E. Paige Brooks Informative Outline Topic: Greek Life ...

E. Paige Brooks Informative Outline


Greek Life Stereotypes

General Purpose: To Inform

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on the stereotypes of Greek Life that are wrongly portrayed in movies.


Stereotypes and perceptions of Greek life are represented in many different places. These places could be anywhere from college campuses to Hollywood films.

I. Introduction

A. Attention Getter:

At some point or another most of us have seen movies such as House Bunny, Legally Blonde, or the newest Greek movie, Neighbors. While watching these movies we all laugh at the parties that end up becoming ridiculously out of hand, the drinking games, and the infamous promiscuity portrayed through both males and females. However, by digging deeper into the stereotypes that are in these popular Hollywood films, it becomes apparent that a lot of them are simply unrealistic.

B. Reason to Listen:

The representations of these inaccurate stereotypes are reaching a wide audience because of the fact that they are movies that are popular among our generation. Depending on the stereotype, it is possible that some of them may have a negative affect on incoming college students who are wrestling with the idea of whether or not to become a member of Greek life.

C. Thesis Statement:

Throughout this speech I will discuss what those stereotypes and perceptions are, the popular movies they are portrayed in, and finally, the truth about the stereotypes.

D. Credibility Statement:

I have invested a lot of time in studying the Greek life culture in hopes that it will help me to decide whether or not I want to go through recruitment next year and join a sorority.

E. Preview of Main Points:

1. First, I will discuss the stereotype that the presidents of sororities and fraternities are unintelligent

2. Second, I will discuss the perception that sororities are aloud to have parties within their house.

3. Finally, I will discuss the perception that guys are aloud into fraternity parties.

Transition: The first stereotype we are going to discuss is the idea that fraternity and sorority presidents are unintelligent

II. A. Fraternity and Sorority presidents are unintelligent.

1. The movie this is portrayed in: neighbors

a. In the movie neighbors, the character played by Zac Efron, Teddy is the president of the fraternity Delta Psi Beta.

b. Discuss his behavior (personality) in the movie

c. Talk about how he portrays the job of being president

2. Artifact: video representation of example from movie on how Teddy is careless

a. Sum of video and discuss what is represented

3. What an actual sorority/fraternity president does

a. Being the president of your sorority/fraternity is not as dazzling as you might think

b. Jobs of a president (cite website)

c. Discuss what a responsibility/ time commitment being a president is

Transition: Now that we discussed the stereotype of an unintelligent Greek president lets move on to my second point which is the perception that sororities are aloud to have parties within their house.

B. Sororities are aloud to have parties within their house

1. The movie that this is portrayed in: House Bunny

a. Introduce main character

b. Talk about how she acts/what she tried to do

c. Talk about how they throw a big party even though their charter is in danger of being revoked (LA Weekly, 2014)

2. On U.K.'s campus...

a. Sororities never have parties in the houses

b. Fraternities are the ones that have parties and they are not in the houses

c. Parties take place at designated "party houses"

3. Rules on sorority parties

a. Give examples of rules which state that you are not aloud to have parties at the houses.

b. State what the consequences are if you do have a party at the house.

c. Why are fraternities aloud to have parties but sororities are not?

Transition: Now that we have learned about the perception of sororities being aloud to have parties within their house, lets finish up by talking about my final point, which is the perception that guys are aloud into frat parties.

C. Perception that guys are aloud into frat parties

1. Example of a movie where this happens...

a. Explain the situation in the movie

b. Explain the characters that are a part of this

c. Explain the false mentality portrayed in movies that "everyone is invited!"

2. On U.K.'s campus and campuses across the country...

a. If you are a guy and you want to go to a frat party but you are not in the frat, you have to know somebody who is in the frat in order to get in to the party.

b. Likewise, the same goes for Greek members. Ex: Say that theta chi is having a party and you want to go. But, you are in Phi Psi and your frat is not having a party; more than likely you would not be able to go unless you were pretty good friends with someone who is in theta chi.

c. This is unfortunate because, there are a lot of non-Greek members who are males who want to be able to go to some of the major parties on campus and have a good time with their friends. However they are unable to simply because they are not in that particular frat. The negative result of this is that it may cause men to join fraternities simply because they want to be more involved in the party scene.

d. Girls do not have this problem and are welcome at essentially any party on campus.

3. Reasons for doing this...

a. According to my research, "most frat guys are interested in Keeping "the ratio" of girls to guys in their favor". (LA Weekly, 2014)

b. There are rumors around campus that non-frat members have to pay to get in or "pay per drink".

c. Discuss how times have changed... (personal example with Dad's partying experience)

III. Conclusion

A. Review of Main Points

1. Today I first discussed the stereotype that fraternity and sorority Presidents are unintelligent.

2. Then, I went over the perception that sororities are aloud to have parties within their houses.

3. Lastly, I discussed the perception that guys are allowed into frat parties.

B. Restate Thesis: Stereotypes and perceptions of Greek life are represented in many different places. These places could be anywhere from college campuses to Hollywood films.

C. Closure: In conclusion, stereotypes and perceptions that surround Greek life are often times, misrepresented in movies that are popular among our generation. Although these movies are humorous, it is important to identify whether or not these stereotypes are true, especially if you are considering making Greek life a part of your personal life. Thank you for your time.


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