Ronald H. Aday

Department of Sociology/Anthropology


MTSU, Box 10 415 Church Street – Apt 2612

Murfreesboro, TN 37132 Nashville, TN 37219

Phone: 615-898-2125 Phone: Cell 653-1967 e-mail:


Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1976. Sociology major with

emphasis in Gerontology, Crime and Corrections, Evaluation Research.

Dissertation: Institutional Dependency: A Theory of Aging In Prison.

University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, 1973. Summer Institute, Center for

Studies on Aging.

M.A. University of Tulsa, Tulsa Oklahoma, 1971. Sociology Major.

B.S. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1966. Social Science Ed.


1989-18 Professor - Department of Sociology, Middle Tennessee State University

1983-88 Associate Professor -Department of Sociology/Anthropology, MTSU

1980-82 Assistant Professor - Department of Sociology/Anthropology, MTSU.

1975-79 Assistant Professor - Department of Sociology, Arkansas State University

1974-75 NSF Research Fellow - Department of Sociology, Oklahoma State University

1972-74 Instructor - Department of Sociology, Arkansas State University

1971-72 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Social Science, Connors State College



Sociology: Intro. Sociology, Social Problems, Marriage & Family, Sociology of Families,

Social Psychology, Social Theory, Social Deviance, Juvenile Delinquency, Criminology,

Research Methods, Social Statistics; Violence in the Family, Urban Sociology, Senior


Gerontology: Introduction to Gerontology, Sociology of Aging, Social Problems of Aging,

Housing for the Elderly, Health Care Management, Topics in Gerontology, Women and

Aging, Group Work/Elderly, Health Care Delivery Issues, Aging, Crime & Society


Sociology: Program Evaluation, Seminar in Corrections, Advanced Quantitative Methods,

Seminar in Deviant Behavior, Contemporary Social Theory, Sociology of Education, Seminar

in Marriage and Family, Social Policy Analysis

Gerontology: Seminar on Aging, Death and Survivorship, Counseling Elders, Mental Health

and Aging, Practicum: Applied Research Analysis


2005-08 Chair, Sociology/Anthropology, Middle Tennessee State University

1980-05 Director, Aging Studies Program, Middle Tennessee State University

1992-00 Executive Director, Tennessee Association for Gerontology/Geriatric Education.

1998-00 Chair, Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability

1990-92 Director, Center for Health and Human Services. Middle Tennessee State U.

1980-87 Director, Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, and Anthropology, MTSU

1978-80 Director, Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, Arkansas State University


2011 Distinguished Research Award, Middle Tennessee State University

2006 Career Achievement Award, Middle Tennessee State University

2005 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, College of Liberal Arts

2003 Invited Testimony, U. S. Senate Committee on Aging

2002 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, College of Liberal Arts

2001 Distinguished Service Award, Greater Nashville Area Agency on Aging

2001 Outstanding Public Service Award, Middle Tennessee State University

2001 President, Tennessee Federation on Aging

2000 Distinguished Research Award, Middle Tennessee State University

1996 National Institute of Senior Centers Distinguished Research Award

1995 Governor Appointee, Tennessee Commission on Aging

1991 William E. Cole Outstanding Gerontologist Award for Tennessee

1987 President, Tennessee Association of Gerontology/Geriatric Education

1974 National Science Foundation Research Fellow

1972 Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society


Dye, Huey M., & Aday, R. H. (Sept. 2019). Women Lifers: Lives Before, Behind, and Beyond Bars. Roman & Littlefield.

Aday, R. H. & Krabill, J.J. (2011) Women Aging In Prison. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.

Aday, R. H. (2003) Aging Prisoners: Crisis in American Corrections. Praeger.

Aday, R. H., & Aday, K. L. (2001) Group Work with the Elderly. Greenwood Press.

Aday, R. H. Crime and the Elderly (1988). Greenwood Press.

Aday, R. H. & Tomazic, T. (1984). Assessment Indicators for Long-Term Care Placement.

Lancer Publishing.

Clowers, L, Guyote, C. & Aday, R. (1973). A Socio-Economic Study of the Jonesboro

Urban Renewal Area, NDP ARK, A-24. Urban Renewal & Housing Authority, Jonesboro, AR.


Dye, M. Huey & Aday, R. H. “Ties that Bind: Benefits of Staying Connected with Family for Women Serving Life Sentences. Journal of Family Relations. Under Review.

Aday, R. H., Wallace, J. B., & Krabill, J. Linkages Between the Senior Center as a Public Place and Successful Aging. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging. Under Review.

Dye, M. Huey, Aday, R. H., Smith, N., Ong, V. “Pathways to prison for women serving life sentences: Implications for prison adjustment and re-entry.” Criminology. Under review.

Aday, R. H., Wallace, J. B., Leifker, K., Jones, S., Pogacsnik, A. R., & Pea, E. K.

“An Assessment of Food Insecurity Among Older Adults.” Journal of Nutrition and Aging. Under Review.

Aday, R. H. & Dye, M. “Examining the Predictors of Depression among Older

Incarcerated Women (2018). Women and Criminal Justice. 31, 1-20.

Aday, R. H. & Wallace, J. B., & Scott, S. J. (2017) Generational Differences in Knowledge, Recognition, and Attitudes Toward Reporting Elder Abuse. Educational Gerontology, 43, 568-581.

Aday, R. H., & Wahidin, A. (2016). Older prisoners’ experience of death, dying and grief behind bars. Howard Journal, 55, 312-327.

Aday, R. H. & Wallace, B. (2015). Development and validation of the healthy aging incentives scale. Educational Gerontology, 41(12), 847-858.

Aday, R. H., Dye, M., Kaiser, A. (2014). Examining the Effects of Sexual Victimization on the

Mental and Physical Health of Incarcerated Women. Women & Criminal Justice, 24: 341-361.

Aday, R. H. & Krabill, J. J., Deaton, D. (2014). Religion in the Lives of Older Incarcerated

Women Serving Life.” Journal of Women and Aging, 26-238-256.

Dye, M., Aday, R. H., Farney, L., and Raley, J. (2014). The Rock I Cling To: Religious Engagement in the Lives of Life-Sentenced Women. The Prison Journal, 94, 388-408.

Aday, R. H. & Farney, L. (2014). Malign Neglect: Older Women’s Perception of Health Care in Prison. Journal of Bioethics Inquiry, 11, 359-372.

Maschi, T. & Aday, R. H. (2014). The Social Determinants of Health and Justice and the Aging in Prison Crisis: A Call ror Human Rights Action. International Journal of Social Work, 1, 1-15.

Dye, M. & Aday, R. H. (2013). I Just Wanted to Die: Pre-Prison and Current Suicide Ideation

among Women Serving Life Sentences. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40, 832-849.

Deaton, D., Aday, R., & Wahidin, A. (2009). The effect of health and penal harm on aging

female prisoners’ views of dying in prison.” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 60, 51-70.

Aday, R. H., & Kehoe, G. (2007). Working in Old Age: Benefits of Participation in the Community Service Employment Program. Journal of Workplace Behavior Health, 23,1125-146.

Krabill, J., & Aday, R. H. (2006). Exploring the Social World of Aging Female Prisoners.

Journal of Women and Criminal Justice, 17, 27-53.

Farney, L., Aday, R. H., Breault, K. (2006). Age Preferences and How Old is 'Too Old' for Selected Service Providers among Young, Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Educational Gerontology, 32, 215-224

Aday, R. H., & Krabill, J. J. (2006). Aging Prisoners in the Criminal Justice System. Marquette Elder’s Advisor, 7(2), 237-258.

Aday, R. H. (2006). Aging Prisoners’ Concerns Toward Dying in Prison. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 52, 195-212.

Aday, R. H. & Todd, C. (2006). Senior Centers. Encyclopedia of Aging, 4/e. Springer Publishing Company.

Aday, R. H. (2006). The Graying of American Prisons. Encyclopedia of Aging, 4/e. Springer Publishing Company.

Aday, R.H., Farney, L., Kehoe, G. L. (2006). Impact of Senior Center Friendships on Aging Women Who Live Alone. Journal of Women & Aging, 18, 56-74.

Wahidin, A. & Aday, R. (2006). The Needs of Older Men and Women in the Criminal Justice System: An International Perspective, Prison Service Journal, 160, 13-22.

Campbell, J., & Aday, R. H. (2001). Benefits of a Nurse-Managed Wellness Program: A

Senior Center Model. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 20, 122-134..

Aday, R. H., & Austin, B. (2000). Images of Aging In America Portrayed in the Lyrics of

Country Music. Educational Gerontology, 26, 135-154.

Aday, R. H., & Kano, Z. (1997). Attitudes Toward Caring For Aging Parents: A Comparison of Laotian and U.S. Students. Educational Gerontology, 23, 151-167.

Aday, R. H., McDuffie, W., & Sims, C. (1996). Changing Attitudes Toward the Elderly: The

Longitudinal Effects of an Intergenerational Partners Project. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 32, 143-151.

Aday, R. H., Aday, K. L., Arnold, J. L., & Bendix, S. (1996). Changing Children's

Perceptions of the Elderly: Effects of Intergenerational Contact." Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 16, 129-138.

Aday, R. H., & Shahan, D. (1995). Elderly Reactions to a Death Education Program in a

Nursing Home Setting. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 1995, 15, 3-18.

Aday, R. H., & Campbell, J. (1995). Changes in Nursing Students' Attitudes Following a

Gerontology Curriculum. Educational Gerontology, 21, 247-260.

Aday, R. H. (1994). Golden Years Behind Bar: Special Programs and Facilities for Elderly

Inmates. Federal Probation, 23, 162-172.

Aday, R. H. (1993). A Case Study of New Elderly Offenders." International Journal of

Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 38, 71-82.

Aday, R. H., Sims, C., & McDuffie, W. (1993). Impact of an Intergenerational Links Project on Black Adolescents' Attitudes Toward the Elderly. Educational Gerontology, 19, 663-673.

Aday, R. H. (1992). Providing for the Geriatric Inmate: Implications for Training. Journal of Correctional Training, Winter, 13-15.

Aday, R. H., Sims, C., & Evans, E. (1991). Intergenerational Partners Project: A Model

Linking Students with Senior Center Volunteers. The Gerontologist, 31, 263-266.

Aday, R. H. (1991). The Gerontological Newsletter as an Educational Resource. Educational Gerontology, 17, 315-322.

Aday, R. H., Rice, C., Evans, E. (1991). Youth's Attitudes Toward the Elderly: The Impact

of Intergenerational Partners." Journal of Applied Gerontology, 10, 372-384.

Tomazic, T., & Aday, R. H. (1987). Will the Patient Go Home? Assessment Prediction

for Nursing Homes. American Statistical Association Proceedings, 582-587.

Aday, R. H. (1984). Belief in Afterlife and Death Anxiety: Correlates and Comparisons.

Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 15, 67-75.

Aday, R. H., & Miles, L. (1982). Long-Term Impacts of Rural Migration of the Elderly:

Implications for Research. The Gerontologist, 22, 331-336.

Aday, R. H., & Webster, E. (1980). Aging in Prison: The Development of a Preliminary

Model. Offender Rehabilitation,3, 271-282.

Aday, R. H. (1978). Toward the Development of a Therapeutic Program for Older Prisoners. Offender Rehabilitation, 1, 343-348.


Aday, R. H., & Maschi, T. (2018) Managing Elderly prisoners, In D. Polaschek,

A. Day & C. Hollin (Eds). Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology. In press.

Aday, R. H. (2018). Aging and Elderly Incarcerated Offenders. In (Robert D. Morgan (Ed.) SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminology Psychology. Sage Publishing. (in press)

Aday, R. H. (2018). Aging female inmates. Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. 141-145.

Aday, R. H. (2017). Examining Critical Health Issues for Aging Prisoners. In Fred Law (Ed.), Correctional Health Care: Practice, Administration, and Law. Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute (CRI). Chapter 9 (pp. 1-22)

Aday, R. H., & Krabill, J. J. (2015). Grief and Loss: The Silenced Emotion Behind Bars. In Tashel Bordere & Darch Harris (Eds.) Social Justice Perspectives on Loss & Grief. Routledge Publishing Co. (87-105).

Maschi T. & Aday, R H. (2015). Forging a Social Work Response to the Social Determinants of

Health and Justice. Handbook of Social Work in Health and Aging. NY: Oxford University

Press. Pages 453-466.

Aday, R. H. & Krabill, J. J. (2014). Social Programming for Aging Prisoners: Theory and

Application. In John Kerbs & Jennifer Jolly (Eds.), Senior Citizens Behind Bars. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, pages 69-92.

Aday, R. H. & Krabill, J. J. (2013). Older and Geriatric Offenders: Critical Issues for the 21st

Century. In L. Gideon (Ed.) Special Needs Offenders in Correctional Institutions. Sage

Publishing, pages 203-232.

Wahidin, A. & Aday, R. (2013). Older Female Prisoners in the UK and US: Finding Justice in

the Criminal Justice System. In Margaret Malloch (Ed), Women, Punishment and Community

Sanctions: Human Rights and Social Justice. Routledge Press, pages 65-78.

Wahidin, A., & Aday, R. H. (2010). Later Life and Imprisonment. The Sage Handbook of

Social Gerontology. London: Sage. Pages 587-596.

Aday, R. H. (2006). Managing Aging Prisoners in the United States. In A. Wahidin and Maureen Cain (Ed.) Ageing, Crime and Society. Willan Publishing, UK, 210-229, 2006.

Aday, R. H. (2006). Aging Prisoners: A New Frontier in Social Work. In B. J. Berkman

& S. D’Ambruoso (Ed.), Handbook of Social Work in Health and Aging. New York: Oxford University Press, 231-241.

Aday, R. H. (2003). Evolving Role of the Senior Center in the 21st Century. In Baby Boomers at

the Gate. (Serial No. 108-11., U. S. Government Printing Office, 69-79.

Aday, R. H., Rice, C., Evans, E. (1999). Changing Children’s Attitudes Toward the Elderly: The Longitudinal Effects of an Intergenerational Partners Program. In A Cross Section of Educational Research, L. S. Lyne (Ed) , Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing (Reprint).

Aday, R. H. (1999). Golden Years Behind Bars: Programs, Policies, and Facilities.” In Aging and the Law, L. A. Froik (Ed.), Temple University Press, 613-623. (Reprint)

Aday, R. H. (1997). Golden Years Behind Bars: Programs, Policies, and Facilities. In

Introduction to Corrections. Incline Village, NE.: Copperhouse Publishing Company, 97-107.

Aday, R. H. & King, J. G. (1985). Measuring the Practice of Love in a Marital Dyad. In

Family Strengths: Intimate Interactions (Ed.) George Rowe, et al., University of Nebraska Press,152-164.

Aday, R. H. “Old Criminals. (1984). In Handbook on Aging in America (Ed.) Erdman

Palmore, Greenwood Press, 295-310.

Aday, R. H., & King, J. G. (1981). The Role of Intimacy as a Strength in the Aged Parent-

Adult Child Relationship. In Family Strengths: Blueprints for Action (Ed.) Nick Stinnet, et al., University of Nebraska Press, 129-138.


Aday, R. H. “The Life of a Woman Serving Life.” Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA, April 19.

Wallace, B., & Aday, R. H. “Food insecurity among the elderly in Tennessee. Southern Gerontological Society, Panama Beach, Fl., April 2019.

Dye, Huey M., Aday, R. H., Cook, N. “Pathways to Prison for Women Serving Life Sentences: Implications for Prison Adjustment and Re-entry.” Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, April, 2018.

Wallace, J. B., Aday, R. H., Leifker, K., Jones, S., Pogacsnik, A. R., & Pea, E. K. “Food

Insecurity Among Tennessee Elders: A State-Wide Survey.” SGS. Ashville, NC., April, 2017

Aday, R. H. & Dye, M. “When he said, “I’m gonna kill you.” Hidden Victims of Domestic

Abuse among Women Serving Life Sentences. Mid-South Sociological Association. Charleston,

SC., October, 2017

Aday, R. H. & Webber, G. “Visions of Marriage Among College Students.” Southern Sociological Society. Atlanta, April, 2016.

Aday, R. H., Toomey, B., & Covan, E. K. “Depression Factors Among Female Lifers Age Fifty and Above” Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA., November, 2015.

Aday, R. H., & Dye, Huey M. “Women Serving Life in Prison: Traumatic Victims of Domestic Abuse.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA., November, 2015.

Aday, R. H. “Women Aging in Prison: Implications for Policy and Practice.” American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Honolulu., July, 2014.

Aday, R., Dye, M., & Eller, J. “Women Serving Life: Victims of Domestic Violence.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, New York, March, 2012.

Aday, R. & Dye, M. “Women Serving Life: Voices of a Forgotten Prison Population.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Chicago, November, 2012.

Aday, R. H. “Old and in Prison: An Intimate Look into One Woman’s Life.” Southern

Criminal Justice Association Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, September, 2011.

Aday, R. H. “Social Programming and Activities for Older Inmates.” American Correctional Association Winter Conference. San Antonio, TX., January, 2010.

Lamb, Deann, Aday, R. and Dye, Huey M.. “Types and Frequencies of Abuse Victims among

Incarcerated Females.” Southern Sociological Society. Atlanta, GA., April, 2010.

Dye, Huey M. and R. Aday. “Suicidal Ideation among Incarcerated Women.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. San Diego, California, March 2009.

Aday, R. “Attitudes Toward Elder Abuse Reporting in Tennessee.” Tennessee Federation

on Aging Annual Conference, Murfreesboro, TN., October, 2009.

Aday, R. “Outcome-Based Research: The Challenge for Senior Centers.” Tennessee Federation on Aging Annual Conference, Murfreesboro, TN., October, 2009.

Aday, R. H. & Deaton, D. “Older Women in Prison: Hidden Victims of Domestic Violence. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, November, 2007.

Aday, R. H., Farney, L., & Wahidin, A. “Adapting to Life in Prison: From the Voices of Older

Female Prisoners. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Los Angeles,

November, 2006.

Phillips, L., Aday, R. H., Allen, R. S. “Dying in Prison: The Fears and Concerns of Aging

Prisoners. Gerontology Society of America Annual Meeting, Dallas, November, 2006.

Aday, R. H., Wahidin, A., & Farney, L. “Two Rats in a Cage: The Experience of Aging in

Women’s Prison.” British Society of Criminology, Glasgow, Scotland, April, 2006.

Aday, R. H., & Kehoe, G. “Job Satisfaction and the Older Worker.” American Society on Aging Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA., April, 2005.

Aday, R. H. “Assessing the Benefits of Senior Center Programming in two Multipurpose

Senior Centers.. Tennessee Federation on Aging, Johnson City, TN., October, 2005.

Aday, R. H. “Hooking up at the Senior Center: Promises and Pitfalls. Southern Gerontological Society Annual Conference, Orlando, FL., April, 2005.

Brown, S., & Aday, R. H. “A National Look at the Eden Alternative.” Southern Gerontological Society Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 2005.

Aday, R. H. “Ethical Issues Related to Aging Prisoners’ Health Care.” Mid-South Sociological

Association, Biloxi, MI., October, 2004,

Aday, R. H. “Measuring the Impact of Senior Center Programs and Services for Aging Women Who Live Alone.” American Society on Aging Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA., April, 2004.

Aday, R. H. “Examining the Death Attitudes of Aging Female Prisoners.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. Nashville, TN., November, 2004.

Aday, R. H. “A Comparative Analysis of Three Senior Community Service Employment

Programs. Senior Service of America Senior Aides Annual Conference, New Orleans., October, 2004.

Aday, R. H, Wadidin, A., Krabill, J. “A Comparative Study of the Health Care Needs of

The Female Aging Offender in the USA and the UK. American Society of Criminology

Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN., November, 2004.

Aday, R. H., Kehoe, G., & Farney, L. “Benefits Of A Social Support Network For Aging Women Living Alone.” Mid-South Sociological Association, Baton Rouge, LA., October, 2004.

Aday, R. H. “The Influences of Health and Social Support Networks on Prison Adjustment Patterns of Older Incarcerated Females.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 41st Annual Meeting, Les Vegas, Nevada, April, 2004.

Aday, R. H. “An Exploratory Study of Fear of Death in an Aging Prison Population.” Academy of Criminal Justices Sciences, Boston, MA., March, 2003.

Aday, R. H. “Approaches to Understanding the Lives of Older Incarcerated Females.

Mid-South Sociological Association, Baton Rouge, LA., October, 2003.

Aday, R. H. “Friendship and Social Support Patterns Among Older Incarcerated Females. Southern Gerontological Society, Richmond, VA., April, 2003.

Aday, R. H. Campbell, J, & Stogner, K. “Creative Partnerships for Implementing A Culture of Wellness Within Senior Centers.” Southern Gerontology Society, Richmond, VA., April, 2003.

Aday, R. H., & Amey, F. “Identifying Important Linkages Between Successful Aging and Senior Center Participation.” National Council on Aging/America Society on Aging Joint Conference, Chicago, ILL., April, 2003.

Aday, R. H. “Student Attitudes Toward a Geriatric Justice System.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.” Anaheim, CA., March, 2002.

Aday, R. H. “Sex Over Sixty: The Dilemma of AIDS And Alzheimer’s.” Tennessee

Federation on Aging, Gatlinburg, TN., October, 2002.

Aday, R. H. Toward The Measurement of Caregiver Burden. Tennessee Federation on

Aging, Gatlinburg, TN., October, 2001.

Aday, R. H. “The Aging Offender: Crisis in American Corrections. Southern Gerontological Society, Lexington, KY., April, 2001.

Sims, C., Campbell, J., & Aday, R. H. “Producing Effective Outcome Measures in Senior Centers.” American Society on Aging, New Orleans, LA., April, 2001.

Aday, R. H., & Campbell, J. "Measuring Incentives to Promote Healthy Aging." Southern Gerontological Society, Raleigh, NC., April, 2000.

Aday, R. H. "Graying of American Prisons: Challenges for the 21st Century." Southern Legislative Conference of the Council of State Governments, Biloxi, MS., November, 2000.

Aday, R. H. "The Health Status of Older Offenders: A Racial Comparison. Mid-South Sociological Association, Knoxville, TN., October, 2000.

Aday, R. H. "Theoretical Models for Healthy Aging: A Comparative Analysis." Western Social Science Association, San Diego, CA., April, 2000.

Aday, R. H. "Incorporating Crime and the Elderly into the Gerontology Curriculum."

American Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, Myrtle Beach, SC., March, 2000.

Aday, R. H. "Defining the Special Needs of Elderly Inmates." Elderly Inmates: Issues and Solutions: A National Forum, Washington, D.C., February, 2000.

Aday, R. H., & Austin, B. "Aging in the Lyrics of Country Music." Southern Gerontological Society, Atlanta, GA., April, 1999.

Aday, R. H. "Responding to the Graying of American Prisons: A 10-Year

Follow-up." American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL., February, 1999.

Campbell, J., & Aday, R. H. "Benefits of a Nurse-Managed Wellness Program: A Senior Center Model." Southern Gerontological Society, Chattanooga, TN., April, 1998.

Aday, R. H., & Campbell, J. "Changes in Nursing Students' Work Preferences Following a

Gerontology Curriculum, Southern Gerontology Society, Charlotte, NC., April, 1998.

Aday, R. H. "Intergenerational Conflict: A Review of the Literature." Tennessee Conference on Social Welfare, Nashville, TN., September, 1998.

Aday, R. H. "Coping Strategies of Older Inmates in Mississippi." Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, KY., February, 1997.

Frey, C., & R. H. Aday. "Symbolic Interactionism and the Negotiated Order: A Theoretical Explanation of Date Rape. Women and Power Conference, MTSU, March, 1997.

Aday, R. H. "Aging in Place: How to Maintain Independence in the Home for Activities of Daily Living. American Society on Aging, Nashville, TN., April, 1997.

Aday, R. H. "The Use of Focus Groups as an Evaluation Tool." Tennessee Federation on Aging, Chattanooga, TN., October, 1996.

Aday, R. H., & Sims, C. "Diving for the Answers: Outcome Goals for Senior Centers." Tennessee Federation on Aging, Chattanooga, TN., October, 1996.

Aday, R. H. "Intergenerational Program Evaluation: Documenting Effectiveness of Programs." National Recreation and Park Association, Chattanooga, TN., April, 1996.

Sims, C., & Aday, R. H. "Research Techniques in Senior Centers." National Council on Aging, Washington, D.C., October, 1996.

Aday, R. H., & Kano. Z. "Who Will Care for our Elders?: A Cross-Cultural Analysis." Tennessee Federation on Aging, Nashville, TN., October, 1995.

Aday, R. H. & Campbell, J. "Intergenerational Programming in Nursing Homes: Benefits and Pitfalls." Tennessee Federation on Aging, Chattanooga, TN., October, 1994.

Aday, R. H. "Impact of an Intergenerational Partners Project on Youths' Attitudes Toward the Elderly: A Longitudinal Study. Gerontological Society of America, Atlanta, GA., November, 1994.

Shahan, D., & Aday, R. H. "Elderly Reactions to a Death Education Program in a Nursing Home Setting." Southern Gerontological Society, Charlotte, N.C., April, 1994.

Aday, R. H., & Kano, Z. "Attitudes Toward the Elderly and Intergenerational Perceptions of Caregiving Among Laotian Adolescents." Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, N.M., April, 1994.

Aday, R. H. "Perceptions of the Elderly Among Elementary, High School and College Students After Increased Intergenerational Contact." Tennessee Association of Gerontology/Geriatric Education, Chattanooga, TN., September, 1993.

Sims, C., & Aday, R. H. "Establishing A Research Agenda In Senior Centers." National Council On Aging, Los Angeles, CA., March, 1993.

Aday, R. H. & McDuffie, W. "Intergenerational Partners: The Replication of A Model Linking Elementary Students With Seniors." Southern Gerontological Society, Birmingham, AL., April, 1993.

Aday, R. H. "Responding To The Graying Of American prisons: A National Perspective." Southwest Social Science Association, New Orleans, LA.,April, 1993.

Sims, C., McDuffie, W., Aday, R. "Bridging the Gap: Models of Successful Intergenerational Programs," TN Conference on Social Welfare, Chattanooga, TN., November, 1993.

Aday, R. H. "Evaluating Intergenerational Programs: A Review of Research Designs." Tennessee Conference on Social Welfare, Nashville, TN., November, 1992

Aday, R. H. "Impact of the Prison Environment on the Health Needs of the Aging Inmate." Southwest Social Science Association, Denver, CO., April, 1992.

Aday, R. H. "Comparing Chronic and New Late Offenders: A Case Study Approach." The American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA., November, 1991.

Aday R. H., Sims, C., Evans, E. "Changing Teen Attitudes Toward the Elderly” Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA., November, 1991.

Aday, R. H. "Evaluating Intergenerational Programs: Developing Qualitative Indicators." Southeast Intergenerational Conference, Chattanooga, TN., October, 1991.

Aday, R. H. "Critical Health Issues Geriatric Inmates in Tennessee." Tennessee Association of Gerontology/Geriatric Education, Murfreesboro, TN., September, 1991.

Aday, R. H. "Do Intergenerational Programs Matter? A Review of Current Research." National Council on Aging, Miami, FL., March, 1991.

Aday, R. H. "Review of State Programs and Facilities for the Geriatric Inmate." Gerontological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN., November, 1990.

Aday, R. H. "Meeting the Health Needs of the Geriatric Inmate: A Comparison of Models in the South." National Conference on Correctional Health Care, Chicago, IL, November, 1989.

Aday, R. H. "The Aging Inmate - New Ways to Deal With Old Problems." National Correctional Trainers Conference, Knoxville, TN., October, 1989.

Aday, R. H. & Sims, C. "Youth's Attitudes Toward the Elderly: The Impact of Intergenerational Partners." Mid-South Sociological Association, Baton Rouge, LA., October, 1989.

Aday, R. H. "Important Functions of the Gerontology Newsletter: A Content Analysis." Association of Gerontology in Higher Education, Tampa, FL., March, 1989.

Aday, R. H. & Tomazic, T. "An Assessment of Nursing Home Residents by Age: Implications for Social Policy." American Society on Aging, Washington, DC., April, 1989.

Eller, J., & Aday. R. H. "Acquaintance Rape: An Application of Negotiated Order." Southwest Sociological Association, Little Rock, AR., April, 1989.

Sims, C., & Aday, R. H. "Recent Trends in Intergenerational Programming." Tennessee Association for Gerontology/Geriatric Education, Nashville, TN., September, 1989.

Aday, R. H. "Identifying and Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect." Tennessee Association for Gerontology/Geriatric Education, Memphis, TN., September, 1988.

Aday, R. H., & Austin, B. "Yesterday's Wine: Aging and the Elderly in the Lyrics of Country Music." Southern Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA., April, 1987.

King, J., & Aday, R. H. "Hospice Care: A Family Resource in a Time of Crisis." International Conference on Family Strengths, Los Angeles, CA., June, 1986.

Aday, R. H. "How Elderly Couples Express Their Love." Mid-South Conference on Family Strengths, Jonesboro, AR., October, 1986.

Aday, R. H. "Hospice: Reestablishing the Dying Role." Mid-South Sociological Association, Little Rock, AR., October, 1985.

Aday, R. H. "Crisis Intervention and Aging: The Family vs Agency Providers." Mid-South Sociological Association, Monroe, LA., October, 1984.

Aday, R. H. "The Aging Prisoner: A Comparative Analysis of First and Chronic Offenders." Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA., November, 1983.

Aday, R. H. "Arts Programming in Long-Term Care Setting. Mid-South Sociological

Association, Birmingham, AL., April, 1983.

Aday, R. H. "Preparing Today's Youth for Marriages of Tomorrow." World Future Society, Huntsville, AL., February, 1983.

Aday, R. H. "Assessing Activities of Daily Living Measures as Predictors of Long-Term Care Placement." Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA., November, 1982.

Aday, R. H. "Social Factors Affecting Discharge From Long-Term Care Facilities."

Gerontological Society of America, Toronto, Canada, November, 1981

Aday, R. H. "An Analysis of Fire Deaths Among the Elderly in Tennessee." Annual Research Conference on Fire Deaths, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC., October, 1981.

King, J. G. & Aday, R. H. "Terminal Illness and the function of Intimacy in Coping With Grief." National Symposium on Building Family Strengths, Lincoln, NB., November, 1981.

Aday, R. H. "Rural Migration of the Elderly: Past and Present Trends in America." Southern Gerontological Society, Atlanta, GA., April, 1981.

Aday, R. H. "The Evaluation of a Rural Community Mental Health Outreach Program." Southern Sociological Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY., April, 1981.

Aday, R. H. "Measuring Self-Disclosure Among Aged Parents." Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA., November, 1980.

Aday, R. H. "Institutional Dependency: A Comparison of Two Prison Environments." Southern Sociological Association, New Orleans, LA., April, 1980.

Aday, R. H. “Aging Prisoners: Policy and Practice Issues. Southern Sociological Association, Knoxville, TN. April, 1979.

Aday, R. H. "Institutional Dependency: Toward a Theory of Aging in Prison." Southwest Sociological Association, Dallas, TX., March, 1979.

Aday, R. H., & Sandhu, H. S. "Criminality and the Older Offender." Mid-South Sociological Association, Monroe, LA., October, 1979.

Webster, E., & Aday, R. H. "A Case Study of Evaluation Research Problems: Methodology and Beyond." with Ed Webster, Mid-South Association, Monroe, LA., October, 1976.


Aday, R. H. “Examining Critical Health Issues for Aging Inmates. American Correctional Association National Forum on Prisoner Health. Washington, D.C., September, 2017.

Aday, R. H. Senior Citizens Behind Bars: Challenges for LTC and Criminal Justice, Southeastern Region Medicare/Medicaid Conference, Atlanta, GA., October, 2014.

Aday, R. H. “Creating Effective Facilities and Programming for Aging Inmates.” Southern

Legislative Conference Webinar Workshop, February, 2013.

Aday, R. H. “Keynote Address (American Correctional Association) – Mental and Physical

Health Care Needs of the Aging Prison Population, Nashville, TN., July, 2009.

Aday, R. H. “Aging Prisoners: New Frontier for Research and Practice.” Scientific Seminar Series, Center for Mental Health and Aging, University of Alabama, March, 2006.

Aday, R. H. “Keynote Address: Crisis in American Corrections.” National Council for State Governments, Phoenix, AR., May, 2006.

Aday, R. H. “Senior Centers and Successful Aging.” Keynote speaker for Ohio District Five Area Agency on Aging Board Retreat. Mansfield, OH., June, 2005.

Aday, R. H. “Aging Offenders: Critical Issues and Solutions. University of Kentucky Summer Series on Aging, Lexington, KY., July, 2002.

Aday, R. H. “Older Offenders in Georgia: Economic and Social Policy Issues. Key Note Speaker, Annual Gerontology Conference. North Georgia State College and University, November, 2000.

Aday, R. H. “Outcome measures for senior center programming. Tennessee Federation on Aging Annual Conference. Jackson, TN, October, 2000.

Aday. R. H. “Preparing Senior Centers for Future Roles in the 21st Century.” Tennessee Federation on Aging Annual Conference. Jackson, TN., October, 2000.

Aday, R. H. "Responding to the Health Needs of Older Tennesseans." The Dynamics

of Elderly Caregiving Annual Conference, Murfreesboro, TN., October, 1999.

Aday, R. H. "Assessing the Health of Younger and Older Inmates." Tennessee Correctional Academy, Tullahoma, TN., December, 1996.

Aday, R. H. "Working With Dying Inmates: Implications for Health Services." Tennessee Correctional Academy, Tullahoma, TN., November, 1995.


2016-17 Co-Principle Investigator – Research Grant, Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability Food Insecurity Among Elders in Tennessee. $78,000.


2005-06 Principle Investigator. Faculty Research Grant, Middle Tennessee State

University. Health Characteristics of Older Female Inmates In the South. $4300.

1997-98 Principle Investigator. Faculty Research Grant, Middle Tennessee State

University. Project: Images of Aging in America Portrayed in the Lyrics of

Country Music. $2350.

97. Research Associate,. Administration on Aging, “Impact of Family Friends Model Linking Children With Disabilities With Older Adult Volunteers.” $118,500.

1993-94 Principle Investigator. Faculty Research Grant, Middle Tennessee State

University. Project: Impact of Intergenerational Partners Project on Youth's

Attitudes Toward the Elderly: Five-Year Follow-up. $4480.

1991-92 Principle Investigator. Faculty Research Grant, MTSU. Project: Comparison of

Chronic and New Elderly Offenders in the Criminal Justice System. $4050.

1988-89 Principle Investigator. MTSU Faculty Research Grant. Project: Golden Years

Behind Bars: Special Programs and Facilities for Elderly Inmates. $3200.

1985-86 Principle Investigator. Faculty Research Grant, Middle Tennessee State

University. Project: Crime and the Elderly. $4600.

1984-85 Principle Investigator. National Health Corp. Assessment Indicators: Long

Term Care Placement. Responsible for analysis of nursing home data and writing of monograph. $18,500.

1981-82 Research Associate. Tennessee State Fire Research Project. Responsible for

field research, analysis of data and writing of final report. U. S. Center for Fire Research, National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D.C. - $42,000.

1974-75 Research Associate. Rresponsible for evaluating a Cooperative Extension Model

emphasizing the utilization of technology in solving problems of local

communities in Oklahoma. NSF R & D Incentives Program Grant. $500,000.

1973-74 Research Associate. Research grant to provide socio-economic analysis of

Jonesboro Urban Renewal Area. Neighborhood Development Project. Funded by

Department of Housing and Urban Development. $12,800.


1996-97 Project Director, Nashville Community Foundation. Arts Builds Communities

Grant for Cultural Diversity in the Schools Project. $2,500.

1993-96 Project Director. Tennessee Arts Commission. Project: Arts Builds Communities

Grant for Cultural Diversity in the Schools Project. $12,000.

97. Project Director. Nissan Corporation. Project: Cultural Diversity in the Schools Project. $17,000.

97. Project Director. Rutherford County/City of Murfreesboro. Cultural Diversity in the Schools Program. $102,500.

1983-91 Project Director. Tennessee State Department of Tourist Development. Project:

Cultural Diversity in the Schools Program. $25,500.

1988-89 Project Director. Tennessee Commission on Aging. Project: Grant to Conduct

educational workshops/conferences on aging across Tennessee. $15,300.

1986-87 Project Director. Meharry Geriatric Education Center. Project: Grant to Conduct

education workshops/conferences on aging. $13,000.

1979-80 Project Director. Arkansas Office of Humanities. Grant for Family Violence and

Abuse Conference. $2,300.

1976-78 Project Director. Arkansas State Office on Aging. Administrator of grant funds

for in-service training programs for Area Agency on Aging staff. $37,000.


2019- Member, Aging Studies Consortium/Task Force

1980-19 Member, Aging Studies Faculty Committee

1980-18 Member/Chair of Search Committees for Department/College

1985-19 Member/Chair, Numerous Theses Committees

2009-10 Chair, College of Liberal Arts Tenue and Promotion Committee

2003-04 Chair, College of Liberal Arts Tenure and Promotion Committee

03. Member, College of Liberal Arts Tenure and Promotion Committee

03. Chair, Department Scholarship Committee

1996-18 Member, Women’s Studies Council

1995-08 Member, Adams Chair of Excellence Advisory Board

1980-05 Chair, Aging Studies Curriculum Committee

1990-03 Chair, Curriculum Committee, Health Care Services

98. Member, President's Commission on Women

1988-18 Member, Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee

1996-97 Chair, Female Student Mentoring Committee

1995-97 Member, Intergenerational Care Committee

1994-95 Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

1991-93 Member, Public Service Committee

93. Member, Faculty Senate

92. Member, University Faculty Development Committee

1990-94 Chair, Adams Chair of Excellence in Health Care Services

87. Chair, Graduate Studies & Research Committee

88. Member, University Graduate Research Committee

1987-89 Member, University Research Ethics Committee

1980-84 Chair, Departmental Library Committee

1984-86 Member, University Committee for Faculty Instruction

1982-87 Member, Department Chair’s Advisory Committee

1984-85 Member, National Women's History Week Committee

1975-77 Member, President's Advisory Committee

1985-05 Member, Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee

1975-77 Chair, Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee

1975-78 Member, Faculty Senate


2000-05 Member, Board of Directors, Rutherford County Council on Aging

1998-99 Member, Elderly Inmate Taskforce, National Center on Institutions/Alternatives

2000-02 President, Tennessee Federation on Aging

1998-00 Vice-President, Tennessee Federation on Aging

1998-05 Chair, Special Needs and Resources Committee, St. Clair Street Senior Center

1998-00 Member, Board of Directors, Southern Gerontological Society

1998-00 Chair, Tennessee Commission on Aging

1997-98 Chair, Task Force, Tennessee State Plan on Aging

1996-97 Member, Rutherford County Health Council

1995-96 Member, Tennessee White House Conference on Aging Planning Committee

1995-96 Chair, Statewide Research-Based Outcomes Committee, Tennessee Association

of Senior Center Directors

1994-95 Chair, Statewide Task Force, Senior Centers in the 21st Century, Tennessee

Commission on Aging

1994-95 Member, Nominations Committee, Southern Gerontology Society

1992-08 Member, Board of Directors, St. Clair Street Senior Center

1994-00 Member, Tennessee Commission on Aging

1993-94 Chair, Senior Center Standards Committee, St. Clair Street Senior Center

1992-94 Member, Board of Directors, Southern Gerontology Society

1992-00 Member, Tennessee Federation on Aging Executive Council

1991-05 Member, Community Advisory Board, National Health Care

97. Member, Board of Directors, Rutherford County Guidance Center

98. Chair, Finance Committee, International Folkfest Planning Committee

1990-91 Member, Tennessee Health Care Association Planning Council

1987-88 Chair, Executive Committee, Tennessee Association of Gerontology

1988-97 Member, Executive Committee, Tennessee Association of Gerontology

1987-88 Member, Board of Directors, National Folk Organization

1985-87 Vice-President, Board of Directors, Hospice of Murfreesboro

1982-84 Member, Foster Care Review Board, Rutherford County

1978-80 President, Board of Directors, RSVP of Northeast

1979-80 President, Board of Directors, Hospice of Northeast Arkansas

1978-79 Chair, Public Relations Committee, Hospice of Northeast Arkansas

1978-80 Member, Board of Directors, Ombudsman Program of Northeast Arkansas


Omega: Journal of Death and Dying

The Gerontologist

Journal of Applied Gerontology

Journal of Mental Health and Aging

Journal of International Criminal Justice

Journal of Gerontological Social Work

Journal of Bioethics Inquiry

Justice Quarterly

Journal of Urban Health

Criminal Justice Policy Review

American Journal of Criminal Justice

Journal of Death Studies

Journal of American Geriatrics Society

Women and Criminal Justice

Journal of Health & Justice


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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