5th Grade Project Oral Presentation Rubric

Name_________________________Title ___________ 6th Grade Presentation Rubric - Period __

| | |1 |2 |3 |3D |

|Verbal Skills |Voice Control |Volume, pace, and tone of voice was inconsistent |Volume, pace, and tone of voice was |Volume, pace, and tone of voice was usually |Volume, pace, and tone of voice was |

| | |and this detracted from the presentation. |reasonably audible, controlled, and clear |audible, controlled, and clear |always audible, controlled, and clear.|

| |Language Usage and |Some language was not appropriate, too many |Language used was acceptable, some wording|Most language was clear and appropriate, few |Language was clear and appropriate, |

| |Articulation |distracting “uh”s and “um”s were used. Many |was distracting. Pronunciation & |verbal “uh”s and “um”s distractions used. |slang & distracting “uh”s and “um”s |

| | |terms were mispronounced, speech was difficult to |understandable speech patterns were |Pronunciation & understandable speech patterns|were avoided. Proper pronunciation & |

| | |understand, making the presentation incoherent. |acceptable. |were evident, and supported the presentation. |understandable speech patterns |

| | | | | |strengthened an impressive |

| | | | | |presentation. |

|Content |Organization |Relevant information was minimal, many concepts |Presentation provided adequate |Presentation was informative, organized, and |Presentation was very informative, |

| | |were unrelated, poorly organized. |informative, some key concepts were left |provided ample information relevant to the |well organized, interesting and |

| | | |out, organization was acceptable. |assignment. |relevant to the assignment. |

|Visual |Poster |No visual aid was used. |Poster is messy and is not presentable. |Visual is presentable with clear writing and |The visual was engaging and draws the |

| | | |Too much or too little information is on |the minimum information. |reader in. |

| | | |the poster. Looks rushed and lacks color.|Color (is/is not) used. | |

| |Demonstration | |The demonstration was a distraction from |The demonstration was satisfactory, but a |The demonstration added to the |

| | | |the presentation. |little more rehearsal was needed. |presentation. It was obvious the |

| | | | | |student practiced this skill. |

| |Model | |The model is not put together well and |The model is satisfactory and adds to the |The model is pleasing to the eye and |

| | | |looks sloppy. It does not add to the |presentation. |adds to the presentation. It is |

| | | |presentation. | |obvious the presenter spent a lot of |

| | | | | |time on this model. |

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________





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