1.5. Motivation

center-430530Progress report submitted toThe Department of Computer Engineering of ?ankaya Universityin partial fulfilment of the requirement forCENG 407-Innovative System Design and DevelopmentSDD DOCUMENT OFRECIPE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM FOR THE TURKISH CUISINEVersion 2.0ByDamla P?nar G?VENEREsin A?IKHivda ?ZATLISupervisor:Assist. Prof. Dr. Engin DEM?R?ankaya UniversityDepartment of Computer EngineeringSpring 2016-201700Progress report submitted toThe Department of Computer Engineering of ?ankaya Universityin partial fulfilment of the requirement forCENG 407-Innovative System Design and DevelopmentSDD DOCUMENT OFRECIPE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM FOR THE TURKISH CUISINEVersion 2.0ByDamla P?nar G?VENEREsin A?IKHivda ?ZATLISupervisor:Assist. Prof. Dr. Engin DEM?R?ankaya UniversityDepartment of Computer EngineeringSpring 2016-2017STATEMENT OF NONPLAGIARISMWe hereby declare that all information in this report has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. We also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, we have fully cited and referenced all materials and results that are not original to this work. Date: 20.03.2017Name, Surname SignatureDamla P?nar G?VENEREsin A?IKHivda ?ZATLITABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u STATEMENT OF NONPLAGIARISM PAGEREF _Toc477770536 \h iTABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEREF _Toc477770537 \h iiLIST OF FIGURES PAGEREF _Toc477770538 \h iv1. INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc477770539 \h 11.2. Scope of Project PAGEREF _Toc477770540 \h 11.3. Glossary PAGEREF _Toc477770541 \h 11.4. Overview of Document PAGEREF _Toc477770542 \h 11.5. Motivation PAGEREF _Toc477770543 \h 22. DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc477770544 \h 43. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN PAGEREF _Toc477770547 \h 53.1. Web System Architecture PAGEREF _Toc477770548 \h 53.1.1. User PAGEREF _Toc477770549 \h 63.1.2. Admin PAGEREF _Toc477770550 \h 123.1. 3. Recommendation Engine PAGEREF _Toc477770551 \h 164. DATA STRUCTURE DESIGN PAGEREF _Toc477770552 \h 174.1. ER Diagram PAGEREF _Toc477770553 \h 184.2. User Information PAGEREF _Toc477770554 \h 194.3. Recipe_ingredient Information PAGEREF _Toc477770555 \h 194.4. Ingredient Information PAGEREF _Toc477770556 \h 204.5. Categories Information PAGEREF _Toc477770557 \h 204.6. Recipe_Category Information PAGEREF _Toc477770558 \h 204.7. Recipe Information PAGEREF _Toc477770559 \h 214.8. Rating Information PAGEREF _Toc477770560 \h 214.9. User_Like Information PAGEREF _Toc477770561 \h 214.10. User_Dislike Information PAGEREF _Toc477770562 \h 224.11. User_Allergy Information PAGEREF _Toc477770563 \h 225. USE CASE REALIZATIONS PAGEREF _Toc477770564 \h 235.1. Use Case: User PAGEREF _Toc477770565 \h 245.2. Use Case: Admin PAGEREF _Toc477770566 \h 255.3. Use Case: Recommendation Engine PAGEREF _Toc477770567 \h 266. INTERFACE DESIGN PAGEREF _Toc477770568 \h 266.1. Home Page PAGEREF _Toc477770569 \h 276.2. Login Page PAGEREF _Toc477770570 \h 276.3. Register Page PAGEREF _Toc477770571 \h 286.4. Recommendation Page PAGEREF _Toc477770574 \h 29CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc477770576 \h 30LIST OF TABLES TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: USER INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770621 \h 19Table 2: RECIPE_INGREDIENT INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770622 \h 19Table 3: INGREDIENT INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770623 \h 20Table 4: CATEGORIES INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770624 \h 20Table 5: RECIPE_CATEGORY INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770625 \h 20Table 6: RECIPE INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770626 \h 21Table 7: RATING INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770627 \h 21Table 8: USER_LIKE INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770627 \h 21Table 9: USER_DISLIKE INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770627 \h 22Table 10: USER_ALLERGY INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc477770627 \h 22LIST OF FIGURES TOC \h \z \c "Figure" TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1: WATERFALL PROCESS TIMELINE PAGEREF _Toc470911327 \h 2Figure 2: SCRUM DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc470911328 \h 3Figure 3: DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc470911329 \h 4Figure 4: ARCHITECTURE DESIGN PAGEREF _Toc470911330 \h 5Figure 5: ER DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc470911332 \h 18Figure 6: WHOLE SYSTEM SEQUENCE DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc470911333 \h 22Figure 7: USER SEQUENCE DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc470911334 \h 23Figure 8: ADMIN SEQUENCE DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc470911335 \h 24Figure 9: RECOMMENDATION ENGINE SEQUENCE DIAGRAM PAGEREF _Toc470911336 \h 25Figure 10: HOME PAGE PAGEREF _Toc470911337 \h 26Figure 11: LOGIN PAGE PAGEREF _Toc470911338 \h 26Figure 12: REGISTRATION PAGE PAGEREF _Toc470911339 \h 27 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc470911342" Figure 13: RECOMMENDATION PAGE PAGEREF _Toc470911342 \h 281. INTRODUCTION1.1. PurposeThe purpose of this document is to describe the design of the Recipe Recommendation System for the Turkish Cuisine project. This document contains the software architecture, deployment diagram, system sequence diagram, design details, actors’ sequence diagrams and interface design.1.2. Scope of ProjectThis document will describe the design and diagrams of the project. This software design document will explain the general architecture of system, database design and interface design. System has two parts. First one is database. Database includes all entities of system such as ingredients, recipes. Other part is interface. 1.3. GlossaryTERMDEFINITIONSDDSoftware Design DocumentSQLRecipe Recommendation System for Turkish Cuisine project databaseHTMLHTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation.GUIGraphical User InterfaceJavaJava is a general- purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented and specifically design to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.SCRUMScrum is an agile software development model.SprintSprint is period of time during which specific work.The Waterfall ModelWaterfall is the system development life cycle model for software engineering. 1.4. Overview of Document This document has six chapter. First of all, first chapter is introduction. Second chapter contains deployment diagram. Deployment diagram consists of nodes and links. Node refers to the hardware part of the system. It shows system’s hardware topology. Third chapter contains Architecture design. Architecture design contains describes of all functions and users of system. Fourth chapter includes data structure design. In this part database tables, tables’ attributes, attribute types and sizes. Fifth chapter includes Use Case Realization. In addition sequence diagrams for each actor are shown in this chapter. Sixth chapter contains interface of system website and finally conclusion part.1.5. MotivationToday, the recommendation system, which is mostly located on the shopping sites, is calculated taking into consideration the preferences you have made in the past and the similar preferences of others. Shoe, picture, music, recipe etc. preferences are kept in memory. These preferences are then used both for ourselves and for other users. We are dealing with recipe recommendation systems. We conducted regular research about our project for 3 months. We have found and reviewed applications that are similar to the web application we want to do. We found the algorithms we could use. We decided on the interface of the web application. We searched for what functions to use for what. We've figured out how to keep the data. Keeping the data was the most pressing issue. Because we decided between the applications we have not encountered before. We searched for these applications.04053205Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: WATERFALL PROCESS TIMELINEFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: WATERFALL PROCESS TIMELINEleft137223500In first part we worked with the waterfall model. Because working with the waterfall model is easy and straightforward. At the same time, the waterfall model does not interfere with each other and works with comprehensive documentation, which is why we prefer waterfall. We showed Waterfall Process Timeline in Figure 1.In the first part Literature was worked. Planning was done. General research on the project was done. Decisions were made on the algorithms to be used.The investigations and decisions made were conveyed to the document. The system was designed. Use cases and ER diagrams were created. Interface requirements were examined in three different categories. The latest SRS documentation is available.In second part we work with one of the agile methods, scrum. One of the reasons we want to use the Scrum method is that it has small steps. So it is fast and motivational. It allows you to do efficient work in a short time.Working with Scrum is the one of the reason for preferring regular meetings. So things are clearer. SDD documentation was prepared. Deployment diagram was made in this document. Then the architecture of the system was created. The interface of the Web application is designed.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: SCRUM DIAGRAM2. DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAMFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAMThe purpose of the deployment diagram is that defines the working principles of recommendation system of our website. System has 4 main sub modules: Client, Web Server, Application Server and Database Server. Client module makes a connection between system and user/admin. Client module has only web browser. Web server has web application. In web application, we designed website with Html codes. With the application server, visuals were created to be delivered to the user. In application server, we use data analytics, recommendation engine and search engine. For recipe recommendation to user we used recommendation engine. To search the recipes we used search engine and to match the recipes we use data analytic. Database server is to collect the recipes, user and admin information. We collected all this information in MsSQL and used Mongodb for the recipe explanation.3. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN387357802245Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4: ARCHITECTURE DESIGNFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4: ARCHITECTURE DESIGN3.1. Web System Architecture 3.1.1. UserName: UserType: Web PageDescription: This page is user’s home page. There are one search box and two buttons. One button is used to view user’s profile. Other button is used to add recipe to system. If the user wants to add recipe to system, user can press “Tarif Ekle” button. After pressing the button, textboxes for recipe information are displayed. User can write recipe information and press “Kaydet” button. After pressing “Kaydet” button, system directs to user’s home page. System displays recommended recipes to user in home page. If the user wants to search recipe, s/he can write search word in search box and press enter. After pressing enter, system displays found recipes. User can press “Tarifi ?ncele” button and see recipe’s ingredients, method, description, total calories, rating of recipe and comments about this recipe. User can write comment to this recipe and rate recipe. In this page, user can add recipe to favorites. In addition, in user’s home page if the user wants to view his/her profile, user can press “Profilim” button. In this page, user can view profile, view favorites, delete recipe from favorites and update his /her profile. Operations: Name: register ()Pre-conditions: Access to Recipe Recommendation Web SitePost-Condition: Registered user can login to systemException Paths: NoneFlow of Events:The user is on Recipe Recommendation Web SiteThe user clicks “?ye Ol” buttonWeb Site lists textboxes for getting information about user.The user fills boxes with his or her information and clicks “Kaydet” button.Name: login ()Pre-Condition: Registration to the Web SitePost-Condition: User can view recommended recipes, view or search recipes, update profile, add new recipeException Paths: NoneFlow of Events:The user is on Recipe Recommendation Web SiteUser clicks “Giri? Yap” buttonSystem displays textboxes for login. The user writes his or her email address and password and clicks “Giri? Yap” button. The user logins to system.Name: search ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: User can select searched recipe and rate itException Paths: User can give up searching at any timeFlow of Events:The user writes search word or recipe name to search box and clicks “Ara” button.SQL server lists the found recipes.Name: viewRecipe ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: User can select from recipe list and rate itException Paths: User can give up viewing at any timeFlow of Events:After listing recipes, user selects recipe and clicks “Tarifi ?ncele” buttons.System lists information about recipe such as ingredients, description and method.Name: ViewRecommendedRecipe ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: User can select from recommended recipes and rate itException Paths: User does not want to select from recommended recipesUser can search any recipeFlow of Events:System lists recommended recipes according to user’s history and preferences.User can select recipe from Recommended Recipe lists and click “Tarifi ?ncele” button.System lists information about selected recommended recipe.Name: Rate ()Pre-Condition: User views recommended recipes or search/view recipes and select onePost-Condition: User can select from recommended recipes and rate itException Paths: If user does not want to select from recommended recipes, s/he can continue to search any recipeFlow of Events:After viewing selected recipe, user clicks one of rate points from 1 to 5System gets points. Name: UpdateProfile ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: User can search or view recommended recipesException Paths: None Flow of Events:In user’s homepage, the user clicks “Profilim” button.System displays user’s profile informationUser clicks “Düzenle” button.System displays editable textboxes for every personal infoUser edits his or her profile and clicks “Kaydet” button. Edited information are changed in system’s database.System displays updated profile of user.Name: AddRecipeToFavorite ()Pre-Condition: User rates a recipePost-Condition: User can select from favorite recipes listException Paths: If user does not like the recipe, user does not add it to the favorites listFlow of Events:After clicking “Tarifi ?ncele” button, user sees detail information about recipe and if s/he likes it, s/he can add to him/her favorite recipe list by clicking “Favorilere Ekle” button.Favorite recipe list is updated.Name: ViewFavorites ()Pre-Condition: Adding a recipe to favorites listPost-Condition: User can select from favorite recipes listException Paths: None Flow of Events:In user’s homepage, the user clicks “Profilim” button.System displays user’s profile information and favorite list.User clicks “Favori Yemek Tariflerim” button.System displays favorite listName: DeleteRecipeFromFavorite ()Pre-Condition: Adding a recipe to favorite recipes listPost-Condition: User can select from recommended recipes or search a recipeException Paths: None Flow of Events:In user’s homepage, the user clicks “Profilim” button.System displays user’s profile information and favorite list.User clicks “Favori Yemek Tariflerim” button.System displays favorite list“Sil” button places near to all recipes.User can click this button which is near to which one s/he wants to delete.Name: ViewProfile ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: User can search or view recommended recipesException Paths: None Flow of Events:In user’s homepage, the user clicks “Profilim” button.System displays user’s profile informationName: AddRecipe ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: User can search or view recommended recipesException Paths: If added new recipe is not appropriate, the new recipe is not added to the system.Flow of Events:In user’s homepage, the user clicks “Tarif Ekle” button.System displays textboxes for recipe information.User writes recipe information and press “Kaydet” button.System directs user to user’s homepage.Name: AddUsertoOwnAccount ()Pre-Condition: There must be users in the system.Post-Condition: View at the recipes that the system recommended.Exception Paths: NoneFlow of Events:In user’s home page, the user clicks “Davet Yarat” button.In invitation page, the user clicks “Davetli ekle” button.The user writes the names of the users you want to invite in the search box.Then user clicks “?ner” button. System recommend recipes according to preferences, allergic and paste selected recipes of all users. The user selects the recipe that you want.Name: ProspectiveRecipes ()Pre-Condition: The user or admin must already have installed the recipe on the system.Post-Condition: Exception Paths: NoneFlow of Events:In user home page, the user clicks special day section. In special day page, the user fills out the form of event type, event day, event time, and list name. In Recipes’ page, the user chooses list name from drop down list.System records data. Name: AddAllergyDiet ()Pre-Condition: In user’s profile page, the user must be identified with nutrients that are allergic. Post-Condition: Filtered recipes for recommending to users.Exception Paths: NoneFlow of Events:In user’s home page user clicks “Profil” button.Select the nutrients that are allergic. Clicks the “Save” button.The system displays recipes that filter out the nutrition for which they are allergic.View the recipes.Name: ViewPastSelectedRecipes ()Pre-Condition: Several recipes must be selected by the user in the past.Post-Condition: View past selected recipes. Exception Paths: NoneFlow of Events:In user’s home page user click “Ge?mi?” button.The system displays the recipes chronologically.View the past selected recipes. 3.1.2. AdminName: AdminType: Web PageDescription: This page is admin’s home page. There are one search box and two buttons. One button is used to view users. The other one is used to view recipes. If admin wants to view recipes, s/he clicks “Yemek Tarifleri” button and system lists all recipes in alphabetical order. In this page, there is a search box and admin can search specific recipe in here. If admin want to add a new recipe to recipe list, s/he clicks “Yemek Tarifi Ekle” button and fills necessary information about the new recipe. Also, admin can delete any recipe from recipe list by clicking “Sil” button and s/he can update any recipe by clicking “Güncelle” button which place near to all recipes. Moreover, admin view users by clicking “Kullan?c?lar” button in admin’s home page and users are listed in alphabetical order. Admin can search by writing the name of user in search box in this page and system displays user as a list. Then admin clicks “G?rüntüle” button which places near to all users in list to see user in detail. Search box is used to search any word or recipe.Operations:Name: search ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: Admin can update, add, delete or view the recipe and view users’ profiles.Exception Paths: None Flow of Events:In admin’s homepage, admin writes a word or recipe in search box and press “Ara” button.SQL server lists the found recipes.Name: ViewRecipe ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: Admin can add, delete or update the recipeException Paths: None Flow of Events:In admin’s homepage, admin clicks “Yemek Tarifleri” button.System lists all recipes in alphabetical order. Admin writes recipe name to view it in search box.System displays recipes as a list.Admin clicks “Tarifi ?ncele” button to see recipe in detail.Name: AddRecipe ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: Recipes can be recommended to users Exception Paths: None Flow of Events:In admin’s homepage, admin clicks “Yemek Tarifleri” button.System lists all recipes in alphabetical order.Admin clicks “Yemek Tarifi Ekle” button.System displays textboxes for recipe information.Admin writes recipe information and press “Kaydet” button.Name: AddNutritionalValues ()Pre-Condition: Login to the systemPost-Condition: Nutritional values can be added to system and shown in recipe page.Exception Paths: None Flow of Events:In admin’s homepage, admin clicks “Yemek Tarifleri” button.System lists all recipes in alphabetical order.Admin selects a recipe.Admin clicks “Besin De?erleri Ekle” button in recipe page.Admin writes nutritional values and press “Kaydet” button.Name: DeleteRecipe ()Pre-Condition: Login to the system, the presence of unpopular and low grade recipesPost-Condition: Users can select from the rest of recipesException Paths: None Flow of Events:In admin’s homepage, admin clicks “Yemek Tarifleri” button.System lists all recipes in alphabetical order.According to recipes’ rating, admin decided to delete recipe by clicking “Sil” button.Name: UpdateRecipe ()Pre-Condition: Login to the system, some ingredients’ list or recipe changes occurringPost-Condition: Updated recipe can be recommended to usersException Paths: None Flow of Events:In admin’s homepage, admin clicks “Yemek Tarifleri” button.System lists all recipes in alphabetical order.Admin clicks “Güncelle” button to make any changes on recipe.System displays textboxes for recipe information.Admin writes updated recipe information and press “Kaydet” button.Name: ViewUsersProfile ()Pre-Condition: Login to the system, any complaints from the userPost-Condition: Admin can send messages to users about their complaintsException Paths: None Flow of Events:In admin’s homepage, admin clicks “Kullan?c?lar” button.System lists all users in alphabetical order.After searching the name of user in search box, admin clicks “G?rüntüle” button to view users’ profile.3.1. 3. Recommendation EngineName: System ActorType: Web PageDescription: The system is the component in the operation of the program. The system allows the program to work properly. The system adds recipes sent by the user and the admin. The system allows users and administrators to navigate to the pages they want to process. The system is returning the desired recipes. The system also shows recommended recipes.The user evaluates recipes and the system calculates the rating of these recipes. The system does this by dividing the total number of users by the number of users.Operations:Name: ShowRecipe ()Pre-Condition: System shall be able to show recipes to users.Post-Condition: System shall be able to showing recipes to user and admin.Exception Paths: None Flow of Events:1. In admin’s page or in user’s page they write to search box.2. System list all recipes. Name: ShowRecommendedRecipes ()Pre-Condition: System shall be able to show recommendations to users.Post-Condition: System shall be able to showing recipes to user and admin.Exception Paths: NoneFlow of Events:1. System recommend recipes according to user’ history and preferences. 2. System list all recipes. Name: CalculateAvgRate ()Pre-Condition: System shall be able to calculate average rate using the ratings given by users.Post-Condition: System shall be able to showing rates to user and admin.Exception Paths: NoneFlow of Events:1. User rate the recipes.2. According to this rates system calculate the average rates. 3. Showing the rates to users and admin. 4. DATA STRUCTURE DESIGNAll data of our system are stored in database. ER diagram, its fields are shown below tables.4.1. ER DiagramFigure 5: ER DIAGRAM4.2. User InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeNameNvarchar50SurnameNvarchar50LenghtInt120EmailNvarchar50UsernameNvarchar50AgeInt120WeightDecimal(7,3)PasswordNvarchar50GenderNvarchar50Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: USER INFORMATIONUser table is used to keep user information. This table has username as a primary key. System gathers user information from user and keeps them in this table.4.3. Recipe_ingredient InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeIngredient_IDNvarchar50Recipe_IDNvarchar50Recipe_Ingredient_IDNvarchar50Ingredient_QuantityNvarchar50Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2: RECIPE_INGREDIENT INFORMATIONRecipes have many ingredients and ingredients can be used in many recipes. This table makes a connection between recipes and their ingredients.4.4. Ingredient InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeIngredient_IDNvarchar50Ingredient_NameNvarchar50CaloriesDecimal(7,3)Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3: INGREDIENT INFORMATIONThis table keeps information about ingredients. Ingredient_ID is a primary key of this table. 4.5. Categories InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeCategori_IDNvarchar50Categori_NameNvarchar50Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4: CATEGORIES INFORMATIONA recipe can belong to more than one categories. In addition, a category can have many recipes. For example; green runner beans belong to vegetable dishes and appetizer categories. 4.6. Recipe_Category InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeCategori_IDNvarchar50Recipe_IDNvarchar50Recipe_Category_IDNvarchar50Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5: RECIPE_CATEGORY INFORMATIONThis table connects recipes and categories because a recipe can belong to more than one category and a category can has more than one recipe.4.7. Recipe InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeRecipe_IDNvarchar50Recipe_titleNvarchar50Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6: RECIPE INFORMATIONThis tables keeps recipe information. Recipe_ID is a primary key of this table. 4.8. Rating InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeRating_NumNvarchar50Recipe_IDNvarchar50UsernameNvarchar50Rating_IDNvarchar50Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 7: RATING INFORMATIONThis table keeps rating information. In this system users can rate recipes. Users can give point from 0 to 5 to recipe. This table has rating_ID primary key.4.9. User_Like InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeUser_like_IDNvarchar50Ingredient_IDNvarchar50UsernameNvarchar50Table 8: User_Like INFORMATIONThis table has User_like_ID primary key. This table keeps User’s likes.4.10. User_Dislike InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeUser_dislike_IDNvarchar50Ingredient_idNvarchar50UsernameNvarchar50Table 9: User_Dislike INFORMATIONThis table has User_dislike_ID primary key. This table keeps User’s dislikes.4.11. User_Allergy InformationAttribute NameAttribute TypeAttribute SizeUser_allergy_IDNvarchar50Ingredient_idNvarchar50UsernameNvarchar50Table 10: User_Allergy INFORMATIONThis table has User_allergy_ID primary key. This table keeps User’s allergies.5. USE CASE REALIZATIONSFigure 6: WHOLE SYSTEM SEQUENCE DIAGRAM5.1. Use Case: UserDetail information about user had given in Software Requirement Specifications 3.2. Figure 7: USER SEQUENCE DIAGRAM5.2. Use Case: AdminDetail information about admin had given in Software Requirement Specifications 3.2.Figure 8: ADMIN SEQUENCE DIAGRAM5.3. Use Case: Recommendation EngineDetail information about recommendation engine had given in Software Requirement Specifications 3.2.-4452733134140-1760615589436Figure 9: RECOMMENDATION ENGINE SEQUENCE DIAGRAMFigure 9: RECOMMENDATION ENGINE SEQUENCE DIAGRAM6. INTERFACE DESIGNDesign of pages are shown below. Some modifications on these pages can be made in future, changed pages will be updated in this report. 6.1. Home PageFigure 10: HOME PAGE6.2. Login PageFigure 11: LOGIN PAGE6.3. Register PageFigure 12: REGISTRATION PAGE6.4. Recommendation PageFigure 15: RECOMMENDATION PAGECONCLUSIONDesign details of Recipe Recommendation System for Turkish Cuisine are explained in this software design document. Deployment diagram, web system architecture, all functions for each actor, sequence diagram of system and sequence diagrams for each actor are defined. In addition system’s database tables, attributes, attribute information and interface are shown in this document. To conclude, first prototype of this system will be developed by using this document. ................

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