History Essay Rubric - Loudoun County Public …

History Essay Rubric 100 Points Possible

| |“A” Excellent |“B” Good |“C” Fair |“D” Poor |“F” |

| |Introduction places the essay in specific time |The Introduction contains an acceptable |The introduction contains an |The introduction does not give the | |

| |and place, begins with a broad opening |thesis AND a detailed organizational |acceptable thesis OR a detailed |reader a clear idea of the argument or| |

|Introduction |statement, has a clear, accurate, and analytical|statement. |organizational statement. |it does not give the reader a roadmap.| |

| |thesis and a detailed organizational statement. |Thesis is clear, analytical, and completely |Thesis is clear but simplistic. | | |

|Setting |In addition, thesis is specific and |and accurately answers the question. |24-25 Points |Thesis is attempted but not clear or | |

|Thesis Statement |comprehensive (fully answers the question/ |26-27 Points | |sufficient. | |

|Road Map |answers all parts of the question.) 28-30 | | |21-23 Points | |

|3 clear map points/subtopics |Points | | | | |

|Topic Sentences |All topic sentences are accurate, specific, |Most of the topic sentences are accurate, |Topic sentences are accurate, clearly |Topic sentences are attempted but are | |

|Should be mini versions of the |clearly answer the question, clearly support the|clearly answer the question, clearly support |support the thesis, but lacks analysis|unclear, or do not clearly support the| |

|thesis statement and |thesis, and follow the pattern in the |the thesis, and contain analysis. |or specificity. Topic sentences are |thesis or do not clearly answer the | |

|comparative statements if |organizational statement, and contain analysis. |17-18 Points |too vague. |question. | |

|necessary |19-20 Points | |16 Points |14-15 Points | |

| |There is an abundant amount of supporting |There is an adequate amount of supporting |There is some supporting evidence that|There is little supporting evidence | |

|Evidence |evidence that is accurate, relevant, and clearly|evidence. Most of the supporting evidence is |is accurate and somewhat supports the |that is accurate or connection between| |

| |supports the thesis statement and topic |accurate, relevant, and supports the thesis |thesis statement and topic sentences. |the thesis statement and topic | |

|Accurate |sentences. Relevant evidence is thoroughly |statement and topic sentences. There is some|Evidence is explained but needs more |sentences are not clear. Evidence is | |

|Relevant |explained and analyzed. (6-8 supporting facts |relevant explanation and analysis. (3-5 |analysis. 24 -25Points |merely listed and not adequately | |

|Sufficient Amount |per paragraph) 28-30 Points |supporting facts per paragraph) | |explained or analyzed. 21 -23Points | |

| | |26-27 Points | | | |

| |Each body paragraph contains a transition |Each body paragraph contains a transition |Each body paragraph contains a |Transition or clincher sentences are | |

| |sentence that makes a clear connection between |sentence but does not make a clear connection|transition sentence that lets the |attempted but not clear or are | |

|Transition/ Clincher Sentences |the two paragraphs. The last body paragraph has|between the two paragraphs. The last body |reader know the topic of the next body|incomplete. | |

| |a clincher sentence that clearly sums up the |paragraph has a clincher sentence that |paragraph or a clincher sentence that |7 Points | |

| |information in that paragraph. |clearly sums up the information in that |clearly sums up the information in | | |

| |10 points |paragraph. 9 Points |that paragraph. 8 Points | | |

| |The conclusion clearly re-states the thesis, |The conclusion clearly re-states the thesis |The conclusion simply re-states the |Conclusion is attempted but not clear | |

|Conclusion |summarizes the main points of the essay and |and summarizes the main points of the essay. |thesis. |or is incomplete. | |

| |mirrors the intro w/o repeating it verbatim. |9 Points |8 Points |7 Points | |

| |10 points | | | | |

**Analysis means to explain how or why. **Clearly should be interpreted as free of grammatical and stylistic errors. **Essay should be written in the active voice and in the past tense. Do NOT use contractions; Write in the third person/ Do NOT use “I” or “you;” IS=Incomplete Sentence; - = missing; check = present; TS= Topic Sentence; CS – Clincher Sentence; TR=Transition Sentence; WC=Word Choice; RP= Re-phrase; AWK=Sentence Structure is Awkward; ? = I don’t understand what you are trying to say/ confusing/ not clear; ok=okay, average, could be better; 1= 1st subtopic/map point; 2= 2nd subtopic/map point; 3= 3rd subtopic/map point; AV= use the active voice; SV= subject/verb agreement;


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