Grade Informative Writing Theme: The Power of Words MARCH ...

6th Grade Informative Writing

Theme: The Power of Words "MARCH ON! The Day My Brother Martin

Changed The World"

(Phyllis Hunter Library)

By Kathe Hamilton

MELD Lesson (Responsive Literacy & Language 5+ Days)


Overview: This series of MELD Lessons are intended for 45 minutes ? 1 hour, for five (5) days. Please adjust the time and/or number of days according to the needs of your students. You may also speed up or slow down per the needs of your students.

Theme Title: The Power of Words

Text: MARCH ON! The Day My Brother Martin Changed The World

Lexile: 860

California State Standards

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.A Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.2.B Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.


Intended Student Learning Outcomes: x Students use a graphic organizer to understand the structure of a five-paragraph


Linguistic Feature(s)

Note the focus SEL language linguistic features

SEL Language Rule: Inflectional ending ?ing

Example: Blowin' in the Wind

Blowing in the Wind

Depths of Knowledge

DOK 1 Reading --- Cite textual evidence accurately from the text DOK 2 Reading--- Determine two or more ideas DOK 3 Reading--- Explain how details support the main idea DOK 4 Writing --- Write a five-paragraph essay. DOK 3 Writing --- Revise and edit writing

Essential Questions What is informative/explanatory writing? How can I organize ideas and information in a five-paragraph essay?

Access Strategies

* Use of Advanced Graphic Organizers * Instructional Conversation facilitated by purposeful use of Participation and

Discussion Protocols


Stop and Talk Give One, Get One

Materials Key Vocabulary Culminating Task


Optional extended activities

Personal Thesaurus Note taking paper

hook, thesis statement, transition words, main idea, supporting details

x Students will use a bubble map graphic organizer to brainstorm ideas on the topic: "How I Would Change the World"

x Students will use a five-paragraph outline template to help them understand how to organize, or structure, their ideas in a five-paragraph essay.

x Students will write an informative/explanatory five-paragraph essay on the topic, "How I Would Change the World".

What is informative/explanatory writing? (Power point in Supplemental Resources)

Article: How a mom used toothpaste to teach her 6th grade daughter a lesson about "The Power of Words" Link to article:

Martin Luther King Jr. and the Power of Words .../martin-luther-king-jr.../martin-luther-king-jr-and-thepower-of-w...Free lesson plans for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. For Grades 712. From the Center for Civic Education

Students can compare and contrast other famous speeches or quotes. For example, the book Ma n d e la from the Phyllis Hunter Library can be used for extending the theme of The Power of Words.

Video: The Power of Words - July 18 Nelson Mandela Day on Vimeo > Tribeca Film Institute > Videos

MELD Lesson (DAY 1cont'd)

Overview: This series of MELD Lessons are intended for 45 minutes ? 1 hour, for five (5) days. Please adjust the time and/or number of days according to the needs of your students. You may also speed up or slow down per the needs of your students.

Title: The Power of Words

Lesson Activities

Whole Group: 1. Introduce what informative/explanatory writing is by showing the power point: What is Informative/explanatory writing? (Slides #1-8 only) Teacher uses appropriate participation and discussion protocols to"Stop and Talk" about each slide, having students echo the definition or the important facts presented about informational/explanatory writing.

Guided Group: 2. After viewing the power point, The teacher will model the use of a Personal Thesaurus to add the Key Vocabulary words to their books. 3. Teach "Give One, Get One" discussion protocol: 4. Students write down their own idea for a topic on, "How I Would Change the World" then partner up to share.

Independent: 5. Have students use the "Give one, Get One" protocol to compare ideas with a partner. Share a topic and one interesting supporting fact you could write about for your informative/explanatory essay writing.

Formative Assessment

Each student should have notes from their own ideas and their partners ideas to assess the students' understanding of choosing and examining a topic to convey ideas for informational/explanatory writing.

MELD Lesson (DAY 2)

Overview: This series of MELD Lessons are intended for 45 minutes ? 1 hour, for five (5) days. Please adjust the time and/or number of days according to the needs of your students. You may also speed up or slow down per the needs of your students.

Lexile: 860

Theme Title: The Power of Words

Text: MARCH ON! The Day My Brother Martin Changed The World

California State Standards


Linguistic Feature(s)

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.9.A Apply grade 6 Reading standards to literature (e.g., "Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres [e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories] in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics")

Intended Student Learning Outcomes: Students will participate in a Collaborative Reading and note taking the book March On! in order to take notes, and categorize information into Topic and Supporting Facts.

Note the focus SEL language linguistic features

SEL Language Rule: Inflectional ending ?ing

Example: Blowin' in the Wind Blowing in the Wind

Depths of Knowledge

Essential Questions Access Strategies


DOK 1 Reading --- Cite textual evidence accurately from the text DOK 2 Reading--- Determine two or more ideas DOK 3 Reading--- Explain how details support the main idea DOK 4 Writing --- Write a five-paragraph essay. DOK 3 Writing --- Revise and edit writing

What is annotating text? How do I extract the main idea and details from Informational Text?

* Use of Advanced Graphic Organizers * Instructional Conversation facilitated by purposeful use of Participation and

Discussion Protocols

Think Pair Share Put Your Two Cents In

Pick a Stick/Roll 'Em


Highlighters and Post-its Informational Text: March On! The Day My Brother Martin Changed The World

(Scholastic's Phyllis Hunter Library)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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