Current Strategic Initiatives:

Revised Strategic Initiatives:

1. Lead the development of global technical and functional health informatics standards.

2. Streamline the HL7 standards development process.

3. Facilitate HL7 standards adoption and implementation.

4. Define an overarching and internally consistent interoperability framework.

5. Ensure broad and encompassing stakeholder engagement in the standards development process.

6. Align HL7's business and revenue models to be responsive to national bodies while supporting global standards development.

Revised Strategic Initiatives with descriptions and sample SMART12 objectives:

1. Lead the development of global technical and functional health informatics standards.

o Description: Assume a leadership position in the development of global technical and functional health informatics standards for electronic health records, personal health records, health information exchange, and clinical data representation.

o Example SMART objectives:

▪ Progress 3 US-based CDA Implementation Guide DSTUs to normative international status in 2010.

▪ Progressing 3 specifications from non-US National Initiatives to normative international status in 2010.

▪ Progress 10 representative value sets to universal status in 2010.

▪ Progress 2 HL7 international standards to ISO approval in 2010.

2. Streamline the HL7 standards development process.

o Description: Optimize HL7 internal processes to more efficiently deliver global and realm-specific standards in response to new "customer" requirements.

o Example SMART objectives:

▪ Develop and require the use of a web-based end to end standards development check-list for normative ballots in 2010.

▪ Successfully transition to use of IHTSDO Workbench tool for HL7 vocabulary management in 2010.

▪ Successfully transition to use of NHS Static Model Designer in 2010.

3. Facilitate HL7 standards adoption and implementation.

o Description: Contribute (often in collaboration with other groups) solutions that make HL7 implementation easier.

o Example SMART objectives:

▪ Develop and implement an HL7 Quality Plan in 2010.

▪ Develop and implement an annual HL7 market analysis in 2010.

▪ Sponsor a US-based CDA user conference in 2010.

▪ Define a comprehensive (e.g. applicable to individuals, organizations, countries) intellectual property policy in 2010.

4. Define an overarching and internally consistent interoperability framework.

o Description: Maximize data reuse by ensuring consistency of representation across HL7 specifications.

o Example SMART objectives:

▪ Create a new staff position, Chief Quality Officer, responsible in 2010 for defining a process for ensuring consistency of representation across HL7 specifications.

▪ Successfully complete 5 SAEAF alpha projects, and present summary of findings to TSC and Board in 2010.

5. Ensure broad and encompassing stakeholder engagement in the standards development process.

o Description: Ensure a clear process whereby stakeholders such as clinicians, technical experts, and policy makers can contribute to the development of HL7 standards.

o Example SMART objectives:

▪ Co-sponsor 2 CIIC face to face meetings in 2010.

▪ Develop a matrix of EHR functional requirements vs. HL7 technical specifications in 2010.

▪ Co-host 2 developer conferences or healthcare tracks within existing developer conferences that focus on major development environments (Microsoft, Eclipse,... Other?) by the end of 2010.

6. Align HL7's business and revenue models to be responsive to national bodies while supporting global standards development.

o Description: Profiler-Enforcer organizations, most notably at national levels, have emerged as the largest (but not only) users of HL7 intellectual property and source of funds for standards development, standards tools, and standards implementation guides. HL7's governance, organizational structures, product strategy and revenue models (including IP rights and fees) must evolve to reflect this reality while retaining the fundamental principles of collaborative working and ANSI approved processes.

o Example SMART objectives:

▪ Develop a mechanism to track and quantify the use of HL7 intellectual property by end of 2010.

▪ Demonstrate 2 concrete cases where a national initiative has funded the development of HL7 work which benefits the world by end of 2010.

[?] Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed (SMART)

2 Note that these examples do not reflect committed/budgeted items but only indicate potential tasks to provide context for the initiatives.


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