Iron Chef Susquehanna

Iron Chef Susquehanna!

Spice of Life Final Exam Spring, 2012


The goal of this test is to take you through the major concepts in this class one last time and to allow you to exercise as much creativity as you’d like in the process - so have fun when you pick out your recipes. I’ll be looking forward to your choices, and may even assign random bonus points for particularly creative (not yuckie!) recipes.


This is a take-home, open-book test worth a total of 200 points. You may use any web, text and audiovisual references that you need in order to answer the questions, but the tests must be completed as individual efforts. In other words, you may not consult other people for opinions, hints or outright help – especially not each other, Alton Brown or Rachael Ray (ok - you can watch their videos, just don’t ask them for answers). You must also answer all questions in your own words (except for the recipes themselves, which can be copied directly from the source).

If you have any questions about your test after you read these instructions, please ask me. I’ll be happy to provide guidance.


Each of you will pick a ‘secret ingredient’ out of the hat on Wednesday. Using that ingredient as your first ingredient:


1) Find/create a single recipe that contains at least 10 ingredients, including the secret ingredient. You were introduced to many recipe web sites this semester that you may feel free to use. You may also use cookbooks, your grandmother’s favorite recipe – or you may create your own recipe from existing recipes or from scratch!


1) If you prefer, find/create a meal containing two or more courses, at least one of which must contain the secrete ingredient. The meal itself must contain at least 10 ingredients, including the secret ingredient. Again, you may feel free to use web sites, cookbooks, or any other resources – or you can create your own meal.


2) Give the step-by-step recipe(s) exactly, making sure to cite the source(s) for each recipe.

3) Choose 6 ingredients (the secret ingredient must be one of them) that you want me to grade. Indicate your choices in the recipe with an asterisk next to the ingredient (*).

4) For each of the 6 graded ingredients, answer the following 5 questions. Please use a separate page for each ingredient, and aim for approximately one page per ingredient (in other words, be complete, but don’t write a book!) Cite all references that you use parenthetically (Author, Date). Please use your own words. Plagiarism will not be allowed. (180 points/30 points per ingredient):

a) Name one place in the world where this ingredient is grown/produced and decide whether its production is generally produced in a sustainable way (explain your answer!) (5 points).

b) List the primary chemical component(s) of the ingredient. For complex molecules, list at least two components. Feel free to use recipes with meat in them, but since we did not discuss meat this year, it cannot be one of your 10 ingredients. For fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains, list the types of sugar, starch, fiber and pigments present, as appropriate (5 points).

c) For each step of the recipe that impacts your ingredient, state clearly why the step is performed, and any physical/chemical/flavor/aroma changes that happen to the ingredient as a result (10 points).

d) State how you will ensure that your ingredient is free from contamination by potential food-poisoning pathogens (be complete: start at the store, and finish with storing any leftovers). If you have already discussed an appropriate methodology for a previous ingredient, you may simply say “I will keep it free from contamination in the same manner as I previously described for …” (5 points)

e) Determine the ingredient’s nutritional impact on your recipe. Does it contain vitamins or other nutrients? Is it an antioxidant? Does it have potentially antimicrobial effects? Does it contain cholesterol, protein, fat or potentially harmful substances? (5 points)

5) Log in to . As you did for class, type in the ingredients for your recipe/meal (even those not chosen for grading) into the food tracker. Make sure you enter the number of servings of each ingredient. Note that most spices (excluding salt) will not be in the database. If that is the case don’t worry, ignore the spice and enter the rest of the ingredients. Once you have added all of the ingredients, look at the “My Daily Limits” graphical analysis. Was this a healthy meal/recipe? Why or why not? Finally, go to My Reports at the top of the page and choose Nutrient Reports. Click on ‘Create Report’. Download the Excel file and past it into your final exam Word document.

Pick one nutrient from your recipe that is too low for your daily intake, and tell me one new ingredient that you could add to your recipe/menu to increase the level of that nutrient. (20 points).

6) On the final page of the exam, cite all of your references using APA format (). At the bottom of the citations page please type the statement “I certify that I have not intentionally plagiarized any of the material in this test, nor have I consulted with other individuals, except for Dr. Tobin, during its completion. I understand that if I have deliberately violated this statement in any way I will receive a zero on this exam and my performance will be reported to the Dean of Students’ Office.”

Due 1:30 p.m. Monday, May 7 2012 or sooner via email

Having trouble finding recipes? Go to and type your ingredient into the search box. You can also specify ingredients that you don’t want and even the type of meal (main dish, Asian, breakfast and brunch, etc.) using the ‘search in’ pull-down menu.

Good luck and have fun!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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