References for GEISA-03 sub-database on infrared cross ...

References for GEISA 2011 sub-database on infrared cross-sections

1/ Ballard J, Knight RJ, Newnham DA, Vander Auwera J, Herman M, Di Lonardo G, Masciarelli G, Nicolaisen FM, Beukes JA, Christensen LK, McPheat R, Duxbury G, Freckleton R, Shine KP. 2000 An intercomparison of laboratory measurements of absorption cross-sections and integrated absorption intensities for HCHC-22. J.Q.S.R.T., 66, 109-28.

2/ Clerbaux C, Colin R, Simon P.C, Granier C. 1993. Infrared Cross Sections and Global Warming Potentials of 10 Alternative Hydrohalocarbons. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 10491-97.

3/ Christidis N, Hurley, M.D, Pinnock S, Shine K.P and Wallington T.J. 1997. Radiative forcing of climate change by CFC-11 and possible CFC replacements. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 19597-609.

4/ Di Lonardo G, Masciarelli G. 2000. Infrared absorption cross-sections and integrated absorption intensities of HFC-125 and HFC-143a. J.Q.S.R.T., 66*, 129-42.

5/ Heathfield AE, Anastasi A, McCulloch A and Nicolaisen FM. 1998. Integrated Infrared Absorption Coefficients of several partially fluorinated ether compounds: CF3OCF2H, CF2HOCF2H, CH3OCF2CF2H, CH3OCF2CFClH, CH3CH2OCF2CF2H, CF3CH2OCF2CF2H and CH2=CHCH2OCF2CF2H. J.Q.S.R.T., 32, 2825-33.

6/ Highwood E.J, Shine K.P, Hurley M.D, Wallington T.J. 1999. Estimation of direct radiative transfer forcing due to non-methane hydrocarbons. Atmos. Environ. 33, 159-67.

7/ Hurley M.D. 2003. Private communication.

8/ Li Z and Varanasi P. 1994. Measurement of the absorption cross-sections of CFC-11 at conditions representing various model atmospheres. J.Q.S.R.T., 52, 137-44.

9/ M.S.F./R.A.L: Molecular Spectroscopy Facility/RutherfordAppleton Laboratory;

10/ Massie S.T, Goldman A, Murcray D.G, Gille J.C. 1985. Approximate absorption cross sections of F12, F11, ClONO2, N2O5, HNO3, CCl4, CF4, F21, F113, F114, and HNO4. Appl. Opt., 24, 3426-27.

11/ Nemtchinov V, Varanasi P. 2003a. Thermal infrared absorption cross-sections of CF4 for atmospheric applications. J.Q.S.R.T., 82, 461-71.

12/ Nemtchinov V, Varanasi P. 2003b. Thermal Infrared Absorption Cross-sections of CCl4 needed for Atmospheric Remote-Sensing. J.Q.S.R.T., 82, 473-81.

13/ Nemtchinov V, Varanasi P. 2004. Absorption cross-sections of HFC-134a in the spectral region between 7 and 12 μm, J.Q.S.R..T. 84, 285-94.

14/ Pinnock S, Hurley M.D, Shine K.P, Wallington T.J and Smyth T.J. 1995. Radiative forcing of climat by hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons. J Geophys Res., 100, 23227-38.

15/ Smith KP. Private communication, 2003.

16/ Vander Auwera J. 2000. Infrared absorption cross-sections for two substituted ethanes: 1,1-difluoroethane (HFC-152a) and 1,2-dichloroethane. J.Q.S.R.T., 66, 143-51.

17/ Vander Auwera J. 2003. Private communication. Ballard J, Knight R.J, Newnham D.A., Vander Auwera J, Herman M, Di LOnardo G, Masciarelli G, Nicolaisen F.M, Beukes J.A, Christensen L.K, McPheat R, Duxbury G, Freckleton R, Shine K.P. 2000. An intercomparison of laboratory measurements of absorption cross-sections and integrated absorption intensities for HCHC-22. J.Q.S.R.T., 66, 109-28.

18/ Varanasi P, Nemtchinov V. 1994. Thermal infrared absorption coefficients of CFC-12 at atmospheric conditions. J.Q.S.R.T., 51, 679-87.

19/ Varanasi P. 2000. Private communication.

20/ Varanasi P. 2001. Private communication.

21/ Varanas, P., Nemtchinov, V., Li, Z., Cherukuri, A. 1994. Spectral Absorption-coefficient Data on HCFC-22 and SF6 for Remote Sensing Applications. J.Q.S.R.T., 52, 323-32.

22/ Wagner G, Birk M. 2003. Private Communication. New infrared spectroscopic database for chlorine nitrate. J.Q.S.R..T., 82, 443-60.

23/ Zou Q, Sun C, Nemtchinov V, Varanasi P. 2004. Thermal infrared cross-sections of C2F6 at atmospheric temperatures. J.Q.S.R.T., 83, 215-21.

24/ GEISA 1997.

25/ Rinsland CP, Sharpe SW, Sams RL. 2003. Temperature-dependent cross-sections in the thermal infrared bands of SF5CF3. J.Q.S.R.T., 82, 483–90.

26/ Waterfall A. Measurement of organic compounds in the upper troposphere. 2003. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Oxford.

27/ Rinsland CP, Devi VM, Blake TA, Sams RL, Sharpe S, Chiou LS. 2008. Quantitative measurement of integrated band intensities of benzene vapor in the mid-infrared at 278, 298, and 323 K. J.Q.S.R.T , 109, 2511-22.

28/ Kleinböhl A, Toon GC, Sen B, Blavier J-F, Weisenstein DK, Wennberg PO. 2005. Infrared measurements of atmospheric CH3CN. Geophys Res Lett, 32, L23807 (Paper No. 10.1029/2005GL024283).

29/ Rinsland CP, Devi VM., Benner DC, Blake TA, Sams RL, Brown LR et al. 2008. Multispectrum analysis of the ν4 band of CH3CN: Positions, intensities, self- and N2-broadening and pressure-induced shifts. J.Q.S.R.T, 109, 974-94.

30/ Allen G, Remedios JJ, Newnham DA, Smith KM, Monks PS. 2005. Improved mid-infrared cross-sections for peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) vapour. Atmos Chem Phys, 5, 47–56.

31/ Allen G, Remedios JJ, Smith KM. 2005. Low temperature mid-infrared cross-sections for peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN) vapour. Atmos Chem Phys , 5 ,3153–8.

References for GEISA-09 sub-database on Ultraviolet-Visible


32/ Bogumil K,Orphal J, Homann T, Voigt S, Spietz S, Fleischmann O.C, Vogel A, Hartmann M, Bovensmann H, Frerick and Burrows J.P. 2003. "Measurements of molecular absorption spectra with the SCIAMACHY Pre-Flight Model: instrument characterization and reference data for atmospheric remote-sensing in the 230 - 2380 nm region". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 157, 167-184.

33/ Burrows J.P, Dehn A, Deters B, Himmelmann S, Richter A, Voigt S and Orphal J. 1998. "Atmospheric remote-sensing reference data from GOME 1 Temperature-dependent absorption cross-sections of NO2 in the 231 - 794 nm range". J.Q.S.R.T, 60, 1025 – 1031.

34/ Burrows J.P, Richter A, Dehn A, Deters B, Himmelmann S, Voigt S and Orphal J. 1999. "Atmospheric remote-sensing reference data from GOME 2.Temperature-dependent absorption cross-sections of O3 in the 231 - 794 nm range". J.Q.S.R.T, 61, 509-96517.

35/ Fleischmann O.C, Burrows J.C, Hartmann M and Orphal J. 2004. "New ultraviolet absorption cross-sections of BrO at atmospheric temperatures measured by time-windowing Fourier-transform spectroscopy". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 168, 117-132.

36/ Fleischmann O.C, Meyer-Arnek J, Burrows J.P and Orphal J. 2005. “The visible absorption spectrum of OBrO investigated by Fourier transform spectroscopy”. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 109, 5093-5103.

37/ Kromminga H, Orphal J, Spietz P, Voigt S and Burrows J.P. 2003. "The temperature dependence (213–293 K) of the absorption cross-sections of OClO in the 340–450 nm region measured by Fourier-transform spectroscopy". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 157, 149-160.

38/ M.S.F./R.A.L: Molecular Spectroscopy Facility/RutherfordAppleton Laboratory;

39/ Vandaele A.C, Hermans C, Simon P.C, Van Roozendael M, Guilmot J.M, Carleer M and Colin R. 1996. "Fourier Transform Measurement of NO2 Absorption Cross-sections in the Visible Range at Room Temperature”. J. Atm. Chem., 25, 289-305.

40/ Vandaele A.C, Hermans C, Simon P.C, Carleer M, Colin R, Fally S, Mérienne M.F, Jenouvrier A and Coquart B.1998.  “Measurements of the NO2 absorption cross-section from 42000 cm-1 to 10000 cm-1 (238-1000nm) at 22K and 204 K. J.Q.S.R.T, 59, 171-184.

41/ Voigt S, Orphal J, Bogumil K and Burrows J.P. 2001. "The temperature dependence (203-293 K) of the absorption cross-sections of O3 in the 230 - 850 nm region measured by Fourier-transform spectroscopy". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 143, 1-9.

42/ BIRA/IASB: Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy;

43/ Fally S, Carleer M, Vandaele A.C. 2009. UV Fourier transform absorption cross sections of benzene, toluene, meta-, ortho-, and para-xylene. J.Q.S.R.T, 110 ,766-782.

44/ Wahner A, Ravishankara A.R, Sander S.P, Friedl R.R. 1988. Absorption cross-section of BrO between 312 and 385 nm at 298 and 223 K. Chem Phys Lett , 152, 507-12.

45/ Volkamer R, Spietz P, Burrows J.P and Platt U. 2005. High-resolution absorption cross-section of glyoxal in the UV/VIS and IR spectral ranges. J Photochem Photobiol A: Chem, 175, 35-46.

46/Vandaele A.C, De Mazière M, Hermans C, Carleer M, Clerbaux C, Coheur P et al. 2003. UV-visible and near-IR spectroscopy of atmospheric species. Recent Res Devel Chem Phys, 4, 325-44.

47/ Spietz P, Gómez Martín J.C, Burrows J.P.2005. Spectroscopic studies of the I2/O3 photochemistry, Part 2: Improved Spectra of Iodine Oxides and Analysis of the IO Absorption Spectrum. J Photochem Photobiol A, 176, 50-67.

48/ Voigt S, Orphal J, Burrows J.P. 2002. The temperature and pressure dependence of the absorption cross-sections of NO2 in the 250–800 nm region measured by Fourier-transform spectroscopy. J Photochem Photobiol A, 149,1-7.

49/ Orphal J. 2003. A critical review of the absorption cross-sections of O3 and NO2 in the ultraviolet and visible. J Photochem Photobiol, 157(A), 185-209.

Orphal J, Fellows C.E, Flaud P.M. 2003. The visible absorption spectrum of NO3 measured by high-resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy. J Geophys res, 108(D3), 4077.

50/ Vandaele A.C, Hermans C, Fally S, Carleer M, Colin R, Mérienne M.F, et al. 2002. High-resolution Fourier transform measurement of the NO2 visible and near-infrared absorption cross sections: Temperature and pressure effects. J Geophys Res, 107(D), 43-8.

51/ Newnham D.A, Ballard J. 1998. Visible absorption cross sections and integrated absorption intensities of molecular oxygen (O2 and O4). J Geophys Res, 103(D), 28801-816.

52/ Bass A.M, Paur R.J. 1985. The ultraviolet cross-sections of ozone, Part I, The measurements, in: Zerefos CS, Ghazi A, Reidel D (Eds.), Atmospheric Ozone, Norwell, Mass, pp. 606–10; Paur R.J, Bass A.M. 1985 The ultraviolet cross-sections of ozone, Part II, Result and temperature dependence, in: C.S. Zerefos, A. Ghazi, D. Reidel (Eds.), Atmospheric Ozone, Norwell, Mass. pp. 611–16.

53/ Brion J, Daumont D, Malicet J. 1984. New measurements of the absolute absorption cross-sections of ozone at 294 and 223 K in the 310-350 nm spectral range. J Phys (Paris) Lett, 45, L57–L60. Brion J, Chakir A, Daumont D, Malicet J, Parisse C. 1993. High-resolution laboratory absorption cross section of O3. Temperature effect. Chem Phys Lett, 213, 610–12. Daumont D, Brion J, Charbonnier J, Malicet J.1992. Ozone UV spectroscopy I: absorption cross-sections at room temperature. J Atmos Chem, 15, 145–55. Brion J, Chakir A, Charbonnier J, Daumont D, Parisse C, Malicet J. 1998. Absorption spectra measurements for the ozone molecule in the 350–830 nm region. J Atmos Chem, 30, 291–99.

54/ Kromminga H, Orphal J, Spietz P, Voigt S, Burrows J.P. 2003. New measurements of OClO absorption cross-sections in the 325–435 nm region and their temperature dependence between 213 and 293 K. J Photochem Photobiol, 157(A), 149-60.

55/ Gómez-Martín J.C, Spietz P, Burrows J.P. 2005. Spectroscopic studies of the I2/O3 photochemistry: part 1: determination of the absolute absorption cross-sections of iodine oxides of atmospheric relevance. J Photochem Photobiol A, 176, 15-38.

56/ Hermans C, Vandaele A.C, Fally S. 2009. Fourier Transform measurements of SO2 absorption cross sections: I. Temperature dependence in the 24 000-29 000 cm-1 (345-420 nm) region. J.Q.S.R.T, 110, 756-65.

57/ Vandaele A.C, Hermans C, Fally S. 2009. Fourier Transform measurements of SO2 absorption cross sections: II. Temperature dependence in the 29 000-44 000 cm-1 (227-345 nm) region. J.Q.S.R.T, 110, 2115-26.

58/ Greenblatt GD, Orlando JJ, Burkholder JB, Ravishankara AR. 1990. Absorption measurements of oxygen between 330 and 1140 nm. J Geophys Res, 95:18577–82.


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