvin Berger uses reasons and evidence in his book Discovering Mars: The Amazing Story of the Red Planet to support particular points regarding the topology of the planet. [RI.4.8]

Simon, Seymour. Horses. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. (2006)

Horses move in four natural ways, called gaits or paces. They walk, trot, canter, and gallop. The walk is the slowest gait and the gallop is the fastest.

When a horse walks, each hoof leaves the ground at a different time. It moves one hind leg first, and then the front leg on the same side; then the other hind leg and the other front leg. When a horse walks, its body swings gently with each stride.

When a horse trots, its legs move in pairs, left front leg with right hind leg, and right front leg with left hind leg. When a horse canters, the hind legs and one front leg move together, and then the hind legs and the other foreleg move together.

The gallop is like a much faster walk, where each hoof hits the ground one after another. When a horse gallops, all four of its hooves may be flying off the ground at the same time.

Horses are usually described by their coat colors and by the white markings on their faces, bodies, legs, and hooves.

Brown horses range in color from dark brown bays and chestnuts to golden browns, such as palominos, and lighter browns such as roans and duns.

Partly colored horses are called pintos or paints. Colorless, pure-white horses—albinos—are rare. Most horses that look white are actually gray.

Skewbalds have brown-and-white patches. Piebalds have black and white patches. Spotteds have dark spots on a white coat or white spots on a dark coat.

Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Explain in your own words, how a horse walks.

2. Explain how a canter is different from a walk.

3. What is the difference between a trot and a canter?

4. If there are actually very few white horses why does the text indicate it seems like there are more?

5. Describe two kinds of horses from the reading and explain why they are different from another kind of horse.

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students identify the overall structure of ideas, concepts, and information in Seymour Simon’s Horses (based on factors such as their speed and color) and compare and contrast that scheme to the one employed by Patricia Lauber in her book Hurricanes: Earth’s Mightiest Storms. [RI.5.5]

Lauber, Patricia. Hurricanes: Earth’s Mightiest Storms. New York: Scholastic, 1996. (1996)

From “The Making of a Hurricane”

Great whirling storms roar out of the oceans in many parts of the world. They are called by several names—hurricane, typhoon, and cyclone are the three most familiar ones. But no matter what they are called, they are all the same sort of storm. They are born in the same way, in tropical waters. They develop the same way, feeding on warm, moist air. And they do the same kind of damage, both ashore and at sea. Other storms may cover a bigger area or have higher winds, but none can match both the size and the fury of hurricanes. They are earth’s mightiest storms.

Like all storms, they take place in the atmosphere, the envelope of air that surrounds the earth and presses on its surface. The pressure at any one place is always changing. There are days when air is sinking and the atmosphere presses harder on the surface. These are the times of high pressure. There are days when a lot of air is rising and the atmosphere does not press down as hard. These are times of low pressure. Low-pressure areas over warm oceans give birth to hurricanes.

From: HURRICANES: EARTH’S MIGHTIEST STORMS by Patricia Lauber. Copyright © 1996 by Patricia Lauber. Used by permission of Scholastic, Inc.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. According to the first paragraph, how do hurricanes form?

2. According to the first paragraph, where do hurricanes form?

3. How are hurricanes different from other types of storms according to this passage?

4. Explain how hurricanes develop in the atmosphere.

5. Can hurricanes form any day? Why or why not?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students identify the overall structure of ideas, concepts, and information in Seymour Simon’s Horses (based on factors such as their speed and color) and compare and contrast that scheme to the one employed by Patricia Lauber in her book Hurricanes: Earth’s Mightiest Storms. [RI.5.5]

Simon, Seymour. Volcanoes. New York: HarperCollins, 2006. (2006)

In early times, no one knew how volcanoes formed or why they spouted red-hot molten rock. In modern times, scientists began to study volcanoes. They still don’t know all the answers, but they know much about how a volcano works.

Our planet is made up of many layers of rock. The top layers of solid rock are called the crust. Deep beneath the crust is the mantle, where it is so hot that some rock melts. The melted, or molten, rock is called magma.

Volcanoes are formed when magma pushes its way up through the crack in Earth’s crust. This is called a volcanic eruption. When magma pours forth on the surface, it is called lava.

Text Copyright © 1998 by Seymour Simon. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What is the planet made up of?

2. Explain each layer of the Earth and what they are made of.

3. Explain how the planet’s make up relates to volcanoes.

4. Explain the difference between lava and magma.

5. How does a volcano happen?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students determine the meaning of domain-specific words or phrases, such as crust, mantle, magma, and lava, and important general academic words and phrases that appear in Seymour Simon’s Volcanoes. [RI.4.4]

Hall, Leslie. “Seeing Eye to Eye.” National Geographic Explorer. September 2009. (2009)

A hungry falcon soars high above Earth. Its sharp eyes scan the ground. Suddenly, it spies something moving in the grass. The falcon dives toward it.

Far below, a gray field mouse scurries through the grass. Its dark, beady eyes search constantly for danger. With eyes on either side of its head, the mouse can see almost everything around it.

Will the mouse see the falcon in time to escape? Or, will the speedy falcon catch the prey it spied from far above? Whatever happens, one thing is clear: Without eyes, neither animal has a good chance.

Why? Eyes help many animals make sense of the world around them - and survive. Eyes can guide the falcon to dinner or help the mouse see a perfect place to hide.

Animal eyes come in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and even numbers. Yet they do the same job. They all catch light. With help from the brain, eyes turn light into sight.

Eyes work in the same way for people. Look at this page. You may think you see words and pictures. Believe it or not, you don’t. All you see is light bouncing off the page. How is this possible? The secret is in the rules of light.

Light Rules

Light is a form of energy, like heat or sound. It can come from a natural source, like the sun, or artificial sources, like a lamp or a flashlight.

Light is the fastest known thing. It travels in waves and in nearly straight lines. In air, it can speed 299,700 kilometers (186,200 miles) per second. It can race from the sun to Earth in just over eight minutes! Light doesn’t always travel so fast. For example, water or glass can slow light down, but just a bit.

Light may seem to break all driving speed laws. Yet there are certain rules it always follows. Light reflects, or bounces off objects. It also refracts, or bends. And it can be absorbed, or soaked up, by objects. These rules of light affect what, and how, we see.

Light! Eyes!

Imagine this scene: You’re at your desk happily reading Explorer magazine. Light from your desk lamp scatters in all directions.

Light hits the page. Some bounces off the page, or reflects. It changes direction. It’s a little like how sound bounces off a wall. Now some of this reflected light is traveling right toward your face. Don’t duck! For you to see Explorer, some of this light has to enter your eyes. Objects become visible when light bounces off them.

Your eyes are light catchers. Yet it takes more than catching light to see an image. Your eyes also have to bend light. Here’s how.

First, light hits your cornea. That’s the clear covering on the front of your eyeball. The cornea refracts, or bends, light.

And Action!

Is your cornea super strong? No! Think about how light travels more slowly through water. The same thing happens in your cornea. As light passes through the cornea, it slows down. That makes the light change direction, or bend.

Next, light enters your pupil, the dark center part of your eye. It passes through your lens. The lens bends light, too. What’s the big deal about bending light? That’s how your eyes focus, or aim the light to make a clear image.

The image appears on your retina at the back of your eyeball. It’s like a movie. Playing Today at a Theater in Your Eye: Explorer magazine! There’s only one problem. The image is upside down. Luckily, your brain flips the image right side up. That’s pretty smart!

Copyright © 2009 National Geographic. Used by permission.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Explain what we see when we look at a page.

2. Light travels fast but things can slow it down. What does this?

3. Explain the process the light goes through when hitting your eye.

4. What is the problem when light hits your retina?

5. Why does your eye need to bend light?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students quote accurately and explicitly from Leslie Hall’s “Seeing Eye to Eye” to explain statements they make and ideas they infer regarding sight and light. [RI.5.1]

Ronan, Colin A. “Telescopes.” The New Book of Knowledge. New York: Scholastic, 2010. (2010)

You can see planets, stars, and other objects in space just by looking up on a clear night. But to really see them--to observe the craters on the moon, the rings around Saturn, and the countless other wonders in our sky--you must use a telescope.

A telescope is an instrument used to produce magnified (enlarged) images of distant objects. It does this by gathering and focusing the light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation emitted or reflected by those objects. The word “telescope” comes from two Greek words meaning “far” and “see.”

Kinds of Telescopes

There are many different types of telescopes, both optical and non-optical. Optical telescopes are designed to focus visible light. Non-optical telescopes are designed to detect kinds of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to the human eye. These include radio waves, infrared radiation, X rays, ultraviolet radiation, and gamma rays. The word “optical” means “making use of light.”

Some telescopes are launched into space. These telescopes gain clearer views. And they can collect forms of electromagnetic radiation that are absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere and do not reach the ground.

Optical Telescopes

Different types of optical telescopes gather and focus light in different ways. Refracting telescopes, or refractors, use lenses. Reflecting telescopes, or reflectors, use mirrors. And catadioptric telescopes, or catadioptrics, use a combination of lenses and mirrors. The main lens or mirror in an optical telescope is called the objective.

Refracting Telescopes. A refracting telescope is typically a long, tube-shaped instrument. The objective is a system of lenses at the front end of the tube (the end facing the sky). When light strikes the lenses, it is bent and brought to a focus within the tube. This forms an image of a distant object. This image can be magnified by the eyepiece. This consists of a group of small lenses at the back of the tube. A camera can replace or be added to the eyepiece. Then photographs can be taken of celestial objects. For many years, these cameras used film. Today most are equipped with charge-coupled devices (CCD’s). These devices use semiconductor chips to electronically capture images. CCD’s are similar to the devices in home digital cameras and video camcorders. However, the CCD’s used by astronomers are usually extremely sensitive to light.

From Ronan, Colin A. “Telescopes.” Reviewed by William A. Gutsch. The New Book of Knowledge®. Copyright © 2010

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What is a telescope and why do you need one?

2. In your own words, how does a telescope work?

3. Explain the difference between optical and non-optical telescopes.

4. Choose one of the telescopes explained in this passage and explain how it works.

5. What do we use instead of cameras inside refracting telescopes today? Where are some other places you might find these?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students determine the main idea of Colin A. Ronan’s “Telescopes” and create a summary by explaining how key details support his distinctions regarding different types of telescopes. [RI.4.2]

“Geology.” U*X*L Encyclopedia of Science. Edited by Rob Nagel. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Cengage Learning, 2007. (2007)

Geology is the scientific study of Earth. Geologists study the planet—its formation, its internal structure, its materials, its chemical and physical processes, and its history. Mountains, valleys, plains, sea floors, minerals, rocks, fossils, and the processes that create and destroy each of these are all the domain of the geologist. Geology is divided into two broad categories of study: physical geology and historical geology.

Physical geology is concerned with the processes occurring on or below the surface of Earth and the materials on which they operate. These processes include volcanic eruptions, landslides, earthquakes, and floods. Materials include rocks, air, seawater, soils, and sediment. Physical geology further divides into more specific branches, each of which deals with its own part of Earth’s materials, landforms, and processes. Mineralogy and petrology investigate the composition and origin of minerals and rocks. Volcanologists study lava, rocks, and gases on live, dormant, and extinct volcanoes. Seismologists use instruments to monitor and predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Historical geology is concerned with the chronology of events, both physical and biological, that have taken place in Earth’s history. Paleontologists study fossils (remains of ancient life) for evidence of the evolution of life on Earth. Fossils not only relate evolution, but also speak of the environment in which the organism lived. Corals in rocks at the top of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, for example, show a shallow sea flooded the area around 290 million years ago. In addition, by determining the ages and types of rocks around the world, geologists piece together continental and oceanic history over the past few billion years. Plate tectonics (the study of the movement of the sections of Earth’s crust) adds to Earth’s story with details of the changing configuration of the continents and oceans.

From UXL ENCY SKI V10, 2E. © Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. In the first paragraph, the author explains geology. What do you think would be most difficult about being a geologist? Give an example from the text that led you to this conclusion.

2. Describe physical geology and explain how it is different from historical geography.

3. Do you think that if you were studying fossils, you would need both types of geography? Why or why not?

4. How could the study of fossils teach us about evolution?

5. Why is it important to study geology? What might happen if we didn’t understand how it worked?

Performance Task for Informational Text

Compare and contrast physical and historical geology. Cite specific passages as you argue about the important points of each and why that particular fact is important. [RI.6.8]

“Space Probe.” Astronomy & Space: From the Big Bang to the Big Crunch. Edited by Phillis Engelbert. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale Cengage Learning, 2009. (2009)

A space probe is an unpiloted spacecraft that leaves Earth’s orbit to explore the Moon, planets, asteroids, comets, or other objects in outer space as directed by onboard computers and/or instructions sent from Earth. The purpose of such missions is to make scientific observations, such as taking pictures, measuring atmospheric conditions, and collecting soil samples, and to bring or report the data back to Earth.

Numerous space probes have been launched since the former Soviet Union first fired Luna 1 toward the Moon in 1959. Probes have now visited each of the eight planets in the solar system.

In fact, two probes—Voyager 1 and Voyager 2—are approaching the edge of the solar system, for their eventual trip into the interstellar medium. By January 2008 Voyager 1 was about 9.4 billion miles (15.2 billion kilometers) from the Sun and in May 2008 it entered the heliosheath (the boundary where the solar wind is thought to end), which is the area that roughly divides the solar system from interstellar space. Voyager 2 is not quite as far as its sister probe. Voyager 1 is expected to be the first human space probe to leave the solar system. Both Voyager probes are still transmitting signals back to Earth. They are expected to help gather further information as to the true boundary of the solar system.

The earliest probes traveled to the closest extraterrestrial target, the Moon. The former Soviet Union launched a series of Luna probes that provided humans with first pictures of the far side of the Moon. In 1966, Luna 9 made the first successful landing on the Moon and sent back television footage from the Moon’s surface.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) initially made several unsuccessful attempts to send a probe to the Moon. Not until 1964 did a Ranger probe reach its mark and send back thousands of pictures. Then, a few months after Luna 9, NASA landed Surveyor on the Moon.

In the meantime, NASA was moving ahead with the first series of planetary probes, called Mariner. Mariner 2 first reached the planet Venus in 1962. Later Mariner spacecrafts flew by Mars in 1964 and 1969, providing detailed images of that planet. In 1971, Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars. During its year in orbit, Mariner 9’s two television cameras transmitted footage of an intense Martian dust storm, as well as images of 90 percent of the planet’s surface and the two Martian natural satellites (moons).

Encounters were also made with Mars in 1976 by the U.S. probes Viking 1 and Viking 2. Each Viking spacecraft consisted of both an orbiter and a lander. Viking 1 made the first successful soft landing on Mars on July 20, 1976. Soon after, Viking 2 landed on the opposite side of the planet. The Viking orbiters made reports on the Martian weather and photographed almost the entire surface of the planet.

From ASTRONOMY & SPACE V2, 1E.© 1997 Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. In the first sentence, we learn that probes are unpiloted. Why might there be a need for spaceships with no people in them?

2. What are some of the purposes of probes?

3. Explain how a probe works according to the information in the text. How does it fly? Where does it get its orders and what does it use to show us the information?

4. The author uses the term ‘edge of the solar system’. Explain what they mean by that.

5. Go through the text and find three examples of probes doing things for the first time.

Performance Task for Informational Text

Reflect in your journal what the author’s purpose is of “Space Probe.” What is the central idea controlling the selection? Write a main analytical statement and select supporting statements and evidence from the article to support your thesis. [RST.6-8.6]

California Invasive Plant Council. Invasive Plant Inventory. . 2006–2010. (2010)

The Inventory categorizes plants as High, Moderate, or Limited, reflecting the level of each species’ negative ecological impact in California. Other factors, such as economic impact or difficulty of management, are not included in this assessment. It is important to note that even Limited species are invasive and should be of concern to land managers.

Although the impact of each plant varies regionally, its rating represents cumulative impacts statewide. Therefore, a plant whose statewide impacts are categorized as Limited may have more severe impacts in a particular region. Conversely, a plant categorized as having a High cumulative impact across California may have very little impact in some regions.

The Inventory Review Committee, Cal-IPC staff, and volunteers drafted assessments for each plant based on the formal criteria system described below. The committee solicited information from land managers across the state to complement the available literature. Assessments were released for public review before the committee finalized them. The 2006 list includes 39 High species, 65 Moderate species, and 89 Limited species. Additional information, including updated observations, will be added to this website periodically, with revisions tracked and dated.


The Inventory categorizes “invasive non-native plants that threaten wildlands” according to the definitions below.

Plants were evaluated only if they invade California wildlands with native habitat values. The Inventory does not include plants found solely in areas of human-caused disturbance such as roadsides and cultivated agricultural fields.

• Wildlands are public and private lands that support native ecosystems, including some working landscapes such as grazed rangeland and active timberland.

• Non-native plants are species introduced to California after European contact and as a direct or indirect result of human activity.

• Invasive non-native plants that threaten wildlands are plants that 1) are not native to, yet can spread into, wildland ecosystems, and that also 2) displace native species, hybridize with native species, alter biological communities, or alter ecosystem processes.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Explain what the Invasive Plant Inventory does.

2. Why is that important?

3. Where does the Inventory categorize plants?

4. The article states that they look at the plants on a cumulative level. What does this mean?

5. Did the people compiling the Inventory catalog all the plants in California or did they solicit help from anyone?

Performance Task for Informational Text

Students sum up the passages about the Plant Inventory and discuss all of the ways that the information about the plants is gathered and organized. [RI.7.2]

Cannon, Annie J. “Classifying the Stars.” The Universe of Stars. Edited by Harlow Shapeley and Cecilia H. Payne. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Observatory, 1926. (1926)

Sunlight and starlight are composed of waves of various lengths, which the eye, even aided by a telescope, is unable to separate. We must use more than a telescope. In order to sort out the component colors, the light must be dispersed by a prism, or split up by some other means. For instance, sunbeams passing through rain drops, are transformed into the myriad-tinted rainbow. The familiar rainbow spanning the sky is Nature’s most glorious demonstration that light is composed of many colors.

The very beginning of our knowledge of the nature of a star dates back to 1672, when Isaac Newton gave to the world the results of his experiments on passing sunlight through a prism. To describe the beautiful band of rainbow tints, produced when sunlight was dispersed by his three-cornered piece of glass, he took from the Latin the word spectrum, meaning an appearance. The rainbow is the spectrum of the Sun.


In 1814, more than a century after Newton, the spectrum of the Sun was obtained in such purity that an amazing detail was seen and studied by the German optician, Fraunhofer. He saw that the multiple spectral tings, ranging from delicate violet to deep red, were crossed by hundreds of fine dark lines. In other words, there were narrow gaps in the spectrum where certain shades were wholly blotted out.

We must remember that the word spectrum is applied not only to sunlight, but also to the light of any glowing substance when its rays are sorted out by a prism or a grating.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Why do we need a telescope or a prism to sort out colors of the spectrum?

2. Explain the origins of the word spectrum.

3. How did Newton experiment with light?

4. Why is Fraunhofer important?

5. What are the fine dark lines in the spectrum?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students cite specific textual evidence from Annie J. Cannon’s “Classifying the Stars” to support their analysis of the scientific importance of the discovery that light is composed of many colors. Students include in their analysis precise details from the text (such as Cannon’s repeated use of the image of the rainbow) to buttress their explanation. [RST.9–10.1]

Bronowski, Jacob, and Millicent Selsam. Biography of an Atom. New York: Harper, 1965. (1965)

The birth began in a young star. A young star is a mass of hydrogen nuclei. Because the star is hot (about thirteen million degrees at the center), the nuclei cannot hold on to their electrons. The electrons wander around. The nuclei of hydrogen—that is, the protons—are moving about very fast too. From time to time one proton runs headlong into another. When this happens, one of the protons loses its electric charge and changes into a neutron. The pair then cling together as a single nucleus of heavy hydrogen. This nucleus will in time capture another proton. Now there is a nucleus with two protons and one neutron, called light helium. When two of these nuclei smash into each other, two protons are expelled in the process. This creates a nucleus of helium with two protons and two neutrons.

This is the fundamental process of fusion by which the primitive hydrogen of the universe is built up into a new basic material, helium. In this process, energy is given off in the form of heat and light that make the stars shine. It is the first stage in the birth of the heavier atoms.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Why can’t the star keep it’s electrons in its nucleus?

2. How does a neutron form?

3. When the two nuclei smash together what happens and what forms?

4. Why are helium atoms heavier than hydrogen atoms?

5. What is given off while all of this is happening inside the atoms?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Explain how this process of atoms forming, leads to a star’s birth. [RST.9-10.2]

Walker, Jearl. “Amusement Park Physics.” Roundabout: Readings from the Amateur Scientist in Scientific American. New York: Scientific American, 1985. (1985)

From “Amusement Park Physics: Thinking About Physics While Scared to Death (on a Falling Roller Coaster)”

The rides in an amusement park not only are fun but also demonstrate principles of physics. Among them are rotational dynamics and energy conversion. I have been exploring the rides at Geauga Lake Amusement Park near Cleveland and have found that nearly every ride offers a memorable lesson.

To me, the scariest rides at the park are the roller coasters. The Big Dipper is similar to many of the roller coasters that have thrilled passengers for most of this century. The cars are pulled by chain to the top of the highest hill along the track, released from the chain as the front of the car begins its descent, the un-powered cars have almost no speed and only a small acceleration. As more cars get onto the downward slope the acceleration increases. It peaks when all the cars are headed downward. The peak value is the product of the acceleration generated by gravity and the sine of the slope of the track. A steeper descent generates a greater acceleration, but packing the coaster with heavier passengers does not.

When the coaster reaches the bottom of the valley and starts up the next hill, there is an instant when the cars are symmetrically distributed in the valley. The acceleration is zero. As more cars ascend the coaster begins to slow, reaching its lowest speed just as it is symmetrically positioned at the top of the hill.

A roller coaster functions by means of transfers of energy. When the chain hauls the cars to the top of the first hill, it does work on the cars, endowing them with gravitational potential energy, the energy of a body in a gravitational field with respect to the distance of the body from some reference level such as the ground. As the cars descend into the first valley, much of the stored energy is transferred into kinetic energy, the energy of motion.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. In your own words, explain how the “Big Dipper” works.

2. What is the author’s point in this passage?

3. Explain how a roller coaster can go up hill.

4. The author states at one point during the roller coaster ride, “The acceleration is zero”. Explain how that can be based on what he tells you about how roller coasters work.

5. Does a roller coaster store energy? If so, how is that important?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Students determine how Jearl Walker clarifies the phenomenon of acceleration in his essay “Amusement Park Physics,” accurately summarizing his conclusions regarding the physics of roller coasters and tracing how supporting details regarding the processes of rotational dynamics and energy conversion are incorporated in his explanation. [RST.9–10.2]

Preston, Richard. The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story. New York: Anchor, 1995. (1995)

From “Something in the Forest”

1980 New Year’s Day

Charles Monet was a loner. He was a Frenchman who lived by himself in a little wooden bungalow on the private lands of the Nzoia Sugar Factory, a plantation in western Kenya that spread along the Nzoiz Rover within sight of Mount Elgon, a huge, solitary, extinct volcano that rises to a height of fourteen thousand feet near the edge of the Rift Valley. Monet’s history is a little obscure. As with so many expatriates who end up in Africa, it is not clear what brought him there. Perhaps he had been in some kind of trouble in France. Or perhaps he had been drawn to Kenya by the beauty of the country. He was an amateur naturalist, fond of birds and animals but not of humanity in general. He was fifty-six years old, of medium height and medium build with smooth, straight brown hair; a good-looking man. It seems that his only close friends were women who lived in towns around the mountain, yet even they could not recall much about him for the doctors who investigated his death. His job was to take care of the sugar factory’s water-pumping machinery, which drew water from the Nzoia River and delivered it to many miles of sugar-cane fields. They say that he spent most of his day inside the pump house by the river as if it pleased him to watch and listen to the machines doing their work.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What words or phrases from the text tell us about Monet’s personality?

2. Why does the article say Monet might have left France?

3. What did Monet like?

4. What were some of his dislikes?

5. Why did the author include the part about the women Monet knew in the mountains? What does it say about Monet’s character?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Explain Monet’s job and lifestyle as we are told about it in this passage. Use words or phrases from the text that analyzes what kind of man Charles Monet was. [RI.9-10.4]

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Department of Energy. Recommended Levels of Insulation. 2010. (2010)

Recommended Levels of Insulation

Insulation levels are specified by R-Value. R-Value is a measure of insulation’s ability to resist heat traveling through it. The higher the R-Value the better the thermal per

|Zone |Add Insulation to Attic |Floor |

| |Uninsulated Attic |Existing 3–4 Inches of Insulation | |

|1 |R30 to R49 |R25 to R30 |R13 |

|2 |R30 to R60 |R25 to R38 |R13 to R19 |

|3 |R30 to R60 |R25 to R38 |R19 to R25 |

|4 |R38 to R60 |R38 |R25 to R30 |

|5 to 8 |R49 to R60 |R38 to R49 |R25 to R30 |

|Wall Insulation: Whenever exterior siding is removed on an |

| |

|Uninsulated wood-frame wall: |

|Drill holes in the sheathing and blow insulation into the empty wall cavity before |

|installing the new siding, and |

|Zones 3–4: Add R5 insulative wall sheathing beneath the new siding |

|Zones 5–8: Add R5 to R6 insulative wall sheathing beneath the new siding. |

| |

|Insulated wood-frame wall: |

|For Zones 4 to 8: Add R5 insulative sheathing before installing the new siding. |

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What is R-value and why is this important to know about?

2. If your house is in zone 4, how much insulation is needed if you already have 3 inches of insulation?

3. How does this amount (from question 2) compare to an uninsulated attic?

4. Explain how to insulate an uninsulated wall.

5. How does an insulated wall compare to an uninsulated in R-value?

Performance Task for Informational Texts

Write a word problem using the chart to determine if your current home has enough insulation in the attic and how much is needed to be adequate. How does wall insulation affect the amount of insulation needed? [RST.9-10.7]

Hoose, Phillip. The Race to Save Lord God Bird. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004. (2004)

Read an Excerpt: The Race To Save The Lord God Bird



To become extinct is the greatest tragedy in nature. Extinction means that all the members of an entire species are dead; that an entire genetic family is gone, forever. Or, as ornithologist William Beebe put it, "When the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again."

Some might argue that this doesn't seem so tragic. After all, according to scientists, 99 percent of all species that have ever lived are now extinct. And there have already been at least five big waves of mass extinction, caused by everything from meteorites to drought. The fifth and most recent wave, which took place a mere 65 million years ago, destroyed the dinosaurs along with about two-thirds of all animal species alive at that time. In other words, we've been through this before.

But the sixth wave, the one that's happening now, is different. For the first time, a single species, Homo sapiens-humankind-is wiping out thousands of life forms by consuming and altering the earth's resources. Humans now use up more than half of the world's fresh water and nearly half of everything that's grown on land. The sixth wave isn't new; it started about twelve thousand years ago when humans began clearing land to plant food crops. But our impact upon the earth is accelerating so rapidly now that thousands of species are being lost every year. Each of these species belongs to a complicated web of energy and activity called an ecosystem. Together, these webs connect the smallest mites to the greatest trees.

This is a story about a species of the sixth wave, a species that was-and maybe still is-a bird of the deep forest. It took only a century for Campephilus principalis, more commonly known as the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, to slip from a flourishing life in the sunlit forest canopy to a marginal existence in the shadow of extinction. Many species declined during that same century, but the Ivory-bill became the singular object of a tug-of-war between those who destroyed and sold its habitat and a new breed of scientists and conservationists dedicated to preserving species by saving habitat. In some ways, the Ivory-bill was the first modern endangered species, in that some of the techniques used today to try to save imperiled plants and animals were pioneered in the race to rescue this magnificent bird.

I say the Ivory-bill "maybe still is" a bird of the deep forest because some observers, including some very good scientists, believe that a few Ivory-bills continue to exist. Since I first became interested in birds in 1975, I have read or heard dozens of reports that someone has just caught a fresh glimpse or heard the unmistakable call of the Ivory-bill. Again and again, even the slimmest of rumors sends hopeful bird-watchers lunging for their boots, smearing mosquito repellent onto their arms, and bolting out the door to look for it. Year after year they return with soggy boots, bug-bitten arms, and no evidence.

The Ivory-bill is a hard bird to give up on. It was one of the most impressive creatures ever seen in the United States. Those who wrote about it-from John James Audubon to Theodore Roosevelt-were astonished by its beauty and strength. They gave it names like "Lord God bird" and "Good God bird." Fortunately, in 1935, when there were just a few left, four scientists from Cornell University took a journey deep into a vast, primitive swamp and came back with a sound recording of the phantom's voice and twelve seconds of film that showed the great bird in motion. It was a gift from, and for, the ages.

Cornell's image sparked a last-ditch effort led by the Audubon Society to save the Ivory-bill in its wilderness home before it was too late. But others were equally intent on clearing and selling the trees before the conservationists could rescue the species.

The race to save the Ivory-bill became an early round in what is now a worldwide struggle to save endangered species. Humans challenged the Ivory-bill to adapt very quickly to rapidly shifting circumstances, but as events unfolded, the humans who tried to rescue the bird had to change rapidly, too. The Ivory-bill's saga-perhaps unfinished-continues to give us a chance to learn and adapt. As we consider the native plants and animals around us, we can remind ourselves of the race to save the Lord God bird and ask, "What can we do to protect them in their native habitats while they're still here with us?"

THE RACE TO SAVE THE LORD GOD BIRD copyright 2004 by Phillip Hoose. Used with the permission of Farrar Straus Giroux.

Listen to NPR Interview, “The Significance  of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.” The Significance of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

Read the Nature Conservancy article, “On the Trail of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker”

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Why did the author include the quote from William Beebe? Why not simply define extinction?

2. Give one of the reasons the Lord God Bird was so important.

3. What stopped the scientists who were trying to save the bird?

4. Why do people go into the swamps every year?

5. What can we learn from the bird and how can that help other creatures?

Performance Task for Informational Text

Students read in Phillip Hoose’s Race to Save Lord God Bird about the attempts scientists and bird-lovers made to save the ivory-billed woodpecker from extinction and assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence Hoose presents supports his scientific analysis of why protecting this particular species was so challenging. [RST.9–10.8]

Tyson, Neil deGrasse. “Gravity in Reverse: The Tale of Albert Einstein’s ‘Greatest Blunder.’” Natural History. 112.10 (Dec 2003). (2003)

Sung to the tune of “The Times They Are A-Changin’”:

Come gather ‘round, math phobes,

Wherever you roam

And admit that the cosmos

Around you has grown

And accept it that soon

You won’t know what’s worth knowin’

Until Einstein to you

Becomes clearer.

So you’d better start listenin’

Or you’ll drift cold and lone

For the cosmos is weird, gettin’ weirder.

—The Editors (with apologies to Bob Dylan)

Cosmology has always been weird. Worlds resting on the backs of turtles, matter and energy coming into existence out of much less than thin air. And now, just when you’d gotten familiar, if not really comfortable, with the idea of a big bang, along comes something new to worry about. A mysterious and universal pressure pervades all of space and acts against the cosmic gravity that has tried to drag the universe back together ever since the big bang. On top of that, “negative gravity” has forced the expansion of the universe to accelerate exponentially, and cosmic gravity is losing the tug-of-war.

For these and similarly mind-warping ideas in twentieth-century physics, just blame Albert Einstein.

Einstein hardly ever set foot in the laboratory; he didn’t test phenomena or use elaborate equipment. He was a theorist who perfected the “thought experiment,” in which you engage nature through your imagination, inventing a situation or a model and then working out the consequences of some physical principle.

If—as was the case for Einstein—a physicist’s model is intended to represent the entire universe, then manipulating the model should be tantamount to manipulating the universe itself. Observers and experimentalists can then go out and look for the phenomena predicted by that model. If the model is flawed, or if the theorists make a mistake in their calculations, the observers will detect a mismatch between the model’s predictions and the way things happen in the real universe. That’s the first cue to try again, either by adjusting the old model or by creating a new one.

Media Text

NOVA animation of an Einstein “thought experiment”

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Summarize the poem at the start of this passage.

2. Explain why the author thinks that cosmology is “weird”.

3. How is cosmology changing?

4. How did Einstein create his models and how did that make him different?

5. What argument is the author making?

Performance Tasks for Informational Text

Students will explain what this article says about ways to model scientific experiments. What is the procedure to figuring out a hypothesis if Einstein were doing it? [RST.11-12.6]

Using several sources, challenge or support the theories of negative gravity, the big bang, or cosmic gravity. Use evidence from each resource to verify your conclusions. [RST.11-12.8]

NOTE The following article is an example of a comparison document about Negative Gravity to accompany “Gravity in Reverse: The Tale of Albert Einstein’s ‘Greatest Blunder.’”

Glanz, James. “Photo Gives Weight To Einstein's Thesis Of Negative Gravity.” New York Times. (Apr 2001). (2001)

A photograph of a distant exploding star has given astronomers the first direct evidence that a mysterious ''negative gravity'' force swept through and still pervades the universe, scientists announced at a NASA news conference yesterday in Washington.

The Hubble Space Telescope by chance photographed the exploding star, the most distant ever observed, in 1997. Scientists say subsequent detective work on the relative intensity of its light confirms one of Einstein's conjectures about the universe: that all of space is bubbling with an invisible form of energy that creates a mutual repulsion between objects normally attracted to each other by gravity.

Einstein himself thought the force, which he called the cosmological constant, was so strange that he later repudiated his conjecture. But the idea gained theoretical support in 1998 with findings suggesting that the expansion of the universe was accelerating and that the force accelerating the expansion, negative gravity -- the manifestation of the cosmological constant -- overtook the force of gravity in the last few billion years.

[pic]The new findings confirm that crucial part of the theory. And they rule out several competing explanations.

Because the amount of negative gravity in any given volume should be minuscule, its effects would not be felt in everyday life. But over vast distances involving huge volumes of space, the effect would be powerful enough to push galaxies and clusters of galaxies apart from one another.

Exploding stars, or supernovas, like the one that turned up unexpectedly on a photograph made by the Hubble telescope, can be excellent probes of those grand forces. The new observation is of a star that exploded about 11 billion years ago, when the universe was a quarter of its present age and when, scientists theorized, the cosmological constant, often called ''dark energy,'' was less powerful than gravity, the opposite of what prevails today.

As a result, the expansion of the universe was slowing at that time. This meant that the star was closer to earth when it exploded than it would have been if dark energy had dominated gravity then -- a fact discernable in its brightness. Astronomers said it was twice as bright as it would have been under competing theories about the universe.

A team led by Dr. Adam G. Riess, an astrophysist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore analyzed the data. Dr. Riess, who worked with Dr. Peter E. Nugent of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, said the measurement ''nails the existence of the dark energy.''

Dr. Michael S. Turner, an astrophysicist at the University of Chicago not involved in the work, called the dark energy ''one of the most important discoveries in all of science.''

''If Einstein were around today, he would get another Nobel Prize for his prediction of repulsive gravity,'' Dr. Turner said.

He added that research would now shift to a hunt for the source of the energy and efforts to observe many other distant supernovas to pin down the characteristics of the dark energy.

The universe is expanding as a legacy of its violent birth, which is believed to have occurred in a great explosion or ''big bang'' roughly 14 billion years ago. Until recently, scientists were all but certain that the gravitational attraction among the galaxies would slow the expansion.

But in 1998, two teams began presenting data on supernovas that they had observed as a way to measure the change in the expansion rate over the last few billion years. They used a class of supernovas that explode with nearly the same brightness each time, like bulbs of a known wattage. This constancy enabled scientists to measure the speed at which the expansion of the universe had swept these supernovas away: the dimmer they appeared from earth, the farther away they were.

Those observations revealed unexpectedly dim supernovas, suggesting that something, perhaps clouds of cosmic dust, was obscuring them or that they were farther away than expected, perhaps driven away by an anti-gravity force.

To find the explanation, astronomers tried to observe objects so distant that their light had been traveling to Earth for billions of years.

''You need things that you can see across to the other side of the universe,'' Dr. Nugent said.

If cosmic dust were dimming this light, they reasoned, the objects would be dimmer the farther they were from Earth. But if Einstein's explanation were correct, extremely distant supernovas should appear to brighten relative to some standard, rather than continuing to dim.

Because they are so faint and are obscured by Earth's atmosphere, very distant supernova explosions are rarely seen. But a break came in 1997 when teams led by Dr. Ronald L. Gilliland of the space telescope institute and Dr. Mark Phillips of the Carnegie Institution of Washington made long-exposure Hubble photographs of a tiny part of the sky. The pictures revealed a supernova in the distant gloom of space.

A difficult and time-consuming analysis of light from the star showed that it was twice as bright as it would have been if cosmic dust had been obscuring it or, as another hypothesis held, if supernovas had somehow evolved steadily in brightness over the history of the cosmos.

The finding, said Dr. Saul Perlmutter, a physicist and supernova-hunter at the Berkeley laboratory not involved in the work, was ''not very consistent with simple dust or evolution models.''

''That's the standout story here,'' Dr. Perlmutter said.

Cosmologists will have to cope with a universe that seems increasingly filled with mysterious stuff that scientists cannot see and do not fully understand. The dark energy joins dark matter as an invisible constituent of the cosmos. Dark matter's gravitational effects are known, and despite its invisibility it is presumed to give the universe much of its mass.

Physicists will try to explain the source and exact nature of the dark energy. Dr. Turner said these questions appeared to lie at the crossroads of several of the most important problems in physics.

''In 'The Graduate,' that guy told young Dustin Hoffman, 'plastics,' '' Dr. Turner said. ''My advice to the next generation of particle physicists and astrophysicists: dark energy.''

Kane, Gordon. “The Mysteries of Mass.” Scientific American Special Edition. December 2005. (2005)

Physicists are hunting for an elusive particle that would reveal the presence of a new kind of field that permeates all of reality. Finding that Higgs field will give us a more complete understanding about how the universe works.

Most people think they know what mass is, but they understand only part of the story. For instance, an elephant is clearly bulkier and weighs more than an ant. Even in the absence of gravity, the elephant would have greater mass—it would be harder to push and set in motion. Obviously the elephant is more massive because it is made of many more atoms than the ant is, but what determines the masses of the individual atoms? What about the elementary particles that make up the atoms—what determines their masses? Indeed, why do they even have mass?

We see that the problem of mass has two independent aspects. First, we need to learn how mass arises at all. It turns out mass results from at least three different mechanisms, which I will describe below. A key player in physicists’ tentative theories about mass is a new kind of field that permeates all of reality, called the Higgs field. Elementary particle masses are thought to come about from the interaction with the Higgs field. If the Higgs field exists, theory demands that it have an associated particle, the Higgs boson. Using particle accelerators, scientists are now hunting for the Higgs.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Name some questions we still have about mass.

2. Describe the Higgs field and how it is important.

3. How does the author use the ant and the elephant to explain that mass is complicated?

4. What do we need to learn in order to understand the interdependence of mass?

5. If the Higgs field does exist, what must also exist in association with it?

Performance Task for Informational Text

Students analyze the concept of mass based on their close reading of Gordon Kane’s “The Mysteries of Mass” and cite specific textual evidence from the text to answer the question of why elementary particles have mass at all. Students explain important distinctions the author makes regarding the Higgs field and the Higgs boson and their relationship to the concept of mass. [RST.11–12.1]

Fischetti, Mark. “Working Knowledge: Electronic Stability Control.” Scientific American. April 2007. (2007)

Steer Clear

Automakers are offering electronic stability control on more and more passenger vehicles to help prevent them from sliding, veering off the road, or even rolling over. The technology is a product of an ongoing evolution stemming from antilock brakes.

When a driver jams the brake pedal too hard, anti-lock hydraulic valves subtract brake pressure at a given wheel so the wheel does not lock up. As these systems proliferated in the 1990s, manufacturers tacked on traction-control valves that help a spinning drive wheel grip the road.

For stability control, engineers mounted more hydraulics that can apply pressure to any wheel, even if the driver is not braking. When sensors indicate the car is sliding forward instead of turning or is turning too sharply, the actuators momentarily brake certain wheels to correct the trajectory. “Going to electronic stability control was a big step,” says Scott Dahl, director of chassis-control strategy at supplier Robert Bosch in Farmington Hills, Michigan. “We had to add sensors that can determine what the driver intends to do and compare that with what the car is actually doing.” Most systems also petition the engine-control computer to reduce engine torque to dampen wayward movement.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. Sum up the point of this article.

2. Why are all of these changes being made to cars?

3. What will the car do if you are sliding or turning too fast?

4. How did this surge in technology start?

5. Explain what anti-lock brakes do.

Performance Task for Informational Text

Students determine the meaning of key terms such as hydraulic, trajectory, and torque as well as other domain-specific words and phrases such as actuators, antilock brakes, and traction control used in Mark Fischetti’s “Working Knowledge: Electronic Stability Control.” [RST.11–12.4]

U.S. General Services Administration. Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.

2010 (2007)

Executive Order 13423

Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management

The President Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to strengthen the environmental, energy, and transportation management of Federal agencies, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that Federal agencies conduct their environmental, transportation, and energy-related activities under the law in support of their respective missions in an environmentally, economically and fiscally sound, integrated, continuously improving, efficient, and sustainable manner.

Sec. 2. Goals for Agencies. In implementing the policy set forth in section 1 of this order, the head of each agency shall:

(a) improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions of the agency, through reduction of energy intensity by (i) 3 percent annually through the end of fiscal year 2015, or (ii) 30 percent by the end of fiscal year 2015, relative to the baseline of the agency’s energy use in fiscal year 2003;

(b) ensure that (i) at least half of the statutorily required renewable energy consumed by the agency in a fiscal year comes from new renewable sources, and (ii) to the extent feasible, the agency implements renewable energy generation projects on agency property for agency use;

(c) beginning in FY 2008, reduce water consumption intensity, relative to the baseline of the agency’s water consumption in fiscal year 2007, through life-cycle cost-effective measures by 2 percent annually through the end of fiscal year 2015 or 16 percent by the end of fiscal year 2015;

(d) require in agency acquisitions of goods and services (i) use of sustainable environmental practices, including acquisition of biobased, environmentally preferable, energy-efficient, water-efficient, and recycled-content products, and (ii) use of paper of at least 30 percent post-consumer fiber content;

(e) ensure that the agency (i) reduces the quantity of toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials acquired, used, or disposed of by the agency, (ii) increases diversion of solid waste as appropriate, and (iii) maintains cost-effective waste prevention and recycling programs in its facilities;

(f) ensure that (i) new construction and major renovation of agency buildings comply with the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings set forth in the Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding (2006), and (ii) 15 percent of the existing Federal capital asset building inventory of the agency as of the end of fiscal year 2015 incorporates the sustainable practices in the Guiding Principles;

(g) ensure that, if the agency operates a fleet of at least 20 motor vehicles, the agency, relative to agency baselines for fiscal year 2005, (i) reduces the fleet’s total consumption of petroleum products by 2 percent annually through the end of fiscal year 2015, (ii) increases the total fuel consumption that is non-petroleum-based by 10 percent annually, and (iii) uses plug-in hybrid (PIH) vehicles when PIH vehicles are commercially available at a cost reasonably comparable, on the basis of life-cycle cost, to non-PIH vehicles; and

(h) ensure that the agency (i) when acquiring an electronic product to meet its requirements, meets at least 95 percent of those requirements with an Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)-registered electronic product, unless there is no EPEAT standard for such product,

(ii) enables the Energy Star feature on agency computers and monitors,

(iii) establishes and implements policies to extend the useful life of agency electronic equipment, and (iv) uses environmentally sound practices with respect to disposition of agency electronic equipment that has reached the end of its useful life.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What is this document?

2. Name a few duties of the heads of the agencies.

3. What does this passage say about the use of vehicles?

4. What does it say about energy?

5. The passage uses the word respect. How does that pertain to its theme?

Performance Task for Informational Text

Explain how this document will lead its readers to support of their respective missions in an environmentally, economically and fiscally sound, integrated, continuously improving, efficient, and sustainable manner. Use information from the text. [RH.11-12.1]

Gibbs, W. Wayt. “Untangling the Roots of Cancer.” Scientific American Special Edition. June 2008. (2008)

Recent evidence challenges long-held theories of how cells turn malignant—and suggests new ways to stop tumors before they spread.

What causes cancer?

Tobacco smoke, most people would say. Probably too much alcohol, sunshine or grilled meat; infection with cervical papillomaviruses; asbestos. All have strong links to cancer, certainly. But they cannot be root causes. Much of the population is exposed to these carcinogens, yet only a tiny minority suffers dangerous tumors as a consequence.

A cause, by definition, leads invariably to its effect. The immediate cause of cancer must be some combination of insults and accidents that induces normal cells in a healthy human body to turn malignant, growing like weeds and sprouting in unnatural places.

At this level, the cause of cancer is not entirely a mystery. In fact, a decade ago many geneticists were confident that science was homing in on a final answer: cancer is the result of cumulative mutations that alter specific locations in a cell’s DNA and thus change the particular proteins encoded by cancer-related genes at those spots. The mutations affect two kinds of cancer genes. The first are called tumor suppressors. They normally restrain cells’ ability to divide, and mutations permanently disable the genes. The second variety, known as oncogenes, stimulate growth—in other words, cell division. Mutations lock oncogenes into an active state. Some researchers still take it as axiomatic that such growth-promoting changes to a small number of cancer genes are the initial event and root cause of every human cancer.

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What are the common things people think cause cancer and why might these not be correct?

2. In your own words, what is cancer?

3. What is the difference between the two types of cancer in this passage?

4. Why does the author define cause?

5. Why, would you say, cancer is bad for the body?

Performance Task for Informational Text

Compare and contrast with a Venn diagram the causes and effects of cancer based on cellular mutations. Use technical terms specifically to explain your insights. [RST.11-12.4]

Gawande, Atul. “The Cost Conundrum: Health Care Costs in McAllen, Texas.” The New Yorker. June 1, 2009. (2009)

It is spring in McAllen, Texas. The morning sun is warm. The streets are lined with palm trees and pickup trucks. McAllen is in Hidalgo County, which has the lowest household income in the country, but it’s a border town, and a thriving foreign-trade zone has kept the unemployment rate below ten percent. McAllen calls itself the Square Dance Capital of the World. “Lonesome Dove” was set around here.

McAllen has another distinction, too: it is one of the most expensive health-care markets in the country. Only Miami—which has much higher labor and living costs—spends more per person on health care. In 2006, Medicare spent fifteen thousand dollars per enrollee here, almost twice the national average. The income per capita is twelve thousand dollars. In other words, Medicare spends three thousand dollars more per person here than the average person earns.

The explosive trend in American medical costs seems to have occurred here in an especially intense form. Our country’s health care is by far the most expensive in the world. In Washington, the aim of health-care reform is not just to extend medical coverage to everybody but also to bring costs under control. Spending on doctors, hospitals, drugs, and the like now consumes more than one of every six dollars we earn. The financial burden has damaged the global competitiveness of American businesses and bankrupted millions of families, even those with insurance. It’s also devouring our government. “The greatest threat to America’s fiscal health is not Social Security,” President Barack Obama said in a March speech at the White House. “It’s not the investments that we’ve made to rescue our economy during this crisis. By a wide margin, the biggest threat to our nation’s balance sheet is the skyrocketing cost of health care. It’s not even close.”

Text-Dependent Questions

1. What is so strange about employment in McAllen, TX?

2. What else is wrong in McAllen?

3. What is the aim of health care reform?

4. Why is health care such a threat?

5. What about our healthcare makes us so much different from the rest of the world?

Performance Task for Informational Text

Why did the author choose to describe McAllen as he did in the first paragraph? How does his description affect the reader’s point of view? [RI.11-12.6]




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