Western Civilization II Guides

Jessica ElderPrimary Source Paper4/17/2012Professor Al-TikritiThe Rise of Nationalism in Italy and GermanyThe rise of nationalism in Italy and Germany was spurred by many reputable thinkers of the time. Nationalism itself means to be patriotic for your own country, although during the time period that this thinking and behavior occurred was not always accepted with pride, but rather frowned upon by those in high society. With philosophers such as Giuseppe Mazzini and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel creating and spreading their thoughts and ideas, it is no surprise that Italy and Germany became very nationalist countries. Through the use of persuasion and factual ideas, both philosophers made a significant impact on their societies and whose ideas are still used today.Giuseppe Mazzini (also referred to as Joseph) was one of the most influential activists during the unification of Italy. Mazzini was the founder of the nationalist organization in Italy known as “Young Italy” in 1831 and was commonly referred to as “The Beating Heart of Italy.” Not only was Mazzini active in his native hometown, he was also active in the Revolutions throughout Italy from 1848-49. Even today, Mazzini is considered to be one of the most innovative thinkers during his time period. By understanding and fighting alongside the people who surrounded him, Mazzini was easily able to persuade his followers with his ideas of unity and liberty.Mazzini’s idea of nationalism stemmed from his belief that cooperation was the biggest step towards a future in which the people of Italy could be united in a common goal. Charity alone would not suffice; according to Mazzini, “…charity is not the watchword of the Faith of the Future.” Mazzini mentioned that the world was too large to ever expect to be united under one common goal; language barriers, cultural, and ideological differences were too great to ever be capable of having a unified world. However, Mazzini did believe that Italy could be united under a common idea. “O, my brothers, love your Country! Our country is our Home, a house God has given us, placing therein a numerous family that loves us, and whom we love; a family with whom we sympathize more readily and whom we understand more quickly than we do others…” As stated before, Mazzini did not think it would be possible to unite the world because of the many differences found all over the globe. In Italy, being just one country, people were more readily able to sympathize and work together towards a common goal because of the metaphorical relatedness with one another.The main purpose Mazzini gave towards the need for unity was that of pride and glory for your country when it matters most. For example, when your country is called to war, whether it be your country’s own or to aid an ally, a divided nation will not prosper because there is no sense of unity or pride. If, however, a country is united, the army will unite under one common goal and ultimately stand a better chance at victory. As Mazzini stated, “Wheresoever you may be, in the centre of whatsoever people circumstances may have placed you, be ever ready to combat for the liberty of that people, should it be necessary, but combat in such wise that the blood you shed may reflect glory, not on yourself alone, but on your country. Say not I, but We.” Mazzini’s idea of unity is clear and concise: a country cannot be a true country if the people are divided, literally and/or figuratively. Only through unity of a country’s people can a country be its strongest. “The true country is community of free men and equals, bound together in fraternal concord to labour towards a common aim…There is, therefore, no true country without a uniform right.” Without such unity, any country should be fearful of losing itself to outside influences and major change. If there is no pride or ties to one’s country, then there is no reason to feel obligated to defend or feel any sort of connection to it or its people. Living in a place that is separated by ideals and overall unity will allow an even greater separation to occur when the time comes, such as war. Mazzini states that with unity comes security, and with security comes pride for one’s country. “And so long as you are ready to die for Humanity, the life of your country will be immortal.” This illustrates Mazzini’s idea that with unity and pride comes security, allowing your country to thrive and ultimately having the possibility of last forever.G. W. F. Hegel was very influential during the early 1800s. Moving from place to place, he held positions such as editor of local newspapers and the headmaster of a preparatory school. In works such as The German Constitution, Hegel demonstrates to the reader the significance of a strong communal authority that is needed for the survival and progression of the modern state. However, in Philosophy of History, Hegel begins to demonstrate just how important nationalism is and how individuals may obtain ultimate freedom.In Hegel’s Philosophy of History, ultimate freedom was the goal he was trying to achieve. History itself is the key factor to obtaining this freedom. Through study and analysis, those who understand past events, whether they are good or bad, can more easily comprehend God’s plan for the future and come closer to finding ultimate freedom. This does not mean to simply open a book and study history; one must understand the human race through the events in which they have either caused or dealt with and their relations to the world itself. Through Hegel’s three historical methods, which are original, reflective, and philosophic history, individuals can better understand the meaning of life and, most importantly, what to expect in the future if understood through a philosophical point of view. Freedom, according to Hegel, is the essence of Spirit. “The nature of Spirit may be understood by a glance at its direct opposite - Matter. As the essence of Matter is Gravity, so, on the other hand, we may affirm that the substance, the essence of Spirit is Freedom. All will readily assent to the doctrine that Spirit, among other properties, is also endowed with Freedom; but philosophy teaches that all the qualities of Spirit exist only through Freedom; that all are but means for attaining Freedom; that all seek and produce this and this alone. It is a result of speculative Philosophy, that Freedom is the sole truth of Spirit.” Freedom is one of the most important issues that Hegel debates. Without freedom, what is our purpose in life? Individuals can never be truly happy without freedom, which can be attained through the study of philosophic history.Both Joseph Mazzini and G. W. F. Hegel worked to make their native country equal and to spur the need for nationalist thoughts. Mazzini used his ideas to evoke change and ultimately cause individuals to want to become united as a group. Hegel was more interested in describing the individual by use of history; not only did he describe the individual, Hegel also laid out his ideas of how one could look at history and understand that there is a common structure, and if read properly, the future can be foretold. Mazzini was more influential and demonstrative with his thoughts than Hegel because of his active role in the Italian Revolutions, but they both shared the same common ideal for unity and liberty in order to live in a stronger, more unified country. Both Joseph Mazzini and George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel shared beliefs pertaining to the strength found in individuals and also the necessity of unity. Even though each philosopher was from a different country (Mazzini-Italy, Hegel-Germany), they still had something in common with one another: each of their country was dealing with a lack of unity. This ultimately spurred their thoughts of nationalism and the need for unity throughout their country. Without unity, a country can only prosper but so much. ................

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