



|Thursday, September 22, 2011 |

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|9:00-9:15 |Welcome and Opening Remarks |

| |Prof. Vinod K. Aggarwal, Berkeley APEC Study Center, UC Berkeley, USA |

| |Prof. Richard E. Feinberg, APEC Study Center, UC San Diego, USA |

| |Co-Chairs, U.S. APEC Study Centers Consortium |

|9:15-9:45 |Keynote Address: |

| |Ambassador Muhamad Noor Yacob, APEC Executive Director |

|9:45-11:15 |Panel 1: Sustainable Growth in East and Southeast Asia |

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| |Chair: Mignonne Chan, Chinese Taipei APEC Study Center |

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| |Green Growth: New Impetus for Economic Growth in the Asia-Pacific—A Chinese Perspective |

| |Li Wentao, APEC Study Center of Nankai University, China |

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| |Directions for Sustainable Development – Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Investment |

| |Dennis L. McNamara, Georgetown University, USA |

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| |A New Geography of Innovation? Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Asia-Pacific Region |

| |Yumiko Okamoto, Doshisha University, Japan |

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| |Discussant: Dr. Omkar Shrestha, Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), |

| |Singapore |

|11:15-11:30 |Coffee Break |

| |Panel 2: Multilateral Institutions and Sustainable Growth |

|11:30-1:00 | |

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| |Chair: Ambassador Wu Zhenglong, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation |

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| |An Analysis of APEC’s Green Growth Strategy in the Context of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable |

| |Development |

| |I-Chun Hsiao, United Nations Foundation, USA |

| |Jerry I-H Hsiao, Taylor's University, Malaysia |

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| |Strengthening the Economy-Ecology Alignment: Incorporating Social Aspects for APEC Green Growth |

| |Wayne Chen, Chinese Taipei APEC Study Center, Chinese Taipei |

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| |Growth Strategies in a Greener World |

| |Kaoru Nabeshima, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO, Japan |

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| |Discussant: TBD |

|1:00-2:30 |Lunch and Keynote Address: |

| |CEO David Frigstad, Frost and Sullivan, USA |

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|2:30-4:00 |Panel 3: Regulatory Efficiency |

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| |Chair: Richard Feinberg, APEC Study Center, UC San Diego, USA |

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| |Catching Up to the World’s Standards: Chinese Taipei’s Achievements on the Ease of Doing Business |

| |Yi-Hung Chiou, Chinese Taipei APEC Studies Center, Chinese Taipei |

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| |Liberalization of Trade in Services by APEC Economies: Toward Achieving a Seamless Region-wide Linkage |

| |Hikari Ishido, Chiba University, Japan |

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| |The Design of Chinese Taipei Governance Indicators and their implications for Effective Regulatory Policy |

| |Christina Yang, Georgetown University, USA |

| |Yu Chieh Lin, University of California-Los Angeles, USA |

| |Ri Sharng Chiang, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei |

| |Yung Tai Hung, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei |

| |Chun Ming Chen, Shih Hsin University, Chinese Taipei |

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| |Discussant: Dr. Kui-Wai Li, City University of Hong Kong |

|4:00-4:20 |Coffee Break |

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|4:20-6:00 |Panel 4: Economic Integration in Asia and Latin America |

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| |Chair: TBD |

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| |Comparative Analysis of Integration Processes in Asia and Latin America (1990-2010) |

| |Fernando Alfonso Rivas Mira, University of Colima, Mexico |

| |Juan González García, University of Colima, Mexico |

| |José Ernesto Rangel Delgado, University of Colima, Mexico |

| | |

| |China’s FTAs with Latin American Economies and their implications for APEC |

| |Yu Chai, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China |

| |Brazil and the Asia-Pacific Region |

| |Neantro Saavedra-Rivano, University of Brasilia, Brazil |

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| |Discussant: Barbara Stallings |

|7:00-9:00 |Keynote Address: |

| |SOM Amb. Kurt Tong, U.S. Ambassador to APEC |

| |Evening Dinner (Generously sponsored by the National Center for APEC) |

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|Friday, September 23, 2011 |

|Location TBD |

|9:00-9:30 |Keynote Address: |

| |Prof. Jorge Heine, former Ambassador of Chile, CIGI Chair in Global Governance, Balsillie School of Foreign Affairs, |

| |Wilfrid Laurier University |

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|9:30-11:15 |Panel 5: APEC and the Trans-Pacific Partnership |

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| |Chair: Professor Manfred Wilhelmy, Catholic University of Chile |

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| |The Future of APEC and Strategic Scenarios |

| |Cai Penghong, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China |

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| |Pathway to an Asia-Pacific Economic Community: ASEAN +3, +6, or TPP? |

| |Sangkyom Kim, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea |

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| |Russia and the Emerging Institutional Order in the Asia-Pacific |

| |Artyom Lukin, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia |

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| |Discussant: TBD |

|11:15-11:30 |Coffee Break |

|11:30-1:00 |Panel 6: Trade and Economic Integration |

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| |Chair: Dr. Yang Zerui, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation |

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| |Production Networks in the Asia-Pacific Region: Facts and Policy Implications |

| |Daisuke Hiratsuka, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO, Japan |

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| |Strengthening Regional Economic Integration and Expanding Trade |

| |Jeremy Firster, Shih Chien University, Chinese Taipei |

| |Tony Sowang Kuo, Shih Chien University, Chinese Taipei |

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| |The Importance of Intra-industrial Trade between ASEAN-7 and the AIP: A Mechanism to Strengthen Economic Integration and |

| |Expand Trade Across the Pacific |

| |Adriana Roldán, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia |

| |Camilo Pérez, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia |

| | |

| |Discussant: Dr. Erlinda Medalla, Philippine Institute for Development Studies |

|1:00 –2:00 |Lunch and Keynote Address |

| |Mignonne Chan, Chinese Taipei APEC Study Center, Chinese Taipei |

|2:00-3:30 |Panel 7: Regional Trade Institutions |

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| |Chair: Dr. Jean Luc Le Bideau, Vice-Chair, France (Pacific Territories) National Committee for Pacific Economic |

| |Cooperation (PECC) |

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| |More Than A “Talk Shop”—APEC and the FTAAP: The Role of APEC in the Governance of Regional Economic Integration within |

| |the Asia-Pacific Region |

| |Paul J. Davidson, Carleton University, Canada |

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| |Multilateralizing Regionalism: New Evidence and Arguments for APEC's Agenda |

| |Andrey N. Spartak, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Russia |

| |Pavel Kadochnikov, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Russia |

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| |Evolution of the Asia-Pacific Regional Trade Architecture: Stocktake and Future Outlook |

| |Robert Scollay, University of Auckland, New Zealand |

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| |Discussant: TBD |

|3:30-4:00 |Coffee Break |

|4:00-5:30 |Panel 8: Issues in APEC Integration |

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| |Chair: Dr. Vinod Aggarwal, University of California at Berkeley |

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| |Strengthening Financial Market Stability in APEC Economies |

| |Sri Adiningsih, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia |

| |Muyanja Ssenyonga, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia |

| |A.Ika Rahutami, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia |

| |Laksmi Yustika Devi, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia |

| |Rosa Kristiadi, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia |

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| |How Does APEC Continue its TILF Process Toward the Final Bogor Goals? |

| |Ippei Yamazawa, Hitotsubashi University, Japan |

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| |Managing the Threat to Trade and Competition in APEC Economies of the Misuse of Sustainability Standards |

| |Alan Oxley, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia |

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| |Discussant: TBD |

|5:30-6:30 |Discussion of ASCC findings and recommendations by: |

| |Prof. Vinod K. Aggarwal, Berkeley APEC Study Center, UC Berkeley, USA |

| |Prof. Richard E. Feinberg, APEC Study Center, UC San Diego, USA |

| |Co-Chairs, U.S. APEC Study Centers Consortium |

| | |

| |Response by SOM Ambassador Roberto Zapata from Mexico |

|6:30 |Conference ends |


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