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Saturday Business convenes at 9 a.m.

Sunday Business convenes at 9 a.m.

Saturday – January 16, 2016

The meeting started at 9:32 am

1. Opening Prayer Serenity/Service Prayer (read by Facilitator)

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

God, grant us knowledge that we may serve according to Your Divine precepts. Instill in us a sense of your purpose. Make us servants of your will and grant us a bond of selflessness that this may truly be your work, not ours - in order that no addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction.

2. Mission Statement: The mission of the Lone Star Region is to provide its members a diverse forum for training and support while cultivating leaders who can more effectively carry the message to the addict who still suffers. (Facilitator)

3. Vision Statement: We shall create unity throughout the Lone Star Region and fulfill the vision of Narcotics Anonymous as a whole. (Facilitator)

4. Reading of 12 Traditions (Piney Woods RCM)

5. Reading of 12 Concepts (Texarkana RCM)

6. Roll Call

a. Facilitator - P

b. Co Facilitator - P

c. Notes taker - P

d. Money Handler – P (late)

e. Money Handler Alternate - Open

f. Regional Delegate - P

g. Regional Delegate Alternate - P

h. Regional Communications Liaison - P

i. Regional Communications Liaison Alternate - Open


k. Dallas Area - P

l. East Texas - P

m. Fort Worth - P

n. Heart of Texas (HOT) - A

o. Lakeside - A

p. Piney Woods - P

q. Rose City - P

r. Texarkana - P

s. Board of Directors Chair – P (late)

t. Convention Administrative Committee (Odd) - Open

u. Convention Administrative Committee (Even) - P

v. Board of Directors Representative – P (late)

7. Open Discussion

Why do we call the BOD Chair in the roll call? The BOD Chair traditionally has attended Region to give their report.

Is the BOD Chair a member of this body? No, but the BOD Chair has traditionally come to be available to answer questions of the RSC body.

What does the BOD Chair do? The BOD chair is the final point of responsibility that oversees the Lone Star Regional Service Office and the Lone Star Regional Convention. The BOD is a legal entity which conducts these services on behalf of Lone Star Region. The BOD handles the legal issues associated with operating the Lone Star Regional Service Office including paying taxes and hiring employees. They serve at the pleasure of this body and traditionally have come to the RSC to give reports and answer questions. The BOD chair positions are unpaid, but RSO employees are paid.

Can the RSC members receive a copy of the by-laws of the BOD and the convention guidelines? Yes. The facilitator will provide those documents to members of the body.

Facilitator received a message from a member of Lakeside Area stating this Area has meetings but no longer has an Area Service Conference. Lakeside Area has not sent a representative to Lone Star Region Service Conference for the last two years. An idea will be submitted in New Business to address this issue.

The RD team sent a set of questions to all the RCM’s, expecting to get answers during the Area Reports:

Once at WSC - does your RD team have the ability to make decisions based on new/additional information or must we follow pre-determined mandate?

How many groups in your area as of RSC?

How many meetings each week in your area as of RSC?

How many H&I panels/meetings take place each week in your area as of RSC?

What types of PR efforts does your area carry out?

Are there any successes with communication strategies or using technology that our region would like to share?

What would you consider the most significant challenge for our region since WSC 2014?

What would you consider the most significant successes for our region since WSC 2014?

Is there anything our region would like to share or discuss with other conference participants?

8. Area Reports

1. AAHTXNA – Juan provided a report. Spanish Area is having their 5th Convention June 17-19, 2016. A flyer is available for the convention. Their area meeting is at New Beginnings in Tyler. The Spanish phone line is doing well.

How many groups are in the Area? – 6

How many meeting are being held each week? – 23

How many H&I meetings take place each week? – 8 or 9

Do you have any PR efforts that you Area takes out? - Yes

2. Dallas Area – John provided a report. Dallas has 24 groups on the roster. Next DASC will be in Lewisville, TX. Dallas is trying a version of the Service System Proposal on a six month trial basis. DASC is also using Google Groups to submit group reports. There are many open positions at DASC. Dallas area brought votes of confidence for Bob as BOD Liaison and Kahle B for CAC Odd position.

How many groups are in the Area? – 24

How many meeting are being held each week? – will provide to RD later

How many H&I meetings take place each week? – will provide to RD later

Do you have any PR efforts that you Area takes out? - Yes

What happens between planning meetings? There will be alternating group support and business meetings for each month. The group support meetings will include workshops, such as CBDM and Disruptive Behavior.

Does Dallas Area welcome other members to participate in the group support meetings? Anyone is welcome to attend.

Is information about the workshops available on the website for members outside Dallas Area? Currently the information is shared among members of the DASC. The Communications Liaison is asking that the details of upcoming group support meetings be shared with the Lone Star Region. The next DASC group support meeting will be held February 7 at Awakenings Group. On

, there is a place on the site to send information of this type to the Communications Liaison.

Did the Duncanville Group move? We were not able to find this meeting. There has not been a representative from the group at DASC to correct their meeting address. DASC is working to get a representative from Duncanville to confirm their address so that the meeting schedule can be corrected.

Co-Facilitator noted that it is the responsibility of the RCM to update the meeting schedule. Fort Worth RCM noted that a group of members from Fort Worth wanted to attend a meeting at Duncanville and went to the address listed on the Dallas Area meeting schedule. The address is incorrect and these members traveled a long distance but did not get a meeting. This issue is affecting members both inside and outside of Dallas Area.

3. East Texas – No written report. RCM gave an oral report. The area is struggling. H&I is open and not being fulfilled. There is a struggling group in Sulpher Springs. Any assistance is appreciated such s from H&I or PR. There is a new group, New Adventures, in Gilmer. East Texas does not have enough resources to help these new struggling groups. East Texas is asking for help from RSC to help with communication and support for these groups. What type of support are you requesting from this body? We need help with a plan to get effective communication to the groups. We are not sure exactly what we need. Maybe a poster day, PR help with the county, not sure what else we need. East Texas area meets the first Saturday of every month. They are meeting at the Way Out group at 2 pm on February 6. The RD is willing to meet with the Area at their next meeting to get information on their needs. Piney Woods will provide some written suggestions based on his experience with Public Information.

How many groups are in the Area? – will provide to RD later

How many meeting are being held each week? – will provide to RD later

How many H&I meetings take place each week? – will provide to RD later

Do you have any PR efforts that you Area takes out? - Yes

4. Fort Worth – Lanier has been appointed as RCMA for Fort Worth. FWANA has a total of 28 groups w/250 scheduled meetings per week serving at least 1200 members. The answers to RD questions were provided in the written report.

Is the Fort Worth Area using the Grasshopper Service for Helpline? The Fort Worth area is not using the service to the full extent it could be used. Communicartions Liaison noted that only two of the lines for Fort Worth are being used with Helpline. Loretta noted that the previous Fort Worth Area Helpline chair was not willing to transfer to using Grasshopper. There is a new chair which will require help getting onboard with Grasshopper. Expect a Miracle group in Burleson there will be a CAR workshop on 3/5/16 at 1:15 pm. Other upcoming events in Fort Worth Area are included in the report.

5. Heart of Texas (HOT) - Absent

6. Lakeside - Absent

7. Piney Woods – The RD questions were answered in the report. The New Attitudes group is struggling. Most of the groups (4 of the 6 groups) are struggling with attendance and 7th Tradition. There is only one commitment for H&I. The Co-Facilitator suggested that when the RD goes to the next East Texas ASC to assist them that someone from Piney Woods attend as well. The Piney Woods area meeting is the second Saturday of the month. The RD took this information.

8. Rose City – On a monthly basis, Rose City Area has an average of 139 meetings with a total of 2195 people in attendance. The RD questions were answered in the report. One group closed its doors and another reduced the number of meetings held. However average attendance per meeting in the area has increased. Richard D is the new RCMA for the area.

9. Texarkana – Texarkana is in support of the Texas Unified Services Project and accepts the proposed budget. There are 4 groups with 25 meetings per week. The second chances group is struggling some with attendance and may be looking at closing their doors. We as an area are trying to support this group to keep this from happening. Hope, AR wants to be part of the Texarkana Area instead of Central Arkansas. Texarkana is willing since they are within a 30 mile radius of Texarkana.

9. Administrative Reports

a. Facilitator – Facilitator read the report. There was a joint report with the Co-Facilitator. There will be a CBDM workshop in Fort Worth tentatively set for March 6.

b. Co-Facilitator – Joint report with Facilitator.

c. Regional Delegate – RD read the report. What is the April 23 – May 1 meeting the RD team will be attending? The RD’s from all the Regions will discuss the CAR in detail. Are all the proposed expenditures for travel within the budget? Yes. Do you plan to use the per diem for food? No, although per diem for food is in the budget, the RD team funds their own food.

Seating for the new Regions (Blue Grass Appalachia and Red River) requesting to be seated at WSC. We need the conscience of this body. Why would we not seat these Regions?

The WSC is quite large already and there has been a moratorium on seating new Regions. The WSC funds the RD of each region and the Regions fund their RDA to attend. Some Regions reimburse WSC for their RD attendance. There are entire countries which have only one RD team while the US has many RD teams. The issue is two-fold, the WSC attendance is large and difficult to manage and there is a cost associated with funding additional RD’s to attend WSC. The RD is in favor of adding the new Regions.

Are those Regions the ones which submit their tallies to Lone Star so that their voice can be carried to WSC? RD is not aware of this process. These Regions attend the Southern Zonal Forum to provide input from their Region.

Are these Regions breakoffs from other Regions? All Regions at some point broke away from others at their beginning. These Regions were created due to geography concerns, the Regions were large and separated by mountainous terrain. These two Regions are part of the same Zone as Lone Star Region. The Areas need to bring their conscience on this question to the next RSC.

There will be dialogue over the course of WSC which will bring new information about each new motion. After the conscience of this body is received does the body want the RD team to take the conscience regardless of new information or give a vote of confidence to the RD team to consider new information and make a decision based on the new information?

East Texas, Piney Woods, and Fort Worth provided a vote of confidence to allow the RD team to make the judgment based on new information.

Are there any successes in communications and technology that this Region would like to report to WSC?

The Grasshopper service that has been adopted for Helpline has been very successful and made this subcommittee more able to serve addicts.

Email between the Areas has helped communication and information sharing. Dallas Area using Google Groups for communication and adopting the System Service Proposal on a trial basis.

What is the most significant challenge for our Region? – Effective communication and leadership. We have had trusted servants not willing to follow the direction of the body. Sometimes it has been difficult to get members of the body to participate in email communication.

Training the RCM’s at the RSC has been an issue. Fort Worth RCM expressed that she feels that she has to get information on topics on her own to provide workshops to her area. The RD and Co-Facilitator noted that this body voted for the RCM’s to do workshops. It was noted that most of the information for workshops is shared during Regional Assembly by the RD team. Since we moved Regional Assembly this year, that information hasn’t been shared yet. The RCM’s decided in previous RSC’s to collaborate on topics and that needs to take place as well. Facilitator noted that many of the GSR’s are new to service and are unsure about their responsibilities. So sending IDT’s (issue discussion topics) is not always effective when people don’t understand what their responsibilities are.

What would you consider the most significant success of our Region? – There has been more unity and spirituality. We have started to fellowship more. We have been showing up more to each other’s event to offer support. There is less violence in the service meetings. Conflicts are resolved prior to the conference ending.

How will we reach a conscience for the CAR as a Region?

The RD will send the CAR tally sheets to each RCM with a due date (March 20) and each RCM will reply with the tally for their Area. The method each area chooses to come up with the answers to each tally question is up to that area (individual member tally or group tally).

d. Regional Delegate Alternate – Joint report with RD.

e. Money Handler – There were questions about a check written in the third trimester that were not captured in the “3rd Trimester at a glance” sheet as an expense. There was a discussion about when expenses should be reported. Clarity was needed on how to report outstanding expenses. The body requested that a line be added to the report showing which outstanding checks have not cleared the bank. If possible, issuing electronic checks would be preferable since those checks are deducted from the bank account immediately, avoiding outstanding uncashed checks.

Without the $9000 donation from the convention, the total donations for the third trimester were around $4000, is that correct? Yes

There were questions about the report not being available 7 days prior to RSC. Is the moneyhandler on the account yet? No there is an issue the moneyhandler is trying to get resolved to be added to the account.

How has the Regional Assembly previously planned for October 2015 but moved to February 2016 accounted for in the moneyhandler’s report? The facility was paid for and this amount was reflected in previous reporting. Any expenses related to the moved Regional Assembly will come out of 2016 budget, which has yet to be approved.

f. Money Handler Alternate - Open

g. Communications Liaison –East Texas asked for a way to print a list of meeting from the website. There was a request for a reimbursement for the coffee urn, coffee, and coffee supplies provided for the RSC and the upcoming Southern Zonal Forum at Town East in Dallas, which Lone Star Region is hosting. The amount is $94.19. There is a budget line item in the proposed budget that can cover this cost. The body will decide which budget line item this cost will be applied to when the 2016 budget is discussed.

h. Communications Liaison Alternate - Open

i. Notes taker – No report

j. 2015 Convention Chair Report – No report

k. Convention Administrative Committee – The CAC Odd resigned, Kahle B has been appointed to fill in for this position until the convention. Since we are so close to the convention an appointment was made since there was not enough time to have members stand for election before the convention.

l. Board of Directors Chair – Have all the board members reached their term limits? No all the members are relatively new and not close to meeting their term limit.

m. Board of Directors Representative – Bob gave a report. The BOD chair shared the same information that the BOD Rep would give. Facilitator suggested that we set some expectations of what our BOD Representative is to bring back to this body. The RD noted that she provided a list of topics that this body would like information on. Bob says that the answers were not provided. The Admin will go over with Bob which standing topics his report should address at each RSC.

10. Coordinator Reports

a. H&I Coordinator – Does the RSC body want the Seagoville and Johnson Unit in Winnsboro covered by the H&I Coordinator? Seagoville is under the Dallas Area. Sal A was covering this facility but has not for the past three months. A recertification process will have to be followed for Seagoville. The Dallas RCM will get back to H&I Coordinator on this issue. Johnson Unit is under East Texas and this topic will be covered in the assistance that RD team is providing to the East Texas area.

b. Pen Pal Coordinator – Absent. The position will be open in elections on Sunday. The current way of managing pen pal letters has some challenges. When an inmate writes a letter to Pen Pals, the letter is sent to the RSO. Then the letter is forwarded to the Pen Pals coordinator who must then find an addict to write the inmate back. The letter from the member takes between 60 to 120 days to be written and the reply sent back to the inmate. By this time, often the inmate is out of the facility or transferred to another facility, and the letter is not forwarded. Some suggestions have been to use Jpay, which is a form of communication used by some jail facilities for inmates. The Admin body is asking for suggestions on how to improve the service. Please take this back to the Areas to get information and support.

11. Work Group Reports – The facilitator is going to Piney Woods to see where Region can help them with getting information to the community and better attendance at their meetings. The RD is going to East Texas Area to help them get ideas to address their struggling groups and H&I at the Johnson Unit.

12. Old Business (New Business if time allows)

o Regional Assembly- There are three mini-assemblies scheduled for 2016. The RD team needs to know the locations and dates for these assemblies. Texarkana has dates in September except the third weekend for their assembly. Dates should be in the fall, since that is traditionally we have Regional Assembly. Texarkana settled on September 10. Dallas/Fort Worth is still working on their date and location. Rose City is working on a location and date as well. The other Areas not selected in the drawing will attend one of these locations. The dates will be finalized for all three by the Regional Assembly to be held in February 2016.

o Texas Unified Service Project – This issue went back for the conscience of the Areas. The Facilitator called for oppostion to this idea. East Texas, Rose City, and Fort Worth were opposed to the idea. The idea fails.

o Provisional Workshop Las Vegas – The attendees brought back information about some of the workshops they attended. Some judges were willing to send letters of support to other courts in the U.S. for sending members to NA. There was also workshops on Quick Books. There was also information concerning PR. Co-Facilitator offered to send a report if requested.

o RSC Budget 2016 – The 2016 budget went back for the conscience of the Areas. There are ideas in new business which would impact the budget. The 2016 will be reviewed in New Business.

o There was an idea to provide donuts and coffee at the Southern Zonal Forum up to $100 that the Lone Star Region is hosting in January. The RCM’s were in favor. This cost will come from the budgeted item for Southern Zonal Forum travel. Since no travel is required for this SZF the body feels it is OK to spend the money to provide breakfast.

13. RSC Guidelines Workshop Discussion (scheduled for after the close of business on Saturday was not held)


14. Opening Prayer Serenity/Service Prayer – The meeting started at 9:16

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. (Facilitator)

God, grant us knowledge that we may serve according to Your Divine precepts. Instill in us a sense of your purpose. Make us servants of your will and grant us a bond of selflessness that this may truly be your work, not ours - in order that no addict, anywhere, need die from the horrors of addiction. (Facilitator)

15. Roll Call

A. Facilitator - P

B. Co Facilitator - P

C. Notes taker - P

D. Money Handler - P

E. Money Handler Alternate - Open

F. Regional Delegate - P

G. Regional Delegate Alternate - P

H. Regional Communications Liaison - P

I. Regional Communications Liaison Alternate - Open


K. Dallas Area - P

L. East Texas - P

M. Fort Worth - P

N. Heart of Texas (HOT) - A

O. Lakeside - A

P. Piney Woods - A

Q. Rose City - P

R. Texarkana – P (Late)

S. Board of Directors Chair - A

T. Convention Administrative Committee (Even) - P

U. Convention Administrative Committee (Odd) - Open

V. Board of Directors Representative - P

16. Nominations

o Co-facilitator – Becky D was nominated in the last RSC. RCM’s agreed in the September RSC that since Becky had an international travel commitment for this RSC that her nomination would be accepted. Fort Worth Area nominated Carlotta P. Carlotta qualified herself. She has been GSR for our home group, RCMA and RCM for her Area and treasurer. She is familiar with CBDM and has a sponsor and working the Steps and Traditions.

o Money Handler – Jeanette F was elected in the last RSC to complete the term of the Money Handler after his resignation. Jeanette will be up for election in May. Jeanette has held the positions – Money Handler for RSC, Treasurer for Fort Worth Area, Fort Worth Area convention Treasurer, on Fort Worth RSO board, Treasurer of home group (Azle), pen pal coordinator, and merchandise chair for Lone Star Region Convention.

o Money Handler Alt. – Fort Worth Area nominated Connie S. Connie qualified herself. Connie has held several positions including treasurer at her home group and positions in RSC and in Tennessee. She knows Excel and Quickbooks and has an accounting degree. Connie met all the qualifications and was elected with no opposition to fulfill the current term. She will be up for election in May.

o Notestaker – Greg K was elected in the last RSC to complete the term for the vacant position. Texarkana nominated Greg. Greg qualified himself. Greg has been GSR, GSRA, Treasurer and Secretary of his home group, Notestaker Alt, Notestaker, RCMA, and RCM for Dallas Area and serves as the Treasurer for Texas State Convention.

o Notes taker Alt - Open

o Communication Liaison – Ron is in the position due to him being the Alt and no one in this position. Ron was made officially the Communications Liaison with no opposition, and Ron would like to stand for election in May.

o Communication Liaison Alt - Open

o Elections

o RSO BOD Liaison – Bob was re-elected as RSO BOD Liaison with no opposition.

o CAC Odd and Even – Both Open. Mary D has been serving in the CAC Even position on an interim basis and her term ends at the end of the Lone Star Region Convention. Dallas Area nominated Kahle B for the CAC Even position. Kahle B is currently appointed as CAC Odd until the end of the Lone Star Convention. Kahle qualified himself. Treasurer of his home group, website coordinator of Dallas Area, currently serving as CAC Odd, resigned one position on the RSO Board for personal reasons. There was no opposition. Kahle was elected as CAC Even. CAC Odd is Open.

o H&I Coordinator – The H&I Coordinator will not be available on Sunday to be formally nominated. If no one else stands for the position, Danny S will be appointed in the position. No opposition to this idea. There were no other nominations so Danny S is H&I Coordinator (appointed).

o Pen-pal Coordinator - Open

17. New Business

o Proposed Lodging for the 2016 RSC – May 2016 proposed lodging and meeting expense would be $2709.00 including service fee at Mill Creek. There was a question about having just the meeting room for one day without the cabins. The meeting room only would by $450. If we didn’t do the cabins for Friday night would this save some money? There is a two night minimum for the rate we receive now. If only one night, the cabin rate would be higher for one night only.

The Co-facilitator noted that if we went to one day, we could have lunch catered so that lunch break wouldn’t be so long. There is a menu of $15 per person with a 15 person minimum, but the meeting room rate would be reduced to around $275.

September 2016 proposed lodging and meeting is expense is $2752.00 for Mill Creek.

Rose City asked that consider only May since they have an idea to change the meeting venue.

East Texas RCM noted that we are paying roughly $17 per person more than what we were paying at Lake Palestine. He likes Mill Creek better.

For this idea the discussion, based on the result of the next idea to have a central location for the May 2016 RSC, was to decide for May 2016 would the location be Mill Creek, Lake Palestine, or somewhere else.

If the decision is to stay at Mill Creek for May 2016, the budget amount for the year will be met, and we would exceed budget when meeting for September 2016. Even if the meeting moves to Palestine and the same deal is secured that we had previously, the budget left for September would be approximately $1160. It was decided that for May 2016 on a 3 (Rose City, Dallas, Fort Worth) to 2 (East Texas and Texarkana) vote of RCM’s only that the May 2016 RSC will be held at Mill Creek at $2709.00, leaving estimated amount of $51 left in the budget for meeting space and lodging for RSC in 2016. (Budget = $4800, two Mill Creek stays $2040 + $2709 = $4749)

o Rose City Idea-Rotation of RSC to different areas –

IDEA: To have the Regional Service Conference Rotate to different Areas and Decrease RSC from 2 days to 1 day.

LSRSC ROTATION is as follows:

Rotation 1 Dallas, Fort Worth

Rotation 2 East Texas, Rose City, Piney Woods

Rotation 3 Heart of Texas, Texarkana

Rotation 4 Lakeside, Spanish Area

Proposed Agenda:

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM or until business is completed:

RSC Business:

Workshop/Open Forum

Reports from RCMs

Admin Reports

Coordinator Reports

Old Business

New Business

Decide location of next RSC.

INTENT: Promote Unity and rotation will help with getting members involved. Decrease Financial Impact for the Lone Star Region

Financial Impact

Rotation to Area Location Meeting Space 100-500 per term to rotation

Lodging for overnight upon approval 80-100 per room night

Area Funds for Gas to Attend

When we decrease from two days to one, why is there a lodging amount included in the idea? For some members travel distance would still require rooms.

East Texas RCM offered some comparison on cost per person – Palestine - $53, Mill Creek $71, Rose City idea $58.

Co-Facilitator noted that the idea includes gas to be covered by Areas. Co-Facilitator also noted that when the RSC was rotated in the past that the hosting groups requested the budgeted amount of $400 be provided to their group, so there was no savings on meeting space.

RD noted that when Areas host the RSC we don’t have to go to the most remote groups in their area. This is an opportunity to try something different.

Texarkana RCM doesn’t believe that the business of RSC can be completed within a reasonable amount of time in one day.

Facilitator noted that minus the convention donation, we take in around $10,000 per year. To conduct RSC we spend $4800 per year.

Co-Facilitator claimed that significant savings have been realized as a result of having a centralized RSC location (approx $90K over 6 years).

Rose City is concerned that the RSC operate in a financially responsible way. The budget is based on gamble that the convention will be successful each year. What happens if the convention donation doesn’t happen?

East Texas thinks this is a good idea but more study on the financial impact is needed.

Fort Worth sees an additional financial impact to Areas which will have to provide additional funding. Trying to pack the RSC business into one day may impact the hosting group’s meeting schedule.

Texarkana believes one day is too long and members get checked out by 4 pm due to the amount of topics discussed.

Dallas noted that he is new to RSC but he is in favor of having a centralized location.

Straw poll on where the Areas stand:

In favor of staying in central location for May – 11

Against staying in central location for May – 1

Co-Facilitator suggested that the Areas do analysis on the idea, such as financial impact, and be ready to workgroup this idea in the next RSC, which will be held in a central location (Mill Creek). Is anyone opposed to this compromise? No opposition.

o RSC 2016 Budget – All the areas accepted the budget except Fort Worth, which is offering amendments. East Texas has some concerns with the budget process. They would like to see a balanced budget with equal amount of income and expenses, not just a list of proposed expenses for next year. Fort Worth wants to remove the 10% donation amount and have just a flat amount. RD noted that the 10% donation amount was already removed in the last RSC. The RD trip to Wisconsin should be removed, to not attend the Southern Zonal Forum in September.

There was a compromise offered to reduce the amount for Southern Zonal travel by $800, from $2600 to $1800. The the result of the reduction would be to send one member of the RD team to the meeting in Wisconsin.

For RSC meeting and lodging for 2016, increase the budgeted amount by $2800, so the budget amount would go from $4800 to $7600 for RSC Meeting and Lodging. The conscience of the Areas needs to be provided based on these amendments to the 2016 proposed budget.

Since the budget for 2016 has not been fully approved, the RSC will operate from the 2015 budgeted amounts.

18. Announcements

19. Closing Prayer/Adjourn


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