Math Vocabulary for Geometry Unit


• A pattern rule can be illustrated with an Input/Output machine.

• The input and output can be recorded in a table. The input and output can be described using pattern rules. There is a relationship between corresponding input numbers and output numbers.

• A pattern in a table of values can be represented pictorially, concretely, and numerically.

• A pattern rule described the relationship between the two columns in a table of values.

• A variable in an expression can be used to represent a pattern rule.

• An expression with a variable can be used to solve some problems.

• Ordered pairs are used to plot or locate points on a coordinate grid.

• In an ordered pair, the first number tells the horizontal distance from the origin; the second number tells the vertical distance from the origin.

• A graph can be drawn to represent the pattern in an input/output table.

• The numbers in a table of values represent the ordered pairs on a graph.

• The equal sign shows that the expressions on both sides of an equation are equal.

• Addition and multiplication are commutative. The order in which two numbers are added or multiplied does not affect the sum or product.

• When each side of an equation is changed in the same way, the values remain equal. This is called preservation of equality.

• When we do the same to each side of an equation, we produce an equivalent form of the equation.

Study Guide

For the quiz sheets and spot checks, I need to be able to:

• Write the pattern rule for an input/output table.

• Write an expression to represent a pattern rule.

• Write the coordinates of points on a grid.

• Balance equations.

• Identify the operation(s) of an input/output machine.

• Explain preservation of equality.

• Take information from a word problem and make a table to show results.


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